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We now return to your (ir)regularly scheduled badassery.

Magnificent! I shall break out the champagne at once!
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Author Topic: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2  (Read 92352 times)

King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #720 on: September 08, 2013, 06:48:15 am »

Hisir Namedene

Wasting no time at all, the fugitives take off further into the wooded area, while Hisir rushes to pick up the six recently-formed Ythullum bars. Once all of the precious material is in hand, he and Shade hurry to catch up with the rest of their posse, careful not to drop any of the bars along the way.
For a metal that is essentially composed of nothing more than condensed shadows, it is surprisingly cumbersome.

Hisir and his panic-stricken companions run frantically and aimlessly through the wooded area. Despite the area's relatively small size, the group soon looses track of the direction they came from, and end up tiring themselves out going in circles.
To make matters worse, by the time they realize this, the sirens can be heard just outside of the woods, chipping away ever-more at the fugitives' already crumbling morale.

Once again caught in a moment of apparent crisis, Hisir's gang of unlawful individuals worriedly look to him for guidance. "Fucking hell...what do we do now...?"

The Moderator(s)

The figure nods. "I wish you the best of luck, as you will undoubtedly need it. Now go and show me, as well as all those who inhabit the Earth, just what it is you're capable of."

Slowly, The Moderator reawakens.

Although the Chosen One's return to consciousness brings with it the comforting assurance that his time is not yet through, it also brings an unpleasant awareness of his current grave condition; His head is pounding, the result of a possible concussion sustained from his fall. His chest is sore, the slight shifting of his broken ribs causing him further pain with each breath. His visage badly marred by the moderate-to-severe burns suffered to his exposed flesh moments after being shot out of the sky.
The Moderator also quickly discovers that he has been stripped of his armor and personal garments, finding them to have been replaced with a simple orange jumpsuit, marked with the number '025'.

As if his situation wasn't lamentable enough, The Chosen One can feel there has been a significant drop in the raw, inner power that helped him break free the first time around. Woeful as it may be, it is no less than what is to be expected when one comes so close to making such an unbelievably epic escape, only to fly straight into an embarrassingly predictable surprise attack and end up even worse off than they started. (-Badassery)

Now locked in an empty concrete room with a thick steel door as the only visible way in or out, the only thing The Moderator has to focus on besides his own severe discomfort, is the calm, familiar voice coming from a small speaker in the the middle of the ceiling.
"Ah, it seems you are awake. We deeply apologize for the rather uncomfortable accommodations you have been placed in for the time being. It was never part of our original intention for you to end up in such a room, but we are now afraid that you have left us with no other choice. Do not worry, though. We promise that you will not have to tolerate it for very long.
As soon as all of the necessary documentation is in order, which should only take a few more moments, the room you are currently residing in will be filled with a still somewhat experimental form of lethal gas that will bring an end to your life in a very humane and highly efficient manner. Theoretically, of course. So long as you remember to stay relaxed and take deep breaths, it should be a fairly quick and relatively painless death.

Once again, you have our sincerest apologies. It saddens us greatly that we were unable to form any sort of agreeable partnership with one as skilled and knowledgeable as yourself, and can only hope to have better luck in doing so with your twin. For his sake, as well as our own."

Jorn Darkmane

His sights set on the slightly riskier yet much more preferable option, Jorn turns to the southwest and begins heading toward his soon-to-be Base of Operations, while Yxchuithiatkxcli languidly follows behind.
Much of the property is nothing more than grass and dirt, making it next to impossible not to stick out while treading across it in the light of midday. Nevertheless, Jorn is careful to avoid doing anything which may attract any unnecessary attention to himself (apart from, you know, travelling with a six-and-a-half foot tall chimeric demon)...

Discouragingly, despite his best efforts, the warlock makes it about halfway to the barn before glancing over in the direction of the house, only to see someone standing just outside of it, looking back at him...

Estimated time passed: 10 minutes.

14:25 remain.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 06:30:01 am by King DZA »

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #721 on: September 08, 2013, 04:04:25 pm »

Zanzetkuken exited the meditation with DZA, and looked off the platform of the base.  "Better check on the progress the dwarves have made.  Might as well grab some more mana as well."
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 11:31:19 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #722 on: September 08, 2013, 11:27:17 pm »

"Come on, man. Gassing me while I could give your Gen 1's a little boost? How the hell do you expect to fight off a goddamn Alien Invasion with this kinda gear? Trust me for once, even though that Planeswalker guy wants to rescue me, I am worth far more alive. I mean come on, What's not to love about Gen 2 laser weapons and powered armor?

Oh, and on a second note, that 'lethal gas' you speak of, Tri-Beta-4 Cordazine? Decays into laughing gas, and before that, a strong laxative. It's only real lethality in either stage is the mice you tested it on."

You really expect them to fall for that?
What the hell are you talking about? Don't you remember that shit being used for the first time against that Thin Man in containment? He just started laughing and hissing at us
That was because some intern of the good Doctor accidentally installed Laughing Gas tanks instead of the compound.
Come on guys, it's gotta be a bluff. They want me for shit past-me doesn't know yet. I mean, can past me do this?

The Moderator reaches out with the little energy he has, hoping to form a Psionic mind influencing bond on the person on the other side of that wall witnessing him.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"

Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #723 on: September 09, 2013, 12:28:13 pm »

"This isn't going to work."
#"Shade, Lead on in a straight line away from them."#
"Everybody, follow the dog!"

Let Shade lead us out of here (It's still a dog), and clear the way for the prisoners with my above-human force and speed but keep looking back to see if the enemy is closing in.


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #724 on: September 13, 2013, 11:53:09 am »

Jorn reaches for his knife.

"Yxchu, would you mind getting in front of me? Don't attack anyone yet."


King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #725 on: September 18, 2013, 08:21:58 pm »

Zanzetkuken the Great

After retreating to the safety of his secure and secluded dwarven hold, and awakening from his brief period of meditation, the Chosen One seeks out his lieutenant for an update on the status of his dwarves and the projects he had assigned to them.

Once located, the lieutenant takes a short break from patrolling the hold to fill Zanzetkuken in on how things have been coming along, informing him that:
  • After nearly ten hours of training, the soldiers appear to be adapting well to their new environment, and are quickly getting a feel for the exceptional weapons that have been bestowed upon them. The only trouble they have encountered has been with the dwarves who were given the greatsword and artifact bow Hankyu; due to the small stature that comes naturally with being a dwarf, a blade of such size can reportedly be a tad unwieldy at times. Similarly, a dwarf can hardly hope to achieve any great level of proficiency with a bow that was clearly not crafted to be fired by beings of less-than-average arm length.
  • Both the masonry and carpentry workshops should be up and ready within the next couple hours.
  • Two of the grunts are still working on scraping together enough materials to construct the first of the two small towers he requested. The lieutenant tells the Planeswalker that progress on the towers would be sped up a fair deal if his comrades had more to work with, but otherwise still expects that the first of the two will be finished by day's end.
  • The miners have thus far managed to carve out a couple half-decent rooms for the purpose of housing the hold's residents, and are still hard at work. Yet just as with the towers, it's been a slow process.
  • The grunt sent out to gather food has yet to return, though is expected back by nightfall.
His queries answered, the Planeswalker leaves his dwarves to their labors, turning his focus now toward replenishing his all but depleted mana pool...

The Moderator(s)

The Moderator tries as hard as can to create some sort of mental connection between himself and the individual(s) observing him in order to covertly influence their thoughts in his favor, yet the unrelenting pain of his numerous injuries ultimately proves too great to effectively focus through.
To top it off, it seems that all the mental exertion has only helped to amplify the already intense pain of the Chosen One's trauma-induced headache.

"Believe me when I say that our organization would love nothing more than to allow you to put your skills to good use by assisting us in the advancement of our ever-expanding technological capabilities. However, seeing as the last time we provided you with such an opportunity, all we received in return was untold millions of dollars lost in destroyed property and the merciless slaughtering of our own soldiers, you can surely understand why we would be more than a little hesitant to do so again.

And as you said, this 'Planeswalker guy' wants to rescue you; an entity with an unreasonably volatile personality that has demonstrated the ability to not only determine your exact location, but breach areas with some of the highest security with minimal effort. An entity we happen to know for a fact is still on the loose somewhere.
Even if we were to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you did not somehow conspire with this entity to organize your own escape, and had no original intention of participating in the unforgivable crimes that ultimately took place at Black Maple, we have no reason to believe that this entity will not attempt to free you from our custody again, perhaps with even more devastating results than before. The simple truth of the matter is, our organization cannot afford to suffer another such breach of security. It is because of this, that the supervisors have deemed you too dangerous to be kept moment, please."

The room suddenly falls silent, and remains that way for several long minutes...

"Well, 025, it seems to be your lucky day. I have just been informed that our supervisors have a proposition for you. If you are at all interested in regaining the trust of this organization and saving yourself from certain death, I suggest that you listen closely:

There is no doubt that you know far more about this 'Planeswalker' entity than we do. For obvious reasons, we consider this entity to be a fairly serious threat not only to the security our organization, but to the Canadian government as a whole. Now, we are certain you will agree that the elimination of this threat would be greatly preferable to the elimination of a potentially very powerful ally such as yourself, and are thus going to ask that you assist us in doing just that.
Tell us everything you know about this apparent colleague of yours; where we can find them, what precisely they're capable of, how we can fight them, everything. If the information you give us leads to either the permanent capture or termination of the Planeswalker, you will, in return, be given a second chance to work freely alongside our staff."

Hisir Namedene

Hisir allows his Shadowhound to take the lead while he follows close behind, doing his best to clear a path through the thick vegetation to aid the fatigued fugitives.

Shade soon successfully leads them out of the wooded area and onto an open road at its border. A road that is, amazingly, not currently occupied by any nettlesome police officers. However, while they may no longer be lost amidst a dense maze of trees and foliage, they're not out of the woods yet (figuratively speaking). If there is to be any hope of Hisir & cohorts successfully evading the cold clutches of the law for good, they will need to move fast.
A quick surveying of the Chosen One's surroundings shows that there are two pleasant-looking houses in his immediate vicinity; one a short distance to the east, and another to the west. Directly ahead of the Chosen One, across a small open field, lies even more woodland. The road itself stretches well off into the distance in both directions, and it is difficult to tell where either direction would take them.

Jorn Darkmane

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The individual shouts from across the property.

Slowly, Yxchuithiatkxcli steps in front of Jorn, voicing its annoyance with the seemingly pointless request through a series of irritated shrieks.

Estimated time passed: 5 minutes.

14:20 remain.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 02:45:11 am by King DZA »

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #726 on: September 18, 2013, 08:51:44 pm »

Return to the platform.
Take off the armor and redon the various items that I had earlier removed to fit in the armor.
Return the armor to mana and store it.

Repeat these actions for three minutes:
Planeswalk to a random alley in a random city. (primarily Canada, but anywhere in the world is fine, at least once in California to divert suspicion.)
Go to next alley over.
Repeat first action in this chain.

After those three minutes are up, return to base.

(Time to troll Canada!)
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #727 on: September 18, 2013, 08:56:48 pm »

Jorn shouts back.

"I mean you no harm. I am merely looking for a place to stay."


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #728 on: September 18, 2013, 11:37:41 pm »

"You raise an interesting proposition. However, capturing Planeswalkers is nearly impossible. Termination would be easier, but nothing I got could possibly damage him well. Best I could do is get him to back off from harassing attacks from Canada or other such activities. Apart from that, killing him wouldd be far beyond my abilities.

As for capabilities, he has a mana pool from which he can summon powerful extradimensional creatures and armor. He can also teleport, and a variety of elemental attacks. Planeswalkers are as individual whether they have bases or not. As for killing them, virtually nothing Earth-based could kill him. Anything else you'd like to learn?"
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"

Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #729 on: September 20, 2013, 01:50:58 pm »

Quickly run to the other side into the forest and repeat the last orders.

King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #730 on: September 25, 2013, 07:52:14 pm »

Zanzetkuken the Great

Zanzetkuken makes his way up the spiral staircase and onto the stone platform of the dwarven hold. Once there, he removes his darksteel armor and wipes the sweat from his brow (it can get quite stuffy inside a full suit of heavy plate armor, after all), before re-equipping his adamantine breastplate, black cloak, and (false) dragon skull shoulder guards. Having served its purpose, Zanzetkuken then calls the three units of mana used to summon the darksteel plate back into his sword, consequently causing the armor itself to disappear from existence.

Apparently feeling a tad playful, the Chosen subsequently decides to Planeswalk to various alleyways throughout the world with the sole intention of screwing with the Canadian government.
Over the course of the next few minutes, the Chosen One travels to a little over a dozen different alleys (or at least as close as he could get to the alleys without knowing their precise location upon the Earth)—most of which just so happen to be located within various large Canadian cities—before finally Planeswalking back to the dwarven hold.

Had he not have been stopped by a desperate homeless man on the streets of Maracaibo, Venezuela, who stubbornly refused to leave the Chosen One alone until he received some sort of monetary donation from him, Zanzetkuken likely would have been able to visit considerably more alleyways within the three minute time period.

Jorn Darkmane

The individual, who the Chosen One now sees to be a fairly average-looking middle-aged man (this one, thankfully, without a rifle), begins to cautiously approach Jorn and Yxchuithiatkxcli, though stops in his tracks a few meters away after a better view of the demon reveals that it isn't just a person in some strange costume. "Jesus Christ...what is that thing??"

The Moderator(s)

"So, in essence, what you are saying is that it will be impossible us to truly defeat the Planeswalker at any point within the foreseeable future? I must be honest, 025, that does not bode very well for you. Should it be true, all this information really does is bring us back to our original plan of doing away with you in an effort to remove any incentives the Planeswalker might have for returning..."

With that, the room becomes silent once again, and unease slowly sets in as The Moderator begins to wonder whether he has inadvertently talked himself out of what may have been his final chance at making a comeback from his unsavory situation.
Fortunately, the voice representing his captors soon returns with even more questions for the Chosen One:

"If you wouldn't mind, could you please elaborate on what, exactly, you believe makes this entity invulnerable to any earthly forms of assault? Is it merely the durable armor it wears, or is there something else we should be aware of? Can you confirm that the Planeswalker's armor was made from the material as the armor we confiscated from you? What can you tell us about said material?"

Hisir Namedene

Hisir and Shade dart across the small field while the accompanying fugitives trail behind, struggling to keep up.

As everyone reaches the woods on the other side of the field, the Chosen One notices that his loyal band of criminals look as if they are ready to collapse from exhaustion. "Can...can we stop and rest for just a moment?" One fugitive asks as he tries to catch his breath.

Estimated time passed: 5 minutes.

14:15 remain.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 02:41:42 am by King DZA »


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #731 on: September 25, 2013, 07:55:28 pm »

"I believe the technical term is "Demon". Be careful, it has quite a temper.

If you would be so kind as to let me use your barn?"
« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 08:03:00 pm by Vgray »

King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #732 on: September 26, 2013, 03:00:37 am »

Jorn Darkmane

"Uh...for what?" The man asks tentatively. "You want to stay in a barn?"


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #733 on: September 26, 2013, 11:19:17 am »

Jorn sighs. "Tell me, how much are you willing to believe after seeing my friend here?"

Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #734 on: September 26, 2013, 11:47:56 am »

"Oh,yeah,forgot about that....
But we need to stay moving.
But we'll take it a bit slower."

Get further away from the police, but do it on a walking pace.
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