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Author Topic: Community-driven roguelike development project underway. Want to design a game?  (Read 33323 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Xml contents:
Code: [Select]
Txt contents:
Code: [Select]
+ = BasicDoor
There. Why not just leave the symbol definition in xml file and put only map in txt?

I don't understand what you're saying. Those two plus symbols don't have anything to do with each other.

The Sign-field in the xml file denotes what the symbol will be in-game. Maybe the name is misleading - I should probably change it.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Mac-Man Games

PTW: This looks like it will be interesting. I will look through the GoogleDoc once I get online again. Hopefully I will have some interesting ideas for ya when I get to looking.

One thing I would like to add concerning the map files and manually adding in a weapon. You might be able to have a generic weapon character that represents a weapon type. Let's say that 'R' represents a ranged weapon and 'M' represents a melee weapon. When parsing out the map during building the level if it encounters the 'R' character it generates a random Ranged weapon and if 'M' it generates a random Melee weapon. An example way to implement that (please bear with me as this is roaming into implementation instead of sticking with development) would be with a generic Item class (so you could implement this for other Item types as well) with the method:
Code: [Select]
public Item getOneItemOfType(WeaponRanged){}
public Item getOneItemOfType(WeaponMelee){}
or make it more generic with
Code: [Select]
public Item getOneItemOfType<DerivedItemType>(){}
using the generic type you could have it search through an item list to see what items are of type DerivedItemType and then randomly pick from one of those.

Sorry if that is completely out of the scope of what you are asking for.
Importance of above (4/10-ish)
Ease of Implementation (?/10) -- as I have not looked at your GoogleDoc nor have any idea of how your item system is/would be set up the ease of implementation is highly variable and can probably be done in an easier manner. Also, I haven't played with Java for a few months so have forgotten some of the intricacies of developing RPG-type systems in it.

Good luck on your venture!
Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


  • Bay Watcher
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Right. I'm not going to go into the details of what you proposed but the value-producing part of it seems to be 1) "the ability to drop a particular item on a tile" and/or 2) "the ability to drop a random item on a tile"

1) This one I will be adding. The challenge with at the moment is that I haven't yet decided on HOW to denote it in the map file. Do I just make it another symbol on the map? In that case the "script" will have to define both the tile class and the item class for that tile (and also the creature class if there's one there). That means if we have many tile-item / tile-creature combinations you'll have a shitload of different symbols in there.
OR I could make it so that you drop each item/monster separately, for example
but if there are a shitload of items/monsters then that'll be challenging too.

I might have to eventually put both in place - which one will be better in the short term? Or is there a third way? (This is in part technical of course but then again, this is the type of decision that affects content creation and thus directly affects user value)

2) I will have to implement a version of 1) soon (otherwise content creation is basically impossible). This random generator would be a little different and _will_ require a lot of extra effort. It might not be worth the effort to implement this in the near future given that 1) will already be implemented.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Official crazy person
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I'd do it like the other tiles on the map. Though remember you'll need to define both the tile and entity for the symbol. Like:
A = BasicFloor, BasicZombie
T = BasicFloor, Shotgun
Dwarven blood types are not A, B, AB, O but Ale, Wine, Beer, Rum, Whisky and so forth.
It's not an embark so much as seven dwarves having a simultaneous strange mood and going off to build an artifact fortress that menaces with spikes of awesome and hanging rings of death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Doors released. I'm currently working on a map generator where you can use any characters for the map tiles, then specify which tile is which with some very easy script (and the xmlbuilder) and the game will automatically build it for you.

Very good for the doors, they work perfectly. I also messed a bit with the tiles, creating a BasicSand.txt to have an aditional tiles for trails going from house to house, and for river banks.

Speaking of river, I tried to make them and fences, by using:

<Navigable>False</Navigable> (like the walls)
 <Type>1</Type> (like the floor tiles)

with hopes of getting a not navigational tile that you could see or shoot through, but instead it was just one other wall. So what is the difference betweenm type 1 and type 2?

And now for more ideas:
* tile that you can see though but not pass through (for water, fences, force field, prision bars) 8/10 
* suicide confirmation (because sometime I press f, and want to cancel but press enter instead of escape and so shoot myself in the process...) 9/10
* bullet trail (basically to shoot at any tile, and have a projectail going and stopping only at the boarder of a map, wall or zombie. without it we can now try shooting in the dark, until we get a zombie kill) 6/10
* Marker to link an exit to a specific map (like > = catacombs.txt; < = roof.txt, - that way we can have a map with multiple exists and make like a grid like map, with modular design 6/10
* damage like dice (instead of 1-500 for the pistol, use something like 1d6, 2d10, so that you can control the randomness) 4/10
* specify color in BasicWall, BasicWater, and so on (I'm more and more inclinated for a grid of custom maps, than random map generation, or like xcom a random grid based on fixed maps) 4/10

@ = 30,31
# = BasicWall
. = BasicFloor
+ = BasicDoor
; = BasicSand
% = BasicFence
w = BasicWater
b = BasicBridge
> = Exit (rooftop.txt)
1 = Exit (citeEast.txt)
2 = Exit (cityEast.txt)
3 = Exit (citynorth.txt)


  • Bay Watcher
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Very good for the doors, they work perfectly. I also messed a bit with the tiles, creating a BasicSand.txt to have an aditional tiles for trails going from house to house, and for river banks.

Speaking of river, I tried to make them and fences, by using:

<Navigable>False</Navigable> (like the walls)
 <Type>1</Type> (like the floor tiles)

with hopes of getting a not navigational tile that you could see or shoot through, but instead it was just one other wall. So what is the difference betweenm type 1 and type 2?

Ok so just to check: you DID get that map to work right? That's awesome! I'm happy we have someone also producing content. We can not only enjoy the content for
what it is but also use it to direct development efforts.

For now, the Type field doesn't do anything. It was a kind of a bastard child for navigable but now it's useless. I will definitely make it so you can make tiles you can't walk on but can see through.

As for the other ideas, yeah, I had the coloring option in mind for probably both the background and the symbol. You can add all of those in the backlog, though I'd suspect giving the pistol a proper damage calculation might not be on the top of the list based on a off-the-top-of-my-head effort estimation.

Oh, also prepare for the fact that I'm gonna change the Sign-field in the Tile templates to Symbol. I'm not a native speaker so I can fuck up some words that are not the most used ones.


Also since the backlog is looking pretty healthy (read: long) right now, I should probably reiterate my development commitments of the near future:
I can dedicate about 1-2 hours per day (mon-fri) to this project. I'd estimate it's just about 1-2 backlog items depending on other stuff like documentation if I need to do it. On weekends I can afford to spend a little more, maybe 3-4 hrs per day so about 6 features over the weekend. That should give us all a pretty good estimate on what we can see in the game for example a week from now. So if people wanna jump on and off the train so to speak, it's not a huge deal.
The next weekend might be an exception, though, because we're celebrating juhannus (midsummer) which is a pretty big thing around here. So from friday to sunday expect to see 1 feature per day or so.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 08:24:27 am by Tuplis »


  • Bay Watcher
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Ok so just to check: you DID get that map to work right? That's awesome! I'm happy we have someone also producing content. We can not only enjoy the content for what it is but also use it to direct development efforts.

Well, most of the mapped worked right, put then i put the sugestions for map transition points 1,2,3,> , with wich the game doens't run, cause it expects some kind of roof.txt.xml for "> = roof.txt"

But the original run, only the water and fences behaved like normal walls, as you explained.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

and the corresponding XMLs:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 10:33:23 am by nullzero »


  • Bay Watcher
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Added the possibility to color custom tiles (BasicWall.xml for reference). Good times. Also, removed suicide for now :D

edit: implemented diagonal moves for both the player and the monsters. They cost extra.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 01:18:34 pm by Tuplis »


  • Bay Watcher
  • I don't think I !!am!!, therefore I !!am!! not
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edit: implemented diagonal moves for both the player and the monsters. They cost extra.
Rejoice, ye rightful!

Now maybe you should stop messing around with bells and whistles like coloured tiles and get to actual gameplay from the backlog? ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Gameplay wise there's only a couple of features I can put in without committing to another underlying change. I can do bullet trails, change damage calculations and make the scrolling message log. After that I need to improve the levelbuilder, implement a* pathfinding or add influence maps to get anything done. But yeah, I think it's time to do the first three now. On the other hand, I do believe these map editor changes were necessary: nullzero will probably make a shitload of content for us :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hey everyone,

just dropped by to say bullet trails are almost done. I have the bullet path plotting done, just need to add the check that makes it hit stuff in the middle of the path so not very much at all left. It might or might not get finished tonight though because I'm now heading out. Cya soon!

Edit: new version is out, added bullet trails :) I was gonna release last night but then noticed a bug in the plotting algorithm and went to bed. Now it's sorted. That's what you get when you write your own shit from scratch.

Edit2: Just released die-based damage. Also exported the piece of armor (armorvalue = damage reduced by that amount) and the axe to an xml file (and fixed suiciding again :D). Check the weapon xml files for info. Basically you can now define weapon damage by, for example, 2d10 + 5. Note that so far it's items only so zombies don't have random damage.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 05:06:42 am by Tuplis »


  • Bay Watcher
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Gameplay wise there's only a couple of features I can put in without committing to another underlying change. I can do bullet trails, change damage calculations and make the scrolling message log. After that I need to improve the levelbuilder, implement a* pathfinding or add influence maps to get anything done. But yeah, I think it's time to do the first three now. On the other hand, I do believe these map editor changes were necessary: nullzero will probably make a shitload of content for us :)

But about the mapmaking i'm delaying for this weekend, probably tomorrow or at night. Then the fun begins!


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh an by the way, I figured an awesome way to be able to include items and zombies in maps - it will be possible to drop an item/zombie on a specific tile template with a specific chance from 0-100%. That'll be awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Just implemented a BIG update regarding map design: The SpawnTile! Basically you can now use the xmlobjectbuilder to build an item to be placed in the tile defined in an xml file. You'll need to use the SpawnTile Class. Check out the BasicZombieFloor.xml for usage (more info also behind the "keybinds & help" link in the original post).


  • Bay Watcher
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One question, what is the color scale for the colors used in the game? I'm trying to find out through trial and error, but its a bit like reeinventing the wheel all over again.  ???

And btw, i'm anxious to try out that SpawnTile.
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