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Author Topic: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation : Update 5 up, believe it or not!  (Read 7972 times)

Flying Dice

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So yeah, I finally bit the bullet and decided to do one. Just as a warning: my time available/interest level may vary, so there probably won't be a consistent schedule for updates. Scratch that. This one has my interest, and it helps me procrastinate.


In 2017, massive droughts destroyed much of the world's crops. The panic over the shortage of food combined with ever-dwindling fossil fuel reserves to destabilize a number of nations, including several so-called first world countries. Conflict broke out across the globe as governments desperate to maintain power launched wars of aggression to sieze what they could from their neighbors. By the turn of the decade, more than half of Earth's 8 billion humans had died, in war, and of starvation. In 2021, an extremely limited nuclear exchange occurred between India and Pakistan, brought to a halt by mutual threats from China and the U.S., who had till now spent much of their time eyeing each other across the Pacific while gobbling up smaller nations. By this point, much of the world had degenerated into slipshod 'empires' of loosely connected regions. In 2023, a popular revolution swept the Chinese leadership from power and into mass graves. Shortly thereafter, more than 3/4 of the United States of the Americas seceded in a number of near-simultaneous yet unconnected decisions. An unknown USAF officer ordered the release of a new nerve gas in Manhattan to suppress the rebellious elements within the vast metropolis. In late 2024, surviving extremists in the Israeli and Iranian governments unleashed their WMD arsenals, immolating both nations in an orgy of nuclear fire. Washington ordered a nuclear strike on the Independent Confederation of Greater Brazil, which in return launched several mid-range nuclear missiles bought from the Republic of Greater California, sprouting mushroom clouds over the capitol of what remained of the U.S. In 2025, one of the factions of the former Red Army attempted to gain wider support by invading Japan; the attempt failed miserably, with nearly the entire corp destroyed, but much of the Home Islands were ravaged, and thousands of civilians were killed in the brief, bloody conflict. Late 2025 saw the final major conflict of the war, when elements of what were assumed to be nationalist forces detonated nuclear warheads in Geneva, Rome, Belgrade, Cardiff, and Kiev. This was to be the final nuclear attack, as well.

The change began in late 2026; fewer than 2 billion living humans remained on Earth, radiation lingered on, and the famines continued, killing more every day. No pre-war nation existed, at least, not in terms of structure, population, or territory. International communication began between isolated pockets of humanity, slowly forming into a desire for cooperation. In March of 2027, the first postwar international summit was held in Auckland, attended by representatives of hundreds of the various fragmented nation-states. A resolution was passed to form a world government, as no existing national government had the resources or population to properly address the multitude of issues which threatened the survival of the human race. On 9 August, 2027, the constitution of the Terran Amalgamation was signed by representatives of every surviving group of humanity. The TA assembly assigned a number of specialists to answering the issues facing humanity, a gesture which was to have consequences far beyond anything anticipated. On 12 September, 2027, a team of researchers pursuing alternate fuel sources announced an incredible discovery: a group of minerals which by their very nature defied the laws of physics. They were ordered to continue their research, and in late December, this paid off: the research team developed their Trans-Newtonian Theory, opening up astounding new fields of research and development. One of the most immediate applications related to massive increases in agricultural productivity, drastically increasing the amount of food yielded per acre, and the efficiency with which it could be grown and harvested.

It is now 1 January, 2028. This is the state of the Amalgamation:

This is a conventional start, with 1b population and no missile bases. Maint., political bonuses, inexperienced fleets, and JGs on all points are all off, mostly because they involve more micro than I enjoy. Real Stars and automated promotions are on. Precursors and Star Swarm are on. I'll turn Invaders on as soon as we have 3 colonies with >10m pop., OR we exceed 3.5 billion pop on Earth. NPR spawn chance is at 50%, NPR difficulty is at 300%, and there is one NPR at start.

Our current researchers:
Sensors & Fire Control: 20%; 25 labs
Power & Propulsion: 15%;25 labs
Defensive Systems: 15%; 20 labs
Power & Propulsion: 10%; 5 labs

Tech: Nothing, except T/N Technology.

Ground Forces:
Low Tech Armor x9
Low Tech Infantry x20
(Reminder: these can be converted into cadre, which can be used to reduce training times on T/N ground forces.)

I will take requests for renaming officers, though for the moment we have no ships, and no prospect of conflict. I'll be doing what I can to accelerate our development as fast as possible, and am going to lean towards missle + laser + gauss tech, and carrier-group based fleet mixes, with frigate/CL groups as scouts and pickets, as we are going to (hopefully) be running into serious opposition fairly early, but I'm still open to suggestions for design strategy. Our opening mix of researchers sort of leans us toward teching into survey ships more than anything else, so I'm going to concetrate on their specialities until we get some weapon-tech researchers.

First question: Does anyone want me to add and RP ruins on Mars/Titan/Venus/Whatever? Upside: it gives us a boost to technology and industry fairly early on. Downside: it gives us a boost to technology and industry fairly early on, plus robotic defenders. Barring response on that, I'm going to default to not doing it.

Well, that's about it. I'll set up the basic actions I was already planning and wait to see if there is any interest in this.  :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:04:13 pm by Flying Dice »

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 07:17:01 pm »

More Aurora LPs sounds fun :)

I don't see the real need for ruins on Mars, but maybe an artifact or two could be found if RP motivations are needed for "there are others out there". I see ruins as more a bonus for taking out precursors.

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 07:24:28 pm »

That's what I had figured as well. I might drop a destroyed outpost on Pluto or something, though. Oh, and if things ever start getting too easy for us, I'm going to up the NPR difficulty to 500% and set up an alien empire, which I will control, and use my meta-knowledge to replicate a race of hostile telepaths.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 07:29:41 pm by Flying Dice »

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
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3. Run Resize Enable

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 01:02:05 am »

Terran Amalgamation Update 1

1 January 2028: Conversion of the remnants of Earth’s conventional industry to new, Trans/Newtonian factories, mines, and refineries begins.

1 July 2028: A team led by Gemma Barlow completes research into a new Pressurized Water reactor. She and her team begin work on a hypothetical Nuclear Thermal drive.

1 April 2029: A team led by Gemma Barlow completes research into her proposed Nuclear Thermal Drive, and she feels that she has gained a greater understanding of the principles of Trans/Newtonian energy (RB+ to 25%).

23 July 2029: A team led by Victoria Dennis completes research into a new form of armor which uses wafers of Duranium to dissipate kinetic force and directed energy.

21 October 2029: A team led by Sophia Hayward completes research into a new type of deep-penetration geological scanner, which she believes can detect even trace amounts of Trans/Newtonian elements at the very core of a planet.

3 March 2030: A team led by Gemma Barlow completes research into a type of additive which will, theoretically, increase the efficiency of Sorium-fueled drives.

21 May 2030: A team led by Sophia Hayward completes research into a new form of active sensor, which, according to early tests, appears to be nearly instantaneous within its range of operation.

26 February 2031: A team led by Stephanie Gordon completes research into a new, miniaturized version of the Nuclear Thermal Drive, with potential applications for practical Trans/Newtonian missiles, which were previously thought impossible. Further research will be required to see if warheads of similar efficiency are possible.

2 June 2031: Stephanie Gordon’s recent efforts have given her new insight into T/N drive components.
Representative Élodie Saint-Pierre, of the EurArabian Region of the TA, has been elected as the Chancellor of the Terran Amalgamation by a near-unanimous vote of the Assembly. This well-liked, observant, enterprising young man has always been known as a pillar of honesty among the people he represents, and on the floor of the assembly. At the ripe young age of 21, he is the de facto leader of the human race. His first action is to appoint Rear Admiral Anna  Swift, the most senior surviving member of any prewar Terran military force, as the commander of Fleet Headquarters, though as of yet there are no spacecraft for her to command, only a few wet-navy ships. In accordance with this, Admiral Swift has been promoted to Vice Admiral.

14 August 2031: A team led by Stephanie Gordon completes research into a visible-light laser which utilizes T/N elements in the focal lenses. Further research will be necessary to develop a housing, firing system, and power source for any potential directed-energy weapons.

2 July 2032:
Lead Researcher Gemma Barlow, the Amalgamation’s brightest mind, develops a serious medical condition which may affect her in the coming years. She sent a message from her hospital bed stating that she and her team are nearing the greatest scientific breakthrough since the discovery of T/N elements, but refused to comment further, saying only that she expects to complete theoretical work within the year, provided her doctors allow her to return to work.

2 October 2032:
Just months later, Researcher Barlow follows through on her promise, delivering a proposal that shakes the foundation of current scientific thought: a theory suggesting the existence of detectable wormholes connecting different solar systems, gravitational anomalies which could potentially allow practical interstellar travel, which had up till now been dismissed as pure fantasy. She hands her research files over to Researcher Hayward, who will develop a design for gravitational sensors which may be capable of detecting these gravitational anomalies, or “Jump Points”, as the popular media has begun referring to them.

2 January 2033: A team led by Mao Qiang Ni completes research on a new, high-density type of Duranium armor plating.

2 July 2033: 50% of the pre-T/N industry of the Amalgamation has been converted to new mines, factories, and Sorium refineries. Some of the new production capacity is redirected toward assembling more research facilities, as well as extending the current Academy and Deep Space Tracking Station.

4 August 2033: Researcher Stephanie Gordon develops a serious medical condition which may cut her life short. It seems that fate is cruel to the brilliant minds of this generation.

14 November 2033: Sophia Hayward and her team complete the proposed gravitational survey sensor design. All that remains now is a ship with which to carry it.

15 November 2033: Two ship designs, the Discovery class geological survey vessel, and the Admiral Peary gravitational survey vessel, are drawn up.

Code: [Select]
Discovery class Geological Survey Vessel    1,000 tons     93 Crew     256 BP      TCS 20  TH 25  EM 0
1250 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/2     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 7.74 Years     MSP 160    AFR 8%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 5    5YR 71    Max Repair 100 MSP

Nuclear Thermal Engine E9 (1)    Power 25    Fuel Use 90%    Signature 25    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 100.0 billion km   (925 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Code: [Select]
Admiral Peary class Gravitational Survey Vessel    1,000 tons     93 Crew     256 BP      TCS 20  TH 25  EM 0
1250 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/2/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 7.74 Years     MSP 160    AFR 8%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 5    5YR 71    Max Repair 100 MSP

Nuclear Thermal Engine E9 (1)    Power 25    Fuel Use 90%    Signature 25    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 100.0 billion km   (925 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

2 December 2033: BAE Systems shipyard begins constructing a Discovery, the first true human spacecraft. It simultaneously begins an expansion operation, the construction of a second slipway, which will be completed in 11 months. The Discovery is expected to complete exactly one year and ten days from today.

Just a short update, the first five years. Not really much to show, visually speaking, until I start exploring and getting geosurveys done. Things should start picking up around two years from now, once survey efforts are underway in earnest. I really hope someone is reading this, hah.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 02:51:56 am »

[2 December 2033: BAE Systems shipyard begins constructing a Discovery, the first true human spacecraft. It simultaneously begins an .....

Looking good up until this point - they must have bought out a company that knew what it was doing and it won't be long until they have contracted out the work to ten other companies and paying five times as much for it.

Anyways, I'd like to command the first geo-survey ship until you get carriers.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 09:31:14 am »

[2 December 2033: BAE Systems shipyard begins constructing a Discovery, the first true human spacecraft. It simultaneously begins an .....

Looking good up until this point - they must have bought out a company that knew what it was doing and it won't be long until they have contracted out the work to ten other companies and paying five times as much for it.

Anyways, I'd like to command the first geo-survey ship until you get carriers.

Well, it is an AU.  :P

For future reference, what do you want the officer renamed as?

Oh, and I should have an update up sometime this afternoon/tonight.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 07:56:08 pm »

Well, I hope someone other than me is enjoying this. Again, welcoming suggestions on design strategy, expansion strategy, naming requests, etc. Things will hopefully pick up once I start extrasolar exploration and try to take on Precursors with Nuclear Thermal drives, visible spectrum lasers, and WH 1 missiles that go 10k km/s.  :P

Terran Amalgamation Update 2

The Solar System, as of 31 December 2039

23 April 2034: Earth’s DSTS has been expanded to three times its original size.

17 May 2034: Sonja Fedotov, a rising star in the field of T/N missile systems and kinetic weapons, has joined the Amalgamation’s scientific community.

14 November 2034: BAE Systems shipyard completes the second slipway.

12 December 2034: The Discovery is completed; BAE Systems shipyard begins conversion to produce an Admiral Peary class survey vessel. Commander Karina "Kaos" Gorbatov is assigned to her as captain. The Discovery begins its survey of the solar system with Luna. (Low rank, but she had the best available survey bonus (20%) plus a 15% fighter ops bonus, for later down the line.)

2 February 2035: Gemma Barlow and her team complete research into a new form of fast-recharging capacitor which, provided a proper power source, could potentially allow practical directed-energy weapons. Due to medical complications, she takes a break from work. Researcher Fedotov directs new efforts toward a new type of fission warhead.

27 February 2035: The first post-war research facility is completed.

25 May 2035: BAE Systems shipyard completes retooling to the Admiral Peary design; construction of the first of the class begins. The shipyard begins alterations designed to allow it to construct vessels of up to 3,000 tons.

12 August 2035: Victoria Dennis completes research into methods which will increase the production efficiency of the Amalgamation’s construction factories.

2 December 2035: Expansion of the military academy is completed. Work begins on a second shipyard, this one designed to construct commercial vessels.

1 April 2036: For her outstanding work as the commander of Discovery, Karina “Kaos” Gorbatov is promoted to Captain.

2 June 2036: Researcher Fedotov completes a prototype of her proposed Implosion Fission warhead, and immediately begins work on upgrading the reloading speed of existing models of missile launcher to suit the model of the T/N missile which is gradually emerging.

2 July 2036: A month later, Gemma Barlow completes work on part of her proposed “Jump Drive” (JD Efficiency 3), and starts research into a system which could allow ships to emerge several tens of thousands of kilometers away from their exit JP.

14 September 2036: Discovery briefly returns to Earth, picks up a geology team, drops them off on Luna, and returns to its survey pattern. This team will attempt to locate further hidden deposits of T/N elements.

6 January 2037: Gemma Barlow completes work on the Jump Radius component of her proposed drive, and starts in on a subsystem which will theoretically allow multiple ships to jump as a group.

7 May 2037: Kvaerner-Masa shipyard is complete. A design for a freighter is in the works.

6 June 2037: Earth’s supply of Boronide is exhausted. 20,700 tons are in storage, and there is currently no demand for it, but it underlines Earth’s future supply problems, as deposits of Gallicite, Neutronium, and Tritanium are all running low, among others. It is clearly evident that extraterrestrial mining operations will be necessary in the near future.

7 July 2037: Earth’s supply of Mercassium is exhausted. Unlike Boronide, Mercassium is in very high demand, as it is used to construct research facilities and expand shipyards. Early estimates indicate that the current rate of construction would exhaust the remaining 16,773 tons in storage within 20 years. In this light, construction estimates have been drastically reduced. Thankfully, the only industrial uses of Mercassium are research labs and commercial spaceports. Unfortunately, both are critical to continued development. Therefore, the current research labs will be completed, and work will begin on a commercial spaceport. After this is completed, the remaining reserves will be used to construct as many research labs as possible. Alternate sources of this vital element must be found at all costs.

In lighter news, Sonja Fedotov has completed her upgrades to missile launcher reloading mechanisms, and is now embarking on a series of tests designed to improve the agility of T/N missiles.

22 November 2037: Gemma Barlow completes research on the final subsystem of her proposed Jump Drive. Now all that remains is development of a working prototype, a gravitational survey of Sol, and a ship large enough to carry it. The geological survey team has completed work on Luna, uncovering a new deposit of 100,000 tons of Vendarite at 0.9 accessability, and has been moved to Io by the Discovery. Captain Karina “Kaos” Gorbatov promises a full report on the T/N deposits within Sol once her ship has completed its rounds. At the moment, 39% of the Solar System’s bodies have been surveyed.

23 May 2038: Sophia Hayward completes research into a fire control module design which is long-ranged enough to be useful in concert with T/N energy weapons (10k km).

17 June 2038: Sonja Fedotov completes research into improved PD-avoidance protocols for missile guidance systems.

23 November 2038: Kvaerner-Masa shipyard adds a second slipway, and begins expansions in preparation for future demands.

12 December 2038: The first Admiral Peary class gravitational survey vessel is completed. It makes its way to the first of thirty predetermined locations which will give the widest possible coverage of potential Jump Point locations. A scientific team lead by Joel Coates completes work on a new cargo handling system which utilizes simple tractor and pressor beams.

18 December 2038: An early freighter blueprint, dubbed the Atlas, is designed, using new T/N technologies. However, it is nearly five times the tonnage of the slipways of the Kvaerner-Masa shipyard, and it will be years before it can be produced. For the time being, a different design, dubbed the Sprite, is accepted. Construction begins on a pair of these vessels, which are expected to complete in late June, 2039.

Code: [Select]
Sprite class Freighter    9,400 tons     113 Crew     152.6 BP      TCS 188  TH 188  EM 0
1000 km/s     Armour 1-39     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 10    Max Repair 16 MSP
Cargo 5000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 5   

Nuclear Thermal Engine E0.9 (3)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 9%    Signature 62.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 106.4 billion km   (1231 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

(Yeah, I broke the base-5 cargo hold rule. We needed something to let us get more Mercassium, and it will probably be another 4-5 years before our C shipyard is large enough to build 50-60k ton freighters.)

23 April 2039: Sonja Fedotov completes research on a new type of missile launcher which will only require 75% of the space of a normal launcher, but which takes twice as long to reload. BAE Systems shipyard expands their slipways to 3,000 tons each. The next expansion is expected to take them to 5,000 tons each. The final research lab has been completed, and work will now begin on a commercial spaceport. Once that is finished, the remaining stores of Mercassium will be evaluated, and the largest possible number of research facilities will be constructed. Fortunately, Captain “Kaos” Gorbatov has hinted at substantial deposits of the vital mineral on a number of system bodies in her most recent report. She promises a full briefing by the end of the year, once further surveys have been completed.

20 May 2039: A historic moment! The Assembly and Fleet Command have just received a priority message from Commander He Tian Dan of the Admiral Peary, indicating that the ship has successfully pinpointed a Jump Point. The point is 1.19 billion kilometers away from Sol, on a bearing of 354, situated between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn.

4 July 2039: Slightly behind schedule, the two Sprite class freighters are completed. Once Captain “Kaos” Gorbatov’s report is received, they will begin transporting components of mass drivers and automated mines to prime sources of important T/N minerals. Sections of the Assembly have begun lobbying for the design of a colony ship and the establishment of a sealed habitat on Mars, in order to relieve population pressure. Governor Saint-Pierre has announced that he will discuss this issue with top Amalgamation industrial and social leaders, in order to formulate safe, practical ways to begin colonization efforts. At the back of the collective mind of the entire Assembly, and indeed, all of humanity, is the desire to spread, so that our collective survival may never again be threatened.

7 August 2039: Joel Coates completes work on a small living quarters module, and starts researching possible methods of cryogenic suspension.

15 October 2039: Natalia Yefimov and her team complete research into a focal housing for a 10cm laser projection array.

27 December 2039: A second JP has been located, 2.85b km out, on a bearing of 352, almost exactly within the orbital path of Uranus. Captain “Kaos” Gorbatov has sent a near-complete geological survey of the Solar System; all that is omitted is the Kuiper Belt, which she will survey in the coming years. Of particular interest are substantial deposits on all of the inner planets, Luna, Europa, Ganymede, Titan, Triton, Comet #3, as well as the minor deposits on 20 asteroids and a number of moons. It also appears that there are substantial traces (9.58 million tons) of gaseous Sorium in Saturn’s atmosphere. Detailed reports on deposits of interest follow. In accordance with this report, Sprite 001 and Sprite 002 have begun ferrying automated mines and a mass driver to Mars. Tritanium supplies have begun to run dangerously low as well, though reduced conversion rates of old, conventional industry has made it slightly less pressing. Based on the geological survey report, Venus has been targetted as the second major mining location ready for development. In the medium-term, Titan and Comet #3 are both ideal mining sites.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 09:58:21 pm by Flying Dice »

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 12:27:03 am »

Yours is one of about two games I've seen where the moon actually has anything on it. Looks like you won't have any problems with uridium supplies.
Also, I would definitely survey the Kuiper belt asap. There's often pretty serious mineral supplies out there. One thing I tend to do in my games is let the civvies make colonies on outer asteroids, and just buy their output. It's more expensive, but it saves the trouble of shipping junk all the way out beyond pluto.


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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 01:26:09 am »

And Sorium in Saturn to boot! A pretty good mineral spread, though Corundium seems to be in short supply, as I've often noticed it is.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.

Delta Foxtrot

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 02:26:12 am »

Posting to watch and all that. Interesting to see how this will end up.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2012, 02:31:51 am »

........Captain “Kaos” ........

Heh, I like that.  Make that her call-sign even when promoted.  Fighter ops is also very good, though she would like to focus on combat support in the capacity of Point Defense, (load out fighters with extreme short-range but fast-tracking railguns/gauss cannons.  Maybe slightly longer defensive guns on the carrier itself.  Trying to design the shiip in my own game, but, it totally sucks.)

{OOC: And yeah, lotsa minerals all over the shop.  Mars, Mercury and the moon were bare in my campaign, Venus was a cornucopia, thankfully.  Saturm was the only gas giant with Sorium, a paltry 300k tho.  The game screwed me by giving me only three head scientists for the first six years, really slows down research, especially when two are MK (15 and 20%) and the third is PP 5% and 5 labs.  Really made up for it with an Epic civilian administrator: Admin 5; Shipbuilding +25%; Factory Prod +15%; Wealth Creation +30%; Mining +5%; and GU Construction +15%}
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 03:51:20 am »

Watching to post
Its like playing god with sentient legos. - They Got Leader
[Dwarf Fortress] plays like a dizzyingly complex hybrid of Dungeon Keeper and The Sims, if all your little people were manic-depressive alcoholics. - tv tropes
You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right. - xkcd


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 06:38:02 am »

You will have a pretty bad Corundium crunch really soon. Better explore the neighbouring systems soon.

On the other hand:
Congrats on that Mars. Almost perfect for shipbuilding.

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 08:54:12 am »

Yeah, the Corundium crunch is going to hurt a bit. Fortunately, pretty much the only thing it is used for is mines/automines, and the reason usage is so high is because I'm churning out automines, so the worst that will happen will be that I'll have to do a bit of mining rate research to make up for the shortage while I'm searching for a supply. Update should be up either around noon, or sometime in the afternoon.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora : Terran Amalgamation
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2012, 10:58:47 am »

how in hell do you get civvies to make their own shipyards?
You cannot.

Civilian ships does not use your commercial shipyards to build, and I've seen them using new design that's only a few weeks old in a matured game. You still need to provide them designs, though.


And about minerals...Civilian mines can be a good source of them. More than 50% of my off-world mineral output is from them in my current game.
Adept Lurker
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