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Author Topic: Superhero Evacuation Project (Swords and Psychics...)  (Read 16232 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2012, 02:02:47 am »

Shadowcaster + Doppel (RP Mode):

The ner-do-wells in front of the apartment give the strange masked man a good and long look before deciding that it would be unwise to get between a nutjob and his drugs.

"...Streetwise just got out of lockup this morning. Doubt he's got anything for you yet. When I used to push the fun stuff I'd always wait at least a day or two between getting out of jail and getting back into business."

The man pauses for a bit and scratches his chin. "I'm sure he could point you in the right direction even if he's not carrying though. This is where he lives, if you wait he will show up. He's over at the studio now, recording some of the things he wrote while he was a guest of the colony."

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #46 on: February 11, 2012, 05:10:01 am »

Symon picked up the action figure and studied it closer in his hands. It had a startling likeness to him, even though it also portrayed him with a dozen more accessories than he actually had. Smiling faintly, Symon turned to the FBI agent.

'If you're willing to tell me, agent, can I ask what your plans are? This seems like it could turn ugly pretty easily. I believe I can help,have a suggestion of my own, but I'm interested in hearing out what you've worked out.'

« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 05:15:36 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2012, 12:33:05 pm »

"These assholes are smart. They claim Moscow is backing them. We all know that is, pardon my french, bullshit, but the governor insists we wait to hear back from earth cause if they ain't lying acting against them could cause an international incident."

The agent sighs. "They used the time they forced us to give them to prepare. They have the hostages split up in three heavily fortified locations down in the tunnels. Once we get word from earth that nobody gives a shit about these losers we will have to act quick with full frontal assaults on each location. Losses will be high."

Ryan takes a deep breath. "I honestly don't like those Nuns of getting out of this alive."



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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #48 on: February 12, 2012, 01:11:44 am »

Lillian sighed, rubbing her temples and glaring spitefully at her suitcase as the creeping warmth of the afternoon dose of painkillers and other miscellaneous medications began to envelop her.

Sure, a lot of them were gratifying highs, and perhaps she'd hit some of the "take as needed" ones a little more often than strictly necessary (to say nothing of their usefulness infiltrating drug rings), but she hated being tied to the damn thing all the time; she'd been so caught up in her work that it was the onset of bouts of paranoia and cold sweats that alerted her to the time- sure, she knew she was being gawked at, being a bit of a spectacle herself, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was being... y'know, watched watched. Or maybe it wasn't just her imagination this time... of course, those would've been inevitably followed up by excruciating joint pain, and nausea, and dizziness, and- she kicked the suitcase under the desk before flopping face-first onto the bed.

'Dammit.' Where was she? Right, the Tapply girl- if that's who she was, anyway. Nobody seemed to know what had caused that explosion, and there was no body or funeral- she was only presumed dead- and it'd give her a motive, though revenge didn't seem to quite line up with how... capricious Synthetic Kiss seemed to be, what with her pretty much just doing what she pleased because she could, and then, when she got bored of her latest miracle of modern superscience, pawning it off to some gang or super-criminal for a ridiculous fee.

No, if she was going to figure out what made her tick, she'd have to meet her in person, and that was a tricky proposition- trying to catch her at home would be inefficient, and the paperwork hadn't been sorted out yet, and trying to get at her through the gangs she'd done business with wasn't something she fancied trying without backup- and nobody'd shown back up at the gym/apartment yet.


Finally pushing herself back up, Lillian once again grabs her cane and goes off wandering the halls of the governor's mansion.

'I wonder if she takes commissions...'

Time for more detective legwork! Subscribe to Synthetic Kiss' feed, see if there's any way to get in contact with her other than Meblab, see if I can dig up anything else about Linda Tapply, try to touch base with my comrades (I assume we have something like e-mail on these, and there might be something more urgent that needs my attention), and stalk the mansion in search of snacks.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #49 on: February 12, 2012, 02:24:45 am »

Shadowcaster nods to the cooperative hooligan and walks back to Dopple.

Good. The scum of this city already fear me - like a child fears the dark.

He speaks in a hushed grumble. "So. We got his location. We know he's connected. And people expect him to be laying low. I say we infiltrate the premises. Search around, get the drop on him when he gets home."
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 02:26:20 am by kinseti »

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #50 on: February 12, 2012, 11:00:56 am »

Adam decocked and holstered his pistols with an irritated sound. "Sounds like a plan. Just fill me in on the details as we go." He turned away from the edge of the alley. "If we're lucky this guy isn't paranoid and lining his house with guards. Then again, I think I can deal with that."  He looked back towards the edge of the alley, towards Streetwise's house. "Shouldn't we have cleared the other house? They're selling drugs in the middle of the city and no one is stopping them. He may be a small fry, but he can be made an example of. The people should know that they can't do that and get away with it." Doppel shot Shadowcaster a glare.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2012, 02:41:48 am »

Shadowcasters expression remains imperceptible beneath his mask. "I'm all for sending a message, but those guys haven't done nothin' yet. They could just be users. We get info on the supplier from Tyler, we can take it all down from the top." Shadowcaster scratches the top of his head with his crossbow and then secures it to his back. "I'm going in the window. I can probably buzz you in once I'm up, if you want. Otherwise, suit yourself." He shrugs.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #52 on: February 13, 2012, 06:32:05 am »

Symon paused. What had the FBI become here if they would permit a frontal assault without any attempt to protect the innocent? Authorizing something like this back on Earth would've gotten you kicked off the force and thrown to the media without a second's pause.

'i... think I can help, agent. Give me a megaphone and some time and I can end this without any bloodshed.'

Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #53 on: February 13, 2012, 08:29:38 am »

Doppel thought about it for a moment. Taking out a supplier would certainly be more efficient. He sounded irritated since he knew that he was being petty. "...Fine. Radio me if and when things turn to shit. I'll be waiting in an isolated place across the street from the house to keep watch. If something starts happening before you buzz me in I'll start a frontal assault. I'll let you know before I start."

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2012, 01:00:50 am »

The agent nods. "I can set you up. Not quite sure which hostage location, if any, their leader is actually at, but I can get you there and get you a Megaphone. Though if you think you can impress them let me offer you a word of warning..."

Agent Doe sighs. "I'll take it you are new to Truman, seeing as I have heard nothing of your exploits on this planet, and I am in a position to hear of such things. The colonies are where the Radicals on both the left and right fled too in the 80's and early 90's when Washington and Moscow made it clear that there was no room of cold warriors or extremists in their new world order. The leader of these Terrorists, a man by the name of Ralph Higgs, is actually a fairly reasonable person by the standards of what I have to deal with on a day to day basis."

The agent pulls up a picture of a short balding man in his 40's. "Graduate of Berkeley. More anti-religion than he is anti-capitalism, sucker for debate and attention. If you make any progress it will be with him. Most of the men under him are immigrants from Casa de Fidel, the Cuban colony in this system. These Cubans are nut jobs, brainwashed by their nut job colonial governor. All they want is to kill some Nuns and die as martyrs in the name of their version of communism."

He looks you in the eye, and you pick up an expression of near hopelessness. "Speaking of radicals the attorney general is chomping at the bit to send my boys in to slaughter some 'dirty commies', innocent lives be damned. I'll be rooting for you Spirit."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Gathering Intel!)
« Reply #55 on: February 18, 2012, 02:27:39 pm »

Shadowcaster + Doppel:

Going in through the window Shadowcaster quickly and stealthily surveys the apartment. Small living area, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a crapper. Tyler isn't home. He hides in the shadows and wait for him.

After several hours he returns home. Shadowcaster watches him unnoticed for awhile. Tyler wolfs down dinner and flips on the television. Halfway through a 'Truman Idol' re-run the vigilante strikes, wrestling Tyler to the ground and binding him up. He dumps the drug dealear, now screaming for mercy, onto his bed and calls Doppel in for the Interrogation.


You stare at the pathetic man as he squirms against his bindings and rants that he has already served his time. You glance at each other, upon coming to the realization that you forgot to coordinate an interrogation plan ahead of time...


The hostage site is only a 15 minute ride in a FBI SWAT van from the sacred heart. It would seem some of the Nuns are being held in a massive underground estate. You spot two Snipers in dated Cuban army uniforms in a watchtower near the gate. Agent Doe gets on the megaphone and anounces that a great soviet hero has come to aid in the negotiations. After several minutes somebody shouts back that their leader is not willing to negotiate.

You take the megaphone yourself, identifing yourself as The Spirit of Industry. They are skeptical, pointing out that the Spirit of Industry wears power armor, and that you do not. They also add that you/he is/are a traitor to communist ideals.

"I doubt their leader is here. He wouldn't pass up a chance to chat you up." Agent Doe informs you. "I'm going to call it a day, we can try the other hostage sites tomorrow. I can arrange for you to spend the night in the monastery, or in one of the Sacred Heart University dorms. Of course, you could come back to Roosevelt with me and be my guest this evening. The wife is making turkey in the slow cooker, and I'm sure my brother would be thrilled to meet you."


You pull out your PDA and google the nine foot man in the tunnels. Most of the results come back in mandarin Chinese, and after several hours pouring over a few poorly translated pages you learn that he lives just outside of a small mushroom farming community that provides seasons and spices to Asian eateries all over Truman.

The nine footer is mostly a hermit, living in an isolated portion of tunnel blocked off from the world by a thick Iron Grate he installed. He only comes out once every couple months to sell his shrooms at the local market. He speaks neither mandarin nor English very fluently, and several blogging merchants admit to exploiting this to rip the giant off. He has earned a degree of fame in the community by saving a family from a burning house last month while he was on his way to the market.

There are few pictures of him, and they are all low quality. From what you can tell he is incredibly muscular. He wears what appears to be a homemade poncho, and his face seems to be one of somebody in his forties.

You then focus your research on figuring out how to get into the tunnels. You learn that you need papers to get into any of the major domes, and many of the minor ones, but anybody can roam the tunnels freely. Roosevelt Dome is fairly easy to re-enter undocumented; all you have to do is purchase or forage a shuttle-port ticket and tell the checkpoint you are on your way off the planet. You do note that Mushroom Flats, the comunity that the giant lives near, is not connected to any of the major tunnel trams or bus routes, and that a cab would be expensive...


You roam the govenors mansion in search of snacks and eventualy find the kitchen. Green dosn't seem to keep any sweets around, so you eventually settle on a granola bar as you sit down on the kitchen counter and boot up your tablet for some more surfing. You find that Synthetic Kiss keeps a gmail and PO Box address for fan mail. You also learn that she has a habit of showing up uninvited to parties that are advertised on Meblab. You subscribe to her feed and then do a bit more research on Linda Tapply.

You learn that Mr. Tapply originally worked for the Superheroes Union as an engineer designing costumes, custom weapons, and utility belts for its members. After his first family died, also coincidentally in an explosion, he retired, remarried, and moved to Truman. After his disabled daughter Linda was born he opened up a business making Power-chairs and Exoskeletons. You find very little on Linda herself, other than a few articles about her winning some science fair or another as a kid.

Suddenly you are interrupted by the ding of an Email. It would seem that Synthetic Kiss is currently in a Meblab pissing contest with  the Truman Attorney General, who has just announced that a bunch of "super-freaks" have arrived on the planet and linked to a news article. It would seem the Attorney General leaked the Union Datasheets on your entire group to the press. Your powers, gadgets, and limitations are all posted along with a short biography (Thankfully with the secret identity names redacted).

Synthetic Kiss had commented on the leaked documents, saying she'd love to flirt with or fight against any of you. The Attorney General responded to her blab by declareing that. "You, the new freaks, and Governor Green are all in the same boat to me. Your kind should be locked up like the animals you are."

You spend 30 minutes watching the two argue on Meblab with mild amusement. You shoot off some emails to the others and wait for a responce.


You wake up in the gym and are informed that you have arrived on Truman. A young maiden, whom you have learned from experince is called a nurse, tells you that the Symptoms of FTL sickness will pass over the next hour or so and that you are free to move around as soon as you are ready.

Just then an ancient looking man enters and introduces himself as Governor Green. He gives you a piece of plastic with your picture on it and places one on everybody else's bed. "These are your ID cards. They can get you to any dome on the planet." He explains before hurrying off.

The Fool

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Data Leaked!)
« Reply #56 on: February 18, 2012, 03:50:48 pm »

The most important rule of an interrogation is to never falter. If you miss a beat and the person notices, they'll withhold information. Without even thinking about it Adam split into two, and they both loomed over Tyler. Adam clenched the man's collar with his right hand and yelled, "Where are you getting drugs from? Start talking or I'll start breaking bones, starting with your fingers." Adam started smiling, it was clear that he was enjoying this.

His doppelganger drew a pistol, and said to Shadowcaster in a even tone that Tyler could easily hear, "Don't worry, we'll just make him wish he was never born. Can you make sure that no one interrupts the interrogation? We don't want the screams gathering unwanted attention."

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Data Leaked!)
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2012, 02:25:35 am »

The kid seems alright. Give him a chance. I really like interrogations though. Oh well. I can always interrogate someone later. I'm thirsty.

"Fine. You three have fun. Don't shoot him. Too noisy. Knives in the kitchen." Shadowcaster steps into the kitchen and grabs a soda from the fridge.

Before leaving the apartment he addresses the dealer. "Not a great host Tyler. Should have offered your guests a drink." He exits through the window and mutters, "That was a joke."

Shadowcaster climbs down to street level and casually observes the front entrance of the building from the edge of the alleyway. He cracks open the can of pop and takes out his tablet in an effort to distract himself from the interrogation he is not participating in. A little envelope icon blinks at him, Lillian wants a SitRep from the newly arrived heroes.

Keep lookout and observe surroundings for anything interesting/suspicious/etc., drink soda, E-mail Lillian back:

Went out to fight crime with Dopple. I'm drinking 7Up. I think Dop is breaking a drug dealer's fingers. 7Up is kind of flat. See you later.
- Shadowcaster

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Data Leaked!)
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2012, 04:06:09 am »

Simon smiled at the agent's offer. He was beginning to warm up to this man.

'I'd be honoured, but perhaps not right now? I still have work to do. Could these sites be sealed? If I could cook up a knockout gas of some kind, we might able to... well, maybe not. If negotiation fails at the other two sites as well, I'll see what I can do.'

He paused. The unnecessary brutality of the original plan of these men still bothered him.

'Agent? What can you tell me of this attorney general of yours? Is he one of these extremists you mentioned?'
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Superhero Evacuation Project (Data Leaked!)
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2012, 01:35:50 am »


"My work isn't over either, but it is getting late. We still have two more days before the shit hits the fan, perhaps longer if Moscow needed to process the information and formulate a long winded response. 'Sides, I think we will have better luck negotiating with well rested radicals as opposed to cranky and exhausted ones."

Agent Doe scratches his head as the Soviet brings up the AG. "Radical would be an understatement. Charlie was governor since the colony was founded up until Green beat him for the seat about 7 years ago. He was a decent enough governor unless you happened to be a Communist. He pulled the kind of McCarthyistic witch hunts that I thought America got over in the 60's. With him in charge the FBI on Truman was basicaly an anti-leftist hit squad. Had to do some things under his leadership that I ain't proud of."

He frowns. "I had a few dealings with Green while I was just a young agent based in Boston. He is no saint. That said him becoming governor is likely the best thing to have happened to Truman. Charlie, and the rest of the far right, are scared of his powers and rightly so. Unless you are a superbeing or vigilante that man will kill you in a heartbeat if you get in his way. Since the election Charlie seems to have added crimefighters and superbeings to his list of people to make miserable."

The agent whips out his Tablet and flips through a few spreadsheets as he talks. "The way I see it the AG has two reasons to hate your guts Spirit. He will not have your best interests in mind."


"What drugs? I'm a free man. I'm out of the business..."

You let $treetwi$e rant while your doppelganger heads to the kitchen to retrieve a knife, which you then dramatically brandish with your guns over his throat. "Talk."

Tyler gulps. "Alright. Jeezus. Just put those down and I'll talk." You lower the weapons slightly and wait. Tyler dose not disappoint.

"The drug pickups are at random times and places around the Roosevelt Dome. I usually get a call about three hours beforehand. They are usually delivered by goons from the Truman Safety Society. You can usualy find some TSS guys picking up litter alongside major roads during rush hour to keep up their group image. I'd suggest you just leave me alone and go bug some of them."
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