alway I'm starting to become your fan.^^
It already more then made back its money for Sim city 5.
That's the thing that bugs me the most. The most revenue is made in the first week of realease. They sold their copies and made their money. And all the talk about flaws, bad PR and straight up lying won't affect anything. And I'm not really talking about EA 'paying for this mistake', more about games in general. Ruining franchises seems to work, and they still have many franchise licences to ruin.
The same thing will happen again, we will see plenty more willfully flawed games in the future.
What do you think about your purchasing choices affecting the industry? As money is the only language companies understand, if we stop buying games with bad quality, will the future of videogames change to the better?
There's an old saying.
"There's a sucker born every minute."
Original source often attributed to P. T. Barnum, but that's disputed.
In any case, it doesn't matter how many customers they piss off because there's a near endless line of them coming down the pipe. All that matters is that the right people are happy. Game reviewers get their good experience/cut to keep those customers seeing the pretty lights and hearing the pretty sounds as they queue up. Government gets their cut, so they don't get dragged into court. Stockholders get their cut so the company gets to continue to run as it does.
All that matters is that first purchase. They may give lip service to customer appreciation. But they don't give a damn about repeat business. Once they've got their money, they don't care. They know they'll have a fully new crop of people when the next iteration comes down the line.
Just think for a moment how many people have gotten into gaming in the 10 years between Sim City 4 and Sim City 5? You have a whole generation that's grown up in that time that's completely new market for EA to go after. Even if they bomb this one. They can wait another 10 years while they continue milking The Sims and their sports franchises and they'll still make a profit on Sim City 6 because there'll be a whole new market out there once more.
There is a question as to whether this is the most efficient way of making a profit. I'd argue it isn't, but if it helps to scare away the boogy man that is piracy, they're probably willing to try it. Of course, now that they've likely failed at that as well... well, more DRM for next time. That's obviously what they did wrong! They didn't stick ENOUGH DRM INTO IT!.