About the Sayak's house map... its sweet, just got ripped by the reaper
I made all SimpleItems.xml to use the standard colors, as in SimpleMap.txt, and remade map 1 with colors. This way if we want to focus on the map generation, we can use the "colorless" SimpleWall, SimpleFloor, SimpleWindow... and so on.
If instead we want a color theme, we use the blue like RiverWater, or the greeny SewerWater. The same with MetalFence (gray), or DirtRoad (brown).
Besides the colors, I changed two more things: I added a zombie dog (faster but weaker) and... tried to mess with the new spawing options to spawn items, without sucess.
@ = 30,31
# = StoneWall
. = BasicFloor(Creature:$Creature.BasicZombie,CreatureChance:5)
: = BasicFloor(Item:$Item.Pistol,ItemChance:9)
+ = MetalDoor
; = DirtRoad(Creature:$Creature.BasicDog,CreatureChance:3)
, = DirtLand
% = MetalFence
w = RiverWater
b = WoodBridge
> = TransitionWest
< = TransitionHiddenHouse
W = MetalWindow
* = DirtBush
t = DirtTree
. = BasicFloor(Creature:$Creature.BasicZombie,CreatureChance:5)
I tried putting chance = 90 and it doesn't change!... Any idea?