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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 630920 times)

Ibid Straydrink

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3030 on: March 29, 2016, 02:40:44 am »

A recent dream took me across the vast gulf of time and space, and into my front yard. Or it would have been my front yard, if only the setting hadn't been so idyllic- the foliage was lush and green, with flowers in bloom, and more abundant; the house was in less a state of disrepair, at least from the outside; and the sun seemed more mild (I live in a cultivated desert), even gentle. After walking around for a bit and crossing the street, where a giant lizard had rushed me from the neighbor's shrubs and forced me to put it down with my 12 gauge (dream business as usual, I guess) I felt the dull, annoying sting of what felt like a splinter. Upon returning to my driveway I sat down and took a look at my big toe, which had a few telltale indentations, and resolved to squeeze them one by one. From the first two popped what looked like dead gnats, which didn't really surprise me. What did, was when I applied pressure to the third, my toe suddenly split open with a huge, gaping wound, and out poured yellow plasma or jelly. Mango perhaps. After coaxing the wound for a while, I cleared the flesh to a large, bone yellow solid object, which I thought might be a bone, or some sort of nonsensically explainable piece of anatomy. After some hesitation, I decide to force it out, revealing it to be an old peach seed. I spent the next several minutes squeezing the pits of peaches, plums, and one mango from my feet, then discarding them in the grass. The "cleansing" feeling you get from a freshly dressed wound was outstanding.
“I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be. Deserves to perish wretchedly; 'Twere better nothing would begin."


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3031 on: March 29, 2016, 02:43:23 am »

I went to bed at 4am (Couldn't sleep for like an hour or more.) and had to get to work at 8:30am.

When I finally managed to actually fall to sleep, I had a dream about not getting enough sleep.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3032 on: March 29, 2016, 10:26:09 am »

I went to bed at 4am (Couldn't sleep for like an hour or more.) and had to get to work at 8:30am.

When I finally managed to actually fall to sleep, I had a dream about not getting enough sleep.
Wow, your subconscious is meta.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3033 on: March 29, 2016, 06:18:28 pm »

Of at least several interesting dreams I had last night, the one I remember enough of to write about involved time travel.
Sadly I don't remember very much of it, I think a lot of stuff went on earlier in the dream, but the main scene I remember was quite amusing.

Two main characters both, possibly accidentally, wound up being sent/sending themselves back in time with these strange devices. They were in separate locations, but the dream took on a split-screen look to show them both at once. Funnily enough, at first their time travel gadgets looked quite modern and high tech, but as they sped back through time the things changed, becoming made from older and older parts.
I'm not sure quite what the modern/futuristic ones were made out of, but as they went further into the past household items such as chunky old stereos, alarm clocks, egg timers(?) and that sort of thing all became involved in the strange devices, which both characters were hanging onto for dear life as the world swirled and changed around them.

Eventually, they were far back enough in the past that there were no electric/mechanical timepieces left, and amusingly enough both characters were suddenly left to keep time on (increasingly) old pianos. Dream-me found this quite amusing, and I can't disagree- seems like a clever touch by my subconscious.

Unfortunately, I can't remember quite what went on once they arrived, but I believe they met up and had various difficulties trying to get back to their time... possibly they may have had some objective to take care of back in the past, too, but I'm not sure.

One later scene I remember involves another of the main characters, a young woman, regaining consciousness on the ground in some sort of jungle or forest. She slowly sat up taking in her wild, untamed surroundings and thought (possibly aloud) something along the lines of "Shit! They've sent me back again!"
Then the camera panned up and across, revealing that she was, in fact, not in a pre-historic jungle but in someone's rather wild backyard, and that various buildings were clearly visible just over the fence. She looked over there before long herself, and felt rather foolish as she realised how ill she felt wasn't due to time travel-sickness, but rather a hangover. :P

There were various other dreams, which I believe were very interesting, but sadly I don't remember more than the barest fragments of any of them.
Maybe if I didn't have a broken sleep and had started writing them down as soon as I awoke... ah well.
Probably didn't help that my alarm woke me up, very briefly, and instead of hitting 'snooze' I turned it off by accident before going back to sleep.
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Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3034 on: March 30, 2016, 02:29:32 am »

Last night I had a dream I was in that comms class again, having to put up with that infuriating goddamn woman who thinks herself a world-renowned communicator. Again.

I woke up wanting to punch something. Unfortunately, there was nothing to punch.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3035 on: March 30, 2016, 02:32:12 am »

In a most recent dream, I was with some of my friends at this bar-kind-of-thing, and we were all drinking stuff (non-alcoholic, we're 14) and one of my friends ordered this drink with a bit of everything, and it turns out it was also drugged, so he was really high and really drunk at the same time.

A bunch of other things happened, but that's all I can remember.
Quote from: Sergarr
When in doubt, use puns.
Quote from: Calidovi
in our own special way we are all shitpost
each day, when the sun shines and greets us with a smile, at least one of us finds that inner strength to spout bullshit on a forum revolving around the systemized slaughter of midgets
dont call me a shitposter, call me a spirit one with the shitpost atman
Quote from: Descan
that's pretty gay


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3036 on: March 30, 2016, 08:26:48 pm »

All right, after weeks of not enough sleep I got a good one. It would be on par with the Chinese Army dream if not for the totally disjointed and perhaps even absent narrative. Allusions galore as usual and now... celebrity cameos? It took place in a gigantic tower.

Part of it was a big, shiny hotel, and the curb in front of it was the curb of the airport I got stuck in last week. I really don't want to have to think about that place anymore. But it had the obligatory train, probably lifted from the airport in Tel Aviv, and I had to run around a lot trying to arrange some sort of transportation. I never went anywhere, though, and ended up just walking around to the side of the tower. I somehow opened a terminal window which allowed me to reshape the insides of the tower with some sort of streamlined mouse interface: I could draw passageways by hand, type words that would appear as groups of letter-shaped rooms, and hold down the button to automatically generate swathes of maze that would become larger and more dense until I released it. I was generating a maze as a challenge for myself, it seemed. Once I was done with that, I went to do some Serious Business.

My accomplice in this was some younger and I think Arab version of someone I met in a group video call the other day.... He was doing something for me in the tower, since I couldn't get in. There was a lot of discussion of the various strata of the tower: The upper levels were fancy hotels and malls, 10-40 floors above ground level were a sort of utopian city, which there was certainly room for in this colossal tower, and anything below ground floor was apparently really seedy and prone to flooding with a mixture of sewage and swamp water. Somewhere in the good part was a "princess" type damsel in not exactly distress but forlorn lack of romance or something, and I think this kid was trying to find her for me. On his way, he was apparently dating about 40 girls in the city, which we ended up having a long conversation about because he was 12.

In the end he found her and I infiltrated the tower through some sort of buttress strongly reminiscent of something I've built in Minecraft. Before I left, I left the maze generator in the hands of John Boyega, who seemed to be the man for the job. For all its polished exterior and publicity photos of elegant parks, the tower's insides were mostly chaotic, tangled corridors with rusty metal walls. Some rooms had inexplicably high ceilings, which I somehow managed to use to my advantage in escaping patrolling guards. I found the princess, initiating some montage of us secretly meeting in various idyllic meadows which, if basic spatial continuity is to believed, were somehow inside the tower. During one of these meetings, the Generic Sci-fi Osprey Knockoff I'd stowed away in to get there took off. It was a TRAP! Somehow. This was meant to delay my return until My Stealth boy ran out (I haven't even watched that many LPs of Falluot, honset) so the Guards could get me. These guards were archetypical butlers in tuxedoes armed with various throwable potions in bizarrely shaped vials. The Princess and I used their own weapons against them, identifying the potions by some floating tooltips which seemed to more rightly belong to battleships. One cough-syrup pink flask had specifications for a pair of deck guns.

Did I mention I had at this point turned into a younger SS-style Link, who was apparently from Louisiana? We fought our way down the Sealed Grounds and dropped down a hole in the middle and straight into Mad Max: Fury Road. The Princess disappeared, and now I was riding in a battered pickup truck with Tom Hardy. We were on the run from Harley Quinn, who had captured some two superheroes of some description and boarded them up inside some cavity of a Mad-Max-style mashed up and re-re-re-repaired Tank Droid. She was travelling to some particular location to execute her captives in some implausible, oddly specific and grisly way, unfortunately illustrated by a full-"screen" collage of comic panels.
She eventually caught up to us, pulling up in front and forcing us to stop. A few accomplices, whose names formed some clever acronym, got out of the tank's interstices to pull people out of the other cars that had apparently joined us. This acronym appeared prominently in one corner of a HUD for some reason. Harley came after and started killing everyone, including her traveling partners, and the acronym slowly got shorter.... I hid in the back of an SUV, pretending to be dead, and escaped with slashes down the soles of my feet. Tom Hardy had also survived apparently, and now Enoch Root was here too. We had apparently been trying to protect the top-secret Maid's Handbook, an encyclopedic guide to guerrilla tactics and espionage, and our pursuers had destroyed all but one volume. Conveniently enough, this one covered the infiltration of heavily defended orchards, of which (after miles and miles of desert) there was one nearby.

It turned out to have a minefield around it. I dug up and carefully detonated the mines with a rotten two by four; the mines appeared to be made of colored chalk in various fantastical and eroded filaments twisted together, and were quite inert if handled carefully. After escaping, I fed them to Securitrons.
Somehow I would convince them to replace their "faces" with mines and they would explode. I escaped their wrath by jumping down into the infinite caverns below the Tower, ricocheting off the Robot Overseer (who was mounted on a gigantic turntable)  and launching myself into some platforming hell stolen from an Overgrowth video.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3037 on: March 30, 2016, 08:41:28 pm »

I dreamed that I was in some kind of city made of enormous, super clean plastic white tubes with big canals of water in the middle. Every so often a boat or a donghie or something would come through. There were weird water-slide looking things which could slide through on your ass to get to... other places. There was also a lot of echoing voices and water sounds, like a really quiet indoor pool except a million times more echo-y. It was actually quite a soothing place to be in a weird way.

Now I want to go swimming.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3038 on: March 30, 2016, 10:12:44 pm »

This was a while back, actually (about a week or two ago).

I had a dream where I was in some giant building which was a mix between a pyramid an an office building (it was shaped like a pyramid, but had walls of glass windows like on an office building. Portions of the building had been removed/not built in the first place, leaving large outdoor areas which were made into parks and such. I was standing in one of those portions, outside. The building itself was very busy, but I didn't know anyone there.

It began to rain quite heavily and I went inside along with basically everyone else.

That's where the dream ends/that's all I remember.

Incidentally, around the time I had that dream, we were expecting rain/thunder, and I think we got it that night.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3039 on: April 03, 2016, 10:13:43 am »

I had a dream that I was some sort of anarchist in the world's dumbest cyberpunk dystopia. Towards the end, I was stopping minecarts by laying out slices of cheese (carefully eaten and stacked to form a block with a divot that would catch the hitch on the minecart, see) along the tracks.

Then a cop came and told me that my IRL best friend had been found dead and I was under suspicion. That's when I woke up.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.

Ibid Straydrink

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3040 on: April 04, 2016, 03:06:58 am »

I had a dream that I was some sort of anarchist in the world's dumbest cyberpunk dystopia. Towards the end, I was stopping minecarts by laying out slices of cheese (carefully eaten and stacked to form a block with a divot that would catch the hitch on the minecart, see) along the tracks.

Then a cop came and told me that my IRL best friend had been found dead and I was under suspicion. That's when I woke up.

This, sounds like a real dream. Just wonderful, vague, random shit. :P
“I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be. Deserves to perish wretchedly; 'Twere better nothing would begin."


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3041 on: April 04, 2016, 11:18:36 am »

EDIT: Nah, this was just gross and unpleasant. No one needs to read this. 9_9
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 04:17:23 pm by Solifuge »


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3042 on: April 06, 2016, 06:07:52 pm »

I dreamt that I couldn't stop pushing on one of my bottom teeth with my other teeth. As in I didn't want to do it but my jaw seemed to be contorting moving itself in that way all on its own. Eventually I pushed on it so much that it completely broke. I panicked, and woke up kind of relieved that I still had all my teeth.



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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3043 on: April 07, 2016, 02:06:23 am »

This dream of mine happened today and everyone looked like from anime. Boys were pretty, girls had large cleavages, everyone had larger-than-normal eyes. (also wall of text warning)

I was walking down the streets of a run-down city in UK which was ruled (like most of the Europe) by Directory, a totalitarian government, and I met some dissidents called Painters because they rode on motorcycles and painted graffiti everywhere, and their leader was this punky girl called Hirozoa. I join them on their nwest graffiti-painting trip.

We also met Sheridan, a travelling swordsman (??) and then the totalitarian pacifying force got wind of Painters' being in the open so we're assaulted by the Police only for Sheridan to accidentally kill one which makes the rest run. Civilians caught in the struggle can't believe and so cant' we because the Police was supposedly made of immortal mutant humans.

Next 'day' we assault the local base of the Police as news anchors' report several riots and death amongst The Police which of course triggers further riots of the people that thought the Police cannot be defeated. We then reach the armory and have a fight with very tall, muscular Commander who kills Hirozoa in particularily gory way (read: cuts her in two with big-ass sword) so Sheridan gets pissed and after lengthy one-on-one sword duel, wounds but seemingly cannot kill the Commander.

Then we see a little fairy that starts circling around Commander's left hand and on a hunch Sheridan strikes him in the wrist and Commander explodes. Like, not in shower of blood and meat but rather like some super-miniature nuclear explosion.

Fast forward few months and now I'm one of the Painters' officers (who are now a large paramilitary force fighting the Directory, aka the totalitarian regime), and we are led by Shiori, Hirozoa's older sister. We manage to get ourselves to attack one of the Sky Fortresses of the Directorate.

I don't remember this part well, but another almost-invicible guy with a sword was there, Sheridan appeared, the fairy appeared too, and this ended in Sky Fortress getting captured and the sword-guy exploded after saying 'My people will make your people pay for this!' to Sheridan.

Fast forward few months, and Sheridan is now master of a martial-arts-swordfighting-something-school, and I'm his clerk or accountant or whatever. We receive news that apparently some unidentified objects were spotted travelling near Jupiter and the UN convenes on how to deal with them. BTW, iby now the totalitarian european regime was nowhere to be found, so I guess riots got them, heh.

Anyways, Sheridan is closing this day's training program with a speech to prep the kids when suddenly we get a visit from a tall, muscular, sword-wielding, guy with so much hair on his head it looks like he has a frikkin' mane. He then makes a gory show by cleaving several students with his massive sword.

He boasts that we have killed his 'lesser cousins' and 'Operatives' of the 'Minari' race, but he won't go down that easily because his weak spot at his left thigh (yes he told us the exact location) has been triple-armored. I rush other kids to safety while Sheridan goes on and has a super long duel, and he actually manages couple glancing hits on that thigh but the guy does not explode.

'Sheridan, Sheridan!' we both hear a voice and behold, the tiny fairy guy is circling above muscular enemy, but he notices him and swats him aside shouting 'Pufu you traitor!'. Sheridan is on it already and after a proctracted duel (the muscular enemy is now actually defending), Sheridan slashes at the enemy's face...

...But he does not explode! Instead, he turns blue and starts gathering power, so the 'Pufu' fairy boy then does a trick and we both see the 'real' enemy, who is a tall bald elf-like alien with power aura and little black spot at his forehead. Sheridan strikes there and the guy explodes in much larger explosion, wounding Sheridan. We get to hospital, and then Pufu shows up again, and I watch news feed that Earth Spacefleet is scrambling to Mars because the alien ships that were at Jupiter were now attacking the habitats in asteroid belt.

Pufu then goes on a rant that' his race, Minari, is coming here to deal you a disproportionate retribution' and Sheridan asks 'for what?' and the fairy boy goes 'For what your little probe did!' and somehow we know its about Voyager 1 so some terrible accident happened and now Earth was on someone's hit-list.

We continue to watch the news feed, Pufu makes a lengthy exposition about Voyager 1 (I don't remember details now), Sheridan declares 'I gotta join the Spacefleet' so we walk out of the hospital...

...and then I wake up. Curses.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 02:07:54 am by Haspen »
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Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3044 on: April 09, 2016, 10:11:00 am »

EDIT: Nah, this was just gross and unpleasant. No one needs to read this. 9_9
But now I wanna knowwww. :(

I've had a lot of sleep, and done quite a lot of dreaming.
Unfortunately I've been awake for a while and didn't start writing this as soon as I awoke, so I've probably forgotten even more of it, but here's what I remember.

The earlier dream was about this cardboard storage box that was discovered in a deceased person's house. It contained a heap of stuff, old documents, letters, books, videos and various other media. The dream followed some guy who, apparently mostly out of his own curiousity, was looking through it all, sorting it and preserving things that deserved it.

One interesting item was a video tape, which creeped me out. It was either black and white or close to it, it began with the person filming running through a dark room with their legs visible making freakish, jerky movements and then they stepped through a door and outside, and it turned out to be some sort of home video. That first time I was watching it without audio, which made it especially creepy.

There was a lot more to the dream, with more and more being found out about the dead guy and his life, but I don't remember a whole lot.
I know that video was watched again later on, with sound. I believe the researcher ripped the video from the tape to save it.

The next dream, later on after I had woken up briefly before falling asleep again, was about some strange videogame where you played as Jerry Seinfeld preparing to attend someone's wedding, possibly as the best man. There was a lot of dialogue, with almost dating sim-style UI. I think he had to interview/date a series of women, possibly to find a suitable date for the wedding, I'm not sure.
I know the game (dream-me apparently finished it before I woke up) had a really disappointing ending with some sort of sappy splash-screen featuring the main characters (I think it may have been Kramer's wedding), some text and a bunch of inexplicable jPRG/anime-style characters shuffling around in the background, and dream-me was annoyed that his choices didn't have more bearing on how things ended up, and perhaps about the lack of closure.

Somewhere amongst that weirdness dream-me apparently took a break from the game and discussed/watched some nature documentary with my mother. There was some creature that had somehow developed the ability to talk, saying the phrase "come here bugs" in this really strange, unnatural voice. That seemed impressive and clever until we learned that it was actually a bug that was saying it- these weird white grubs (possibly something like a witchetty grub) that were apparently supposed to be edible, I believe.

I laughed and started describing how gross it would be to smear a bunch of those grubs on bread to eat, and then having that horrible voice talking out of your sandwich saying "come here bugs" over and over as they died. That was... kinda weird. That's also pretty much all I remember of the dream.

These dreams don't seem as interesting now that I've finally written them down typed them out... there was no doubt a lot more that I've forgotten.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.
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