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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131226 times)


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1260 on: October 14, 2012, 12:45:21 pm »

[If the GM judges it reasonable]:Assist Ril.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1261 on: October 15, 2012, 03:56:42 am »

Cyril took the bow as the Prince made his way inside,"So, you.. don't want this?  I.. I guess I could take it then."
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1262 on: October 15, 2012, 05:21:01 pm »

Make Sigurd explain the Kraken NOW. As jarl, it is of practical importance.

[5+1-3] Sigurd shakes his head slowly.  "You are Haegar, born and perhaps bred, but you have lived too long in the Low Lands.  I cannot tell you what you wish to know."  He leans in and whispers, even though you are both alone.  "But what I can tell you is this;

"The Kraken was a great man, the greatest Haegar who ever lived - even greater than Thrymm Longaxe.  When he passed, too soon, his most trusted fought for the right to succeed him.  Those of us who were his own guard, the Kraken's Arms, split and tried to preserve what we could.  We failed to do so, but our common bond was what forced the Kraken's Compact - we are bound by oath and blood never to pass on the details of our struggle until a new Kraken has risen."

Sigurd straightens himself up.

"That is all you can know.  No other man will share more with you and if you should spread but a breath of that to a lowlander, your birthright as Haegar is forfeit.  This is a matter of Haegar, not outsiders, and you must still prove that a Haegar you are.  The invasion of your former lands will do much to assist this.  Once you have decided how much of a tithe to take of the loot from the campaign, we can ready for war.  If we act now, warriors should gather by midwinter."

Sigurd takes to his feet and picks up a pair of axes from where they hang on the wall.  He tosses you one, which you catch.  Your arm hurts; you are still healing from the fight with Erik.  You watched him burn on a hero's pyre and his ashes buried.

"You will lead my people to victory, brother Osir.  Your people, if you prove yourself.  We will march south into Windheath.  We will burn, we will kill, we will pillage.  Osport will be spared, and I beg you humbly to spare Northwatch's fields also - for their lord did me a kindness I must repay.  No doubt we will need to take the fort, though I ask you to permit me freedom in that siege.  There are some there who should be spared - again, I owe them a debt.

"Until then, we should train.  Your gambit was risky, Osir, and though I admire your patience in the fight your skills are lacking.  Come, I will teach you as the Kraken before taught me.  You will fight as befits a Varchban yet."

Sigurd trains Osir in Axemanship for Autumn.  [12254 = 0 pts + 50pts training.  50/100 trained points.]

Edgard turned around and went back inside, disinterested in in the discussion between the nobles. The most important thing was accomplished, the kingdom was now united again.

As he sat at a table and picked up another batch of letters to be read, he went through all the reports he got. troop movements, demobilization, Grey Death investigation....

Wait a minute, that is interesting...
Letters from Talinth indicatd that the case went deeper than just Arendalis. An elaborate plot within the kingdom... Edgard was happy about the blockade of Arendalis nonetheless. The kingdom was isolated and Charles was strangled.His demise was already laid out in the mind of the Regent.
One last piece remained to be solved. Edgard did not forget about come Osir, and he feared what would happen, now that the man is gone north.
He immediately wrote a letter, to be carried directly to Osisr's castle, and from there, to wherever the man has gone too. Edgard did not know if he would manage ot get the message though before the winter, but it remained to be seen...

Spoiler: Letter to come Osir (click to show/hide)

A letter is sent to Osport, to be delivered to Osir, wherever he is.

The letter was passed to a courier in Osport who rode valiantly and diligently into the north.  He evaded scouts, made his way safely around Adderkeep without being harried and galloped across the plains to the Haegar muster-city of Gatewatch.  Showing Osir's colours he was allowed into the city and met in one of the longhouses by Sigurd, Jarl Osir's Herse.

[6] Herse Sigurd walked into the longhouse, still with his training axe in one hand from an exhausting session with Osir.  He wiped the sweat off his brow with his free forearm.

"What news from the Low Lands, then?" he asked.

"Excellent news, sir!" squawked the courier.  "A letter from Regent de Arborvent.  The war is over, and Comte Osir can return home!"

"I see," said Sigurd, and swung the axe into the courier's neck.  The courtier stumbled back in shock and pain and tried to cry out.  Sigurd pulled the axe back and swung three more times until the courier lay still in a pool of his own blood.  Sigurd summoned one of the housecarls at the entrance.

"Put the body in the smokehouse for a couple of days," he said.  "Don't bother informing the Jarl."

Sigurd picked up the messenger's bag and left the longhouse, returning to his own lodgings (his sister's house, once).  He opened up the bag and examined the letter, carefully prising away the unforgeable wax seal from the envelope and setting it to one side.  He picked up a pen and a fresh sheet of paper, thought for a few moments and then began to write.  When he had finished, he replaced the paper in the slightly bloodied envelope and then resealed the wax onto it with a candle flame.  The Conricht seal only very slightly blurred.

Two days later, Sigurd came to Osir with the smoked body of a courier, several arrows still protruding from his corpse.

"Bad news, my Jarl.  A courier from Windheath was sighted passing by Adderkeep and the carls there shot and butchered him.  It was only when the Herse, who can read Adranic, saw the letter that he realised the man was not a spy but one of your own.  He had the body smoked and sent here with the letter he carried."

Sigurd handed Osir a sealed letter, stamped with the Royal Seal of Windheath.  The writing within looked hurried and unfamiliar, as if Edgard had needed to write it with little time to spare.

Quote from: Edgard
To Comte Osir,

We have been forced to retreat from Stormstead.  Richard has taken the city.  The Grey Death has only worsened.  You are our last hope.  Bring as many men as you can and start making this war costly for Richard.

Return with strength and honour.



You approach the heavy bronze doors of the blue stone temple.  Just before you move to take one of the thick bronze handle rings the doors open inward, smoothly and without a sound.  The steps leading down into the chamber below are ill-lit and a thick lavender-scented blue smoke pervades the air.  You take a few steps into the temple and the doors slam shut behind you with a heavy clang, sealing Sahainn outside.  There are no handles on the inside; the bronze is completely smooth.

As you descend the steps, you become aware of a sibilant whispering in the distance.  With each step you take, more whispers join the first until a chorus of raspy tongues are almost chanting unknown words in Old Eldanic.  Alcoves flank the steps on either side from which strange black and grey statues peer in the shape of curious and unsightly beasts: men with the limbs of lions and the heads of drakes; snakes with the breasts of a woman and the head of a shark; ordinary men with only gaping holes through the back of their heads where the eyes should be.  You swear one of them winks at you.

When you place your foot on the base of the stairwell and the ceremonial pit of the temple the discordant whispers instantly cease.  After three heartbeats you hear music from somewhere in the distance; you try to place where and feel as if it is coming from all around you.  The same four notes, like the plucked strings of a lyre, over and over again.  After a while the notes seem to grow slightly discordant to each other, the length of the notes and the periods between them shortening and lengthening just enough that no matter how hard you try you cannot stop listening even as it deeply offends your ears.

Blue light filters from somewhere above, highlighting a spot in the centre of the pit.  You circle around the spot for a moment, seeing glimpses of the grey stone walls around you.  They seem curved in strange patterns that you cannot quite make out in the darkness and you get a strong sense of a spiral of stonework around you.

Seeing no other exits or entrances, you step into the light.  When in the spot you are able to make out a shadowed visage far above you.  It takes a few moments for your eyes to focus (they water considerably from the smoke) but a few shapes are illuminated.  A fang.  A horn.

The flared, hooded head of the cobra stares down at you from above, horns slung back from its crown.  Unable to resist, you follow the neck of the serpent down (your eyes glaze over the patterns on the scales, many of which seem strange geometries that hurt your brain to consider) and realise that the whole pit is formed of the serpent's coils, wrapped around the pit.  You cannot help but feel increasingly claustrophobic in this place.

The eyes of the cobra burst into pits of searing blue flame.  A voice booms around the room.

You have questions, traveller.

There is a heavy gong and you bring your eyes down from the serpent's head.  In front of you is a smooth basalt altar, ringed with bronze braziers burning with a brilliant blue fire.  There is a large obsidian plate in the centre.  You are fairly certain that was not there a moment ago.  Fairly certain.

What are you willing to sacrifice for your answers?  Silver, Secrets or Security?

"Then let's pay him a visit, shall we?"

On the way, Renart hears about Ril's troubles and gives what little he can to aiding the man.

"Lead the way, my friend Karas."

[If the GM judges it reasonable]:Assist Ril.

As Richard returned inside, silently cursing Harald's greed, he heard  someone collapse in a room nearby. As he went to investigate, he saw nearly instantly the blood all around him and the would-be chancellor of the realm having a seizure on the floor.

As calmly as he could, he called for a doctor.

A grey-faced man claiming to be one of the many doctors examining the King arrived at Richard's call and examined Ril, taking his pulse and studying his complexion.  [5?]  "Yes," he pronounced.  "It looks like a case of Whittard's Fog, a very nasty poison.  I will fetch the antidote immediately.  Wait here and don't move, we have about half an hour!"  The doctor left in search of an antidote.

[4] Renart joined the crowd of those trying to help and muscled his way to Ril's side.  A quick examination, although he was not a doctor, rang bells in his mind.  "Muckfox!" he exclaims.  "It's a plant from the fens near Nortwatch, I knew one of the Rangers used to tip his arrows with it.  A strong dose will kill in less than ten minutes, though."  Regrettably, he does not know a cure.  (+1 to next Diagnosis check.)

[6+1] Talinth burst into the room as Ril began convulsing and his eyes began filling with blood.  Renart repeated that the poison was Muckfox, a deadly plant from the northern fens.  Talinth recalled the plant from his own childhood - wait, hadn't his grandmother drank spirits distilled from Muckfox?

"Spirits!" Talinth yelled.  "Get whiskey or brandy, drink will cure the poison!"

A mad rush followed, with servants rushing to fetch brandy, wine and whiskey from all across the castle.  As dram after dram was forced down Ril's throat, the blood in his eyes started to recede.  He ceased coughing.  The convulsions simmered down to gentle shivers.  By the time the third bottle of brandy was emptied, Ril was completely still.

[Survival on 2+.  Roll... 1.]

It was too late.  The strong liquor had purged the poison from Ril's system, but the damage was already done.  Ril's lungs were filled with blood, his skin cracked and bloodied.  He had time now only for a few last words.

Later, the doctor who made the first pronouncement [2 vs 3] would never be found.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 04:49:48 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1263 on: October 15, 2012, 06:40:05 pm »

Ril sat still and stiff, his hands clenched tight, tight enough for his knuckles and fingers to crack from the pressure of the musculature of his upper arms, gripping the worn longblade tightly, blood dripping from his mouth, down the side of his face and to the floor below.

His mind was almost blank, a grin, true and straight curved his lips, a single hand reaching into his woolen coat, drawing out a thin, rolled, crude piece of vellum, throwing it to the floor beside Talinth.

"Pick it up. Food. Drink. Ser-...vant. Poisoned. Assa-...ssin...was...was let-t i-in...Higher ups..."

The blood positively beginning to flow from his mouth at this a hand reaching up to grab and seize Richard's boot, green, blood-shot eyes meeting the prince's, an almost hostile expression appearing.

" the King..."

The his grip slackened upon Richard's calf, eyes dimming, fist still clenching tightly around the hilt of the blade, the one his father gifted to him when he but a child.

The vellum appears to be roughly made, and apparently in a hurry, as lamb's fur still stick up in places, it's stained lightly with blood, and written in cheap ink made from charcoal and sheep's blood.

Quote from: Ril's last Missive
It begins by recounting why he was there, referring to that venomous snake of an usurper leading him into an ambush for the holy prophet Jitpau, and what transpired then, in brief.

They ambushed us at dawn, outside of - here the writing utensil seems to have broken through, leaving a small peppered hole in it, It was four to one. Many were mounted on horseback. My men were cut down one by one...I holding off until last. They rammed a blade into my chest and slit my throat, leaving me there to die. T. and L. found me. Saved me...for that I thank them.

We've been harried through the entirety of Windheath. Suggesting these men are of a local noble? I've slaughtered a few sheep in the mountains for food and wools, to cloth us, even though T. complains of the cold, unless she's  beside me. I can't seem to sleep anymore, unless she is.

I fear I may have followed my father's footsteps...

The rest seems to be recounting the tale from the ambush onward, with few highlights.

The rest seems to be a will, hurriedly written, asking of whoever finds this to carry it out.
Put out a message in the Bars of Windheath that I have died. I made a few friends that would wish to be informed.
Any money on my person is to be donated.
If my land was returned to me, when I was gone, it is to be gifted to the man who follows this will to the letter.
My sword is to be gifted to serving the king.
My body is to be placed into the Emanhild crypt.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 06:58:07 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1264 on: October 15, 2012, 07:00:36 pm »

Edgard was still sitting with his ledgers when great deal of noise and chaos arrived at his doorstep.

"My lord, someone was just attacked in th palace!"

"What wha... What in the blazes is going on out there?!"

Edgard rushed out only to see people assisting ril and him speaking out his last words.

"What is going on? anyone? care to explain?"
It was apparent that regent's job was getting more difficult by the day. Only Liodnya knew where the true cause of it all was...


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1265 on: October 15, 2012, 07:37:42 pm »

In the Palace.

Talinth sighed and took the letter but abstained from reading it for the moment. He was told my his father and grandfather that more men had died after reading nobles' letters than of old age, and he still had an investigation to complete.

"This man died of poisoning." Talinth affirmed bluntly. "Apparently, more than one attempt during his stay, according to him."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1266 on: October 15, 2012, 07:42:52 pm »

Richard looked at Ril with a mix of disgust and absolute shock. He did not answer when Edgard entered - he was already thinking about something else.

Ril Emanhild, would-be chancellor, must check potential chancellors - claimant of Spirituaser, must check current ruler and heir apparent of Spirituaser - brother of dead Blauritter, must check current Blauritter and Ursa's enemies - political supporter of the king, must check whether or not current ruler of duchy supports Albert - contacted Donnerstein, cannot know if he had information, unlikely from diary - have to check marriages and family connections, verify inheritance...

After roughly five seconds, he started shouting orders to the guards who were rushing in the room.

"Upstairs, now! Arrest anyone suspicious! Pick up all food and take it in the physician's chambers, and have it examined for poison! Find the cooks and make them taste everything they cooked during the last week! Interrogation checks on all servants responsible of this wing of the palace! Get me the names of this man's remaining family and heirs, and whoever is ruling Spirituaser now! And find me that goddamn doctor!"

Have all forces in the palace, the city and the bridge to check for either the doctor or any man who visited the palace grounds while he shouldn't have. Make a list of everyone who could have wanted Ril dead - including the ruler of Spirituaser, or the heir apparent to said ruler.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1267 on: October 16, 2012, 01:10:53 am »

Osir read the missive over and over. He had expected an attack eventually, but not now. Far too soon, far too soon....It did mean however that the Conricht lands would be far easier to raid, however. He smiled.

"Bad? The only thing bad here is the messenger's death Sigurd, this will only help our cause! While all those so-called 'northerners' go about sieging the south, we can waltz in and raid. I would have only been better if Stormstead had held out...but I guess we cannot have every coin in the chest."

Osir paused for a few moments before speaking again.

"Now, Sigurd...we best be going about gathering a raiding party. I am not a...selfish man. Revechigs in general aren't. Two-thirds will go to the men; I need only enough for the upkeep of my people. I'm sure that that offer is plenty by any custom, but I believe we could gather a larger party with something more. Perhaps a marriage alliance with another confederation? I'm not sure enough of local tribes so I'll leave you to advise me on that. However, I do believe I have a sureproof plan to attract some more axes to our cause. I propose we spread word for a...what was it called? I believe it was called 'Udidvet Haeg'*? Whatever it was called, such a policy would attract more than a few warriors, perhaps even a few tribes, wouldn't it Sigurd? Perhaps even amongst our enemies?"

You'll need ta' read the post.

*Udidvet Haeg, literally meaning 'Extend the North' is the collective term for the series of Haegar migrations to warmer lands. The migrations were ususally a joint effortby several tribes and often forced a truce amongst warring tribes. Usually, Udidvet Haegar results in the creation of several Haegar enclaves in various parts of the world, often dissapearing into history as they assimilate into the local people, or die either due to war, starvation, or disease. Sometimes however, the policy has resulted in an armed effort to to take a region from the native inhabitants, and institute a Haegar way of life.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 02:27:47 pm by micelus »
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1268 on: October 16, 2012, 06:29:22 am »

Edgard saw the prince give out orders and taking matters into his hands already. It was apparent however, that the security of the castle would have to be overhauled. Soldiers have entered the castle just recently, but Bravos, they seemed to be the ones truly at fault in the eyes of the Regent. Rakom was not back either, and his skill with espionage would undoubtedly come in handy in countering whatever worm was currently eating away at Windheath from within.

"Richard, please let me know of anything that you find out."

With that, he turned around and left the room. He could use a bottle of wine himself now...
Spoiler: Letter to Rakom (click to show/hide)

A letter is sent to the nobility of Dechire. They are to send a representative to Stormstead before spring or expect an arrival of a new Palatine, accompanied by several regiments. Cite the regency as the reason for harsh rules in absence of His Majesty and need to pull the country together in a crisis.

Aveline is called in to meet with the Regent.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1269 on: October 16, 2012, 07:09:39 am »

Striding back to Karas, Renart tapped his friend's shoulder and shook his head.

"Another man dead in the streets. Whatever your finds are, they seem to have increased in value."

He looked to the Sky through one of the skylights before returning his gaze at the assassin. "Was that the Knight you were talking about? I couldn't get a glimpse of his face, or his eyes - if rumors are said to tell the truth."
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 08:05:18 am by Tiruin »


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1270 on: October 16, 2012, 07:36:26 am »

Striding back to Karas, Renart tapped his friend's shoulder and shook his head.

"Another man dead in the streets. Whatever your finds are, they seem to have increased in value."

He looked to the Sky before returning his gaze at the assassin. "Was that the Knight you were talking about? I couldn't get a glimpse of his face, or his eyes - if rumors are said to tell the truth."

"I don't think I've seen them, but they would definitely be distinctive. Few survive the Grey Death. So wouldn't that mean the King will get grey eyes as well? What about other survivors?"
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1271 on: October 16, 2012, 08:04:25 am »

"Hmm, good point. I'll ask.

Renart called, looking at the armored man who aided the dying victim. "Do you know anything about this - or on the King's illness?"



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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1272 on: October 16, 2012, 08:14:13 am »

"There is something I need to do, but you know where to find me, milord. μπορεί να μου πνεύματα και θεούς σας προσέχουν" (May my spirits and your Gods watch over you)

Train Swordsmanship
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1273 on: October 16, 2012, 12:33:57 pm »

~In the Palace~

Talinth examined the room for a brief moment. The first precaution they should have taken was not letting anyone in nor anyone out to make the spreading of further information outside more difficult. But it was too late for that as people moved in and about the room and palace. It made any chances of keeping their findings in secret slim.

And he had serious doubts whether he should read it the letter's contents out loud or simply deliver it to a noble. His gaze shifted to Renart, Marquis of Northwatch, the lands where the small village of his people lived was located. He had helped him diagnose the poisoning of the man lying in front of him, and seemed trustworthy.

It was a difficult choice. At the very least, ripping the letter apart, disappearing with it or burning the manuscript would be equivalent to a confession, and he hoped that would not happen. Even if the Marquis happened to be involved in someway in these matters, he would not be able to withhold information without appearing suspicious to the eyes of the others.

And so...Talinth put the letter in Renart's hands as the elder spoke, retreating one step and keeping wary.

"Saer!" Renart called, looking at the armored man who aided the dying victim. "Do you know anything about this - or on the King's illness?"
"I know as much as you do, Marquis. As for the King's illness, I have been investigating it. My findings have been delivered to the Regent in a letter."

Talinth stands by Renart's side, prepared to defend the man against any attempt at assassination, investigating the wounds inflicted upon the dead man afterwards.

~In the Temple~

Liodnya, the God of Magic...and Deception. The Adranic pantheon was different from his religion's, but Liodnya would be roughly equivalent to Rhul, the God of Death, although his god's domain was far more limited than the one of the Horned Snake.

Another major difference between both beliefs was that while the young blacksmith's people believed in communing with the forces of nature, they did not believe the Gods interfered in the mortal world through magic-wielding favored priests. Their influence could be transmitted through the wisdom of the elders and sages of his people, or even through protection to warriors in the battlefield, but never through granting godly powers to mortals.

...Whatever sorcery or illusions of the senses and mind the priests wanted to play on him - to shock, impress and intimidate, the knight supposed - he still thought himself protected by his own gods and will. He had been mercifully saved by the clutches of death once to continue his duty, and even Liodnya's shadow would not see him cower.

"Silver." Talinth answers, taking almost the entirety of the earnings from his side job in the forges from a large leather pouch nestled at his lower back and offering them. He was not sure about the amount required, but as he was being provided free lodging, the smith supposed he could offer as much silver as possible, somewhat relieved they had not requested gold.

Talinth offers silver.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 12:37:27 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1274 on: October 16, 2012, 01:03:30 pm »

Upon hearing the man's words, and feeling the smooth texture of vellum, Renart could only conclude on thing.

This man is the killer. This is Saer Talinth, the survivor of the Grey Death!

As he read the letter out loud to the nearby nobles, he wondered how to protect the man from any other assassination attempts. Judging by the missive, it seemed muchly like an assassination on the bearer due to the...confidentiality of what was in this.

"My Prince," he said to Richard, "this means an Adranic couldn't have harmed the King.

"The owner of this letter sounded to have owned land, and a loyalist to our Albert. No true Adranic would've killed a man such as this."

Also, train Logistics with Richard before Winter.

As he waited for anyone's reply, he wondered who that dead man was, and why would someone be using an herb such as that to kill him. A Haegar assassin? Hmm...

Or perhaps it was just his short term memory problem.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 01:08:25 pm by Tiruin »
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