I was standing on a bus, possibly a tour bus of some kind, talking to a guy from a band I had seen at some point earlier in the dream.
Don't think I really liked the band that much, or maybe I only got to see them too briefly to form an impression, but he seemed like a nice guy so I figured I'd have a brief chat, even though I seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get somewhere. And they were sitting on a bus... I guess they weren't in much of a hurry to leave?
The guy interrupted me for a moment to get me to move to one side, so he could see something on the wall of a bus that I'm guessing was a clock or some kind of schedule display. I shifted aside, but the motion forced out a sudden, unstoppable fart. I had no warning, and what had at first seemed to be a normal fart instantly became a short, sharp explosion of diarrhoea, like a single shotgun blast discharged in the back of my pants.
It sprayed down the legs of my pants and, I believe, out onto the floor.
Dream-me was wearing some weird-ass (ha!) shorts or 4-quarter-length pants that seemed designed to make this situation as embarrassing as possible... or maybe I rolled up the bottoms of my jeans?
But that wouldn't make sense. I think I was wearing a shorter (or rolled up?) version of the jeans I am wearing now, which are a dark blue. The people around me on the bus immediately recoiled in shock and amusement, the guy I was talking to shouting something through the onset of hysterical laughter. I fled the bus in horror and immediately began hurrying home, in full-on damage control even as their laughter still rang in my panicked ears.
Unfortunately for me, the situation was painfully obvious. Despite it being reasonably late at night.
I rushed homewards (not sure where I lived in this dream- I was in the city, but I didn't feel like I had to travel
too far to reach safety, whereas in real life that would mean *shudder* an entire 45-minute or so train ride of shame and suffering), feeling very sorry for myself indeed.
A couple of guys on the street saw me, and one of them displayed sympathy and asked if I needed help.
At first I said no, that I was fine, (the guy seemed kinda crusty and not the kind of person I'd want help from) but then it occurred to me to ask where the nearest public toilet was. Perhaps I could clean up a bit now rather than fleeing the whole way home in my current awful state.
He told me there was one at a nearby station, which seemed like a miracle, until he explained that it opened at some incredibly unhelpful time like 9AM. Still, I walked there, and this annoyingly helpful dude followed and offered to wait with me. I sat on a seat at this train station, with no-one else around, and inspected myself a little.
The main, most visible bit of mess was on the back of my calf, and as my new ally so-helpfully pointed out through a bit of laughter, there was even a bit of paper stuck to it. I cleaned the paper off, at least. It was a receipt. I still have no idea how it wound up stuck to my poop-leg.
At this point I (apparently deciding to wait there at least a while) started explaining how I'd eaten far too much rice and some spicy curry earlier in the day (which was the main, erm,
nugget of truth for the story) and generally making excuses for some reason.
Then I mercifully woke up before having to make the long journey home with crap in my pants.
What a dream. There was at least a bit of panic as I checked to see if any, er,
parts of the dream were real, but fortunately they were not and I was filled with warm, gooey relief. Just like my pants wer- ah, nevermind.
Stupid post-food nap-dream.