Oh my goodness. The update passed me by.
I'm rather busy with other projects right now but there is no way that I'm not going to make use of the new features when I get the chance. Anybody want to clue me in on what's possible now?
Interactions that knock people away.
Summoning interactions, both permanent and temporary.
Healing syndromes.
Transformations that turn into a random creature with certain tokens.
MEDIUM_BLESSING, MEDIUM_CURSE, MINOR_BLESSING, MINOR_CURSE, and the pre-existing MAJOR_CURSE can all happen from rolling divination dice. MAJOR_CURSE only happens if you roll one set of dice thrice. MAJOR_CURSE on temples only work if you worship that god.
Interactions creating items at a creature's feet and upgrading all the items a target creature has.
Whatever the syndrome tag [CE:HAVE_FAST_EFFORTLESS_GAIT_SPEED:1000].
Interactions that add or remove weather.
If you look at the world data, you can see ghouls that spread syndromes through attacks, without a transformation involved.
There are [I:SOURCE:EXPERIMENT] now.
DEFEND is a new usage hint so that creatures use self-targeting stuff without having to flee combat
You can change how much xp and attribute gains you get from a reaction.
SHARP_ROCK is a new material emission type
Bogeyman are different now, by the way.
Not absolutely sure what they do, but the returned beast master position has two new responsibilities.
USE_NON_EXOTIC_PET_RACE might be a new entity tag.
This is all I can think of right now.