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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 567368 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2910 on: January 12, 2016, 09:35:42 pm »

Had a dream of hell; not fire and brimstone - flesh eating mosquito swarms and deceptively unmerciful crow executioners

Too much beksinksi and bad poetry before sleeping


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2911 on: January 13, 2016, 04:00:32 am »

For the first time in three nights, I didn't have weird lynchian dreams, probably because I fixed the thing behind my pillows.

One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2912 on: January 13, 2016, 11:03:20 am »

I had two (or more?) separate dreams this night, and I can remember fragments from both of them, which usually doesn't happen. These are small pieces, but a big enough progress in memorizing dreams.
So, in the first one me and my little sister were looking out of my RL window. There was a RL street (Tverskaya, cental Moscow street), which I can't normally see from my window. There were columns of tanks riding slowly. I was frigtened and thought smth like "well, so it has begun". Then I turn away for a second, and when I looked back the tanks turned into green retro cars. The end.
In the second dream I became an aged female character from an old and stupid love story I read couple of years ago. My husband was an important statesman, he was driving around and doing important things. Surely, I followed him everywhere. We went to look at a new warship, sailed somewhere into the open sea... The ship was so big there was no need to ever get out to see the sea itself. More like a cruise liner, actually. But we were having a banquet and it was stuffy in the hall (and also I was a romantic person and had to act accordingly!), so I left to feast my eyes upon the ocean. And discovered that the ship somehow developed wheels while I wasn't looking and now we are moving down the widened and re-designed, but definitly the same Tverskaya street. Why?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2913 on: January 13, 2016, 01:27:11 pm »


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2914 on: January 13, 2016, 04:08:27 pm »

This morning, after turning off the alarm clock, I dreamed that someone had turned Huckleberry Finn into an RPG that looked kinda like Undertale. Someone was doing a genocidal playthrough where Tom Sawyer started going too far with his adventurous ideas, egging the party on. The final boss was the player as Tom vs Huck, who before the fight said something like "They say it's a mortal sin to turn on your best friend. Well, guess I'm going to hell."
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2915 on: January 15, 2016, 07:58:00 pm »

Fell into a pitch black pit, kept falling, and I heard something about "having to save your friends Tiruin and Cinder", and suddenly started to fly and glide before landing, everything still pitch black, so I couldn't see. So I walked around blind and then tripped over, and was stuck in water. The surface had the viscosity of quicksand, and my legs were trapped under and unable to leave the water, so I was making an effort to free myself, and then a girl appeared in the water, cocked her head, and tried to drag me in further, and looked all surprised when I tried to keep myself from drowning. They must have realized what was up, sunk a little, and disappeared, and then the rest of my body went under. I was drowning and just felt like my consciousness was disconnecting from my body, and then when my head hit the floor of the pool of water I woke up.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2916 on: January 15, 2016, 08:06:56 pm »

Another dream about work. This time I had a customer who wanted a plate of fruit I had to find all the components of. There were tiny melon wedges involved. During the process, more customers kept popping up on my side of the counter and demanding things, all the way up the stairwell into the storeroom. It was quite aggravating.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2917 on: January 16, 2016, 05:51:52 am »

I think this qualifies as a nightmare? It was made worse by the fact that I was moving slowly, felt partially numb and had trouble speaking to the people in the dream.
Also, I think eating sweet/spicy foods before sleep might make these movie-like dreams wilder than usual. I gotta test this further.

Me, my family, my mother's friend and her kids travelled to a castle made of plasterwork and timber. We had splendid time (there were few funny events which I dont remember now) until the kids found a treasure chest full of golden coins. Of course everyone took some, and then we had a nice dinner served by the castle's museum staff.

By the afternoon strange things began to happen. Namely, the castle's staff dissappeared without indication of a struggle, so we concluded they just forgot about us and left. My mom tried to phone someone in the city buuuut the phone wasn't working.

Then, as the evening began to fall, my mom's friend was killed. Gruesomely gutted in a corridor by a dark silhouette. I was the only one to notice the silhouette before it jumped into the wall and disappeared. The silhouette also got my mom and the lil kids before my dad and I decided to just use our car to ram the castle because we remembered it was just wood and plasterwork. Plan worked perfectly until we remembered - too late - that there is a moat around the castle. Once the car fell in, the silhouette jumped out of the driving wheel and stabbed my dad's face into a crater-like surface.

I ran like hell to the city (which was 5 meters away from the castle, per usual), and then ran to police station. I entered, told the guy at the desk about murders, so he told me to go this corridor and report to other officer immediately. I turned left and went into the corridor and the silhouette jumped from the nearby door and stabbed me in the throat and I fell dead.

I wake up. I'm in my bedrooOHSHITSILHOUETTEGUYISHERE-wait, wait. It was just his 'totem', one would say, made of three cardboard boxes painted black and stacked on each other. I had the coin, but checking the calendar I noticed it was morning of the 'castle trip' day. I took the coins from people who had them (everyone that was supposed to go to the castle already had the coins??), and gave them away to other townspeople, who got murdered in front of me once they had a coin. Unable to disperse the coins, I stepped into an alley where silhouette stabbed me to death.

I wake up. It's my bedroom. Silhouette's cardboard totem still there. I decide to grab a chair and smash the silhouette totem. When I looked down on the mashed boxes, the silhouette guy jumped from the mass and and stabbed my eyes and tongue.

This repeated at least once more but I don't remember the details there.

The (last) next time I wake up, I just grab the totem and scream "THE FUCK YOU WANT HOW DO I STOP THIS". Lo and behold, the silhouette guy appears and declares 'You stole my treasure, prepare to quiz'. And then I had to resolve a quiz about origins of jokes, circus accessories and such. I don't remember how I fared there, but next moment I was traveling to the castle with people from the beginning of the dream. We had a tasty meal of butter, raw ham and live worms in a place that looked like food processing plant, and afterwards the kids dug up the treasure. I told them to dig it back in and they screamed 'BOOOORING' and tossed it into the moat instead.

Then I woke up for reals.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2918 on: January 16, 2016, 08:42:47 am »

It seems last night was dominated by forms of racing, of various kinds.

There's a course of some kind through which both bikes1 and cars were racing... or maybe the cars were just there for support... and some choice of route, which led to a car on one trajectory taking a path across a bike on another.  Nothing 'grizzly' happened (like it would have, IRL), but it inconvenienced the cyclist and there were arguments about adding rules such as "...if you start by going round to the right, you should only get the choice to use the cut-across over the track to the left if you're not a car..." going on, even as the competition continued.

It then somehow smoothly morphed into something with superheroes.  The bone of contention (now over the middle of a lake) was a spot where someone like Superman ('car analogue', I suppose) might have ploughed straight across the path of someone like Batman ('bike analogue') and dunked them... (not sure how/why Batman was flying across the lake... probably just something from his Crazy-Prepared utility belt or suit... the dream never actually went into that, it was just so).

There was a lot more, actually, but this basic contention between different categories of competitors seemed to be the ongoing theme, surviving at least one instant of rousing from sleep and then back again into the arms of Morpheus.

1 Bicycles, not motorbikes, that is.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2919 on: January 16, 2016, 09:49:51 am »

Was chased about by a murderous individual who could only kill if less than 2 people were looking at him, and could only be stopped when no one knew he was there. It was a bit weird. And nightmarish.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2920 on: January 16, 2016, 05:21:55 pm »

One of my dreams last night ended with me heading into the city. (I am actually typing this after the other, later dream. It seems heading to the city was a recurring theme with my dreams this morning... perhaps unsurprising given that I plan on doing so today.)
For some reason, perhaps I was in a hurry, I decided to go wearing my pyjama bottoms, a pair of tracksuit pants, and change into civilized clothing in a public toilet once I got there. By the time I reached the city (I was in a weird, dream-twisted version of Melbourne Central station) I think I had forgotten about them.

I wandered about doing whatever, and eventually wound up talking to some guy. I can't remember what about, perhaps some videogame that had/was releasing that day? Or something? I don't know, but we had a brief-yet-decent chat before he excused himself and departed via escalator, and then I realised, with a twinge of horror, that I was still wearing my tracksuit pants in public like some awful bogan with no dress sense.
I looked down and realised, as if that wasn't bad enough, that on my upper body I was wearing this daggy old longsleeve polo shirt that I was given as a kid, almost a decade ago, and haven't worn except as a pyjama shirt in almost as long. It barely fit me and besides, what was I doing wearing a polo shirt anyway?! Yikes.

Desperate to save at least some last shreds of my dignity, I rushed off to find a bathroom in which to get changed.
Unfortunately for me, large parts of the station (which was far larger and more confusing than it is in real life, also it seemed to have combined with some kind of underground shopping mall) seemed to be either closed for the day or blocked off for renovations. The paths I would usually take through the place were all unavailable.

The rest of the dream devolved into a dread-filled stumble through this strange labyrinth of consumerism, with me desperately trying to avoid being seen as I searched in vain for a safe place to change my clothes. I'm pretty sure I woke up before I did, too.
There was an earlier part to the dream which I still remembered upon waking up after this one, but it was super early so I went back to sleep and had more dreams and by the time I woke up again it was forgotten. Oh well, it was probably nothing too amazing.

Tl;Dr: Went into the city wearing my pyjamas, intending to change in a public bathroom once there.
Forgot I was wearing pyjamas, caused myself a great deal of embarrassment when I reached the station and realised, and then repeatedly failed to find an available bathroom in the labyrinthine dream-version of the multi-level train station/shopping mall.

In the last dream I had before waking up, I needed to go to the city to do things, but for some reason I was sucked into a documentary/current affair program someone (my mother?) was watching on television at the place I was leaving from/living at.

Literally sucked in.
The show was talking about some family or group of people who were being preyed upon by some big corporation (due to a conflict of some kind, the corporation probably wanted their land or to shut down their business or something) by means of some strange kind of embargo... they were blocked from travelling by car and such, and I believe their internet/phone communications were blocked too.

This made getting to the city problematic, especially since I was starting from some sort of island connected to the city by a long (multi-lane?) but still fairly narrow car-bridge. And it would have taken far, far too long to walk from where I was, even if I did have a safe (and legal!) place to walk.
I remember asking, sort of... through different layers of dream, if everyone was finished watching the damn show, but despite not paying it much attention they insisted it be kept on. So I had to find my own way of getting there.
After a while I found some sort of piece of sail/parachute material. I think it was a scrap of a larger sail, or maybe just a very small one. Since it was a windy day (it looked like it was some sort of wind storm) I decided to sorta hang-glide my way to the city, despite never having done anything of the sort before.

Shortly I was hurtling along towards the city at a reasonable height, clinging desperately to my tiny sail as the wind sped me along.
It was pretty dang terrifying. For one long moment of high wind I was achieving ridiculous speeds, following the highway/bridge city-wards, and I began to worry (kinda late!) about just how I was going to land when I got there, and how I was going to deal with all the tall buildings that would shortly be popping up in my way as I left the bridge and came nearer to the city. 

Eventually the bridge hit land and widened out into a larger, less intense freeway with a bit of land at the edges of it.
I managed to slow down somewhat and achieve a landing... by basically crashing into a tree. But it was a controlled crash, okay?!
I asked again at that point*, "Are you still watching this?" but again, through this weird inter-layer communication I was told that yes, someone was still watching this weird-as-fuck documentary. So I grimly took hold of my scrap of sail once again and lifted off.

I flew for a while longer, with increasing risks as more structures began appearing, and then... shit, I can't remember exactly how/when I landed anymore, it's been too long since I woke up. Sorry about that. >.> But anyway, eventually I managed to bring myself to a halt (I think it may have been another of those 'controlled crashes', or maybe it was less controlled, or maybe I managed to pull off a badass running landing... but I doubt it.

Anyway, I landed near a big trainline heading into the city (kind of odd in hindsight, since it appeared to be coming from the same direction I did and yet I don't remember seeing tracks on the bridge I followed... perhaps it was subterranean for that part?) and walked up to the nearest station- the layout of the trainline was pretty damn weird, as was the whole city, really.
Surprisingly enough I spotted my friend sitting down waiting on a bench at the station and walked up to meet him.
I think we'd planned on meeting up later at some point anyway, but it was a very unlikely occurrence for us to just bump into one another here.
I spoke to him briefly, casually and calmly describing my terrifying journey through the air as we waited for the train, and then I woke up.

Tl;Dr: Was somehow partially sucked into a documentary someone was watching, which rendered me unable to travel via car or use public transport.
Instead had to travel to the city by basically hang-gliding through high winds with just a small piece of sail I found.
Almost died.

Both the dreams I remember were pretty tame, by my standards... at least the second one was pretty cool/exhilarating. 
Guess my subconscious was too busy thinking about my plans for today to come up with any far-fetched, exotic settings.

*Or it could have been before I landed, not sure. This way makes more sense, I think.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 05:23:27 pm by Yoink »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2921 on: January 16, 2016, 09:09:14 pm »

I have no freaking idea what my dream was supposed to be about.

At the start, it involved some kid, like, arguing with his mom about leaving home to go on a trip for some reason. And I think some sort of magic pixie fairy then opened a door and made the kid go through it?

Then the dream became some sort of bizarre cross between MGS3 and Shadow of the Colossus. I remember there was Snake fighting The End, but there was also Snake fighting some kind of gigantic bull monster. And seemingly there was some sort of vague Undertale woven in there because you weren't supposed to kill The End or the gigantic bull monster and there were ways to specifically avoid killing them, and the game tried to make you feel like a horrible person if you did kill them.

Then afterward it was revealed that apparently Snake fighting The End and the giant bull monster was an allegory for the kid arguing with his mom. If you killed both of them, the kid's mom made him get on a boat to cross the Hudson River, which lead to the kid falling off the boat and getting eaten by a shark. (???) If you didn't kill either of them the kid and his mom never leave home in the first place.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 09:11:27 pm by Tawarochir »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2922 on: January 17, 2016, 11:51:47 am »

My dream was kinda like... I was the leader of some AVALANCHE-esque organization, though everything was from a Fallout 1 isometric perspective.

Someone got shot to shit, but wasn't freaking out as I recall.  I know I was messing up all the weapons and who uses what, since I gave the female demolition specialist a sniper rifle, and I gave the guy who got shot up, who was an assault or something, a grenade launcher and a shotgun.  Uhh... I think it was also some sci-fi, Shadowrun-meets-Fallout:NV kinda universe, which would be pretty wiz.

Just goes to show, don't watch Shadowrun let's plays before you go to sleep.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2923 on: January 17, 2016, 01:03:06 pm »

Dreamed last night that I was a renowned painter, living in a moderately sized townhouse in a late medieval city. I was standing in my studio, where two unfinished works - one of the scene out my window, the other a portrait of Emperor Charles V (the one from EU4's loading screen) with an unfinished background - were propped up on easels. The whole dream was just finishing the Charles V one while doing Bob Ross style narration of what I was doing. It was weird.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 01:05:07 pm by Baffler »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2924 on: January 18, 2016, 07:25:28 am »

Well, if this isn't the weirdest dream I've ever had, I don't know what is.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Would anyone like to interpret that for me? I think the most unrealistic part of that was the fact that the Youtube comments were grammatically correct.
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