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Author Topic: Dawnstone: A Fortress Defense Community Fort  (Read 8429 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Re: Dawnstone: A Fortress Defense Community Fort
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2011, 08:41:44 pm »

I found my flash drive!  :D


...I hope they listen...
It seems my hopes were confirmed! Not only did the body of militia I activated earlier content themselves with killing one of the two groundhogs, the two marksdwarves started running and shooting the fine bolts that our woodcrafter made for them.

Galena 16, 32
An ambush! Curse them!
Six goblin bowmen and a goblin pikemen have been spotted by an unfortunate horse. There are also rumors of two further dead pikegoblins [Read: They're on the units list for some reason; probably some giant badger killed 'em).
Dentedsyrups, the apprentice ranger and hammerdwarf, is showing how useful the latter skills can be by smacking several of the beak wolves with his crossbow. He's entered a martial trance, but that's only so good as he's alone, fighting several beak wolves. In addition, a fire goblin [Modded-in fire-breathing caste of goblin] has been sighted and identified by throwing a fireball at Solon--shoot the medic first, I guess?--from across the river. Memo to self: NEED MORE WALLS.

Galena 17, 32
Three beak wolves are charging down the northern, main, entrance, but are being met by Kadol and his steel crossbow, backed by two recruits and the traps by the, wait, three recruits, an axedwarf, and the lady who killed a giant badger with her dagger. One wolf falls into our cage traps, and the other two are being beaten by the militia. One is already dead.
The bowglins move across the southeastern field, towards the entrance, shooting at people across the river without seeming to score any hits. Reg, the creator of that fine stone ring, foolishly enters the area for uncertain reason. He's a former militiaman, he should be O.K...mostly...
Dentedsyrups fell into the river while fighting the beak wolves. He hasn't killed any yet, but one was knocked unconscious. Aside from his bismuth bronze crossbow and GCS silk quiver, and of course his use to us as a dwarf, his death won't cost us too much...I think...
Just what we need, MORE pikegoblins! Six total, counting the one from earlier, and this must be a fire fuckin' goblin convention because two of them are also fire goblins. Reg decided to run AWAY from the (lightly) trapped, (somewhat) safe entrance and discovered them on the bridge.
The pikegoblin with the bowglins killed a mule calf.
Wait...where'd that bolt come from? Could Dentedsyrups be firing at the goblins from the river? Maybe, but if so, apparently drowning makes your aim worse.
Oh, and it seems that the fire goblins started a fire in the southwest somehow.
A reindeer calf has been killed by a pikegoblin, maybe the same as the one that killed the mule calf. What do these people have against young livestock?
A fire goblin pikeman stabs Reg in the head, fatally.
Gar and the badger woman, standing on the tower outside my rooms' doors, are being shot at by bowglins. The former was shot in the pancreas and is in a bit of pain, the latter in the arm, shatterring the bone, and in extreme pain. They both flee down the stairs, the latter after falling unconscious. Maybe before.
The beak wolves are mostly biting one Smithsports, but his unconsciousness is directing them to go for the head, which is protected by an iron helm. There is also the formerly unconscious one, still in pain, and two who are just sort of standing around, not injured or doing anything, including the rider whom I assume is their leader. The militia is arriving out the south gate, already being shot at. Two small piles of equipment, the seeds of the dead-pikesgoblin rumor, lie just past the slowly advancing inferno. Thankfully, we have enough walls to protect from that, if not fire- and marks-goblins.

Galena 18, 32
An axedwarf was shot in the head and killed. This saddens two of the recruits, including the creator of Savantrent, who gave into pain and got a pike to the brain. (Gallows humor, see?)

And then the goblins' doom comes. Kogan Boatblizzards has awoken.
She was tired from an earlier assault, and so had to rest. Now, she's awake. Kogan the Spearmaster, who slew a dozen badgerfolk with a blunt stick and six with her own nands! Kogan, the mighty, the brave, the drowzy!
...Kogan, the Staying-In-The-Barracks.
Another recruit dies! Weaksabres, unwilling to shoot his crossbow for some reason, flees from a pikegoblin! A carpenter, wounded long ago, chooses now to die of thirst! A fire pikegoblin kills another recruit! Kubuk, the silver-dagger-wielder, is killed by another or the same, I know and care not which! Weaksabres retreats from the goblins, though armed with bolts and a crossbow and facing the goblins mostly alone! Ral, our main siege operator, is incapacitated by a broken leg! Someone's pet poult was shot!
Remember that wrestler who was getting gnawed in the helmet?

He's not doing so well now that he's awake. He dropped his shield, anything exposed is missing or smashed...he is one unhappy camper. Or should be; apparently he is still happy from the soap and the giant cave spiders.
[Side note: I called that screenshot “Ouch.” in my files. Seriously, his ears are gone, he's missing teeth, and that's just the injuries that don't all meld together in red. Virtually the only parts of him uninjured are his lower body and, somewhat amusingly, his head.]
He's unconscious again, though, which might help again now, since the wolves are attacking his helm once more.

A kitten has been shot and killed, in the barracks! Right on the fucking bead where Zon's fucking corpse still lies! Ten feet from Kogan, who is still twiddling her fucking thumbs, completely oblivious to what's going on outside! Here, take this!

[Different handwriting, much more crudely [Kogan's description notes that she has difficulty with words] follows.]

I dunno why Great-Wyrm left me this, but he sez to write down wut's happening. He's loking himself in his room or sumthin.
Uh...there's a bunch of beak wolves gnawing on Asmel's helmet for some reason, another not shur if it wants to be awak or not, two mor (one riding a moose) wanderin towards the entrans tunnil, a fyre to the sothwest, sum bowgobbos and a pikegob across the river. One of the bowgobs is a fyr-gob and burnt of al his cloths and his quivr, but the others hav lotsa arrows. Kadol the markdwarf and sum corpz cur carp dead guys on the south bank and more boglins chasing him. Not al, tho-some shuting at us on nort side. Lotsa people tryin to hide in the barracks. Morul the boncarvr is inconshis and being dragged in by Zuglar the metalsmth. Summun shot an aro at me, but I jumpt away. On gobo pikeman got caught in a trap, and Imush the miner-warrior gi who kiled the giant bat is fightin a bogob who walked ucros the cag trap. Theres some of hiz blud on the walls, tho, and his arm looks bad. It's not his boarm, tho, but it shud help.
It's the ninteeth now, I think.
O luk, the fyr gob bowgob guy is joining in, also climin over the trigerd trap. Imush runs towards bogobs but gets aros stuck in his arm and chest. Now he's not breethin or muvin so good. Gar startd dragin thu dead beek wulf to the garbig dump but stopped when he got shot at. An arrow hit and kild that one guy's pet chick next to mee, and then that potter guy got kild too. Kadol's stil runing from the pikgobs. The wepinsmith died, three aros in his bodee. The beek dogs left at sum poynt, tho onlee two dyed. Sumtym thu fyr gobln bowgob got caut in cag trap. Kadol's been cornird. Imush stopped breathin after crawlin onto the bridg. Kadol's not cornerd anymor. A hors got kilt. Two mor solders came out of the south gayt, two are almost ther. Ones fytin a bowgob that walked over trigerd traps agen. He fel down the ramp towurds the recroots in the tunl. He's not hapy now.
It's the twenteeth now.
Ral, the siege guy, tryd to get a drink but went unconshus. Two bowgobs hurt one uv the solders a lot. Then a pykgob hit him in the hed with his pik. Great-Wyrm told me to give back his book wen we reachd 25 dwarvves, so her he is agen.

[The handwriting returns to normal.]

This chick can't spell to save her life! Or anyone else's, from how she's acted.

Some soldiers came out of the south gate after one, an axedwarf, killed the bowglin that entered the fortress (Fh 1.8/5.9, by the way), and are swiftly attacking another bowglin. We have four prisoners (three goblin, one beak wolf--I'm not counting the badger woman who got shot on behalf of our fortress as a prisoner currently), three bowglins and five pikegoblins still alive, one bowglin in the process of being killed and both fire goblins still breathing. Squarepick is in the far southweat of our area, with an arrow in her spleen. Our fine marksdwarf, quiver full, has chosen to keep running, hoping that one of the other four soldiers who are still alive will save...never mind, dead, so's another recruit and Kadols war--wait, what? She finally got off her lazy ass and is now kicking some goblins'? She's now a legendary fighter? An unconscious fire pikegoblin is distracting her with its copper helm and the inscribed yak hoof image of a maple, their civ's symbol, and she's just stabbing said helmet with her sharp and less-sharp sticks? Well, then, we have an issue. Oh, and our former stonecrafter and current speardwarf is currently unconscious and bleeding, as is the axedwarf who is the only one of us to have killed a goblin? And our two currently-wrestlers are in various stages, and one is across the fucking fort? So our entire fucking militia is currently being useless for reasons of varying validity? Crap-tastic.


I'm adding a new caste of goblin every time the last was discovered: Webber, then fire, then...I don't know yet. That I'm admitting.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Re: Dawnstone: A Fortress Defense Community Fort
« Reply #61 on: November 06, 2011, 06:40:48 am »

Crap-tastic. At least only the unconscious fire pikegoblin and the bowglin who's chasing Squarepick with his bow (he's out of arrows)--wait, make that the bowglin who KILLED THE FUCKING DWARF BY SMACKING HIM IN THE HEAD WITH THE BOW. And said bowglin is headed straight for an unconscious wrestler. Yipee, after this battle maybe Kogan will be the only militiadwarf we have.

Oh, wait, Kogan finally killed the pikegoblin (by SCRATCHING HIM IN THE HEAD THROUGH HIS HELM) and is now beating the bowglin--wait, that should be BITING the bowglin. She's insane, but badass.

Galena 23, 32
How the time flies. Anyhoo, Kogan is beating on the unconscious bowglin and is expected to kill it soon. I hope so; its presence is terrifying the whole fortress.
And now the axedwarf, Atir, is awake and hobbling towards the unconscious bowglin.
And you know what I just realised? KOGAN STILL HAS NO WOUNDS.

Galena 24, 32
How many dwarves have killed a goblin with their shields? Kogan has! Next thing I know, she'll be taking off her socks and beating bronze colossi with them. And WIN.

I choose the barracks as a hospital area. Almost everyone goes there immediately--even Kogan, who is training. A carpenter thinks that rest is so important that he stops sleeping to res...wait, what?
Well, preparations need to be made. We need to make more walls, for when fire- and bowglins come again. More traps need to be set; many more cages need to be made. Our carpentry force needs to increase.

Galena 26, 32
Twenty-two dwarves. Thirty-two domestic animals, plus three war animals. A militia totalling three speardwarves and a few cage traps. Hundreds of seeds, and only one good planter to plant them with. Seven injured dwarves, two of them militia members. Twenty-four dwarves, two buried, dead of various causes ranging from fire goblins to water traps...erm, accidents involving water. Very unfortunate. Anyways...One ghost. Three spare coffins. One child, our only link to sanity.
Holy crap, we've got work to do.

Galena 28, 32
A dog grows up.

Limestone 1, 32
I realise that I added a zero when calculating the value of Dawnstone's two artifacts. Savantrent is worth 880 gold pieces and Greedfaith, as we are calling it for short, is worth 800. Considering that our entire fortress is worth just under 10,000 gold pieces, this is not a major as I had thought but still an important part of our fortress value.
On a different note, Solon is diagnosing someone. I'm not sure who, two patients have been laid over each other (Note to self: Add more beds to the barracks/hospital).

Limestone 2, 32
Odd, Solon's now just staring off over the well, after diagnosing one patient...he seems to need water for something...

Limestone 4, 32
Solon is now diagnosing Walledeast, who has a cut hand.

Limestone 6, 32
Now Solon is diagnosing our bone carver.
[I've never had such a useful doc!]

About here the game started kicking out fatal errors from the human language. Much tyopfinding later, and...Nope, still a fatal error. Fuck.

Dawnstone has fallen, not to dragons or goblins or other foes who can be fought, but an enemy that cannot be seen or fought by the poor dwarves: A computer glitch.
...Where's that save I uploaded? Maybe I should upload saves seasonally, both to prevent this from happening and to keep you guys better imformed.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dawnstone: A Fortress Defense Community Fort
« Reply #62 on: November 06, 2011, 08:41:05 am »

Dammit, that sucks. I was hoping to have a random peasant survive in his own little fort.
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