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Author Topic: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread  (Read 1274493 times)


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1080 on: April 20, 2012, 01:27:13 pm »


The first amendment says you get to say/worship/associate with what you wanna within certain guidelines. That's the "one rule" from colorblindness.

Different cultures, have nothing to do with individual variances. cultures and groups don't and should NEVER have rights or considerations under any circumstances whatsoever. INDIVIDUALs should have rights not defined by the group they are in and with no consideration or deference to said group or any group. This is yet another reason corporations shouldn't be "people" or have "rights."

Tolerate different individual people. You're a person, not a "group member...." That's where it comes from.... When people start saying "Groups" (of whatever type) have rights based upon the kind of group they are, then shit like this happens:
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 06:39:39 am by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1081 on: April 20, 2012, 01:46:52 pm »

[...] cultures and groups don't and should NEVER have rights or considerations under any circumstances whatsoever. [...]

Not agreeing with you Truean. Where i live we have a law that says that if a certain number/percentage of people speaks X as a mother language certain provisions are to be made. eg: official documents have to be translated to language X and local authorities are required to offer some things in language X etc.

Do you think that's bad?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 01:50:41 pm by lorb »
Please be gracious in judging my english. (I am not a native speaker/writer.)
"This tile is supported by that wall."


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1082 on: April 20, 2012, 01:55:00 pm »

That sounds to me like a practical concern. An ideal system would provide translations into every language, to serve each individual, but that's obviously impractical, so a system that serves as many individuals as possible within the bounds of reason is substituted. That might be stretching definitions, though.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1083 on: April 20, 2012, 02:02:31 pm »

I'm going to have to disagree with you Truean, there's been a long history of forcing people - individuals - to stop speaking their "born" language and dressing the way they want, under the rubric of "assimilation".

It's a false dichotomy to make the antithesis of multiculturalism to be "colorblindness". The polar opposite of multicultural is forced government assimilation to a dictated "norm".

And this is all about individual rights, the right to practice whatever traditions you like without persecution, assuming those practices are within the law. Promoting diversity tolerance between citizens is just a logical corollary of government tolerance of diversity.

As lorb hinted, a "colorblind" system which is blind to individual needs, can be highly prejudicial whilst praising itself for "fairness". e.g. if every sign is in only 1 language, that's "fair" right? It's "equal treatment" right?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 02:10:04 pm by Reelya »


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1084 on: April 20, 2012, 02:10:20 pm »

Furthest thing from.... A.) I already gave an alternate option: colorblindness. B.) if something really is impractical, then advocating it as a practical solution doesn't make sense.

Multiculturalism doesn't exist for any other reason than to accomplish a purpose. I'm saying it can't accomplish that purpose because the thing it would need to do so doesn't exist: decent people. Or if you prefer a sliver of hope which I don't, the number of decent people is so vastly dwarfed by the sheer massive number of indecent people as to be negligible.

Colorblindness, on the other hand, can work with the worst of humanity. A judge isn't going to shout at the criminal the various lovely nuances of different cultures and how they're all special and respectable and whatever. You know what a judge can shout at a criminal, "Mr. [Name]! I KNOW I'm not going to see you in my courtroom for beating somebody up again just cause they're darker skinned. I'm right aren't I? AREN'T I?" <---- This might actually stand a chance of working.

Multiculturalism needs decent people to function. People aren't decent; multiculturalism won't function.
Colorblindness doesn't need decent people to function. Thus lack of them won't deter its function.

Work through the logic of my statements; its there. It's horrid and cynical and you can disagree with me very reasonably and I wouldn't think less of you for it. It just means you still have some hope for humankind, which I most certainly do not. Those statements of mine, also perfectly logical. You'll know when I'm arguing defeatism, because I'll say things like "we should just nuke everyone." <--- Now that's defeatism, and I admit it. Advocating colorblindness, isn't.
You mentioned it but I don't understand how it's more practical at all (indeed, I thought it was just something you yourself practice since it'd be so difficult to roll out).  Under a multiculturalist model you can teach people about other cultures and use integration to help people see that actually those of other races aren't that different to themselves.  Under colourblindness you can... what, exactly?  It's really just telling people not to be racist and hoping for the best, which isn't helpful.

I don't see how either requires "more decent" people.  Multiculturalism makes an active effort to get rid of racism, colour blindness ignores the problem and hopes it'll go away (hence defeatism).  You'll need to explain to me why exactly colourblindness works on "non decent" people.  And also why it's more effective, when your own article says it isn't.

Eh, I already ranted quite a bit about socipaths/psychopaths/people who plain lack empathy in another recent thread. These people are harmless unless you get in their way. It's the ones who DO care that you want to avoid, such as the morally indignant, sadists, etc. Those will seek you out and beat you up.
I'm not sure what you mean by "morally indignant" but pretty sure "sadist" generally just means they get off on hurting (usually willing) people during sex acts.  Certainly there's nothing in it that implies they'll seek anyone out or beat them up.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 02:14:00 pm by Leafsnail »


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1085 on: April 20, 2012, 02:20:47 pm »

Truean's "colorblindness" doesn't sound like that at all to me. It sounds more like Paternalism.

The logic goes, people are like naughty children who need the heavy hand of government to slap them back into line. Don't bother trying to reason with them (teach tolerance), use threats of violence "from above" (equivalent to smacking your baby) to force them into line.

Am i reading this right Truean?


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1086 on: April 20, 2012, 02:27:51 pm »

Eh, I already ranted quite a bit about socipaths/psychopaths/people who plain lack empathy in another recent thread. These people are harmless unless you get in their way. It's the ones who DO care that you want to avoid, such as the morally indignant, sadists, etc. Those will seek you out and beat you up.
I'm not sure what you mean by "morally indignant" but pretty sure "sadist" generally just means they get off on hurting (usually willing) people during sex acts.  Certainly there's nothing in it that implies they'll seek anyone out or beat them up.
Admittedly I'm using blanket terms.

By moral indignation I mean stuff like homophobia. People who justify violence and aggression on moral grounds.
By sadism I mean stuff like bullying. People who justify violence and aggression on... well, just 'cause they like hurting and humiliating people.
Quote from: Chesterton
For, in order that men should resist injustice, something more is necessary than that they should think injustice unpleasant. They must think injustice absurd; above all, they must think it startling. They must retain the violence of a virgin astonishment. When the pessimist looks at any infamy, it is to him, after all, only a repetition of the infamy of existence. But the optimist sees injustice as something discordant and unexpected, and it stings him into action.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1087 on: April 20, 2012, 03:06:47 pm »

Furthest thing from.... A.) I already gave an alternate option: colorblindness. B.) if something really is impractical, then advocating it as a practical solution doesn't make sense.

Multiculturalism doesn't exist for any other reason than to accomplish a purpose. I'm saying it can't accomplish that purpose because the thing it would need to do so doesn't exist: decent people. Or if you prefer a sliver of hope which I don't, the number of decent people is so vastly dwarfed by the sheer massive number of indecent people as to be negligible.

Colorblindness, on the other hand, can work with the worst of humanity. A judge isn't going to shout at the criminal the various lovely nuances of different cultures and how they're all special and respectable and whatever. You know what a judge can shout at a criminal, "Mr. [Name]! I KNOW I'm not going to see you in my courtroom for beating somebody up again just cause they're darker skinned. I'm right aren't I? AREN'T I?" <---- This might actually stand a chance of working.

Multiculturalism needs decent people to function. People aren't decent; multiculturalism won't function.
Colorblindness doesn't need decent people to function. Thus lack of them won't deter its function.

Work through the logic of my statements; its there. It's horrid and cynical and you can disagree with me very reasonably and I wouldn't think less of you for it. It just means you still have some hope for humankind, which I most certainly do not. Those statements of mine, also perfectly logical. You'll know when I'm arguing defeatism, because I'll say things like "we should just nuke everyone." <--- Now that's defeatism, and I admit it. Advocating colorblindness, isn't.
You mentioned it but I don't understand how it's more practical at all (indeed, I thought it was just something you yourself practice since it'd be so difficult to roll out).  Under a multiculturalist model you can teach people about other cultures and use integration to help people see that actually those of other races aren't that different to themselves.  Under colourblindness you can... what, exactly?  It's really just telling people not to be racist and hoping for the best, which isn't helpful.

I don't see how either requires "more decent" people.  Multiculturalism makes an active effort to get rid of racism, colour blindness ignores the problem and hopes it'll go away (hence defeatism).  You'll need to explain to me why exactly colourblindness works on "non decent" people.  And also why it's more effective, when your own article says it isn't.

And also [explain] why it's more effective, when your own article says it isn't.

Well, I provided the article to show an opposing viewpoint to my own. That is to show the argument against myself. Hence why the text I linked it to said, "disagree with me very reasonably and I wouldn't think less of you for it."

Once again, I expressly stated I provided an article that disagreed with me to show the counterpoint to my argument. I then countered that counterpoint in the same post. Again, I'd point to the history of US civil rights cases, Brown v. Board et seq. See linked post above. Moreover, I already provided an example, the judge, in the post you just quoted. It's an easier idea to explain to stupid people.

You mentioned it but I don't understand how it's more practical at all (indeed, I thought it was just something you yourself practice since it'd be so difficult to roll out).

You are seriously mixing up what I'm saying and missing points, man. Multiculturalism = hard to roll out. Colorblindness easier to roll out; been advocating it for pages.

Me? Prove colorblindness works? The entirety of U.S. Civil Rights law is based on it. It's been a rocky as hell road getting even to where we are now, but it was far worse than before the Warren Court advocated colorblindness. History has proven it slowly but steadily works by passing laws saying you can't treat people differently from Fair Housing law, to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 to basically and without the slightest exaggeration every single solitary piece of US civil rights law. All of it.... All. of. it. It works. "Multiculturalism" wasn't around with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You'll need to explain to me why exactly colourblindness works on "non decent" people.

Because the laws created under the colorblindness doctrine mandating everyone be treated the same and that you can't treat someone differently based on race, religion, sex, or national origin work. I don't care how much of a complete and utter slimeball, horrible racist bigoted whatever someone's boss is, if they sue the shit out of them for employment discrimination and cost him tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in total costs and legal fees, then he will stop it. He'll either notice how his wallet id lightened and change his behavior, or he won't and someone'll keep suing him until he has nothing left and can't afford to have a company to discriminate with.... You keep suing them until it sticks and they stop being racist shitheads.

It hits them square in the wallet. People don't like having their money forcibly and legally taken away from them. They will stop doing shit that leads to them losing money. You can force, yes force, them to stop treating people differently based on certain things like race, national origin, etc, but you can't force them to give a shit about various cultures. The jerk boss who discriminates in employment, doesn't think he's doing anything wrong and refuses to think he's doing anything wrong and wants to continue discriminating in employment, but sooner or later the loss of money will stop him. This is why colorblindness works on indecent people. You don't have to explain the various complexities of multiculturalism to them, which they refuse to hear anyhow.

[...] cultures and groups don't and should NEVER have rights or considerations under any circumstances whatsoever. [...]

Not agreeing with you Truean. Where i live we have a law that says that if a certain number/percentage of people speaks X as a mother language certain provisions are to be made. eg: official documents have to be translated to language X and local authorities are required to offer some things in language X etc.

Do you think that's bad?

I expect not to be agreed with. That's your right, as an... individual... with your own opinions, no matter who shares them or doesn't share them.

As a practical matter, sooner or later people are going to have to be able to understand each other if they all live in the same country while conducting commerce and their lives. I have nothing against speaking multiple languages. I have nothing against people having a native tongue and don't care/don't think it should be extinguished or assimilated out. That said, due to practical concerns, it's going to be immensely hard to efficiently deal with complex government matters even if its only in one language. Thus, people should be encouraged to slowly learn a common language  to transact business and government in BUT SHOULD NOT have their native tongues silenced. There's really no practical purpose to that. That'd be assimilation, not colorblindness. (See below).

I'm going to have to disagree with you Truean, there's been a long history of forcing people - individuals - to stop speaking their "born" language and dressing the way they want, under the rubric of "assimilation".

It's a false dichotomy to make the antithesis of multiculturalism to be "colorblindness". The polar opposite of multicultural is forced government assimilation to a dictated "norm".

And this is all about individual rights, the right to practice whatever traditions you like without persecution, assuming those practices are within the law. Promoting diversity tolerance between citizens is just a logical corollary of government tolerance of diversity.

As lorb hinted, a "colorblind" system which is blind to individual needs, can be highly prejudicial whilst praising itself for "fairness". e.g. if every sign is in only 1 language, that's "fair" right? It's "equal treatment" right?

You seriously and sincerely do not get the difference between assimilation and colorblindness do you? I'm asking, really and honestly, because it seems many people don't.

First off, you're making a ton of assumptions I never said. Nobody mentioned "polar opposites" and there's no need to as a dichotomy isn't required or implicated here. I certainly never said colorblindness was the polar opposite of multiculturalism. The entire construct of "polar opposites" is completely inapplicable here. No. You've got entirely the wrong paradigm. It isn't A or B. It's "problem," "possible solution 1," "possible solution 2," and "possible solution 3."

There are all these people of whatever type and they don't get along.

Possible Solution 1 (not "the best" or even "good" just logically an option and a bad one actually)
Assimilation. Well if the people aren't getting along because they're different, then make them all the same. This is the classic "solution" that comes from a conqueror model. You basically subjugate and forcibly integrate the people you've taken over. As a rule, if you don't meet the mainstream, then you're treated worse until you do. The problem is obvious: the people forcing the assimilation, much like the borg, are stepping on people's rights and individuality, for no good reason, especially when there are other options.

Possible Solution 2 (just logically an option)
Colorblindness. There's one rule, a fair standard and everyone complies. They're treated the same and no one is looked down upon based upon any differing characteristics. There are no "lesser people" there no conquered people and there are no masters. It's one law for everyone. The individual differences aren't forced to meet the mainstream. This is the main difference between assimilation and colorblindness, which for some reason you've confused it with. You don't force someone else to be the same as you. You don't give a flying shit. As long as they do the bare minimum to meet the basic little rules required to make society run smoothly it doesn't matter. Moreover, they have equal access to society because they can't be denied things like a job or a place to live or services because they are different.

Possible Solution 3 (logically an option  and a good one)
Multiculturalism. Teach everyone to play nice while knowing and respecting other people's differences rather than fighting about them. People are largely incapable of this. They will make fun of each other over tons of stuff that doesn't matter, I've shown before how they will literally trample each other to death to get a better deal at a store. If they can't understand stuff like "don't fucking kill each other to save $20 on some product you want" then how do you expect them to learn this? They don't have the mental capacity, literally. "People are smart enough to handle it?" No. No they're not. Again, a person [singular] can be smart, people [pural] are dumb dangerous panicky animals and you know it if you're honest with yourself.

So to review, because people don't get the difference between these three possible solutions:
A.) Assimilation: Destroy all differences and force people to be one thing.
B.) Colorblindness: Ignore all differences. People cannot be excluded from society. Same rules to operate under.
C.) Multiculturalism: Embrace all differences.

I'm going to have to disagree with you Truean, there's been a long history of forcing people - individuals - to stop speaking their "born" language and dressing the way they want, under the rubric of "assimilation".
This is assimilation, not colorblindness. Colorblindness doesn't force people to assimilate, it forces society to treat them the same as everyone else and punishes them if they don't. Individual differences aren't forced out, they aren't noticed or cared about and you do whatever.

You're basically saying you can reason with people. If you could, then we wouldn't have police and courts and prisons to force them to do things.

Truean's "colorblindness" doesn't sound like that at all to me. It sounds more like Paternalism.

The logic goes, people are like naughty children who need the heavy hand of government to slap them back into line. Don't bother trying to reason with them (teach tolerance), use threats of violence "from above" (equivalent to smacking your baby) to force them into line.

Am i reading this right Truean?

.... ??? It isn't paternalism unless all government intervention is paternalism, including when the army fights off foreign invaders or the police arrest criminals. You CAN'T handle things on your own unless you believe in anarchy. It doesn't matter that people want to believe they can. They can't absent anarchy.

In the real world, people are bastards. They will do things they know they shouldn't but they don't care. You can nicely talk to them all you want, but most of the time they will ignore you. That is until you hire an attorney who sues them and forces them to come to court and defend themselves against a lawsuit they don't want to be a part of, or have them arrested. What all those laws under colorblindness doctrine do, is give you an avenue to sue someone. As stated above, if you sue someone for employment discrimination, then sooner or later, they'll stop it. Arguably (though I don't personally agree) if you tack on years more of a sentence for a hate crime, that'll reduce the number of people burning crosses and committing violent crimes against black people by the KKK.

Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all those legal avenues to sue someone to punish them go off colorblindness. It doesn't assimilate anyone. It does punish people for excluding people based on race, sex, national origin, etc.

This isn't an extreme view. It still has a way to go.... Don't confuse assimilation with colorblindness. I really do want equality for all by allowing differences.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 06:50:53 am by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1088 on: April 20, 2012, 03:12:48 pm »

I'm not sure what you mean by "morally indignant" but pretty sure "sadist" generally just means they get off on hurting (usually willing) people during sex acts.  Certainly there's nothing in it that implies they'll seek anyone out or beat them up.
Sadism just refers to deriving joy from the pain of others. The sexual kind is just one subtype.
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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1089 on: April 20, 2012, 03:27:15 pm »

Also, my understanding is it differs from plain ol' vengeance by the person not needing a reason to hurt someone. It's the logical opposite of altruism.

EDIT: Or vengeance might be a subtype of it, not certain there. Feel free to educate this ignorant poster, linguists out there!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 03:32:00 pm by kaijyuu »
Quote from: Chesterton
For, in order that men should resist injustice, something more is necessary than that they should think injustice unpleasant. They must think injustice absurd; above all, they must think it startling. They must retain the violence of a virgin astonishment. When the pessimist looks at any infamy, it is to him, after all, only a repetition of the infamy of existence. But the optimist sees injustice as something discordant and unexpected, and it stings him into action.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1090 on: April 20, 2012, 03:46:04 pm »

Me? Prove colorblindness works? The entirety of U.S. Civil Rights law is based on it. It's been a rocky as hell road getting even to where we are now, but it was far worse than before the Warren Court advocated colorblindness. History has proven it slowly but steadily works by passing laws saying you can't treat people differently from Fair Housing law, to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 to basically and without the slightest exaggeration every single solitary piece of US civil rights law. All of it.... All. of. it. It works. "Multiculturalism" wasn't around with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

IANAL but Grutter v. Bollinger seems multicultural to me. And very recent too, it being from 2003.

[...] cultures and groups don't and should NEVER have rights or considerations under any circumstances whatsoever. [...]

Not agreeing with you Truean. Where i live we have a law that says that if a certain number/percentage of people speaks X as a mother language certain provisions are to be made. eg: official documents have to be translated to language X and local authorities are required to offer some things in language X etc.

Do you think that's bad?

I expect not to be agreed with. That's your right, as an... individual... with your own opinions, no matter who shares them or doesn't share them.

As a practical matter, sooner or later people are going to have to be able to understand each other if they all live in the same country while conducting commerce and their lives. I have nothing against speaking multiple languages; I do. I have nothing against people having a native tongue and don't care/don't think it should be extinguished or assimilated out. That said, due to practical concerns, it's going to be immensely hard to efficiently deal with complex government matters even if its only in one language. Thus, people should be encouraged to slowly learn a common language  to transact business and government in BUT SHOULD NOT have their native tongues silenced. There's really no practical purpose to that. That'd be assimilation, not colorblindness. (See below).

Correct me if i am wrong but to me it looks like those laws are in direct violation of your short quote about cultures and group. So do you think they should be abolished? What happens to a citizen who does not speak the language of the national majority? Is he excluded from participation in national affairs? (elections?) That's not just "encouraging to slowly learn a common language", imho.

edit: fixed quote tags
Please be gracious in judging my english. (I am not a native speaker/writer.)
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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1091 on: April 20, 2012, 04:02:03 pm »

Re: cultural junk...

I'm sort of in the middle here.

1) I don't think you should respect or tolerate anything you morally disagree with (with some exceptions: see spoiler).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
2) Don't shove your own culture on other people.
3) Don't feel obligated to have other people's culture shoved on you.
4) Tolerate anything you don't understand until you understand it.
5) Make concessions where courtesy demands.

I think that covers everything. Honestly it can all be boiled down to "respect": You don't have to like/agree with/etc any piece of culture whatsoever, but you do need to show respect to your fellow human beings, and you need reason beyond "I don't like it" to actively fight against any cultural thing.
Quote from: Chesterton
For, in order that men should resist injustice, something more is necessary than that they should think injustice unpleasant. They must think injustice absurd; above all, they must think it startling. They must retain the violence of a virgin astonishment. When the pessimist looks at any infamy, it is to him, after all, only a repetition of the infamy of existence. But the optimist sees injustice as something discordant and unexpected, and it stings him into action.


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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1092 on: April 20, 2012, 04:14:41 pm »

Me? Prove colorblindness works? The entirety of U.S. Civil Rights law is based on it. It's been a rocky as hell road getting even to where we are now, but it was far worse than before the Warren Court advocated colorblindness. History has proven it slowly but steadily works by passing laws saying you can't treat people differently from Fair Housing law, to the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 to basically and without the slightest exaggeration every single solitary piece of US civil rights law. All of it.... All. of. it. It works. "Multiculturalism" wasn't around with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

IANAL but Grutter v. Bollinger seems multicultural to me. And very recent too, it being from 2003.

[...] cultures and groups don't and should NEVER have rights or considerations under any circumstances whatsoever. [...]

Not agreeing with you Truean. Where i live we have a law that says that if a certain number/percentage of people speaks X as a mother language certain provisions are to be made. eg: official documents have to be translated to language X and local authorities are required to offer some things in language X etc.

Do you think that's bad?

I expect not to be agreed with. That's your right, as an... individual... with your own opinions, no matter who shares them or doesn't share them.

As a practical matter, sooner or later people are going to have to be able to understand each other if they all live in the same country while conducting commerce and their lives. I have nothing against speaking multiple languages; I do. I have nothing against people having a native tongue and don't care/don't think it should be extinguished or assimilated out. That said, due to practical concerns, it's going to be immensely hard to efficiently deal with complex government matters even if its only in one language. Thus, people should be encouraged to slowly learn a common language  to transact business and government in BUT SHOULD NOT have their native tongues silenced. There's really no practical purpose to that. That'd be assimilation, not colorblindness. (See below).

Correct me if i am wrong but to me it looks like those laws are in direct violation of your short quote about cultures and group. So do you think they should be abolished? What happens to a citizen who does not speak the language of the national majority? Is he excluded from participation in national affairs? (elections?) That's not just "encouraging to slowly learn a common language", imho.

edit: fixed quote tags

IANAL but Grutter v. Bollinger seems multicultural to me. And very recent too, it being from 2003.

Depends on how you look at it doesn't it? Lawyers and judges are (in theory) supposed to look at precedent, what came before sets up a standard to be applied and create consistent results.

Your contention is a reasonable one, that this result comes from a multicultural point of view. I disagree entirely and look to history.

Brown v. Board began the main standing (long story just go with it) process of telling schools they had legal obligations with regards to admissions. From there a much too long to quote, because I've already written a book, line of cases expanded the basic premise in Brown.

Remember what I said about colorblindness saying laws created under it would punish those people who excluded different people from society? This result and indeed Brown and its progeny of cases fit nicely under this category. For every wrong, there is a remedy, so what's the remedy in brown: a court order forcing the school to accept black students, due to the history of racial segregation and discrimination. ( Incidentally and previously, when similar orders failed, President Eisenhower sent in the 101st airborne division to force a "govnor's" national guard troops to allow black students to attend a school to enforce the court order).

If colorblindness encourages ignoring differences and does not permit discrimination based on differences, then enforcing this rule is in accordance with it, not multiculturalism. Don't read too much into the language, "had a compelling interest in promoting class diversity." First of all this satisfies a legal test in civil rights cases for regulations and rules based on race or fundamental rights called "Strict Scrutiny." It is "magic language," or legalese.... Second, again, it's just an enforcement of the rules from colorblindness cases about not discriminating. It may "seem," but it is not. 

Correct me if i am wrong but to me it looks like those laws are in direct violation of your short quote about cultures and group. So do you think they should be abolished? What happens to a citizen who does not speak the language of the national majority? Is he excluded from participation in national affairs? (elections?) That's not just "encouraging to slowly learn a common language", imho.

Well look at that, "victims" and people "left out." Who said anything about leaving people out exactly? You teach that person the national language, but by no means do you rob them of their own and yes this would necessitate printing things off in their native tongue (or else how would they ever learn off something in a language they couldn't read?). You impart skills; you don't take away speech. If they can't learn, then accommodate them as an individual. It may take generations but slowly people would learn the national language. In no way, shape, and/or form would this mean they had to stop speaking their own language. Hell they should be allowed to have their little festivals and whatever and talk in it, or just whatever. Don't care. I ignore that stuff. Do whatever.

The problem is mistranslations in the law. There was a US Supreme Court case on the second amendment being argued with a decision on the placement of a comma. A comma.... Punctuation can change the rights and responsibilities in a legal code. Wow, do you then somehow allow for a mistranslation where the meaning isn't exactly the same? How does that work?  If the arguments in front of the US Supreme Court can hang on the placement of a single mark, such as a comma, in the second amendment, what would happen if in the various translations, a different word were used that had a slightly different meaning and someone relied upon that meaning to their legal detriment...?

Something as simple as:

"Don't. Stop." [cease desist]
"Don't stop."  [keep going]

« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 04:17:41 pm by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1093 on: April 20, 2012, 04:18:05 pm »

I don't really care about the political side of Multiculturalism. *shrug* But on the individual scale, the extent I can while living in the suburbs (Admittedly of a large metropolitan city, and the bedroom community I live in also has it's share of other cultures) and on my own, I try and take what I like from other cultures and adapt them to my needs. Kind of like a melting pot, I guess? Though that term tends to mean something else... :3 Leads to interesting stuff!
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Descan confirmed for antichrist.
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I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: PoH's Calm and Cool Progressive Expression Thread
« Reply #1094 on: April 20, 2012, 04:23:23 pm »

I don't really care about the political side of Multiculturalism. *shrug* But on the individual scale, the extent I can while living in the suburbs (Admittedly of a large metropolitan city, and the bedroom community I live in also has it's share of other cultures) and on my own, I try and take what I like from other cultures and adapt them to my needs. Kind of like a melting pot, I guess? Though that term tends to mean something else... :3 Leads to interesting stuff!

psst... psst....

They want you to say "Salad Bowl" now, instead of "Melting Pot." Melting pots melt  things into one alloy. Salad bowls mix things up but allow them to retain their distinct ingredient selves. :P They like that metaphor better now. [shrugs].

(I don't care) :)
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.
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