You know, I just had an idea. You'd be proud of me, doctor Bikowski!
Ask the AM this:
"Pardon, but do you have any portable digital projectors I could get for free? Something that makes a big picture, preferably. Also, who might want painting?"
If she does, get one. Spend two tokens for a gauss rifle as well. Afterwards, go to VR, familiarize yourself with it and upload the painting images if I can.
"No thanks, not gonna help you project that thing around."
Examine surroundings.
You're in a vr machine. There is a console in front of you as well as a pair of wired up gloves, some sort of helmet and a thin plastic hose with a needle at one end.
"Cool. Man, everyone should try chopping their own head off, dying, then watching a new blank slate head growing from their own body. Trippy."
Open Tinker. Spawn a "Rod from God" (giant tungsten pole dropped from orbit onto a strategic target) and a kinetic amp. Attach the kinetic amp to the end of the weapon.
Open Duel, spawn an Earth-like inhabited planet, the Kinetic Hammer in orbit above it, and a big red launch button in my observation point well out of harm's way.
Mesk pops the VR helmet off and shouts "Hey! I'm about to possibly destroy a planet, anyone wanna watch it with me?" before putting the helmet back on and hovering his hand over the button...
You set up your orbiting tungsten rod and give yourself a nice red launch button.
((Filko I think. Something close to that anyway. Might be best to just make a "mook" combatant. 4 in all stats, 1 in each skill. Makes battle test maths easy. No bonuses or anything. ))
"Hmmm, can't even really think what the guy looked like all that much. Must still be pretty groggy from cryo. Oh well."
Finish VR session. Close all projects. Exit VR. Look to see if there's anybody not VRing in the Rec room. Take a bit of notice of how many people are in the Rec room, what they look like, etc. If there is someone that isn't VRing here, ask them:
"Hey. If we wanted to buy bits of equipment that isn't standard, who should we ask? I don't know if some of the stuff I was playing with is in the armoury. Pretty basic stuff, hammers and switches and crap. Don't think they'd have too many bits and peices around here.
Oh, and have you guys got anyone good at putting things together on the ship? I can think of 'em, but I can't really make 'em myself."
Wait for answer.
((Filko I think. Something close to that anyway. Might be best to just make a "mook" combatant. 4 in all stats, 1 in each skill. Makes battle test maths easy. No bonuses or anything. ))
"Hmmm, can't even really think what the guy looked like all that much. Must still be pretty groggy from cryo. Oh well."
Finish VR session. Close all projects. Exit VR. Look to see if there's anybody not VRing in the Rec room. Take a bit of notice of how many people are in the Rec room, what they look like, etc. If there is someone that isn't VRing here, ask them:
"Hey. If we wanted to buy bits of equipment that isn't standard, who should we ask? I don't know if some of the stuff I was playing with is in the armoury. Pretty basic stuff, hammers and switches and crap. Don't think they'd have too many bits and peices around here.
Oh, and have you guys got anyone good at putting things together on the ship? I can think of 'em, but I can't really make 'em myself."
Wait for answer.
There seem to be a lot of people in this room, though they all look fairly similar what with the gray clothing and general psychosis. You decide to talk to the guy smashing bits of broken dishwasher with a hammer. You ask him your questions and wait for his reply.
Search VR for any propulsion methods that run on electricity and work in a vacuum.
Does that include ones that just use Field manipulators?
>Wield tenderizing mallet.
>Tenderize my collection of scrap metal.
>Tenderize it into a weapon!
...Preferably a club.
You hammer on the dishwasher bits for a while but all that comes of it is a lot of broken dishwasher parts.
((@Drama: Somewhere in the darkest pits of the machine, at least one VR Milno is retching.))
Combat test time: Set the second mission's wasteland lanscape, Milno in a Melee Battlesuit against a Standard Battlesuit enemy set to aggressive and with an energy projector as its weapon; both battlesuits have their kinetic amps activated. They start far enough from each other for the Standard to use one swipe of the energy projector before being engaged in melee.
First Action: Dash towards the Standard Battlesuit and try to cut it in half with the I-Beam Sword.
You mean a high energy projector right? The phrasing of "Swipe" is confusing me.
"Oh, okay. I guess I'll ask the Doc when he gets here."
Wait for Doc. If Doc arrives, inquire about the samples.
The Doctor wander in a moment later, flanked by the giant robot that is Lukas. "Now then. I'm thinking that first we make you able to survive the temperatures."
Search the machine for any kind of fairly-powerful back-mount computer, failing to find one, make one capable of running VR.
((5 cookies say that Maurice uses the MFM as a distraction and cuts up Travis while Travis goes after the MFM.))
Turns out there actually are computers designed specifically to be carried on the back. Huh. You look for one that is good enough to run tinker and check its price. 9 tokens.
((@Drama: Somewhere in the darkest pits of the machine, at least one VR Milno is retching.))
((Thanks for the compliment.
Steve: How many bets are on the away team at this current time?
>Two. Thomas goes and gets his pants, then drowns his confusion and growing depression in alcohol and television.
You retrieve your pants from the armory and get into them before walking to the rec room and sitting on the couch. Hmm, now which booze to drink?
Well, making it short, I have to kill you just for experience. Don't worry, it's not forever and you will be resssurrected if I don't atack your brain. I just have to temporarily kill you. Sorry pal, my master's order.
Slash at the arm he'll try to use to input on the MFM.
Sounds reasonable. Do you want me to put up a real fight, or would you just like me to resist a bit? Or is it okay if I just surrender?
Look around the room for something I can wipe the Instrument with. Put the MFM on my belt for the moment.
((5 cookies say that Maurice uses the MFM as a distraction and cuts up Travis while Travis goes after the MFM.))
(( Dammit, you saw through my clever ruse! The cookies are yours. ...I should probably rethink my tactics now.
EDIT: As the original plan, I mean, not as a response to Renen's action. Also, Renen, not Travis.))
Well, for some reason I think the last option would mean no revival for me even if the brain is intact. So, the real question is - is it okay for me to try killing you in return? I mean, I wouldn't want to ruin your career or something.
Also, I - I think you'd prefer me to abstain from using the MFM in this simple knife fight, right? Actually, I asked for it only because I did not know how 'unfair' this fight was supposed to be. Remembering Thrak's fate and all.
If Renen attacks without replying or explicitly allows me to retaliate, sidestep the attack and stab him in the chest.
[Renen dex:6+1]
[Maurice dex:1]
[Renen str:3+1]
[maurice end:1]
Renen moves in a flash, his blade nothing but a vague glint as it carves down, cutting into Maurice's mechanical hand. The robotic limb goes limp as synthetic muscles tear.