((Oh hell, is Thomas gearing up to hunt some deadliest game?
Look up what prevents The Altered from being cured.
Look up via what? Internet? Armory master? Doctor? Steve?
((Internet, of course.
...then go ask the Doctor. I get the suspicion he'd know an alarming amount about that sort of thing...))
From what you can tell, Those infected with any of the vectors of the Altered genes can be saved via direct amputation of effected tissue immediately after infection. The difficulty with attempting to cure them later is the fact that the altered genes rapidly, extremely rapidly, infiltrate every tissue and code themselves into it. Essentially, curing the altered would be like curing a human of being human.
You walk to the rec room as your arm sprouts fruit that look like your head. You find the couch and sit down before taking another puff. And then the couch starts shrieking at you.
Lukas punches the couch. "Shut the fuck up! I am trying to eat here!"
"Attempt to eat fruit that sprouts from arm."
You grab one of the fruits that are sprouting from your veritable bush of an arm and take a bite. Tastes like blood. Tastes like a lot of blood.
((When Elisaz took Faith's pants, didn't he keep them in his locker?))
Ah, I remember now, you did indeed. You go retrieve the pants and slip them on. Ah. Minty.
What would the cost be for a wrist mounted crossbow? What about a sniper crossbow?
((As soon as the crossbow's done.))
Wrist mounted, without any repeating action, would be like 3. With repeating...well that depends on how you set that up. As per a massive sniper crossbow, you're pushing say 6-7. Of course, it's gonna be firing your arrows at 3 times the speed of a gauss rifle...
Simus saves the design fir the monoatomic wristblade that mounts on her prosthetic and saves a hotlink to it on her wristpad after logging out of VR, then heads for the infirmary.
Hello? Anyone I can talk to 'bout changing one of my arms?
You save your designs and head to the infirmary.
Charro bounced backwards off the doorframe, landing in a heap with a groan of part-pain, part-embarassment.
"See, this sorta thing is exactly why I need a helmet."
He holds the still-lit cig well away from himself as he gets unsteadily to his feet.
>Apologize profusely to Armory Master for that embarassing display, then check if her head has returned yet.
If so, ask again about the helmet.
"Probably should not have smoked those before trying to talk" The armory master says, staring down at you on the ground. "As per a better helmet, I could get you one of the EHP helmets. They're designed to work in molten rock with tons of pressure pressing down on them. "
"Huh. This can definately be improved."
Design a new helmet shape that has less flat surfaces if possible, and recreate the triangular reinforcing frame with stronger metals this time, and make sure to leave room for a computer and small tanks of impact gel connected to sacks made from really strong but soft fibres that are part filled with impact gel that line the inside of the helmet around where you would put your head.
Put in a suitably sized computer to handle the processing of cameras and also to calculate when the sacks are not pressing gently against the wearer's head, to inflate the sacks with more impact gel to provide a perfect fit. For the neck iris, remake the sealing parts of the iris with denser metal with an outside cover of heat resistant metal, and upgrade the closing mechanisms too.
Bring up the specifics for the cameyes sensor suite and also for a long range homing beacon, making sure to include size and power requirements.
What kinda shape you wanna go for with the helmet? Something circular? Maybe a complex shape like a 20 sided die?
"A handheld Railgun!"
This was really strange. Everything in the VR decided to take it's own sentience.
Especially badgers. Feyri suspected Milno tinkered with the VRs while she was away.
"If a LESHO rifle can be carried, why not a Railgun? With the same modifications I've stated before?"
((About ~8 pages before in normal forum format.
>With those modifications? Oh, well with those modifications it's just gonna explode. But after that I'm sure it will be hand held. Well, if you still have hands.VR Milno: Fling a robotic cobra at Feyri.
You throw snakes at Feyri while
screamingVR Jim: Swipe the components from Feyri, and attach them to self in an attempt to create an arm cannon. Then continue to fly about and shoot randomly.
You steal Feyri's parts and stick them on your arm before flying up and firing. The thing immediately explodes when the coils and rails interact violently, tearing your arm off.