@KainInt: It's fairly simple, actually. Export the images in DF (Selecting the layers that you want images of. It defaults to every layer a dwarf is currently on, iirc, so you might need to tweak the selection a bit) and then use the compressor from the DFMA site (
http://mkv25.net/dfma/index.php) and upload. Definitely spend some time setting up points of interest when you upload, though, as they add tremendously to the upload (I hate having to randomly search forts for interesting elements). Some back-story to recent events is also useful, but there are some stylistic options there. Some favor a more, well, LARPy style (Many LPs use this) while others prefer a more simple, albeit rather dry, rehashing of events.
Really impressive for only being three weeks in, though. And here I was thinking that I was one of those that graduated to form over function quickly.
@Lordraymond: It would've probably helped to see the large rooms with furniture as well, but meh, heh.
Any plans on adding water(falls)/magma? (Oh god...Why can't I stop thinking about toying with your designs?).
Oh, and if you really want to be masochistic, try creating those odd shaped rooms in above ground towers. Thank god I was using manufactured obsidian (Even if it was well over 10k+ made in batches of only 100...*sob*...). Yea, there's a reason I was lucky to play a year in a day. Or is that Aurora that I'm remember that timeframe for...Maybe my goal was a season in a day/year in a week for DF despite being unemployed...:x