Coincidentally, Soltech went from predominantly owned by one faction per continent to all-hell-broke-loose free-for-all.
I had a really awesome moment last night. I was backdooring Vanu and NC with my Sunderer. Only one guy was with me, some random stranger who I picked up at a bridge awhile back. Mostly we didn't have any problems and were racking up free certs but after awhile we reached a certain port.
And as we drove across the frozen river, we came across an enemy Vanu Sunderer. Dueled it and won but as we turned to look forward we saw another Sunderer and three ATVs coming towards us, launching massive arcs of plasma our way. Keep in mind that there were only two of us, random strangers.
So we bailed from our Sunderer as it was going to explode anyway and had to hoof it across the entire frozen river towards the only point of cover. A big rock smack in the middle of it. It took about a minute to run there, all the while getting fired upon by the enemy Sunderer and the ATVs. It was so crazy, I swear they were firing rockets at us at some point. It felt like some kind of Band of Brothers moment.
We both made it, hid behind the rock. There was no other cover at all. A massive frozen river and the two of us behind this stupid rock. We didn't have a choice, so we started fighting back.
Holy shit, it was so intense. We actually fended off the Sunderer, ATVs and those armoured suits (the Sunderer was chock full of them). The rock was suddenly the Alamo. When we killed the enemy Sunderer at last I was like "How are we still alive?". And the random stranger by the name of Toy just looked at me and went "I have no idea...".
When we thought it was over suddenly a goddamn NC Galaxy flies in behind us and starts hammering us from the sky. Of course, a Galaxy can't aim for crap, so we were relatively fine, but all its occupants dropped onto us and we finally died at that point.
It was glorious. I felt like I was in an action movie.