Rover moving to 6,-4.
BEFRIEND Cannon online, clearing target queue.
Tough. Metallic. Possibly useful for rover construction. Mining mineral, naming it 'Metallic #1' for lack of other defining characteristics.
Green is explored safe areas. White is Unexplored, Red is Dangerous, Blue is Liquid. Orange is current location. Yellow is Questionable. Purple is Befriended. Brown is Allied.
| -5, 7 | -4, 7 | -3, 7 |-2, 7 | -1, 7 | 0, 7 | 1, 7 | 2, 7
| -5, 6 | -4, 6 | -3, 6 |-2, 6 | -1, 6 | 0, 6 | 1, 6 | 2, 6
| -5, 5 | -4, 5 | -3, 5 |-2, 5 | -1, 5 | 0, 5 | 1, 5 | 2, 5
| -5, 4 | -4, 4 | -3, 4 |-2, 4 | -1, 4 | 0, 4 | 1, 4 | 2, 4
| -5, 3 | -4, 3 | -3, 3 |-2, 3 | -1, 3 | 0, 3 | 1, 3 | 2, 3
| -5, 2 | -4, 2 | -3, 2 |-2, 2 | -1, 2 | 0, 2 | 1, 2 | 2, 2
| -5, 1 | -4, 1 | -3, 1 |-2, 1 | -1, 1 | 0, 1 | 1, 1 | 2, 1 | 3, 1 | 4, 1 | 5, 1 | 6, 1 | 7, 1 |
| -5, 0 | -4, 0 | -3, 0 |-2, 0 | -1, 0 | 0, 0 | 1, 0 | 2, 0 | 3, 0 | 4, 0 | 5, 0 | 6, 0 | 7, 0 |
| -5,-1 | -4,-1 | -3,-1 |-2,-1 | -1,-1 | 0,-1 | 1,-1 | 2,-1 | 3,-1 | 4,-1 | 5,-1 | 6,-1 | 7,-1 |
| -5,-2 | -4,-2 | -3,-2 |-2,-2 | -1,-2 | 0,-2 | 1,-2 | 2,-2 | 3,-2 | 4,-2 | 5,-2 | 6,-2 | 7,-2 | 8,-2 | 9,-2 | 10,-2 | 11,-2
| -5,-3 | -4,-3 | -3,-3 |-2,-3 | -1,-3 | 0,-3 | 1,-3 | 2,-3 | 3,-3 | 4,-3 | 5,-3 | 6,-3 | 7,-3 | 8,-3 | 9,-3 | 10,-3 | 11,-3
| -5,-4 | -4,-4 | -3,-4 |-2,-4 | -1,-4 | 0,-4 | 1,-4 | 2,-4 | 3,-4 | 4,-4 | 5,-4 | 6,-4 | 7,-4 | 8,-4 | 9,-4 | 10,-4 | 11,-4
| -5,-5 | -4,-5 | -3,-5 |-2,-5 | -1,-5 | 0,-5 | 1,-5 | 2,-5 | 3,-5 | 4,-5 | 5,-5 | 6,-5 | 7,-5 | 8,-5 | 9,-5 | 10,-5 | 11,-5
| -5,-6 | -4,-6 | -3,-6 |-2,-6 | -1,-6 | 0,-6 | 1,-6 | 2,-6 | 3,-6 | 4,-6 | 5,-6 | 6,-6 | 7,-6 | 8,-6 | 9,-6 | 10,-6 | 11,-6
Sect 0,0:
Impact Site. Fot.
Sector 0,1:
Spotted new otable creatuu
Desgnation: Bear Calvary
Qualies:Large. arike. Rider.!rmed with Ancienttechnological item [Musket].
Probble reasons for being here: Huner (most likely). NoticedImpact. Scot for an unknwn W
Secto 0,2:
Fores continuc рِؐـȀ۰ܠٰ愀渀猀洀 昇nd,anly猀�攀氀漀眀⸀ഊPݐؐۀڐ݀ڐِܰΠȀрِؐـˠȀӀؐܠِٰˠȀӠ۰ۦ倆ဇ 쀆逆뀆倂퀀ꀅ ဆ 倂〆ဇ倆倂䀆ဇ䀆考ꀂ쀆ဇ 瀆倇 〆쀆ဇ瀆倆䀂倆䀆逇适퀀ꀄ䀆倇〃ꀂ倆逇䀆倂ဂ퀆倇〇。〆ဆِ݀ۀۀȀݰڀؐ݀Ȁڰ۠ـȀ۰Ȁ۠ڐېؐۀȀڐ݀ȀݰؐܰȀ܀ܠِݠڐ۰ݐܰۀސˀȀڐȀڀؐܰȀؠِِ۠Ȁܐݐِ݀Ȁ݀ڀ۰ݐܠ۰ݐٰڀۀސȀذۀؐݰِـڐ۠݀۰Ȁݐ۠ܠِذ۰ٰڐޠؐؠۀِȀېِؐ݀ސȀذڀݐ۠ڰܰˀȀ݀ڀ۰ݐٰڀȀܰ݀ڐۀȀِِܰېܰȀ۰ȀؠِȀڐ۠۰ِ۠Ȁ܀ڐِذِˠȀՀ۰۰ȀؠڐٰȀ݀۰Ȁذ۰۠݀ؐڐ۠Ȁڐ۠ڐـِȀܠ۰ݠِܠȀݐ۠ڐ݀Ȁ٠۰ܠȀӰܠؠڐِ݀ܠؐ۠ؐۀސܰڐܰˠÐ ՀܠؐذڰܰȀِؐـڐٰ۠Ȁܰ۰ݐ݀ڀȀؐۀܰ۰Ȁ٠۰۠ـˀȀܰڐޠِȀؐ܀܀ܠ۰ހڐېِؐ݀ۀސɀڀِܰؐېِȀؐܰȀѐؐܠȀаؐvar mount foot.
Sector 0,3:
Water Pond ithis forested Pؐˠ〆쀆쀆偣ted ant life here.
Tested Tree bark of forest tr. Results: Nconductive, Partially waterproof, unsuable for rer constrction. Good for merncy power.
Sector -1, :
Coective mieral ocropping ound.Ineffient, but conductive. Sample,lected.
Spotted other dead animal, gunshot we through multle locations.
Probable ese of death: Bb Calvary.
Seor -2, 5:
Gro of 5 Bear Calvy sighted enroute, all as descred previ. Aea igred in favor of evon.
Sector -2, 4:
Fallen trees. Saw attachment not str
Materials Scan of Sector 5,-4:
Easily accessable: rock, dirt, coppery mineral.
Farther down: Harder minerals, and an unknown radar-absorbing substance. Metals either elsewhere or below the substance. Minerals likely suitable for ground construction, unknown if light enough for mobile use. Also suitable for Cannon cartridge manufacturing with minimal transmution.
Coppery mineral useful for cannon cartridges.
Sector 5,-5:
Conductive rock sample re-collected.
Small live creature found:
Qualities: Small. Likely nonthreatening. Burrower.
Notes: What is it surviving off of? Not much in the way of flora in this region.
Stunned. Collected for possible trade usage, or for SCIENCE!
Materials scan: See Previous
Sector 4,-5:
Large, pointed, minimally eroded rock formation. Signs of unusually common scorching and/or lightning strikes upon it. No signs of storm-related marks or destruction elsewhere in entire sector. Scan indicates resemblance but not matching link to conductive rock sample. area otherwise of no new interest.
Materials scan: Minimal compared to previous, with exception to the lightning-attractor mineral formation extending quite a fair bit down.
Sector 6,-4:
Nothing new. High in minerals, low in new data.
Sector 7,-4: Minerals.
Sector 8,-4: Bear Calvary tracks.
Sector 9,-4: Bear Village! Archers detected, no muskets.