Wouldnt it be incredibly pissy and short sighted for game reviewers to give Sim City 5 a shit review because, what would ultimately be a very short term disruption in service in the game lifespan? Under a week, and server issues, the /world/ over, are largely if not ultimately fixed.
You gotta review games as they are right now, and not on what they might become in the future.
And this being the instant internet, there is nothing preventing a reviewer from re-reviewing the game later, when the servers are more stable.
I for one will simply not buy a single-player* game that has server issues, so the reviews are relevant to me, and my purchasing decisions right now
*I intend to play this game at least 90% as singleplayer, so it might as well be.
Also the D3 fiasco was just that, with these online only games they are turning the launch, which should be a happy time, when you play the game for the very first time, into rage-filled hours waiting for server.
and the thing is: when counting downtime on SC5 it will likely be a very small fraction of the total lifespan of the game, but you will never get those hours back, when you just wanted to play your damn game.
You might say "just relax and play something else while you wait" but that's just not how humans work, in reality this is a very frustrating experience.
And the D3 rage was just as bad as this, but they solved the server issues in a couple of days.