Not much better, but at the risk of sounding like an insensitive jerk, it's at least nice to know that game development will not be effected in the long term.
On another note, Valkyr is pretty awesome, and while you can't really play her ike a berserker, the theme certainly works thematically at least. Paralysis is a nice quick 5 energy stun, good for prepping an enemy for melee (although the stun could stand to be a little longer I think).
Hysteria, much like bladestorm seems to be more flash then effectiveness, but I could see it being positively brutal in some situations. Stomp outdoes it like always but what DOESN'T stomp outdo? Especially now that molecular prime got the range on the explosions nerfed.
Ripline honestly seems kind've eh, but maybe I'm just a cold hearted jerk that doesn't enjoy zipping around through the air gunning people down from the sky.
I regularly forget warcry exists, but it seems to be a pretty amazing buff if you can deal with the increased attck speed (seriously, why does every single weapon take a single step forward on a normal attack? It makes excessive attack speed more of a hindrence then a help when you're constantly stepping past the enemy to savage the air), as it buffs it by like 50%. Armor goes up a pretty significant amount too, I believe also 50%. Lowers enemy speed by 20%. Maybe valkyr is meant to be the "anti armor nerf frame", for lack of a less horrid phrase. I could get along with that.
But yeah valkyr is a fun and perfectly effective frame if you've got the stuff to make a health build work (vitality, steel fiber, probably vigor, equilibrium is really nice and maybe mandatory now too, quick thinking + rage if you're feeling a little cheaty)!