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Author Topic: The Pure Fort.  (Read 6697 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2012, 12:12:54 am »

Personally I always start with 4-5 pure miners/masons... but this has more to do with how anal I am about having all my fortress floors/walls made out of a single type of rock turned into blocks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2012, 05:32:16 am »

Going to do a tip-dump in a couple min and it'll probably eat two pages so sorry in advance! D:

Quick tippu~
 Don't waste vampire and werebeasts.
  As soon as you're stable and moderately safe build a gladiator arena. Connected to this you'll want two complexes. One to hold infected were dwarves. have garbage shafts to dump supplies to them periodically. If you have a soldier get maimed or crippled search for a way to semi-safely get him infected on the forums. Have the infected train forever and ever until they're needed.
  Same for the vampires. Lock them away in a fully isolated airlock access only complex. No need for food/water but you'll need to store some clothing/armor to avoid bad thoughts for unclothed/rotting clothes status. Add a couple wells with fully isolated reservoirs and sewer drainage. Add doors to lock access. Build a retracting bridge above and drop a vampire with pitiful attributes into it. IIRC. the blood spatters should contaminate the water and allow for converting dwarves into vampires. Fully realised soldiers & unneeded teachers make great vampires.
 Build a doomsday shelter either in your hospital use the hospital and a bunker elsewhere in the fort. Have a dorm,dining room,seeds of an unused plant.(Cave wheat anyone?[Destroy seeds not assigned to bunkers. the 200 seed cap can kill you])picks, a well, mini-tree farm+barrels/pots and a fuckton of slabs to engrave for memorials.
 If it looks bad hole up in the bunkers via raised bridges and let the vampires or weredwarves rend and tear whatever threat is out there then return to their "lair".

As for embark plans. 6 Teachers and a grower is ideal unless you have a site that requires a specific set of skills or you embark to a hill+mountain as far as possible from the dwarven homeland.(Few migrants)
 6 teachers with:
  Teacher 4
  Dodging 1
  Shield User 1
  Weapon 1
  Skill to be taught 3.(or pull a defensive skill or two to boost it to 4-5)

 Weapon>Dodge>Shield>Armor user>:wrestling,striker,kicker,biter (Pick last two on what you prefer.)
  Early massed cage traps will provide subjects to give a quick boost to fighting and weapon. That'll boost them into sparring range(Wep 5-7ish).
  Teacher will reach 5-6 around year two. student will be getting close to matching. The 6 should be roughly evened up by now even if you didn't have them fight anything.

This plan gives you a jumpstarted source of skilled melee dwarves in case your marksdwarves drop the ball. A miner or mason is a dime a dozen but a teacher... =D

At embark give the soldiers miner/wood cutter/plant gatherer. Dig the perimeter ditch and clearcut the map. haul the wood inside. get your farms and early storerooms up. Get the roasts industry up if you want to hit hard and fast or stick to low wealth as you get the walls and mass cage traps up before popping gobbo ambushes. As migrants arrive give them the soldiers jobs and let the soldiers train.

As to the "pure fort"; It doesn't hurt much to enable butcher sentient in the dwarves entitydefault.txt entry nor to enable forging of exotic weaponry like mauls and morningstars. It's pretty cool to have slowly accumulated an exotic weapons squad over the decades as you find dwarves large enough to wield great axes and so on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2012, 05:34:29 am »

Excess Migrants Wat Do?


In all seriousness, tag your migrants by their attributes.
Physical Attributes: All "--" should be carefully considered before placement in ANY squad and should be barred from jobs that suffer from their inferiority.
 Strength: Keep in
  --S [Very weak and worse]- These poor bastards are fit only for the most pitiful of jobs and being used as medical test subjects.
  -S [Weak] - Send into non-strength related fields: Processing, Butcher/tanner, Carver, Marksdwarf and/or reserve squads
  S,VS [Strong,Very Strong]- Send into Wrestler/Misc obj. (shield bashing) training squads. These will become slightly buffed recruits for specialist needs. Make better Stone haulers. Especially when paired with +A
  M [Mighty] - These are your golden boys. IIRC Strength is somewhat tied to creature size and therefore the ability to wield larger weapons such as mauls, pikes, great axes, etc. Train these dwarves in hammerdwarf if you do not want them using or they are not large enough to use exotic weapons. The hammerdwarves can be later crosstrained into fully realized marksdwarf commandos.

 Agility: - Try to pair base agility's together as the base speed caps their upper limit. You want the squad to move as a unit instead of UristMcExtremelyAgile rushing into a 40 gobbo+40Cave croc siege by himself while 9 other UristMcQuiteClumsies are far behind.{Even after being trained  to legendary and getting a massive agi boost the quite clumsies will still be slower than +A's}
  --A [Quite clumsy and worse] - Put into a slow as fuck marksdwarf reserve unit with other --A and -A And/or use as medical test subjects.
  -A [Clumsy]  - Still Marksdwarf or medical bait.
  A,VA [Agile,Very Agile] - Great dedicated railmen for guided minecart routes. Ideal for patrol routes. Consider training as marksdwarves and shifted into a melee skill after legendary. Those with increased healing and disease resistance should be moved into fast response reserves and Spec. Ops. Squads.

 Toughness: - Reduces Damage Taken - i.e. Great for wrestlers, Shock Troops, Hospital guards {With +Dis}
  --T,-T [All grades of flimsy] - Should not be used in heavy infantry or Medical testing that you want to survive for more than a few years/
  T,QD,IT [Tough,Quite Durable, Incredibly Tough] - Can be used in wrestler/misc obj squads as shock troops. When combined with increased healing and disease resistance these are your ideal drop shaft subjects. !!Important!! If you disable refuse hauling for all but the Armored recovery squads you'll have a minimum of deaths to sock grabbing. [Recovery Squad: 10 dwarf marksdwarves in full surplus armor. Refuse hauling during sieges. enable item to stay busy during peacetime. mass dump designate the killing field and watch your 40 or 50 recovery dwarves rake in the gear, seal the wall then lug meltables to the forges & then burnables to the incinerator. No useless crap killing your fps.]

 Endurance: Completely irrelevant. Trained by enough that it isn't a concern unless you're minmaxing to a ridiculous degree.

Recuperation: Important for heavy Infantry, Shock Troops, and Drop shaft test subjects,
  --H [Very slow to heal and worse] - Marksdwarf/haulering/civvy job candidate. Too much of a liability in a endurance slugfest against a steel or stronger FB.
  -H [Slow to Heal] - See Above. Can be used in infantry but caution is advised.
  QH,QQH [Quick to heal, Quite Quick to Heal] - Priority for Wrestler/Infantry/Test subjects. Giving them a civilian job is a waste of potential imo. With a highly skilled medical squad they'll be rushing back to combat at a blazing pace.
  IQH [Incredibly Quick to Heal and stronger] - These are a special concern. These dwarves should be cycled into Training squads until teacher hits legendary. Employ as teachers and keep them out of all but the most dire combat. Dwarves with IQH,VRS or ANS and acceptable remaining attributes are to be employed as royal guard and your final line of defense to buy time for a falling fortress. They should be cross trained in all ranged skills, wrestling striking kicking misc. obj, their primary melee and the defensive skills.

 Disease Resistance:
  --Dis [Quite susceptable to disease and worse] - Keep out of shock troops you want alive, core infantry, and marksdwarves with FB duty. These fools are a liability in the case of spreadable diseases. Remember comrades! Loose Immune Systems Sink Fortresses! Do Your Part and Keep Your FB AIDS To Yourself!
  -Dis [Susceptible to disease] - Of Marginal Concern. Just keep away from syndrome using FB's
  RS [Rarely Sick] - Filler for Marksdwarf Squads with FB duty and Test subject squads
  VRS & ANS [Very Rarely Sick and Almost Never Sick] - These dwarves should be placed according to their remaining stats. With QH,QQH,IQH They should be employed as royal guards, Spec. Ops., FB Duty Captain, Hospital Guards, with being assigned as a doctor as the highest priority in case of sympathetic doctor stats.

Soul Attributes
 Willpower - Resistance to passing out. Of minor concern due to a wide amount of skill training it but +W can be beneficial with the raised willpower cap.
  IW [I just use Iron Will but W/e works] - Iron will is an ideal trait for captains, teachers, and wrestling/misc obj. squads and shock troops. An near 5000 point unbreakable will will fight through a siege with shattered legs and passing out only AFTER the enemy is exterminated or disabled.
 Analytical, Memory, and intuition:
  Boosts to these attributes help the diagnosing skill. A Minor concern in the grand scheme of things but it doesn't hurt to have a better doctor
  Boosts help Surgery, Bone Setting & Suturing. A useful byproduct of giving doctors & nurses marksdwarf training.
  Boosts help the four non-diagnosing skills. Doesn't hurt to have it boosted by self defense training.
 Finds Helping others Rewarding: These are your good nurses and doctors.
  This gives the dwarf a happy thought when rescuing a wounded dwarf. This is essential for your medical staff. Nurses in particular. Their lack of medical training and probably lack of resistance to the horrors of war will likely devastate their happiness if your forces are routed. Every scrap of happiness that helps them keep it together for another day is desirable.
  I believe that Altruism [Finds helping others rewarding/does not like helping others] is also the kindness stat which gives a happy thought when feeding/watering a patient. Once again, Without creating "Does not care about anything anymore" doctors is desirable in disastrous times.
  Self-Discipline: Less breaks is an amazing thing. Especially in a crunch vs a adamantium FB! D:
  Friendliness: Or more particularly, A lack of... You don't want Mr. Lotsoffreetime making lots of friends with off-duty soldiers that'll likely die

 Other minor Concerns are: {Not a big deal now but after the personality rewrite...}
  Sense of Duty
  Activity Level
  Vulnerability: A high resistance to stress is very desirable.
  Depression: A High Resistance is Preferable
  Anger: A high resistance to berserking and enraging.
  Anxiety: A High resistance to melancholy.
From the Embark on TL;DR:
  • Disable Push/Haul Vehicle. You want dedicated railmen[A,VA's] for your routes with many stops. High Agi dwarves and burrows should be assigned to take advantage of the minecarts innate cancellation on content weight.
  • "Finds helping others rewarding" Should be examined for a series of stats.[DCand]
    • Analytical, Memory, Intuition Boosts. These in addition to boosted Misc. Doctor traits and a Solid personality. will make a Doctor Chief Candidate.[DCCand]
    • Boosts to disease resistance. They'll be surrounded by infectious blood and body parts in the case of a flubbed FB Assassination attempt. Best to have them sturdy.
    • Various Misc. Physical, Soul, and personality traits which make them effective doctors. Cross-train the more serious flaws out where applicable.
    • Washouts or overflow should be employed as nurses or enforcers. Basic nurses purely feed/water. Up & coming nurses gain dress wounds and suture to keep infection rates lower. Enforcers get military training until the core medical staff are trains and they are cycled in for doctor training.(keep 3 training yr round to keep rust off and kill berserking patients)
  • S,VS,M Are queued up for Wrestler/Misc obj, Hammerdwarf, Stone Hauling, Exotic weapons, masons and particularly Adamantium great axe wielders in case of FB's made of a highly resistant material.{You ARE Modding the dwarves Entity_Default.txt to allow crafting of all weapons aren't you?} 
  • --A,-A are either tossed in Marksdwarf squads or are written off and used as unskilled labor
  • Boosted A's are marksdwarves, railmen, and patrolmen
  • Boosted toughness's are trained to be skilled recruits and shock troops.
  • Excess migrants Should be dealt with as follows.
    • Tag for stats and employ accordingly
    • Once you deem your military satisfactory, employ as specialized haulers.[Haul jobs are queued up to ALL with the labor enabled.]
    • Once you feel your haulers are maxed out you have two places to send undesirables.
    • Put them into recovery squads. If they are idle too much. Temporarily enable furnace op, item hauling, and other time intensive tasks to keep them busy. Create a custom Prof in The Rapist to quickly reset them back to pure refuse during a siege.
    • Put them into medical test subject squads. With pure overflow dwarves survival is no longer a concern. Station (# of doctors - 2or3) on a 2 z-level drop dropshaft's retracting bridge and set lever to repeat. They get broken limbs, get treated, return, and repeat until infection kills them ~2 years later.[*Refer to further down for drop shaft specifics.]

* Medical Drop Shaft:

Z-2  Retracting Bridge. Preferably 3x5 to have consistent station success.
Z-1 Open Air D:
Z-0 Sweet delicious stone to splatter on.

Common injuries ~90%: Broken arms, legs.
Uncommon injuries ~10%: Compound arm,shoulder,leg fracture/shatters.
Rare Injuries <~1-5%: Fatal head or spinal nerve wounds.

Somewhat related; Maintain at a minimum a core squad of ~6 legendary teachers. These dwarves should in time have legendary in :
 Biting, Striking, Kicking, Wrestling, Misc Obj. User
 Dodger, Shield user, Armor User
 Desired Melee skills.
 Ranged weapons are optional and more of a maxing Agi/Focus.
Do not let these dwarves engage ANY enemy. They are the Facilitators that not only bring up future soldiers but they will be balanced soldiers that will hopefully survive even the worst siege.

As a misc. Note. Create a swimming pool for your 'boos to skill up in. Artificial waterfalls and be put to use to isolate and slow down threats so it doesn't hurt to have amphibian dwarves. =D

As time goes on. Add more teacher squads. Generally snag the dwarves with the best attributes to be your teachers. Recruits should get to moderate ranks within a year or two and can be rushed via a gladiator arena. Then return to the trainers to max out defensive and Aux. attack skills.

If you are a sadistic fuck, lock the teachers in a system of auxiliary access tunnels linked to multiple levels of the fort and the arena after your military is fully trained and you no longer need trainers.(Keep 3-6 as royal guards just cause) Lock the door to the booze so that they are forced to drink from a well a vampire "Whoopsied" in earlier.[Werebeast is fine too I suppose?] Clad in your finest Masterwork Adamantium armor and Artifact weapons. In the end of times signal a fighting retreat into saferooms deep in the bowels of the fort. Then unleash the Monsters!. The Stat boost from vampire conversion on top of the already monstrous stats should end any threat. Even if it's an adamantium FB.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2012, 05:36:35 am »

Teacher Embark Plan.

Embark kit:
   Examine dwarves for anyone with "finds helping others rewarding" These bishies are your Doctoral Candidates(DCand)
   Examine for dwarves with increased agi,str,tough,heal,disease resistance etc. Nickname with ([wep]dwarf {attribute notes})
 Take 1 Grower at the minimum. Everyone else is expendable. Yes, even your broker... Prepared food is all you need
 Pick your weapon. Axe for severing goodness,spear for larger megabeasts or sword for a crappy version of both that reminds you of legionaries. (Bonus points if you mod in morninstars and/or whips to your entity entry) PICK ONE WEAPON TYPE PER SQUAD SO THAT DEMONSTRATIONS ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING USEFUL.

Pick a minimum of your strongest 3 dwarves to be promoted as soldiers.(Bonus points for 5-6)
  4 Teacher
  4 Wep/Dodge/Shield/wrestler/Armor user/
  1 wep/dodge/shield
  1 wep/dodge/shield
Pack a weapon for each as embark points allows

These ElegenTGentledwarves are your most precious resources and must not be endangered recklessly.

Fortress strategy: Cage traps and scrubs errywhere all day erryday!

  • Appraise the map, pick a small area to claim as yours.
  • Channel a ditch at least 2 tiles wide with at least 2 4x3 raising bridges. Remove ramps except for the 4 outward corner ramps. Always keep one raised as your emergency exit in case of tantrum shenanigans.
  • Take a moment to dig out farms, Military bedrooms, dining room and a quick pop into what will eventually be your quarry.
  • Clearcut map with shitty training axes. Haul wood to claimed outpost.
  • Quickswap all non-growers to carpentry. Churn out blocks and get dem walls up.
  • Take a moment to build Stone bridges from blocks. (Grass fires are a bitch bro)
  • Slap down an opposing wall at least 3 tiles away from your bridge so marksgobs can't just sit on the bridge and plink away.
  • Build a raising bridge on the left or right of your entrance and raise it so that you still have only one path in.
  • Assign a migrant to be a cook and have him pop out a few masterwork quarry bush & dwarven syrup roasts @ the beginning of fall.[Don't overdo it. you need to keep wealth low while you are setting up or you'll get hurr durr gobbo siege on year two winter kekekekekekekekekekekekekke.]
  • Slap down cage traps using masterwork mechanisms.
  • By now you should have had your teachers phased out of the labor pool as migrants arrived. Training at -1 or 2 of max squad size.(demonstrations remember)
  • You want to finnangle your entrance to have enough traps to eat two-three squads of ambushers. Don't worry about feeling like an elf, Mounted gobbos will arrive soon.
  • Dig a ditch outside your entrance's bridge. This is to be a shutoff gatehouse/courtyard to allow you to safely recover goblinite. Otherwise you'll need to worry about escorts and patrols.
  • Once all essential fort positions have been filled start looking for dwarves with favorable bonuses in strength,toughness and agi. Add them to the teacher squad. Keep dwarves with high healing and/or disease resistance. These are going to become your oldfags that will hold the line in the end of days.
Important!!!: Do Not Send the teachers out... EVER!
  • After your teachers train up the first batch of legends pack the non-originals into new squads in pairs or triplets for better efficiency. These become new trainer squads.
  • If you get large migrant waves you can just shove overflow into pure recruit squads. These are your main defenders. Don't be afraid to use them but do not squander them.
  • You better have been buying up all the shoddy armor you can with dem 10,000 dwarfbuck roasts. Haha just joking. Don't send your wealth too high before you're setup or don't be surprised when the shitstorm hits.
  • Get dem magma forges up! Cage traps will have to hold the line until you get your hotdogs... i mean dwarves encased in cool delicious metal.
High-Tier armor - Metal
 Cap x2
 Mail shirt x3
 High boots
 Exact match only
Thanks to clothing thoughts you'll need to be careful to not force exact matches on that squad before you KNOW you can kit them out. This is where the manager is actually useful.
  • By now you should have a hospital and arena up. Build a firing gallery above the arena so that the marksdwarf reserves can get some skill.
  • Processors, haulers, and so on should be drafted into the marksdwarf reserves and sent to plink at your,(what should be huge), pile of prisoners. Get them to 7+ to be able to fire through fortifications reliably iirc. [Or use reverse crenelations see if I care.]
  • Get a special unit of at least 20 reservists and only have refuse hauling enabled. These are your recovery specialists and crack Spec. Ops. marksdwarves you wont feel guilty getting fragged.{Make sure they have recover wounded on as well. Deactivate squad and strip labors if you need to recover wounded from a potentially hot zone.}
  • If you haven't already you need to setup a meltables input stockpile in your magma foundry. Incl. but not limited to <= exceptional:
    • weapons. Especially weapon types not in use.
    • anvils & Cages (good return ratio)
    • toys & Instruments etc.
    • crap furniture or <masterwork if you're playing Pleasure Palace Fortress.
  • IF you haven't already, get an atom smasher built.walls: 3 wide 3 high on the left & right. slap a 1x2 raising bridge and toss a restricted traffic designation on it when it's built. raise, designate it as a garbage zone. Put a atom smasher note so you know it's there.
    • Add a Garbage stockpile:
      • <Exceptional clothes.[all pants,shirts,shoes should be in 10x10 stockpiles with bins disabled so you know how you're doing on clothes]
      • All non-meltable useless crap of poor quality.
      • any surviving bone xbows from the early days
  • Get those refuse haulers to work! FPS death is a more insidious foe than any cave dragon riding gobbo siege!
  • Once you have a few legends working as trainer squads you can start building a quick response squad from dwarves that started out with very high agility
  • Remember those dwarves with high healing and/or disease resistance? Well draw those with both attributes and keep training them into the strongest monsters you can. Get dat wep to legend. Get dat wrestle to legend. Get marksdwarf to legend cause fuck da police. The best of the best will be your hospital & royal guards. Those with mediocre H or Dis will be your spec ops troops along with your reservists to handle lethal megabeasts.{You should only be open to a cavern if AND ONLY IF you have multiple redundant chasms with raising drawbridges, spike traps, flushable decontam showers, a full system flush, requisite sewer system for contaminants to drain into, and a quarantine bunker stocked with supplies in case something gets ruptured and they are forced to let it burn out. It's all fun and games until everybody's arms & eyes rot off.
  • By now you have a metal foundry churning out suits of armor and melting goblinite into ammo to penetrate the unbelievers, a hardened crew of marksdwarf recovery reservists, 1-3+ squads with 3-6 highly skilled teachers, multiple recruit squads for handling the fighting, and disease resistant spec ops with a quick recovery in case of an endurance slug-fests with adamantium stag beetles. Your hospital is crewed with doctors with the "finds helping other rewarding trait" with many nurses to keep the wounded fed.
  • From here,
    • Keep trading up the armor ladder until all your persistent squads are kitted in steel with legacy copper-iron armor for drafts until even those are kitted in steel.
    • Migrants with terrible attributes can be kitted in copper and employed as medical training dummies. Pick an area 3 z-levels high and channel a drop shaft ~3-5 wide by ~4-5 deep. Z-3 is the retracting bridge. Z-2 is open space. Z-1 is the cold hard floor. Station (doctors -2) at the top and set the lever to repeat. They'll get broken arms and legs with ~5% chance of a broken back or headbutting the floor if you've offended the dice gods lately. As you train & expand your medical staff you'll eventually want to add a surgeon specialist due to the need for reduced infection as well as a few only working wound dressing and sutures to minimize infection. Wont hurt to have the barracks to your disease resistant squads in here to keep the peace in case anything breaks into the fort.
    • Add sleeping, dining, and supply storage quarters to your hospital, farms, and foundry. Designate burrows & restrict. Nothing hurts like losing UristMcGranmasterdoctor cause not only did you forget to disable recover wounded he wasn't  restricted to burrows. Hauler reservists will handle the labor gaps.
    • Get dem quality sleeping quarters up. I'm partial to black bronze meself, After everybody has a quality room, go back to your soldiers/nobles/doctors and personalize them for max. happiness
    • Find and use married dwarves as your food haulers. These're your breeders. In case a shitstorm hits you'll need a steady supply of fodder and food is the safest place for them since essential positions are already filled. Items will have to do for your overflow as long as you changed your forbid settings to include anything dropped whether it's from an enemy or granpappy Francis.{ If you're in a population pinch just make your meeting hall in a 3x3 room and disable labor on undesirables and excess until they hook up. In 12 years you'll have a steady supply of medical test subjects and new recruits}
    • Improve your catacombs. Just because they weren't blessed with superdwarven recuperative abilities is no reason to not give them one of the 43 or so coffins in a 9x9 black blonze mass grave.
    • Train growers,nurses, furnace ops, etc. in marksdwarf just cause.
    • FINALLY build dat roof you needed to build over the fort a looong time ago with raising bridges giving impenetrable roof access.
    • Improve the perimeter wall with a floor of inward facing fortifications. Add an additional floor for patrols to reveal incoming ambushes.{Don't use anybody you like cause Gobbo McMasterbowyer loves dem headshots.}
    • Dump artifacts made by dwarves you don't like over the walls for kobolds to steal? Even Brobolds gotta eat mang...
    • Capture & train exotic beasts just cause.
    • Raise the outermost gatehouse bridges & add in a dodge trap. Then add a dodge trap in the main fortress cause anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
    • Train Train Train the day away.

  • Dig dig dig the anti-HFS killzone with droppable roofs, spike traps, freezing checkerboard, all leading to a room with overhead firing galleries. All ammo moved into them. Seal off, breach & enjoy. Or get cotton candy early. Your move bro.
  • Capture forbidden beasts and make a zoo/arena for them.
  • Megaproject

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
  • They said we have to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2012, 05:51:06 am »

High-Tier armor - Metal
 Cap x2
 Mail shirt x3
 High boots
 Exact match only
That's the .31 version, .34 uses a new system - caps and helms don't like each other very much.

Mail shirt x3
Cloak x6
Hood x6
High boot x2
Gauntlet x2



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2012, 06:06:51 am »

Design Articles. Just hop to the 2012 version. The 3-Bridge defense with an L-bend+meatgrinder further in is the gold standard of Goblin Trololoololling.
Covers fort design, traps, etc.

Put Sewers at the bottom-most part of all shafts and anything involving water or magma. Always plan so that if containment is breached it will always flow into the sewer and off the map via fortifications instead of wrecking the fort further.

Pump water to reservoirs to supply Cavern gatehouse's with decontamination showers. Thanks to civvies wearing shoes again syndromes aren't as much of a total clusterfuck as they were but it never hurts to be able to contain and end an epidemic before it starts.

Plan out your fortress to allow for plumbing, power conduits, and the requisite maintenance tunnels. Have redundant reservoirs in case of power loss and contamination. Multiple wells with sewer drainage and maintenance access is golden. Remember, Raised bridges are invul and golden for service access, pumps pull water through grates which cannot be destroyed from below. Innate fortress defences can be made with ditch's spanned by a bridge Raise bridge to contain an invasion. Hospitals should always have doctors restricted to the hospital burrow with raisable bridges, cage traps, a few wep traps, and typical bunker supplies[And picks!] in case the fortress falls.

As for power conduit safety, I haven't had a chance to test this yet, but you should be able to isolate any breach by say... a dragon with raisable bridges fully sealing or diverting the threat. I've heard that using the solid block of a pump can work at preventing entry but I haven't tested.

Your general defense should be marksdwarf focused in order to minimize casualties. Have unskilled firing platforms for <R7 marks that have trouble firing through fortifications. Use inward facing fortifications to avoid having your dwarves shooting axegobs while the master bowgob delivers headshot after headshot. Use disease resistant marksdwarves in Obs. galleries in the caverns to deal with infectious FB Threats. Always decontaminate afterwards and quarantine infected. Purge with magma after death.

For general fort layout, Always have multiple raisable bridges between sections to isolate threats. Say your magma forge or quarry accidentaly breaches the HFS due to a careless designation, well the bridges will buy you time to cobble together a killzone instead of getting rolled.

For quarries, distant magma forges etc, set up resupply huts with food, booze, beds and a dining room. Add a pick, some extra seeds, and some raisable bridges and it can function as a panic room.

Never interact with a fluid source without having a way to shut it off, drain it, and in case of a disaster have a minimized effect. {Source,Floodgate,Floodgate,Bridge over chasm leading to sewer.

Always make sure the fort is airtight. Draw water through a grate into a reservoir instead of plopping a well over a cavern water source.(Shit can crawl through wells dawg)

Excess migrants can fall down a drop shaft to train a medical staff. Always have nurses as well.(No labor other than recover & feed/water)

Other Docs must be on a different drive so i'll end here. Feel free to ask questions.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thanks for the tip loud i'll have to check up. Could you update the wiki to reflect the changes? Also, What are your experiences with an increased fatality rate via strikes penetrating through cloaks/hoods? Back in the day I got tired of a quality soldier getting disabled from a spearthrust through the cloak and into the ribs or throat.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 06:23:24 am by Azure »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2012, 06:14:59 am »

@Loud, Looks like mail shirts and caps will conflict with the size & permit counts on hood/cloak but exact match/replace clothing should bypass the issue most of the time barring typical UristMcSocksAreAllINeed

Nvm, caps are shaped now...........
 Whelp that's gonna increase drop shaft death rates. ;_;

Just checked the File changes and release notes and couldn't find a reference to the change. Do you know the Version?

BRB Melting a loooot of caps... ;_;

Have you gotten your dwarves to reliably swap from a xbow to a melee weapon when engaged in melee range? Mine just ended up choosing which to use in a haphazard fashion so it was easier to just swap legendary marksdwarves to hammer training then back after completion.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 06:29:40 am by Azure »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2012, 04:42:41 pm »

Azure - Just saw this wall of text. None of it is really news to me. I've been playing DF longer than you've been registered to the forums. I nestled my fort in a cove. Removed ramps, walled off the upper cliff edge, and walled off the side. I brought ten turkeys with me on embark that provided all the food I needed during the early years. All my doctors are altruistic. I don't want to do vampire fortress due to the alcohol slowdown. Nor do I really need a bookkeeper that doesn't sleep or eat. My current bookkeeper does just fine for me.

Thanks for the tips anyway. Maybe somebody else will find it handy.

Anyway - I just lost another dwarf to a vampire. I thought I killed them all. It was a LEGENDARY LEATHERWORKER.

I have a single dormitory that's also a meeting hall - I definitely will get a witness report and know who it is, but still. Vampires have so far made 4 kills. All four have been legendaries. I don't like vampires anymore.
I challenge you to a game of 'Hide the Sausage', to the death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2012, 04:54:57 pm »

How many dwarves do you have at the moment? If it isn't too many, hop into the units menu and (v)iew each dwarf looking for dwarves with an abnormally large amount of former residences. Toss suspicious dwarves into a locked room to test them. If it's still giving you trouble then hurl everybody into a large room via a burrow and start weeding them out dwarf by dwarf. It's tedious but if you missed them on the arrival screening it's your best chance of finding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2012, 05:04:27 pm »

Yeah I did that a few RL days ago after a vampire feeding. I thought I caught the only one I had. Either way, a witness will report it before the vampire strikes again. Better than paging through 200 dwarves.

I normally check all migrants (relationships and residences) upon entry to the fort. I don't know how I missed the first one (that's now in ten different chunks in the garbage dump), and I don't know how I missed the second one either. He'll be chunk-ified soon enough.
I challenge you to a game of 'Hide the Sausage', to the death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2012, 08:33:53 pm »

It's pretty cool to have slowly accumulated an exotic weapons squad over the decades as you find dwarves large enough to wield great axes and so on.
Have you ever had any greataxe wielders yourself?
I am trying to make chickens lay bees as eggs. So far it only produces a single "Tame Small Creature" when a hen lays bees.
Honestly at the time, I didn't see what could go wrong with crowding 80 military Dwarves into a small room with a necromancer for the purpose of making bacon.


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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2012, 01:04:06 pm »

OK... this is just ridiculous. This vampire is dedicated on bringing down my fort. I just caught him feeding on one of my legendary miners. Bed deconstruction worked again, and the vampire will shortly be dumped n' chunked.
I challenge you to a game of 'Hide the Sausage', to the death.


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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2012, 02:39:43 pm »

Acetech: before you dispose of Urist the leech, view/check wounds, and see if His Backteeth are gone! in pink
Should you fail to comply, strict !!disciplinary actions!! will be taken. Also, we feel we should remind you that one of the "criminals" on your list is the chief medical dwarf. If he ends up too badly injured to do his job, you will be fired. Out of a magma cannon.
The Administration


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #43 on: July 20, 2012, 10:46:08 pm »

Vampires make great bookkeepers, sadly they keep getting elected as mayor (so you constantly have to replace them on the noble screen).

I usually build a 4-room mansion off to the side somewhere, engrave the walls, fill it with master works (bedroom, dining room, office, coffin).  Even though they won't use the bedroom/dining room, it can give them nice thoughts to look at it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Pure Fort.
« Reply #44 on: July 20, 2012, 11:03:39 pm »

I gave my last vampire bookkeeper two very nice electrum statues, each of which had a sculpture garden zoned from it, before I sealed her in.  This served the purposes of boosting the apparent value of pieces of furniture by being tastefully arranged, and encouraging her to move around her little sealed area between the zones and her workspace.  The movement seemed to help with providing her happy thoughts, by keeping her passing over/adjacent to nice furniture so she'd have more chances to notice and admire the items.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.
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