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To: Helgoland
Subject: Governmental forces
I will quote the reasons why I think this is a poor idea from a message I sent to TopHat, due to it applying to you as well.
While your idea within your prior message would possibly work, I would prefer a man of a fair amount of sanity and morality in charge. While I would still be in command of the department, I would still be subservient to yourself, a man of questionable sanity and morals. Therefore, I would rather it be created as a separate organization so that it would be a more-sane mind that oversees the punishment of those who attempt to create chaos, and be more immune to corruption.
As you can see, I believe that there should be separate organizations to keep tabs upon each other to for the organizations to keep tabs and check upon others to prevent those from abusing power, something that I am against. This also has a basis in fact that if a government abuses power, the citizens will revolt, leading to something similar to the French Revolution or the more recent Arab Spring. Within a colony of the bay forum, the number of insane people would make abuse a poor idea indeed.
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To: Zanzetkuken The Great
Subject: Governmental forces
I believe that there should be separate organizations to keep tabs upon each other to for the organizations to keep tabs and check upon others to prevent those from abusing power, something that I am against.
The reasoning behind this statement is sound, and so I propose that we institute a complete set of checks and balances: Seperation of the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches, a written constitution and civilian control over military, police and intelligence agencies. Inside these agencies the principle of collegiality should be strictly adhered to.
For further inspiration for a written constitution I recommend the Roman Republic and the works of Kant and Hobbes. A committee needs to be put together to work out the details and finally present a draft to be approved through a general vote.
EDIT: Inspiration on the workings of the intelligence agencies and the secret police may be drawn from the soviet and fascist regimes of the past.
We need an official greeting/salute. Like
"Heil Hitler", but less Nazi-y "Rotfront!" (that was a paramilitary communist group during the Weimar Republic; they had a cool salute). I propose:
All hail King and President DZA, ruler of all things rulable!-------------end message-------------
(Damn I edited this thing