I was in a very, very large white room with alot of colorful, different looking balls, most of which were about two times larger than me, and some only a bit smaller than me. The thing I knew about here was that I was akin to a marble in a marble course. You know, those cool machines that make marbles go in a path indefinitely. I looked around, not actually rotating as I do. The others were also completely still, but they were also talking with eachother, creating and imsufferable cacaphony. I couldn't see the amount of marbles; I was on the smaller side in size, but I did knew that there were thousands of us.
The dream context was that this was race, and all of us would have to go through massive course, completely blind. Also that there would be no winners, or losers. Which makes it not a race. But whatever.
We waited for a few seconds, and I began to fill with excitement, Then wall I was facing dissapeared, signalling the beginning of the race. Everyone cheered and started rolling and I willed myself to roll too. My vision stood still as I rolled foward though, which was strange and convinient.
There was a wide down slope just after the box, which many of the other marbles were already rolling down on. Ther were also few holes and alot of nails on the thing, making it a parkour. I slid down, dodging the holes, and hitting alot of the nails. Some others did fell down the holes, dunno what happened to them. Eventually I came down on one of those places in marble courses where they spin and fall down a hole at the center. It was absolutely enormous, and just slanted enough that all of us were fast.
It was chaos. Larger marbles knocked the smaller ones out of course, which caused chain reactions of people all falling down the hole. I too was a victim of this. A large wave of people fell on me and knocked me in the hole.
The path beneath the hole lead to a flat area with a ferris wheel. A second path also came here from underneath the one I slid down on and people also rolled from it. They were probably the ones that fell down the holes in the first slope.
Again, it was pure chaos. The larger marbles couldn't get in the wheels small holes, and had to use an alternate path further down to get to the end. But most large marbles were bitter that they couldn't use the ferris wheel. They would sabotage the small marbles trying to get in, knocking them away from the holes, as if the crowding wasn't enough.
So I decided to ditch the wheel altogether, and just used the path made for the larger marbles. From then on, it was calm. We rolled through a series of branching paths, and reached the final flatw with the end distantly visible, where alot of other have already finished the race. I sped up a bit and crossed the finish line.
Then I woke up