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Author Topic: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say  (Read 1011828 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7575 on: November 25, 2013, 07:10:01 pm »

Heh, I accidentally first read this last page, and only then read the discussion preceding it. *applauds*
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7576 on: November 25, 2013, 07:55:47 pm »

Pictured: People talking past each other.
I am the one in the right here.
Great, now all we need is for scrdest to say he's in the right and we'll have maximized the talk-past-ing.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7577 on: November 28, 2013, 01:50:50 pm »

I know some people who routinely engage in conversations consisting almost entirely of swearing, meaningless filler words and idioms. Conversations that go something like this:

"Hey, bro."
"Sup, man?"
"Fuckin' keeping it real, you know?"
"Dude, you're the man!"
"Shit, I know, right?"
"Bro, you know it man!"
"Later, buddy."
"Take it easy bro."

Entire conversations like this that can basically be summarized as "Hi." "Bye." And yet they cram so much energy and enthusiasm in that it reeks and oozes into the surrounding environment. It's like the words themselves are merely human-sounding noises they've become accustomed to making on top of the real event, which is like an emotionally vibrant expression of dogs licking each others butts. Yelled, because they're so excited to be licking each others butts.

I find humans disgusting sometimes.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7578 on: November 28, 2013, 02:13:21 pm »

The weird part is that sometimes those people can actually catch up on each others' lives with those (to an outsider) hollow conversations.

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When all you've got is an adjustable spanner and an entire freight warehouse of terrifying cogs and gears, everything looks like "just a prototype".
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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7579 on: November 28, 2013, 02:27:37 pm »

Yeah those are only hollow to outsiders. There are a lot of things being expressed through channels other than the literal meaning of the words used.
Quote from: Chesterton
For, in order that men should resist injustice, something more is necessary than that they should think injustice unpleasant. They must think injustice absurd; above all, they must think it startling. They must retain the violence of a virgin astonishment. When the pessimist looks at any infamy, it is to him, after all, only a repetition of the infamy of existence. But the optimist sees injustice as something discordant and unexpected, and it stings him into action.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7580 on: November 28, 2013, 03:35:21 pm »

I'd have to digress with you, LB. Some people are naturally loud and like to bond and express themselves as such, and what are any of us to prevent people from exerting positive energy like that? Suppose you and someone else had an exchange that consisted of "Hi" and "Bye", and then out of nowhere a guy confronts you, berating you on not having any emotional energy or colorful inflection in your conversation?

Perhaps I'm taking offense to this because that's how I talk to people in casual situations, like in the hallway at school. There's not a lot of time to speak, but I want to make the effort to speak to someone for at least a few minutes. On the flip-side, you have people who discuss matters that they believe they have unique and sophisticated perspectives on while trying to out-pretension each with nonsensical 'intellectual' mumbo-jumbo.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7581 on: November 28, 2013, 07:59:00 pm »

I'd have to digress with you, LB. Some people are naturally loud and like to bond and express themselves as such, and what are any of us to prevent people from exerting positive energy like that? Suppose you and someone else had an exchange that consisted of "Hi" and "Bye", and then out of nowhere a guy confronts you, berating you on not having any emotional energy or colorful inflection in your conversation?

Perhaps I'm taking offense to this because that's how I talk to people in casual situations, like in the hallway at school. There's not a lot of time to speak, but I want to make the effort to speak to someone for at least a few minutes. On the flip-side, you have people who discuss matters that they believe they have unique and sophisticated perspectives on while trying to out-pretension each with nonsensical 'intellectual' mumbo-jumbo.

This. Different strokes for different folks. Just because someone doesn't speak to their friends the way you speak to your friends does not mean they aren't communicating just as effectively. There's no 'right' way to be a person, unless we're talking about morals.
Well, we could put two and two together and write a book: "The Shit that Hans and Max Did: You Won't Believe This Shit."
He's fucking with us.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7582 on: November 28, 2013, 08:00:55 pm »

I'd have to digress with you, LB. Some people are naturally loud and like to bond and express themselves as such, and what are any of us to prevent people from exerting positive energy like that? Suppose you and someone else had an exchange that consisted of "Hi" and "Bye", and then out of nowhere a guy confronts you, berating you on not having any emotional energy or colorful inflection in your conversation?

Perhaps I'm taking offense to this because that's how I talk to people in casual situations, like in the hallway at school. There's not a lot of time to speak, but I want to make the effort to speak to someone for at least a few minutes. On the flip-side, you have people who discuss matters that they believe they have unique and sophisticated perspectives on while trying to out-pretension each with nonsensical 'intellectual' mumbo-jumbo.

This. Different strokes for different folks. Just because someone doesn't speak to their friends the way you speak to your friends does not mean they aren't communicating just as effectively. There's no 'right' way to be a person, unless we're talking about morals.
And even then those vary.
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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7583 on: November 28, 2013, 09:31:29 pm »

I can't even process why that would disgust you. Like... I definitely prefer that people be succinct in writing in stuff, but conversations are entirely different. People definitely communicate through conversations like those. Beyond that, if it's someone they haven't seen in a while, just acknowledging each other can mean a fair bit.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7584 on: November 28, 2013, 09:48:09 pm »

There's some people that I sometimes get confused reactions from since I speak a bit coarsely in person. Even if I type as clear as possible on here. Like everyone else says it doesn't mean what I'm saying is somehow contentless or hollow, it's just different.

So many worse things to start distancing yourself from "humans" than smalltalk. Not that I personally think having a weird catch all faith in humanity makes any sense.
Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7585 on: November 28, 2013, 10:55:21 pm »

Yeah those are only hollow to outsiders. There are a lot of things being expressed through
channels other than the literal meaning of the words used.

Yes, and no doubt when dogs sniff each others butts, a lot is being conveyed that I'm missing out on too. All the same, I find the idea of humans sniffing each others butts unpleasant. And it does remind me of that.

I'd have to digress with you, LB. Some people are naturally loud and like to bond and express themselves as such, and what are any of us to prevent people from exerting positive energy like that? Suppose you and someone else had an exchange that consisted of "Hi" and "Bye", and then out of nowhere a guy confronts you, berating you on not having any emotional energy or colorful inflection in your conversation?

If I had the "hi" "bye" conversation loudly enough to be heard through walls, loudly enough that others had to politely wait for me to finish so they could hear their own conversation without bellowing at the top of their lungs...they might have a case.

As for "colorful inflection" I'm reminded of a discussion with a girl I had about swearing. She claimed that swearing made her speech more "colorful" and that she found speech without swearing "boring." So I rape asked her if puke made my vomiting conversation more child molesting interesting. And yet apparently some people do genuinely find it more pleasing, more comfortable to insert shit and crap into their sentences. And they don't perceive it as odd. They don't understand why some of us find it unpleasant. They find it boring to not be thinking about smelly steaming piles of shit all the time, and can't help but remind others around them to think about it too. These words have meaning. And to those of us who didn't grow up in families EDIT: "who speak in this manner," a lot of you sound like have some kind of bizarre fecal fetish that won't go away and that you can't help sharing with the rest of us and getting angry when we don't thank you for rubbing our faces in the dirty mess that is your mind. Whose idea was it to use the same word that means excrement that comes out of your asshole to mean "Wow! I find this topic extremely notable in some vague and unspecified way!" The same word to mean "my belongings." The same word as a general emphatic like "wow." And yet some people do this. To these people, words apparently don't have meaning. They're just nice sounds to be made while communicating the real message via body language, tone and butt sniffing.

Again, humans routinely disgust me.

I'm taking offense to this because that's how I talk

Go ahead and take offense if you want. Maybe you find it "boring" to be greeted with "Hello" instead of "Fuckin' sup man! Dude shit's real yo!" Maybe you find me pretentious. Maybe you see me as a judgmental jerk. I'm willing to accept that. But I ask you to consider...just consider...for the people who are accustomed to hello, what must it be like to have somebody instead shouting in their faces about shit and fucking and expecting a handshake?


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7586 on: November 28, 2013, 11:07:10 pm »

...That's....that' Huh. Oh. Er.

I'll see if I can come up with some sort of rational coherent response tommorow, because that is quite the...unique perspective you have there.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7587 on: November 28, 2013, 11:11:17 pm »

Yeah those are only hollow to outsiders. There are a lot of things being expressed through
channels other than the literal meaning of the words used.

Yes, and no doubt when dogs sniff each others butts, a lot is being conveyed that I'm missing out on too. All the same, I find the idea of humans sniffing each others butts unpleasant. And it does remind me of that.

I'd have to digress with you, LB. Some people are naturally loud and like to bond and express themselves as such, and what are any of us to prevent people from exerting positive energy like that? Suppose you and someone else had an exchange that consisted of "Hi" and "Bye", and then out of nowhere a guy confronts you, berating you on not having any emotional energy or colorful inflection in your conversation?

If I had the "hi" "bye" conversation loudly enough to be heard through walls, loudly enough that others had to politely wait for me to finish so they could hear their own conversation without bellowing at the top of their lungs...they might have a case.

As for "colorful inflection" I'm reminded of a discussion with a girl I had about swearing. She claimed that swearing made her speech more "colorful" and that she found speech without swearing "boring." So I rape asked her if puke made my vomiting conversation more child molesting interesting. And yet apparently some people do genuinely find it more pleasing, more comfortable to insert shit and crap into their sentences. And they don't perceive it as odd. They don't understand why some of us find it unpleasant. They find it boring to not be thinking about smelly steaming piles of shit all the time, and can't help but remind others around them to think about it too. These words have meaning. And to those of us who didn't grow up in families with this disease, a lot of you sound like have some kind of bizarre fecal fetish that won't go away and that you can't help sharing with the rest of us and getting angry when we don't thank you for rubbing our faces in the dirty mess that is your mind. Whose idea was it to use the same word that means excrement that comes out of your asshole to mean "Wow! I find this topic extremely notable in some vague and unspecified way!" The same word to mean "my belongings." The same word as a general emphatic like "wow." And yet some people do this. To these people, words apparently don't have meaning. They're just nice sounds to be made while communicating the real message via body language, tone and butt sniffing.

Again, humans routinely disgust me.

I'm taking offense to this because that's how I talk

Go ahead and take offense if you want. Maybe you find it "boring" to be greeted with "Hello" instead of "Fuckin' sup man! Dude shit's real yo!" Maybe you find me pretentious. Maybe you see me as a judgmental jerk. I'm willing to accept that. But I ask you to consider...just consider...for the people who are accustomed to hello, what must it be like to have somebody instead shouting in their faces about shit and fucking and expecting a handshake?

I think my main reaction to this is disbelief that someone who for the most part seems to be a rational (if, yes, somewhat pretentious) adult human being gets their panties in such a byzantine twist over something so infinitesimally irritating as people using language differently to him.
Blossom of orange
Shit, nothing rhymes with orange
Wait, haikus don't rhyme


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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7588 on: November 28, 2013, 11:13:48 pm »

Oh that type of mind okay I get it.
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Re: Amazingly Stupid Things You've Heard People Say
« Reply #7589 on: November 28, 2013, 11:16:27 pm »

And to those of us who didn't grow up in families with this disease, a lot of you sound like have some kind of bizarre fecal fetish that won't go away and that you can't help sharing with the rest of us and getting angry when we don't thank you for rubbing our faces in the dirty mess that is your mind. Whose idea was it to use the same word that means excrement that comes out of your asshole to mean "Wow! I find this topic extremely notable in some vague and unspecified way!" The same word to mean "my belongings." The same word as a general emphatic like "wow." And yet some people do this. To these people, words apparently don't have meaning. They're just nice sounds to be made while communicating the real message via body language, tone and butt sniffing.


But I ask you to consider...just consider...for the people who are accustomed to hello, what must it be like to have somebody instead shouting in their faces about shit and fucking and expecting a handshake?

I would instead argue that you haven't the faintest notion of social register, and much of the time, if you showed up with the intention of receiving a handshake and demure language, you would receive them.  Your assumptions display only your dogmatism.

Do you really think that no one who greets you with a handshake and a nice 3/4 part in their hair, perhaps even obediently calling you "sir," went home to say "fuck," "shit," and "damn" as they pleased?  Or that they could choose to do so simply because they preferred it, regardless of familial social tradition?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 11:34:19 pm by Vector »
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