((You showed Maurice's Con bonus as if it were +0 where it is actually -2, precisely as in Faith's case. Never mind, though.
((Oh dear, must have skipped over that. Tsk tsk.))
As for Simus's profession, I agree that it could have easily been (mis)taken for "Marine" ([Con] grenade launcher, [Uncon] wristblade, etc.) if one doesn't take her status as a tinkerer into consideration (which may actually be intended, depending on the underlying philosophy of the work). Maybe that should be listed as a perk, like those speciall skills and abilities? Then again, you may (rightfully) see this irrelevant to the big picture of our unit (okay, of 'the Bastards and the soon-to-be Bastards', according to the current composition of the list) as you see it.
((Yeah, the problem with "Tinkerer" as a group is that it doesn't really say anything practical about them. On ship, they just design stuff a lot; it's not like they have any innate advantages or bonuses to doing so. On mission, it really doesn't say anything about what they can do- anybody can be a tinkerer, regardless of what their skillset is. The only real binding feature is that you'd assume they'd have high handiwork to actually make all the stuff they're designing, but even that's not a guarantee (as evidenced by the fact that Faith is the third best Handiworker on the ship, at least among active veterans).
In a similar vein, not entirely sure what the Tinkerer perk/descriptor/keyword would mean. I guess it could go to anyone who's successfully designed something new, or anyone who designs things a lot, or anyone who'll design things at a teammates' request, or something similar, but it'd be kind of an awkward definition, I think.))
Oh, and I like that you included the "pilot" category. Our/their existence has finally been acknowledged! ))
((Don't you need something to pilot for that to really count, though?
Oh yeah, and I went back and fiddled with color-coding bonus/malus source a bit. Two obvious problems came up.
One, they're hard to combine. It's easy enough to just use a differently colored block for each +1/3, but when you get multiple sources working on the same thing it can get complicated. For instance, -1 from profession and +1/3 from skills is kind of tricky to figure out with the system I've used. Positive bonuses are less severe, but still look wonky when they're supposed to collapse into a single +1 bonus block but can't because everything comes from a different source.
Two, they're pretty rare. Milno's suit and Jim's arms are the only ones that come to mind as of yet, and introducing new colors and such just for that seems a bit excessive. They're also usually fairly obvious, at least so far, by virtue of always working in full +1 blocks, which are obviously pretty rare otherwise.))