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Author Topic: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel  (Read 1339 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« on: August 21, 2012, 06:00:39 am »

Welcome to Tamriel, home of the races of Man and Mer. This forum game will follow the adventures of [INSERT NAME], a member of the [INSERT RACE] who has recently acquired a license to practice business in the trade of [INSERT PROFESSION].

Our story begins on the continent of Tamriel, within the northern province of Skyrim. The climate is bitter cold, but the people are hardy and have adapted. The city of Falkreath has been your home for several years, and you recently obtained permission from the Jarl to purchase property and operate a business. Through some shrewd bargaining, you have acquired an abandoned shop from the late shopkeeper's widow, who has decided to move east and stay with some of her family in Helgen. After her husband's dead at the hands of that bear, she had little interest in running the store any longer and you managed to acquire it from her for the small price of some provisions and a hired carriage.

The shop had a small inventory left over, not much left of any worth really but perhaps enough to get you started. Sadly, the old crone did not keep the building up so it is in sore need of repairs.

Spoiler: Property Status (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Assets (click to show/hide)

Note that you do not need to keep the property as a store. You may change anything you like, this is truly an open suggestion game. Everything you do will, of course, have consequences. The Jarl does not care what sort of business you run, so long as it is legal and brings prosperity to Falkreath. You may, of course, choose to ignore his wishes and conduct illegal business such as smuggling, slave trading, or even drug manufacture. The choice is yours and I won't be holding you to any artificial requirements. This is your situation, and your character's starting ambition. How things turn out from here is up to you.

But first you must decide on the following:

1. Your Name (any name appropriate to the race and setting)
2. Your Race (choose from among the races of Tamriel)
3. What sort of business or trade you would like to start (anything at all, from wagon manufacture to bloodthirsty cult of daedra worshippers)
4. What will your organization be called?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2012, 06:20:56 am »

Your Name: Moriquen
Your Race: Dunmer
Your trade: Enchantress
Organization name: Moriquen's Marvelous Enchantments

An an enchantress, we're in the business of not only performing simple enchantments for others, we also buy and sell soul gems, both full and empty. And of course, from time to time we go on adventures to procure souls.


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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2012, 06:32:23 am »

An an enchantress, we're in the business of not only performing simple enchantments for others, we also buy and sell soul gems, both full and empty. And of course, from time to time we go on adventures to procure souls.

How about General Magic Supplies?
Would cover herbs, potions, soul gems, enchanted items etc
We can still be opportunistic


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2012, 06:34:23 am »

Three good suggestions, but remember anything at all is available. Waiting on some concurrence from others before we proceed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 06:45:17 am »

1. Moriquen Sil
2. Sload  :P (how I wish) Dunmer
3. Storage/Pawn shop*
4. Uncle Sil's Storage and Rare Merchandise

*Adventurers are interesting creatures. Willing to risk their lives-their puny short lives-for the small chance of getting rich and famous. Many adventurers undoubtedly get themselves killed, usually by a well-placed axe-to-the-face, drinking the wrong unmarked vial, angering an aggravated altmer or simply being killed in some dungeon of sorts. The few that survive however often are able to acquire a great deal of artifacts and treasures over the years. Adventurers not being very sedentary folk, tend to soon become small mounds of moving loot. Fortunately, there happens to be a very happy nice dunmer living in Falkreath, always willing to store the extra cuirass of lockpicking or the odd ring of waterbreathing, for a small fee. Course, there is that unusually long contract adventurers have to sign that said something about 'all stored property becoming the property of  Moriquen Sil upon the death of the previous owner', but the chances of that happening are quite rare for the seasoned adventurer, eh?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 06:47:11 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 08:42:49 am »

If we don't get concurrence in the next half hour or so I'll pick the one I like most and we'll move on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 12:15:13 pm »

So you are Moriquen Sil, a Dunmer, and you dabble in both Enchanting and Alchemy. You are also passable at Speechcraft, and you think you can run a successful business with these skills.

To practice Alchemy or Enchanting from your shop, you will need to acquire the necessary equipment and devote a room to the craft. You can probably put them both in the same room so long as you don't attempt anything too dangerous, but it will hamper your productivity slightly. You'll have to make some inquiries amongst the local merchants to acquire an Alchemy Table or Enchanting Table. There may be common-use tables which you can utilize elsewhere, but you got your training far away, in the college at Winterhold. You know most Nords take a dim view on magic, but many holds retain a court wizard for advice and protection anyway.

So here you stand in a dirty storefront. You have several items in the store room, but none out on display and the front door is currently locked. How would you like to proceed?

As mentioned, you have 300 septims.

You currently enjoy a modest lifestyle. This costs you 40 septims a month, and covers your general expenses such as food and clothing upkeep. It has already been paid for this month.

The taxes on the land, 180 Septims, will be due on the first of Frost Fall. For this game we will be using the Daggerfall calendar, so each month has 30 days and starts on a Sundas. The current date is the 12th of Sun's Height so you have a bit under 3 months.

300 septims isn't a lot, but spent judiciously it should be adequate.

Spoiler: Locations (click to show/hide)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 12:44:32 pm »

How would you like to proceed?

Step 1
Head to Grave Concoctions, buy a mortar and pestle alchemy table. Then chat up Zaria and conversationally ask her about good local places to gather reagents.

If she seems generally receptive to us, ask if she would be interested in buying reagents we collect. Don't commit to anything, but try to find out if there are any particular ingredients that she regularly needs. This 1) Gives us a clue as to what's marketable without informing her that we're her competition 2) Gives us a fallback option in case we need money before we're able to produce marketable goods ourselves.

I'm still in favor of focusing on becoming the local enchantress. There's more money in it, it will attract higher level adventurers and give us an excuse to regularly deal with daedra which will generally make for a more interesting game. And it also means we'll have less competition, since there's already an established alchemist in town.

However, since we've chosen to do both, it will probably be easier to break into alchemy first.

Step 2
Equip ourselves with weapons, armor and a few healing potions and the soul gem from our inventory. Head out looking for reagents, and collect what we can. Keep an eye out for a minimally hostile creature like a scrib or a rat or something that we're confidant we can defeat with minimum fuss, and soul trap it. We'll need that to make a generic enchanting training item later.

Later we'll have to clean up and upgrade our shop, but let's get a training regiment, and our materials supply chain and some inventory first before we worry about that.

You currently enjoy a modest lifestyle.

How much to upgrade our lifestyle to the next level? Not looking to bankrupt us, but if can spend an extra 20 septims a month to eat better, wear better clothes, etc. I'm all for it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 01:39:12 pm »

Nah, Our lifestyle is good enough for the moment, and making it better is going to eat though our early money.

I suggest as a start, we generalize, focusing on supplies rather than actual equipment.
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Elder Scrolls 4.5 - An Entrepreneur in Tamriel
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 05:34:35 am »

You head out to Grave Concoctions. It is a typical nord building, stone walls with wooden timber supports and a straw roof. The Nords know how to build to keep the heat of a hearth in and the cold out. Zaria, a female Redguard, sits behind the counter where she reading by the light let in by the small window on the nearby wall. Her raspy voice greets you,

"Hello there Moriquen, what can I do for you? I heard you acquired old Frelda's place."

"Well met Zaria. Yes, Frelda wanted to move out to Helgen with her family and asked me to look after the old place. I'm opening it up as a new shop. I was wondering if you had any spare Alchemy equipment I could purchase."

"Oh ho ho! Gonna be some competition for old Zaria eh?" Zaria seems suspicious, better talk fast!

[Speechcraft: Success]

"Not at all Zaria! I mean I may offer a few concoctions here and there but I couldn't hope to compete with you. Your brews and poultices are legendary! But while you specialize in serving the public, I was going to cater to the more specific needs of adventurers. The average person has no need of a potion to fortify their fighting skill or archery, for example, or for things like magicka potions. These adventurers have very specialized needs such as night-eye potions and brews to ward off disease from rabid skeevers. Besides, it will hardly be the focus of my business. My skills are nowhere near as honed as yours." You smile in what you think is a disarming manner. It seems to work, because Zaria nods and chuckles.

"Alright alright, I understand. I do have a set of old equipment I could part with for, say, 90 septims. Its not clean, mind... but it would make some basic potions. Are you interested?"

That is quite a lot of money, you're not sure if you should drop that much gold so soon. To be clear, you have the ability to do either enchanting or alchemy (or both!) but you haven't started on either one. It just so happens that there is an alchemist's shop here already, while an enchanting setup would have to be shipped in from elsewhere. (not elsweyr... nevermind)

You're fairly sure you could send out for a basic enchanting setup for about 70 septims. Enchanting isn't normally an economic activity, and the equipment is not especially expensive, though the materials can be. Alternately, you could wait for now and instead spend some money hiring adventurers to delve nearby sites for artifacts, trinkets, and other baubles for sale at the shop. You could probably find a few at Dead Man's Drink.

So what will you do?