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Author Topic: You are an ancient alien  (Read 46243 times)


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #135 on: July 05, 2012, 01:54:28 am »

same here. My whole strategy is "let them adapt themselves and watch"...
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #136 on: July 09, 2012, 02:51:54 pm »


Question: is it too late to introduce a new race, or not?
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #137 on: July 10, 2012, 08:55:01 pm »

Ok people, sorry for my inaction, I'm gonna try to bring this back up, and yes you can introduce a new race, I wont be able to post till some time tomorrow, but till then I need to know who's still interested
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #138 on: July 11, 2012, 03:34:47 am »

EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #139 on: July 11, 2012, 11:45:34 am »

The race that I would like to add is another team's created protectors, that were placed upon your world, with your team's consent, to see how adaptable the race is to new terrain.

The Kel'nar are a race based upon the dragons of earth mythology.  They have the ability to spread knowledge between others of their race through telepathy, allowing them to gain technology and adapt to new strategies at a highly accelerated rate.  This has allowed them to reach near-space age technology in five-hundred years, and allows them to learn languages of other races instantaneously by reading the minds of the target race.  They have free will and are independent of the (insert name of the alien race creating the protectors), but they will protect those who are persecuted if there is no way for there to be peace.  This will cause them to change sides in wars if the side they are fighting with begins to commit atrocities, and will also cause them, if not currently in a war, only to fight wars if they themselves are attacked.  Their race has three subspecies that are listed below.

The smallest are the Monitors, they reach the size of hummingbirds, and excel in all forms of mechanical technology, and stealth.  They have the appearance of winged, four-legged dragons.

The middle sized are the Rangers, they reach the size of small cars, and excel in aviation and language.  They have the appearance of wyverns.

The largest are the Guardians, they reach the size of a large house, and excel in all military aspects, and architecture.  They have the appearance of wingless dragons.

The Kel'nar will spend the turn building up in a small mountainous area, and then observing the other races to see which side that they will join, if peace cannot be achieved.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 03:08:11 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2012, 09:08:50 am »

OK, Zanzetkuken whilst I have no problems with your race, remember that the more advanced the creature, the more energy it uses, if you have super smart, giant and telechenatic creatures then they will need tons of food, and that might make them noticable, remember that survivability is all about efficiency, so there wont be very many guardians, but again I have no problems with your race being put in, I'm gonna post tomorrow, I was kinda busy till now
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2012, 04:56:46 pm »

OK, Zanzetkuken whilst I have no problems with your race, remember that the more advanced the creature, the more energy it uses, if you have super smart, giant and telechenatic creatures then they will need tons of food, and that might make them noticable, remember that survivability is all about efficiency, so there wont be very many guardians, but again I have no problems with your race being put in, I'm gonna post tomorrow, I was kinda busy till now

The telepathy is limited to sending, and obtainment of messages/knowledge.  So it would not be as powerful, but I have no doubt that they would use up many calories.  The entire population of the moniters could probably be fed by a few animal carcases, but prefer flower nectar, due to the more direct energy gained.  The Rangers and Guardians are strict carnivores, with the rangers scoping out animal herds, and the guardians slaying creatures of the herds, by breathing out fire formed by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen (think modern day rocket fuel).
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #142 on: July 20, 2012, 10:11:27 am »

OK, Terribly sorry about my absence but my internet fucked up, but its fixed now so to make up for it I'll write up a big post, but it might take a while
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #143 on: July 20, 2012, 10:18:42 am »

No problem but you should post in the Nations thread.
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #144 on: July 27, 2012, 11:30:36 am »

I had almost finished this when the computor shut down, after that it slipped my mind for some time so terribly sorry, and this wont be the big post I had promised

Year 900

The Century of peace as it was called, for it had far less violence than the other centuries before it. This was influenced by, many things, such as the retreat of the Life Ships, the great calamity, the arrival of the Kel'nar and the breaking of Slaskier. The century of peace fractured in the year 893, with the crusade of Matalosh.

The Vorglockie at this time had felt quite proud and from their island destroyed multiple Salmass tribes, but in the year 805 Slaskier broke apart, and the hives fractured once more. The fourteen pieces of Slaskier fell to multiplepoints on the planet, from north to south and each piece developed its own hive. These hives wre however, still quite large and powerful, and many Salmass tribes felt their wrath in the early years of the century, but by 812 the assults almost ceased, as the Vorglockie underwent huge changes. The Ornalord caste grew once again, as the prince population shrunk again, however the Ornalords underwent huge radical changes and became closer to priests than scientists, although they continued to advance Vorglockie tech, and rifling, mass machinery, rapid firing weapons, robotic flight and telegrams. The Vorglockie species underwent changes as well, as in multiple, then all the hives the Vorglockie underwent a nymph stage, from Slask appearing larvae, they went to pupae and then Nymphs and then full grown adults, but these nymphs were much like ornalords, and helped substasioly with the rise of techlology in the Vorglockie, this helped to contribute to the rise of the Ornalords as the dominant caste, and they began to take over nearly all roles of the princes, in fact in one hive the ornalords completely took over the hive in the name of Slask, and purged their borders with even more ferocity. The species alo underwent more physical changes, the lack of workers ment that the warriors took over their job, before becoming workers and warriors entrely, now the entire species had wings, the nymph stage also led to the entire species gaining psionics. The prince guard and prince were exctinct by the end of the century and the average hive size at a few hundred, meaning that hives had to join into metta hives to stay alive, even further increasing the power of the Ornalords who acted as the diplomats. The Vorglockie had becom more peaceful and it looked almost as if the age old war would end, but that all changed in 893.

The Salmass underwent radical changes as well, following the rise and fall of Slaskier, the planet underwent huge environmental changes which destroyed nearly all above ground hives, and the Vorglockie saw to the remaining above ground hive, but when the vorglockie stopped the Salmass had the chance to fially see the light again. Half of them rose up above the ground while the other half stayed behind, the underground dwellers became known as the Dalsier, the lightless, while the above grounders became the Dalshar, the light seers. The Dalsier and Dalshar maintained contct with eachother but they began to drift apart and soon changes in techlology emerged. The Dalsier developed lighting, rifling, geothermal energy, even discovering uranium, but the Dalshar gained only stole new technologies from the Vorglockieand descended into a more tribal state, albiet with rifles. The Dalshar and Dalsier also developed different attitudes towards diplomacy, the Dalshar still viewed all by the old ways, and despite this being a time of peace border skirmishes between Voglockie and Dalshar were common, but the Dalsier saw the outside world as a place to only go for resources, st the Dalsier became conservitive and isolated, while the Dalshar were more warlike. The Dalsier even started to gain claws more suited to digging and building while the Dalshar claws went bigger and sharper. By the year 867 the Dalsier no longer saw the Dalshar as kin and vice versa, and by 871 they started to openly fight each other. All this changed in the year 893 however with the Crusade of Matalosh.

The Planet bore witness to a new species the Kel'nar, these were peace loving creatures and unknowingly to the Vorglockie and Salmass, were major factors in the relativly peacful years. They landed in the mountains from another world and in secret began to watch the Vorglockie and Salmass. They had advanced machinery, solar power and technologies that would make the natives jealous if they knew of them. For the most off the century they simply watched yet they became divided on which side to take in the crusade of Matalosh.

The life ships meanwhile left the world and adapted on their own, they went the the nearby dessert world and they quickly used a fast growing plant to make its moons livable for their Heretic Vorglockie passangers, who had by now changed so much that they called themselves the mariners. The biotech and size of the fleet grew considerably and they soon could develope simple single shot bio rifles that fored a blaast of acid at its target, the Life Ships simply grew in size and had no impact on the Crusade of Matalosh.

The Crusade of Matalosh

Matalosh was a Salmass born in the Dalsier tribe near the second most Ornalord dominated of the Largest fourteen hives, he was born in the year 874 and his life was relativly normal, till the year 889 when the Vorglockie, sick of the tribes constant raids, attacked and slaughterd the Tribe, butchering every last one and loping of each Salmass's head sticking them of poles on a hill as a warning to other tribes. Matalosh had been out hunting when this happened and wehn he came back to the site of this tribe and was shocked at what he saw. Everyone cut to pieces and nibbled at by the Vorglockie, their heads resting on nearby poles. Dalsier was filled with both hatred and sorrow at this, hatred for the Vorglockie but, mostly sorrow that he wasn't there when it happened. the went into a state of depression and wanderd the world for some time. Eventually he found the remains of the old human ship, and an intact recording made before the humans demise. Mataloch had been a big listener to stories of the elders and knew of the humans, he also spoke human language as all Vorglockie use it when telling stories of the past. He watched the video as the human described the selflesness of some mysterius race named the Salmass, and how they would do anything for their kind, and how they let nothing deterr them from helping one-another. He wathed this for some time but it was at the end that he recived the biggest shock, he saw a Salmass, but it looked so much like Dalshar and Dalsier, like something inbetween, The tale of how they had once been one race had been forecully forgotten by each side, but here Matalosh saw the Salmass, and he realised what he was seeing. They were once one people, Dalsier and Dalshar, and then they had been great and powerful, and so Mataloch was born anew.

Matalosh took the recording with him, along with an abandoned old human assult rifle that was miracuosly still working, and he showed the ideas of the Salmass to all that would listen, and many did. He told them that they were all equals, all salmass, not Dalshar or Dalsier, but Salmass, and soon they were joining together, Dalshar would share fighting techniques with Dalsier and Dalser would give breech loading rifles to the Dalshar. by the year 893 Matalosh had gatherd a large force and his word had spread far, but many of the well established Dalshar and Dalsier ignored his preachings. So Matalosh set his force out on a crusade, they destroyed many hives, slaughtering them before moving on t the next, this still failed to gain the attemtion of the powerful Dalshar and sier, and the larger hives paid him as no threat to them, and the crusade began to lose momentum. So Matalosh decided to prove what they could do, and with his force of twelve million, he attacked and destroyed the hive that destroyed his own tribe, one of the fourteen major hives in two months.

This shocked the world, and soon thousands of Dalshar tribes and Dalsier clans flocked to Matalosh's cuase and then he had 30% of the Salmass population following heim, he went on to slaughter two more of the major meta hives, and the remaining meta hives reacted with fear, they joined up in alliances and the smaller hives sought protection within these aliances. The alliance hives struck back and slaughterd any Salmass near them, making the Salmass flock even more to Matalosh's crusade. The remaining Karlask quickly took up residence of a destroyed hive and despitethe best efforts of the Vorglockie, they made it into an impregnible fortress. The strongest hive alliance was the one directed by the ornalord hive which included no less than three other major hives, while all the Salmass who had not joined Matalosh's crusade formed their own crusade, and kin was restored to all salmass. The kel'nar were divided on which stance to take in the crusade, with one third saying thaat they should help the Salmass, the other third saying that they should help the Vorglickie, and the rest wanting toremain neutral, this ment hat many Kel'nar guardians and rangers fought on both sides, but they never fought eachother, by the year 900 a huge war was raging across the planet

Sometimes Slask irritated her. The letter sent by Slask had reslted in a closer inspection and almost the loss of the project, howeverr their project had been to most promising so they instead sent in a more peace loving race from another project and watched the every move of her crew. Still the planet would need peace lovers yet it seemd some of the Kel'nar had been caught up in the violence of the project, they would need to do something about the warlikeness of their races soon. A large fleet was here to watch the life ships who were minding their own buisness, right now however it would be interesting to see how they rected to this crusade.

Ok that took me two hours to write, now for your actions please don't post them yet as the next actions I want to be solely about the crusade, I'll add the details you need tomorrow, I'm bloody tired now, oh and please tell me if your still into this, I promise I will post more often again, anyway hope you enjoyed this post :)
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #145 on: July 27, 2012, 01:10:07 pm »

Yay! This is back! And with a post much better than those last failed ones! :D

One thing: "robotic flight" seems a bit out of place with the other things at that tech level, did you mean just "heavier-than-air flight"?

Dont quite undertasnd what you wanted in actions or not, but my general attitude is more trying to turn things against the vorlocke as trials and harden them against overpowering foes and unfair tactics. They have shown to be good wariors, but what would they do against threath of torture? propaganda? biological warfare? sabotage and espionage?
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #146 on: July 27, 2012, 02:33:31 pm »

awww! update!
also you severely mangled some names up there, methinks.

Also actions:

-Unite all Salmass under the Crusade's banner (two crescent crossing a circle)
-Ensure that no Salmass, be it Dalsier or alshar, suffer from the Crusade.
-The Crusade must, as possible, annihilate all menaces on Salmass. "Annihilate" is not necessarily litteral, as perma-no aggression treaties are acceptable. However, those breaking it are not allowed a second chance (until they beg for it on the brink of diseappearing, in which case they are allowed -maybe- to live, but on much more restrictive terms.)

-Salmass believe in fair fighting, as long as they can afford it. They wont resort to torture or other sadistic method until they have no other choice. All low-suffering (physically and mentally) methods (including some biological/chemical warfare) are considered acceptable.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #147 on: July 27, 2012, 03:08:37 pm »

Good read.

This is what my civilization will do:

They will capture the major leaders of the forces, and act a liaisons between the two forces.  They should also get the races to learn about each other, ex. why they fight against the other race, etc.  The root of conflict is misunderstanding.

The fighters will be recalled, or be disowned and declared rouges.  The fighters find it a great honor to be allowed to defend the civilization, so they will return.

At the same time, they will recall those fighting for the armies, and establish a council of their elders that will make the major decisions for the civilization, and will not act without a unanimous decision.  Non-aggression pact will be one of those decisions, preferably with both sides.

If this next thing seems too much, then you can skip it, for now:

They will construct a blockade between the opposing races with the most advanced technology they have.  Multiple towers will be constructed with a energy barrier powered by cold fusion and will go from 1/2 a mile above the ground to 2 miles below the ground.  The towers will only be accessible from the gateway through the barrier which will be heavily guarded by cyborgs that are recharged by ports to the cold fusion generators.  Transportation will between the towers will be through usage of jump-pads that allow quick transport.  The barrier can be overloaded by energy weapons, but it would require a lot at once.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #148 on: July 27, 2012, 03:11:27 pm »

Still here but as the people I focus on aren't here for the crusade I will wait oh wait:

Dig up the old telepathic weapons and scream at everybody quit fighting, if this doesn't commence orbital bombardment, and if this doesn't work send in the whole fleet in to attack, send envoys to everyone just before the attack with warnings, also make sure that we don't hit the wrong people, like those who are peaceful. Finally if all of this fails plant more seeds to screw with them. Plagues are a last resort if all else fails, use them in conjunction with mind weapons and nanoswarms.

The life fleets reasons? Oh don't worry they have some.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 03:43:33 pm by SoHowAreYou »
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Re: You are an ancient alien
« Reply #149 on: July 27, 2012, 07:14:06 pm »

The vorglocke need to be tested and exposed to those tactics, if others wont fight them I'll provoke them to fight each other.

Aslo, I just realized you forgot this extremely important part *again*:
Those who have psionics, should also have an organ resembling a lided protected pocket on the back of their heads, and a sub area of their psionic centre specialized in extremely rapid and precise, but weak, sensing and manipulation of the contents of this area. The eventual use of this is, obviously, cybernetic implants/computer interfaces, but at their current tech level it can still be useful for things such as compasses, abacuses, or microfilm made according to a low-tech recipe I do share (which they'd without this organ not have the tech to write nearly as small or fast onto). Having it this early should give both their culture and brain time to adapt to it, with martial arts being designed to protect it, it being accepted as normal, useful traditions around it, etc.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 07:15:43 pm by Armok »
So says Armok, God of blood.
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