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Author Topic: Godhood: A New Land(IC)  (Read 7652 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #120 on: December 07, 2011, 05:21:54 pm »

"I think I'll keep this answer for later, old man."
You win Nakeen
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #121 on: December 07, 2011, 05:25:34 pm »

Ardas watched from his throne. While the men of other lands were growing in power and knowledge, his people stagnated. The knowledge of Order as a principle of nature was obivous to all, but the true knowledge of it as principle of power for mortals and the need to have Man defend against the unnatural was unrevealed to the masses. Ulpias performed his work admirably and tried as he might, but tirem grew fat and lazy. Order had few folowers, but not enough to grant Ardas with any insight or additional power. This place needed shaking up. Maybe when disturbed and devastated would Tirem finally understand and feel the need follow their Patron.

The revenants of chaos were spreading across the land and seeked out anything of power. They would suffice. If the people of Tirem rallied around Order, then Ardanian Codex would finally become truly known to Man and help in his fight against Chaos.

Ardas then started chanelling his energy directly into the land of the Tirem, so that it called out to the revenants, promising them energy and artifacts. These simple spirits woul be easily fooled, their minds bent only on seeking out energy and spreading chaos. They would not pass up the opportunity to devour this free gift.

Ulpias was a faithful servant if bit eccentric as for humans standrards. To help him out, Ardas sent him a dream of incoming troubles, and with that dream empowered the man with wit, charisma and quick mind. Ardanian Codex soon should become more than an obscure philosophy.

Use Godly energies to lure enough revenants to Tirem to start harrasing humans. Boost Ulpias' powers of charisma to help spread Ardanian Codex.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2011, 05:45:24 pm »

Where the Revenants go, the Warriors of Fire follow.
Their presence in Tirem was minimal in the past, considering that the lands were fairly peaceful, and also highly disposed towards the use of Ardanium. But the increasing presence of Revenants- along with vague rumours of powerful artefacts- drew the Warriors there in ever greater numbers.

Though most villages would not object if a wandering band of Warriors drive off a group of marauding Revenants, some worried that the larger cities might contain large amounts of these followers of 'Order'. The Warriors follow their hearts first and the law second, and sometimes that leads to conflict with the those of a lawful persuasion.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #123 on: December 07, 2011, 05:47:26 pm »

Kain laughed aloud before replying "That was not Ardanium.  It was simple stone that contained a spell to give its wielder basic knowledge of the Murr. I meant no harm Sister Fire, and that was not a threat just a warning. For if your Warriors ever do enter another Murr Den then they will die beneath the Murr's blades. He meant no harm it was a simple statement to make the Warriors aware of the danger. My creations are not evil for they have no wish to be, they are there to observe, assist, and ,if I deem the need great, go to war to save the humans."


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2011, 06:14:52 pm »

"Very well, [Kain]. I shall speak with my Warriors, and clarify your servant's message. But keep the [Earth Kings] in check, for evil can spring from even the purest intentions. And should this occur, know that Fire will consume them, even as I weep for them."
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #125 on: December 07, 2011, 06:20:48 pm »

"They will not stray from their path, and if they do I shall destroy them before you can. I am the earth, I am both Kind, and Cruel, that is how I was born keep that in mind Sister Fire. It has been nice talking to you." Kain said as he stood, and strode through the far wall. He appeared at the top of the mountain which was, oddly enough, flat. He took a seat there, and stared out at the world around him taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of his world. He let out a deep sigh laid back, and stared int the sky thinking of what was to come.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #126 on: December 08, 2011, 10:09:07 am »

Days had passed after the Warriors had left and Pickgut and most of the male Murr had returned to their hive only to find it rebuilt. With a strange entrance, in the midst of their meeting hall they found another Man-Thing, it had dropped a figure in front of it and dared taking the sacred tongue into its mouth. Many words were, clumsy and some not even Pickgut could make out propably due to the missing of a tail of the Man-Thing. It was far too static, its words missed  emotion, that was dangerous. While the bulk of the returned Murr sstayed in the shadows, Pickgut met the Man-Thing. It was only a mere single one and he seemed unarmed. Even Pickgut alone could take him out. But anyway in the shadows atleast a score of bows pointed at the strange Man-Thing, ready to end it's life should it try something.

What do you want-want, Man-thing? You language is bad-bad and you lack emotion, you are not trustworthy. Why we should not kill-kill the Man-Thing? we told them that we wished no interference here in our homes!

his Musk Glands emitted a strong citrus scent, a sign of dominance among the Murr, however to the human this would propably go unnoticed...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #127 on: December 08, 2011, 05:45:30 pm »

Kain looked at the his greatest creation, Waylin're, and sighed before reaching forth his hand, and grasping the hilt. As he grasped the hilt the earth shook slightly as his energy flowed into the land. His voice could be heard by all the Gods, and those humans whose divine strength was great. It was a deep voice, and sounded as cold as stone, but the warmth of kindness was present in great strength as Kain spoke.

"Into this world I create the Second Prophecy of the foretold destruction.

A hero shall be born into this world, and their strength shall be great, their will beyond measure, and their courage that which could rival any man. This human shall be the first wielder of the great sword, Waylin're, the God Slayer. This hero shall take up the God Slayer during each age of the Prophecy of Destruction, and it will be by their hand, and that blade that the crisis shall either be evaded, or brought upon us. Three chances will the hero have, and each time they shall need the help of the Gods who face the Devourer, but if they fail, and each era ends in destruction then the Devourer shall appear. All hope will be lost, and the Gods will disappear from this world.

This world shall be saved by the hero who wields the God Slayer, and who is champion of the Gods. Or it shall be destroyed by the one who has fallen from my grace, and wields the weapon I have created."

With that the earth shuttered once more, and the chamber which held Waylin're was filled with such divine energy that any normal being would have been killed, and turned to dust. As the light faded Kain was sitting on the ground with his back against the cold stone.

Act: Expand Midas Memorum's previous Prophecy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #128 on: December 08, 2011, 06:36:13 pm »

"I beg of you the knowledge of these others. Why did they come here? I seek them for the harm they have done to mine."
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #129 on: December 10, 2011, 05:57:01 am »

Nora's servants seemed to enter the equation in Tirem. Ardas could recognise them to be mighty warriors, intent on fixing the problems of their goddess and helping out humans in their problems. But unlike the followers of Order,they were a select group who did not have a settled place.
There was no reason to fight with them though, their goals were not opposed to Order. After all, they sought to protect, not destroy.

Ardas could see himself working with Nora, making sure that life was protected and that principles of nature was preserved.
To that end, he summoned her with his energy, calling to her out and inviting her to his Halls.

Call out for Nora to talk with her.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #130 on: December 10, 2011, 06:42:26 am »

Strange Man-Things broke into our hives but we faced them and they surrendered! What have they done to your kind?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #131 on: December 10, 2011, 12:07:12 pm »

Having form, having a conversation; they are acquired skills.
Nora liked to think she had managed to acquire them.
There was barely thought involved in determining the 'location' she had been called to.
It felt natural to focus herself into that location.
The form she took required almost no effort at all to move around.
She still had some trouble making the lips move in time with the words, but that would come.

"Ardas", she spoke, curtsying, "you wished to talk?"

Nora did not fear the earth-god's so-called prophecy. Rocks know little of the future- if this prophecy came true, it would only be because he made it so.
And if he did, she would see him burn.

Meanwhile, the Warriors of Fire. They expand, they act. The world knows their presence, knows their power. It knows the name they pray to, the name to which they give thanks, the name who they claim to be the protector of life. All across the world, the Warriors inadvertently spread it; the knowledge of Nora. There is no desire to do so. There are no organised attempts to gather worshippers. The Warriors will not object if someone blasphemes her name, or expresses disbelief of her existence.
But some people will pray to anything.
Nora hears them; a prayer here, a prayer there.
They feel... good. Her Warriors, obviously, offer her worship- but this is different. This is just... ordinary people. Who want her, need her, ask for her help.
So she answers a prayer or two.
Mostly those she answers go insane. Some seem almost disappointed to actually get a reply, as if they expected something more impressive. But a few are elated. Nora blesses their crops or heals their children or whatever it is they wanted. And then word of that spreads. And suddenly there are more prayers. And then shrines and temples and burnt offerings and chants and scripture and it overwhelms her. But it all feels so good.

Act: Answer a few prayers from people who picked up Nora's existence from the Warriors. Maybe gain a few worshippers here and there, a shrine or two. Nothing organised.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #132 on: December 10, 2011, 01:57:28 pm »

Yes Nora, I believe it is the highest time we speak. Still sitting on his throne he observed her. Your servants roam the mortal world, ridding it of the problems caused by higher powers such as us. they seem to have good intentions and are helping out other mortals whenever they can.

Ardas stood up and begun walking towards Nora.
I see no reason why we should not work together. Warriors of Fire seek to right the wrongs inflicted upon the mortal world, and I revealed the creed of Order to mortals as to return the balance and symmetry to their existence. You care for life and I care for principles that make life possible. I do not seek to dominate mortals with my Word, but merely encourage them to recognise us as the ones that can help them.

Ardas stood in front of her, his face invisible under the hood.
Let us proceed in lending the mortals and the live creatures below with protection against the hungry mouths of monsters and chaotic minds of other divines. You lend them Fire which drives them, I lend them Arms with which they strike. Let us work as one pantheon, shielding this world from the destruction that has touched countless others.


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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #133 on: December 10, 2011, 03:31:20 pm »

"To protect the world is a noble cause. Though perhaps you overestimate the value of order, at least you do not underestimate the value of life."

Nora took a few steps back.

"But I have an objection. Ardanium. It is your creation, is it not? Whilst I'm sure you had nothing but the noblest of intentions in mind when you created it... it serves evil. Creatures of magic have as much right to life as creatures of order. Sometimes a magical beast is evil"- the flames around Nora formed into the shape of a great dragon, roaring and spitting fire-"But sometimes it is good"- the dragon became smaller, and less threatening-"and the difference can be hard to spot. Certainly no metal blade can distinguish between the two."

The flames return to their chaotic swirl.

"I am sorry, Ardas. But I can protect this world alone, for now. There is no threat my Warriors cannot face, no evil I cannot overcome. Perhaps some day, there will be a need to unite our forces in the face of some great foe. But for now, my Fire burns alone, and will burn all those who would do evil, balance be damned."

The flames around Nora burn brighter. The figure within becomes obscured.

"On which note... this might hurt, a little. But even a god cannot escape punishment."

Nora explodes.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood: A New Land(IC)
« Reply #134 on: December 16, 2011, 10:11:35 am »

The Murr expectantly stared at the stranger, which still hadn't answered

((OOC: this wont DIE!))
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