By the way, in the future, you can only trade resources you actually have, okay? No more trading resources you're going to get in the coming turn.
Then trading food is super luck based, since at the end of a turn food is consumed, and if you aren't lucky then you will have near 0, so to trade a fair quantity of food would take many turns if your production is near equal to 1 pop growth. If there was a way to not have your pop grow and consume the food, then sure, but otherwise it seems a bit silly.
I am also trading Sheb 5 money for two regent.
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<cityorder type="bBld" cityid="8">
<building code="eng"/>
<cityorder type="bBld" cityid="18">
<building code="smith"/>
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<armyorgorder type="nArmy" armyid="Johnfalcon9997778" x="13" y="9"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="13" y="9">
<targetunit unitid="15"/>
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<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="13" y="9">
<targetunit unitid="21"/>
<secondarmy armyid="Johnfalcon9997777"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="9" x="13" y="9">
<targetunit unitid="18"/>
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<armyorgorder type="nArmy" armyid="Johnfalcon9997779" x="7" y="8"/>
<armyorgorder type="mUnit" armyid="25" x="7" y="8">
<targetunit unitid="24"/>
<secondarmy armyid="Johnfalcon9997779"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="9" x="13" y="9">
<step dx="-1" dy="0"/>
<step dx="-1" dy="-1"/>
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<step dx="-1" dy="0"/>
<step dx="-1" dy="1"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="Johnfalcon9997777" x="13" y="9">
<step dx="0" dy="1"/>
<armyorder type="mArmy" armyid="Johnfalcon9997778" x="13" y="9">
<step dx="1" dy="1"/>
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<step dx="1" dy="0"/>
<step dx="1" dy="0"/>