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Author Topic: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 10! Spots open!)  (Read 33606 times)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 6! Spots open!)
« Reply #150 on: June 21, 2012, 07:49:21 am »

Turn 7

Stealthily approach the city

[4] Creeping as soundlessly as you can in the field, you approach the city on a roundabout path to avoid being spotted by anyone coming to investigate Stirling's chopper. Military aircraft still buzz in the air, oddly reminding you of a swarm of insects. You see the lights of APCs and trucks coming down from the upper city, hear barked orders and distorted public service announcements telling - you'd assume - people to remain indoors or evacuate. The sun is only just rising over the horizon and it's fairly easy - for you, atleast - to move in the shadows.

You consider the approaching Deep One. You haven't been counting, but you probably have something like half an hour before the thing arrives, as long as nothing changes. And the plan itself... you doubt the Fellowship would deign to aiding the Brazilians, even if the artifact is a weapon like they think. You'd think they'd consider this a more global problem, whatwith the reports of attacks all over the world, but apparently not. Old habits die hard and all that.

[3] The streets offer less cover, but there are plenty of shadowy alleys for you to take. You move quickly up the hillside, pausing every now and then to let a convoy of military vehicles pass, or a helicopter to fly overhead. The stabbing searchlights of the latter almost catch you on several occasions, and you waste valuable time waiting for them to leave.

Some time later, having made good progress towards the church, you peek around a corner - and to your dismay, see a hastily put-together barricade blocking the wide street. Several concrete barriers, barbed wire and a manned checkpoint make up the blockade. You can make out heavy gun barrels sticking out of MG nests. A few soldiers stand before the barrier, the majority behind it.

Despite its apparent toughness, you have no doubt you could smash your way through. Doing it unharmed is another thing entirely, and your wounds from the station are still weighing it down. Of course, the soldiers have no mental training to speak of, unlike some Fellowship staff like Stirling. You could make them open the way for you. Then there are the buildings around you - if you can avoid the choppers, you could make the rest of the way to the church on the rooftops.

And, you realize from a stray thought, you could simply try to persuade them to let you pass. You don't know Portuguese - yet - but that shouldn't be much of a problem with your abilities.
Spoiler: wolfchild (click to show/hide)

Alex Vondgas
Alex quickly sets control on the Fae to high before saying, "I would prefer the through version, I need to know everything I can."

[4] The Fae offers little resistance before you force it back to sleep, chaining it down to previous levels. Then you wait for Theo to talk.

'Right. I suppose we have the time,' he says. 'You know what you are. You know what Lucia is, and will be. I've noticed what's happened to you and your... abilities in these past weeks. Greyson suspected this, but...'

'I think it's safe to say we are witnessing the... Return, Awakening, whatever you want to call it. We trapped a dead god in your head. Problem is, it wasn't really dead. Hell, that had to be obvious to you. Well, now it's coming back to life, properly, and so are all its friends. And the thing is, the vast majority of them aren't trapped in some poor bastard's skin, but free to rampage across the planet at will. They used to rule the planet, and I'm willing to bet they want to do it again.'

He pauses, scratching his stubble. 'And, unfortunately, that's not all. These things, the Fae included, we call them Titans. But they're not the only type of... returners we know of. And we're not the only people who know about all this. It's the stuff of bad conspiracy theories or cheap horror, but, well. Those people who attacked us? They call themselves the Sol Cult. They worship a nasty branch of these things some idiot named 'the Star Gods'. They're... not our friends. They're led by some maniac who receives visions from outer space, and he's convinced we have to be destroyed,' the agent continues, chuckling. 'But I suppose that could be said for Greyson, too.'

'I'll give you the full run-down on these things as soon as we get to somewhere safe, but - you killed a Cult hybrid today. Don't let that get to your head. Don't underestimate them. We can't replace you, but they can replace any freak of theirs that falls. And,' he leans in, 'don't leave her side again. I don't like to admit it, but you're much more capable to protect Lucia than I can ever be. She's the only reason the Foundation exists.'

You nod, remembering the vague explanations about how the girl is the descendant of some sort of ancient being James Greyson communicates with.

'If this is as large-scale as we feared, she and her... progenitor may be our most potent weapon. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.'

[2] You look at the sea's surface, once again calm, and spot the distant shape of the Titan still in the horizon. You hope it doesn't remember you and the wrath it sent your way anytime soon. Theo and the agents seem anxious to get back to the boat and to the harbor again.

Spoiler: Hostiles (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Friendlies (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: mcclay (click to show/hide)

Turiel grasped the radio, as if trying to communicate with the Titan despite all channels being set to the off position. "Relinquish your hold on life, fiend! Accept mortality!"

Fire another salvo of missiles! If possible, finish it up with a sweeping run of gunfire.

Your enthuastic words, though unheared outside his cockpit, seem to have an instant effect on the Titan. It moves quickly for its own kind, placing its feet further apart to brace itself, and faces the tiny jet. Ignoring the steady stream of gold flowing down its lower body, burning deep swathes in its 'flesh' and the ground below, and the visible cracks in its eye, like broken porcelain, it roars in defiance. These things sure are tough to kill. The packed earth beneath its feet only barely holds, unfortunately - you'd love nothing more than see it sink and fall.

[1] You approach, finger on the missile controls - but at the last moment, the Titan moves as suddenly as it can, swiping wide with its right arm. You have to pull right to avoid being hammered by the misplaced air preceding the blow and miss your chance to fire. [6] The Titan continues, shifting its position. Its battered body bends to follow the blow, [Dodge:5] but the tiny aircraft has no trouble keeping away from the behemoth.

[6] Heading around the Titan in a wide arc, you come for another run, [4] this time wasting no time before unleashing the cannons. [Dodges:6-1=5/5-1=4/2-1=1] The Titan charges just as your volley fills the air and as a result only one burst hits home, [BP:3] gouging into its battered lower torso. [Damage:5-3+1+1=4] Sinking into the soft, melting tissue covered by the blood, the cannon rounds penetrate deeper and deeper, sending the Titan's arms to protect its stomach. But it's too late. With a very final, anguished howl [4] that the KOSCHEI barely escapes, the Titan falls to its knees. The earth beneath finally gives away and the walking god comes crashing down, impaling its eye on a jagged pile of rocks.

You fly cautiously closer to study the dying creature. It twists and turns, trying to get back up, but its arms and legs no longer support it. You hear a wet crack as a prominent fissure forms along its waist and nearly severs it in half. A veritable lake of Titan-blood is unleashed, flooding the ground. There's one last, pitiful sound, and the Titan stops moving.

Relief washes over you. You nearly lose control of the jet, realizing how tense you were. Your heart only reluctantly returns to a more sensible pace.

Your fuel gauge is pointing at rather empty, and Ark Command will want a full report - if they have the time.


Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

Alexei Zielkov
"Do not go alone. I repeat, wait for backup."

Go and check on the van.

[4] There is a pause after Zielkov's command. Then the agent says, with reluctance, 'Roger that... I'm coming round to the entrance.'

Motioning the other agents and Tourigny to stay put and guard the cultists, Alexei makes his way out of the altar chamber and back through the way they came from. Fortunately, he doesn't bump into any straggler cultists - it seems all or nearly all of them were at the ritual. At the doors, he finds Rotov waiting. The tall, muscled man nods to him and falls to his side, pistol at the ready.

'You can see it from a window a few rooms up. I'll take you there,' he says. Alexei has no objections.

The agent leads the superhuman along the building wall, passing another few empty offices. The window described is wide and allows an excellent look straight at the street. With little vision-enchancement, though, Alexei has to rely on the streetlights to see anything.

The van still has its lights on. The front doors are open, and he can make out the shape of a big, bulky man standing talking with another. A third man, with an unconcealed assault rifle, stands near the back. [5] Abruptly, Alexei realizes the ends of the street have been blocked, making leaving through the cargo door also impossible. The silhouettes of the cars are hard to see, but he's fairly sure they're police cars. Looks like the locals arrived even without needing to be called - though usually they don't place unmarked vans in front of doors. If the people in the van are relying on the police, though - that indicates connections to the police. Alexei wonders if the local chief's orders to assist here have been co-opted by hostiles also operating on government paycheck.

'They seem content just waiting there,' Rotov says. 'Do they work for... your people?'

You consider this. Nobody mentioned extra backup, but it's possible. Maybe they don't trust your skills - you haven't exactly shone with them here, but your training missions went reasonably well.

Combatants (The Altar Chamber)
Spoiler: Friendlies (click to show/hide)

Combatants (Entrance)
Spoiler: Friendlies (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Caellath (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: NPC Watchman (click to show/hide)

Alfonz Wulfric
Ignore the serpentine forms, and go slow the advance of the advancing mutation things, don't let them reach the airport.

[3+1=4] You turn on your heels, breaking off to a sprint grateful that your body boost is still ongoing. You leave the two mutation forms behind in an instant, and are crashing into the horde heading for the airport in the second - [1] but though a single mutation form breaks off the swarm, the rest keep going. You can't do much nipping at their heels - it's like trying to pull back a river. You'll need to get ahead of them.

[6+1=6] Taking an incredible leap over to the side, you begin running beside the swarm, too fast for any of the creatures to attack, and move up the runway. The ruined terminal comes closer and closer, until you're at its gates. Looking inside, you see some movement. Some people must be alive, then.

[5] You ponder the wisdom of trying to take on all dozen of them at once, especially as the Great Mother far in the distance seems hellbent on only creating more and more. You've spotted a few of its creations returning towards it across the lake already, gatherer-forms with jaws filled with sometimes still-living bodies. It's not going to run out of resources any time soon. But then, you must be buying time for the civilians to escape. You wonder how long it will take for the military to start evacuation. It has to be soon, or the city will be overrun by the time they arrive.

In any case, they approach. Inside would probably offer less space for them to swarm you in, but you wouldn't want to bring the possible survivors to danger.

Spoiler: Hostiles (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: adwarf (click to show/hide)

Aaron Gray

In your dream, the dark angel visits you again.

You are more than you think. Freedom comes.

She draws razors across your skin as she speaks. Her touch upon your chest burns you. Light dies from the world in her eyes. They pulse with the deep. The air around her twists and turns, as if wanting to escape her presence.

The time is now. The world is waking. You know this. Do not resist.

But then she recedes, your vision spiralling, the sounds turning distant - and you snap awake. Your arm grasps wildly around for the switch and finds it. The room is flooded with reassuring artificial light and the croaking of the cheap fan set in the ceiling. Thomas groans from his bed on the other side, turning over. But the words still ring in the back of your head.

Freedom comes.

You take deep, calming breaths, rubbing your temples. As always, the headache follows. You slide down from your bed, dress quickly and look at yourself from the mirror. Some of your Vanguard carapace has pushed its way to the surface of your skin again, breaking through at points. You suppress it with a quick self-mutation, letting your strange powers wash over you. You fix up your tired appearance with the same.

Satisfied, you leave the other hybrid in his bed and head out. The hallway outside resembles a hotel, not a top secret government facility - atleast according to the others. You've lived here and in other similar facilities your entire life.

To your surprise, you don't get more than a few steps up the corridor when Doctor Ellis appears from around the corner, accompanied by a man you know to be a guard. She seems nervous - her surface thoughts are practically bleeding out, even to someone like you without any special mental ability.

'Aaron,' she breathes, startled. 'Listen, you need to get to the briefing room as soon as possible. Something's... happening. Bring anyone else you see there too.'

She takes your silence for acknowledgement and moves on. Your thoughts return to the dreams. You haven't told anyone about them. It's not that you don't want to, it's... like you can't. You don't like thinking about it too much.

You walk onwards without even noticing, so used to obeying the staff. You've walked up the stairs to the second floor when someone catches up to you.

'Wait up, Gray!' a young female voice calls. You turn back to see Alex Bray, a Titanoid hybrid and one of the teenagers. She looks frail, but you've seen her punch holes in steel plate. She hurries to your side. 'What's going on? Why is everybody in such a panic?'

Spoiler: Talarion (click to show/hide)


All hail Tiruin, Titan-Killer! Weakest, freshly-awakened Titan possible! With help! Now do it without a super-advanced prototype jet. 

Welcome Mr. Gray into the fold, everybody. He's in for a ride.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #151 on: June 21, 2012, 08:00:08 am »

Alexei sighed. His superiors usually gave a heads-up about reinforcements exactly due to the fact an unit involved in a high-risk was prone to shooting first and asking questions later, which meant high probabilities of any unexpected reinforcements having to fight it out against the previously sent forces.

But even so, only two people did not form a squad formidable enough to be a counter-attack against them, unless there were more operatives in the hiding. The supersoldier rose an eyebrow.

Call the HQ and ask information about the people in front of the doors. If they have no idea, take a picture with any special device (agents should have something along the lines of a silent high-definition camera) and send it to HQ to analysis.

If the men try to enter the warehouse, call them out.

"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #152 on: June 21, 2012, 08:11:25 am »

"I... I dunno." Aaron frowned slightly, his voice calm as he responded to the girl, Alex Bray. His voice was low, not exceptionally deep, but still deeper than mid-tone. He nearly instinctively brushed his fringe to the side, his eyes surveying the girl. "I was told to go to the briefing room... told to bring others." He blinked, as he said that, remembering that he was meant to bring others. "Speaking of... Mind grabbing anyone else for me?" His voice stays calm, nearly as if ignoring the panic that the girl spoke of. He didn't notice any panic... or maybe he was just too busy thinking about the dreams... the dreams... "Freedom comes..." His voice was a soft murmur, almost as if he didn't even realise he was saying it while he thought it. He paused, looking back and forth for a moment at the hallway he was standing in. "Wait, panic? What panic?" Gray's voice snaps into a stark contrast of his earlier voice, growing prominent and sharper. "Explain, Alex!" His mind snapped away from the dreams, the dark angel and the phrase that he could nearly not ignore, and for a moment, he lost control of his aura, before he quickly stifled it again.

Fully snap consciousness away from the dreams, for now, find out what's going on from Alex.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 08:23:20 am by Talarion »
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #153 on: June 21, 2012, 08:25:15 am »

Turiel breathed deep from his mask and switched on the radio after deciding to head back home. It was a relief to see the monstrosity down and done for, the well-being of the people would continue - albeit stifled by the colossal fissures and 'blood' of the titan. He had to report this, for this was no random occurrence.

He picked up the radio and began his report.

"KOSCHEI fighter inbound, command. Do you read me, over."


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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #154 on: June 21, 2012, 09:35:35 am »

Numerous thoughts ran through Alfonz's mind as he tried to form a plan to stop the mutations before him, taking a deep breath he began to try and gain the attention of the Reaper trapped in his mind as he thought, 'Hey you lazy bastard now would be a good time to help me out, give me a bit more of your power so I can destroy these damned things, or would you prefer to die along with me?" Not waiting for an answer he began to look around for anything he could use as a weapon.

See if the Reaper trapped in my mind is willing to grant me a bit more of its power even if it costs me some of my control over him, and then search for anything to use as a weapon (Pipe, knife, etc.) and imbue it with the life force.


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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #155 on: June 21, 2012, 10:26:25 am »

Alex follows Theo back to the boat, some what unsure of what to say.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #156 on: June 22, 2012, 04:18:00 am »

Wanna know what makes me sad? The fact that, the only person left to post hasn't been on for 4 days.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #157 on: June 22, 2012, 06:32:39 am »

I'd rather have someone take over Calla than make a new character if wolfchild drops out, with all my plans for her start. Hopefully that won't happen, give him time.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #158 on: June 22, 2012, 06:40:32 am »

Well, it's only been 4 days. Wolfchild will probably appear sooner or later.
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #159 on: June 24, 2012, 01:08:30 pm »

S/he better.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #160 on: June 24, 2012, 05:08:37 pm »

Just try to let them know what's up, screw the fellowship's selfishness these people need help if it can be got

ALso Because these things are moving slowly I tend not to check too often

but i can always be gotten by pm as it e-mails
You really can both sig it.
But... That would break the laws of sigging! We can't have everyone running around with the same quotes. IT MAKES THEM UNFUNNY FASTER!

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #161 on: June 30, 2012, 04:23:28 am »

Ah, I'll have to remember that, then. And yes, I can understand why you might not expect updates that often. Good to see you still playing, though.

In other news, I had a dream about this. More specifically, I had a dream that Tiruin had written a short story of about 4000 words as his next action and made a separate thread for it. That means this must happen before I can update, for totally srs.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #162 on: June 30, 2012, 04:26:28 am »

Chop chop then, Tiruin! Get on it. 4000 words isn't much. :3
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #163 on: June 30, 2012, 06:08:46 am »


40,000 characters. I've done that twice already.  :P

And, fine. If you let me describe everything I see, then you may get it. ^-^

Wait, why me exactly?  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Their Coming Is At Hand - an Eldritch Horror RTD (Turn 7! Spots open!)
« Reply #164 on: June 30, 2012, 06:57:18 am »

That's assuming 10 characters per word, Tiruin. You gotta throw in little words, like 'a', 'in', 'the' :P
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?
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