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Author Topic: Roll to Explore the Dungeon: Ch.2 T.38: Do you even praise the King?  (Read 120448 times)


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon! Turn Ten: The clot thickens.
« Reply #165 on: April 17, 2012, 05:18:00 pm »

Apollo, looks at Remy disgusted at the others lack of manners.
"Careful, the tea could be poisoned.  Or undeadifying, or something."
Follow Taren POLITELY Move to a flanking position on the zombie girl, ready with the gunchucks and MEGA BRAND if it's clear enough not to hit anyone else.
I would prefer a lack of firing, but near acceptable.


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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon! Turn Ten: The clot thickens.
« Reply #166 on: April 17, 2012, 05:26:29 pm »

Apollo, looks at Remy disgusted at the others lack of manners.
"Careful, the tea could be poisoned.  Or undeadifying, or something."
Follow Taren POLITELY Move to a flanking position on the zombie girl, ready with the gunchucks and MEGA BRAND if it's clear enough not to hit anyone else.
I would prefer a lack of firing, but near acceptable.
I'm afraid that's not an option.  Don't worry, I won't shoot you intentionally, unless you turn, or if you look like you're going to turn.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: Roll to Explore the Dungeon! Turn Ten: The clot thickens.
« Reply #167 on: April 17, 2012, 05:40:52 pm »

Apollo, looks at Remy disgusted at the others lack of manners.
"Careful, the tea could be poisoned.  Or undeadifying, or something."
Follow Taren POLITELY Move to a flanking position on the zombie girl, ready with the gunchucks and MEGA BRAND if it's clear enough not to hit anyone else.
I would prefer a lack of firing, but near acceptable.
I'm afraid that's not an option.  Don't worry, I won't shoot you intentionally, unless you turn, or if you look like you're going to turn.
Just don't shoot her unless she goes aggro please.


  • Bay Watcher
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Turn Eleven: Why does tomorrow have to be finals day

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(5) Although his intent is clearly a bit less polite, Remy does manage to not give anyone that idea while moving into a tactically optimal position. In fact, it looks like he is far more interested in that delightful candelabrum over there. Never mind the gunchucks.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(4) Helskaya, on the other hand, takes the right stairs to the altar and inspects the baubles.

They are baubles. They might be potentially valuable. They don't seem to be afflicted by a curse, at least not a potent one, and similarily, they have not been used for powerful purposes so far - if any, most of these are probably useless, with a few minor enchanted items in there somewhere. But... made of precious metal. Would it be sacrilegous to take these? Hel decides, hell no, so he pockets a few of them. Then, he gets down to the other stair and takes aim. Quietly.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(3) Trying to not startle the goth, you pave your way to Elenor, but fail a little at that, being a little rough overall.
Now, for the real objective. The woman. First, you go for the diagnosis. That one isn't obvious, the lady knight is apparently not hurt. She definitely has a pulse, but pale... hm, she's down quite a bit of blood, but her condition is stable and she is not in mortal danger. However, she's definitely knocked out, potentially by concussion. There appear to be no curses on her, which is a relief, as a good curse tends to be very, very nasty (you've seen more than you'd like).
The best cure would be time, a bed and lots of water, not all of which is in good supply right now. There's also some metaphorical white magic bandaids here. It would be possible to return her to consciousness, but that would take a great deal of energy for questionable reward - neither of you would be in fighting condition for quite some time after, nevermind walking-in-heavy-armor condition. When you're out of this dungeon, perhaps.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(2) Elenor tries to not be threatening. He fails. His question was probably voiced a little too sharp, prompting the girl to verbally retaliate. "What are you doing here, anyway, asking me what I do, here? This is practically my home, not yours, so why that question, hypocrite?!"
"It's always the same. Always the same.", she continues. "Nevermind that I didn't choose to become undead, nevermind that I'm human except for a few small details - no, as soon as any - any damn human or elf or dwarf or what have you sees me they scream Undead, undead! Abomination! Prepare to die, scum!. Like that red-headed bitch there." A quick rattle of the chains confirms that she talks about the fallen paladin. "As soon as she sees me - and I'm really just saying hello, trying to be polite, and what do I get?" Her expression distorts in mockery. "Your mere existance disgusts me, is a pox upon the earth! In the name of that big white thingy in the sky" - at this point, she is miming the entire thing, hugely overexaggerated - "I, the Just Blade of Holiness and Cleanliness and Fordliness, Her Highnessest Paladiness Selfrighteous Stick-Up-My-Ass shall punish you! Get ready!" The following torrent of personal insults and general unfiltered rage shall not be transcribed, but to put a synopsis, apparently the goth zombie does not like paladins all that much.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(2) "Heeey, you. Looking lovely there, for an undead."
In a way, it actually works. She actually stops what she is doing, namely mocking sexual practises supposedly employed by paladins.
"Most undead I met were losing legs. Arms. Noses. Teeth. The whole deal." He moves in closer. "But you, sweetheart... you are a perfect specimen. Perfect, I say."
Still no reply on the account of stunned silence. Ratherio takes this as a positive sign and puts his arm around her.
"We could become great things, you and I. Just imagine. The weak-willed will flee, the strong-willed will fall.. It would be brilliant."
"Er, um, what." First response.
"Look in my eyes. Search for your feelings, you know them to be true. Do you want to?"
After finally computing the sensory input and triple-checking the result, her answer is:
"No, no, no, no, no. Actually, hell no. While you are the first-- no, scratch that, second guy who treated me as a human being since I was zombified, this was also the most terrible pickup line I have ever had the misery of hearing. On top of that, you have terrible manners, terrible teeth, stink out of your mouth and are less attractive than a crossdressing ratman, and that's saying something. Not to mention that despite being clinically insane and a necrophiliac, you are also just about the most incompetent necromancer I have ever seen, and that's counting the crossdressing ratman again. Get yourself a life."

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

(5) " the offer for tea still open?"
She is clearly suspicious of you after Ratherio's attempts. "You, too?"
", it's just that I like tea. Was that one an empty offer?"
"Oh, no no no. I've still got some left over, got more than usual this month. So..." she pauses for a bit. "Are you going to come to my place, now? Can't drink tea without table, cups and teakettle."
Apollo is indecisive, while the rest of the party basically does their best silent Admiral Ackbar impressions. (Elenor wins the contest.)
"Oh, of course, of course." Cue four facepalms. Elenor grips Apollo's shoulder hard. The goth sees that. "Oh well, can't be helped. Zombies are untrustworthy after all... alright, come. A healthy lack of trust is nothing to grow angry over, as long as I don't get stabbed. So tired of that."
A few minutes later, the party is her, well... room. Although it could probably be called Distilled Chaos for what it's worth. Apollo sits on one chair uncomfortably and watches the girl boiling the water while Taren is magically supervising her making sure there are no curses, Helskaya is testing the tea herbs for poison, Elenor is conducting double-blind tests with the water, Remy is following Taren and Ratherio is turning the entire room inside out for god knows what, incapable of increasing the general entropy level much. All searches prove inconclusive, and there is a 4-1 vote cast for the harmlessness of the situation. Apollo is officially allowed to have tea.
He watches the zombie drinking it. Does she have no idea how awkward the situation is? Oh, and she's talking...
" glad that someone finally actually tries to talk with me, you have no idea..." "...and it turns out that she wasn't really a goblin at all..." "...paladins... circumcised..." " Rapidash is so... gracious... strong..." "Oh, am I boring you?"
"zzzwhaNot at all, not at all!"
"Anyway, I was talking about how great it is to finally find some people who listen. I've been wanting to tell this for ages, but..."
Adventurer senses... tingling.
"...I really just want to get out here. Ratmen are not great company and it is really, really depressing not being able to see the night sky."
"How did you get in here, anyway?"
"Er, um... I was really, really, really drunk at that time, and next thing I knew, no pulse, cold everywhere and those keys. I've learned that they are cursed... one of them might be keeping me alive, that's why I didn't check that thoroughly. But, the big one... he drinks blood. Regularily. If he didn't get it..." She shudders. "And he really doesn't want to let go..."
"So." Conclusion?
"Here's the deal. You get the big one off me, or introduce me to someone who can, and in exchange, I'll open that pesky locked door for you." Everyone is suddenly very focused. "And if we just kill you and take your keys right here and now? Hypothetically, of course", Remy is fast to add.
"Well, then I lose my faith in humanity and you get zapped by all kinds of pesky curses as soon as you touch one of those keys that might not bother the undead much, but if you still have a life to lose, they might be a bit more... inconvenient." Her grin is kind of creepy, Apollo notes...
"So. Do you have anything left to say, now?"

((Splitting here because I don't have all the time right now.))

Loot, blah, blah:

Worn shield x1
Wrecked scalemail x1


Apart from the way you came in, there is a locked door (now in substantially worse condition), and two other ways. It is to be assumed that the key is somewhere around in those two ways.
At the end of the right hallway, there is a now thoroughly plundered ratman bureau.

At the end of the left hallway, there is an Y intersection. A stench wafts in from the left way, the right one seems unremarkable.
At the end of that left arm of the Y, Apollo and Ratherio find... the bathroom. No wonder it stank to heavens!

Spoiler: Bathroom (click to show/hide)

Whereas, at the end of the other arm, there is a T intersection.

Spoiler: T-Intersection (click to show/hide)

Down the left arm of this one... well, this room feels as wrong here as the statue did. It clearly looks like a church, or at least a very sacral room. However, there is no wood, even the benches are made of stone - but polished stone, unlike the rough one you saw at other places. But, at the altar, well...

Spoiler: Picture outdated (click to show/hide)

...because circumstances have changed. Now, this room also contains a zombie goth girl of indecipherable motivation.

Character sheets.

Helskaya Arkut (lawastooshort)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Elenor Warsen (Caellath)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Apollo Anderson (Spinal_Taper)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Taren Creyn (Tiruin)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ratherio Houston (borno)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Remy Maelle (Remaelle)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


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Elenor sighs. He is just relieved he was not too quick to judge her. ((Remember he never said she was the one who assaulted the paladin and was only trying to avoid a brawl))

He did not bat an eyelash as she started to insult the paladins, because he was not one of them. The young knight did not even mean to sound threatening, but it seems it did not go well at the time; he was just trying to inquire her about the situation.

And quite frankly, he did not like the paladin's attitude. Of course that kind of behavior should be expected from a holy warrior, but Elenor's cautiousness and pragmatism meant that he preferred to analyze the situation at all times before going around swinging his sword. Sometimes these actions could have worse consequences than slashing through flesh.

"I am not a paladin, and your situation is cruel. I would never attack anyone without analyzing the situation before."
He turns towards his teammates.
"I accept taking some of our time to help her in any way as long as it is within our grasp. We must also not forget about the unconscious paladin, although she seems fine for now."
His voice echoes with a metallic tone inside his helmet.

((Go pragmatic rogue knight!))

((...What would have happened if Ratherio had rolled a 5? Hot Necromancer on Undead action? Oh GOD! My fertile imagination makes me buy brain bleach en masse.))
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 04:22:35 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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((...What would have happened if Ratherio had rolled a 5? Hot Necromancer on Undead action? Oh GOD! My fertile imagination makes me buy brain bleach en masse.))

((Even I have standards. But it would probably have resulted in him getting a certain degree of control over her, not necessarily through magic even. An 1 would have led to her going hostile because of failed domination attempt, 6 would probably be a successful domination attempt, 4 would be successful conversation but nothing beyond and 3 leads to no real changes.

I had fun writing this 2, though.))
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.


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Ratherio stares open mouthed at the girl and was about to say a Witty remark when Apollo stepped in. So, he left his fuming anger inside himself. For now.

He would get her, one day.

((Did I remember Costrus!? If so))
Ratherio Silently mouths the incantation for Costrus! on the girl.
((If not))
Ratherio suddenly has a master plan. He goes next to the girl, drinking as much tea as possible, whilst talking to the Girl even more!

"Hey, I forgot to ask, What's your name?"
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 04:16:39 pm by borno »


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((Did I remember Costrus!? If so))
Ratherio Silently mouths the incantation for Costrus! on the girl.
((If she goes aggressive, I'll just carry the mad paladin maiden outside and let the undead girl beat you up.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Remy snickers at Ratherio.  "Nice moves, Casablanca... I mean... Casanostra... oh, never mind."  To the zombie girl, he adds politely, "So, um, what did you say your name is, again?  Let me see if I can find out anything about those keys."
Try and find out anything I can about the keys while remaining at a safe distance, taking absolute care not to touch her.  Try in particular to discover any way to bind the girl to my will, using the keys.


  • Bay Watcher
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bind the girl to my will, using the keys.
You'll never take her away from me!


  • Bay Watcher
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"Well, I for one would be delighted to help you. Where is this vampire?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Invoke slow, passive regeneration.

Taren looked at the unconscious woman's face. She seemed to be only asleep, if it were not for his diagnosis earlier. He had to at least do something to help her in any way whatsoever, that wouldn't hurt anyone in the process. He had ignored what the girl was saying about the woman as he thought of what to say to initiate his plan.

Y'know, before the girl led him into her room.

Taren inclined his head towards the girl, after hearing his other party member's...questions. "I've never thought of undead in such a way, ma'am. I'm used to seeing death, but only against such if the bodies were manually...desecrated. I apologize if that term gives offense.

"Do you know any white magic that can aid you in this current situation? I know curses attach items to the body like leeches to a wound, but this one seems to be most unusual."

Examine for curses. Especially cursed keys.

Admire room.

((Vampire = Keys?))


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Helskaya will also agree to help.

((sorry, not sure what else to say yet :) ))


  • Bay Watcher
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((Hel is the most quiet person I've met. Yay!))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Heaven or Hell, Duel 1 -- Let's Rock!
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((Did I remember Costrus!? If so))

You did, I just was too lazy to put it into your sheet.

Y'know, before the girl led him into her room.[/i]

Duly noted and will become a retroactive action.
Girls are currently preparing signature, please wait warmly until it is ready.
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