Every Sunday at 14:00 TZ:+0So I'm trying to get a Crusader Kings 2 multiplayer going.
The two main rules of the game will be:
1) You'll play a Rurikovich (obviously)
2) You either have Gavelkind succession or you are trying to get it.
Some other rules which I thought might prove useful:
To avoid assassination spam, just stop trying if someone catches you. Kill everyone for the glory of Rurik's Viches!
Don't be a dick to other players... Divorce everyone!
...unless the player has the ' kinslayer' trait. Get inbred children!
HostI have a good internet connection but I can only host the game through Hamachi. If that is a problem we'll need someone else to do it.
Start DateBattle of Hastings (1066)The Liao Dynasty emperor rejects a proposal for all Khitan people to adopt surnames. 1074This will be the start date, there are seven Russian dukes (Scriver will play a county).
Pwnzerfaust: Ryazan
Dutchling: Georgia
Drakale: Lithuania
Cicero: Uppland
Barbarossa: Galich
Scriver: Cherson
End of Session 1End of Session 2Dukes of Cherson and Turov had their ducal title usurped.
End of Session 3Note that Alania is a Republic and will thus not be inherited by another Rurikovich
Ryazan is also somewhere to the right of the dynasty chart. Next time I will post two pics.
End of session 4Some people show up twice. This is because both their parents are Rurikoviches.
I forgot the dukes of Uppland! He is the (grand)son of the brother of the great-grandfather of the duchess of Novgorod.
End of Session 5Duke and higher have their titles named.
(title) means the cahracter's spouse holds the title.
[title] means the character is a prince-archbishopric.
<title> means the character is a doge.
-Cicero is the name of the AI who plays Uppland
-Pwnzerfaust can choose any of the Ryazan successor states to play as, but Moskva is currently the largest.
The Mibbit Channel. If the link doesn't work go to
Mibbit.com and search for #Bay12Rurikovich. Information about the Hamachi channel is in the Mibbit topic.