In "honor" of the proceedings in the Occidens, some new lingo:
"Hireshment" (hear-esh-MENT) ("Hireshmont" + "cement"), v. : to take over a "republic" that one currently leads by appointing oneself as general and banker. Usage: "He totally hireshmented the realm!"
"Astro" (AS-tro), v.: to force a small realm to surrender to a laughably unbalanced treaty by calling Bloodstar Jihad on them; by extension, to coerce by any means. Usage: "I totally astroed that guy into giving me five bucks."
"Saffalorism" (SA-fuh-lore-ih-zum) (also "Saffalority"), n.: The state of having a realm named after a region it does not control. See also "Fontanism" (also "Fontanity"). Usage: "After the war, Ubekibekistan was forced to sign away its eponymous region, creating a new case of Saffalorism."
"Vijsktrol" (VEESK-troll), v.: To become lord of a region because of a technical bug. Also used as a noun. Usage: "That guy just vijsktrolled, he won't last long."
"Alna" (ALL-nuh), v.: To fortuitously attain a government position through an election immediately before the government system is changed so that that position is appointed. Usage: "Good thing I alna'd that post before the new leader got in, huh?"
"Pertharchy" (PER-thar-key), n.: A system of government characterized by the official terminology of a republic despite maintaining the trappings of a monarchy. Usage: "North Korea is a good example of a real-world Pertharchy."
"Zumafy" (ZOO-muh-fye), v.: Of a region, to revolt and switch allegiance to a realm that has no interest in holding said region but refuses to let it go. Usage: "Zumafication can be disastrous for a small realm."
"Telamon" (TELL-uh-mon), n.: A young hotshot immigrant who is promptly promoted to a high-ranking military position. Usage: "Poor nations are often rife with mercenary Telamons from wealthier ones."