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Author Topic: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)  (Read 10233 times)


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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #90 on: November 28, 2008, 10:53:51 pm »

I'd like to request another human now
Name:Flint the second (or just Flint II if you want)

ty and keep up the good work

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #91 on: November 30, 2008, 12:10:10 pm »

The Events of The First Malachite, Year Six:

I was nervous, Rud didn't talk to people unless it was important, and by, "important" I mean a beating.

"Listen, I need to talk to you." He said, I cringed, expecting to get whacked over the head with a barrel. Instead, he saw my fear, and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble, I need your help with something."
"Me and Kupe are covered, but the rest of our forces are fighting with pointy sticks and rocks, make as many as you need to, but get me the best damn weapons that mortal hands can craft, better yet, use find some immortal ones."

He started to leave, but paused for a moment, right at the door.

"Whats your name, anyway?"

I cringed, I knew this wouldn't end well. Did he know already? I wasn't sure, but he asked, so I was obliged to answer.

"Flint, sir."

He stood silent for a moment, then beat his head against the wall until it looked like kaolinite. When he was sufficiently drained, he walked out the door, leaving me to decide if I still got the job.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 4th Malachite, Year Six:

Saw a cat get bitten by a spider today.

Funny stuff.

Two people I don't know gave birth to a kid I don't care about, but I have to record it for stocks.

Speaking of stocks, a bunch of craftsmen 'shops near the new refuse pile. That makes seven, and we still aren't crafting fast enough to keep up with our bone supply.

Sketched on the back of Rud Wuridur's Journal, Undated:


From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Galena, Year Six:

Operation "Zoolu" is now in effect.

Rud has been put on temporary leave, he'll return to sparring duties instead of guarding the door. I doubt anyone will attempt an attack after what he did to that kobold anyway.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 02:00:21 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #92 on: December 02, 2008, 09:40:20 pm »

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 2nd Galena, Year Six:

Ithros, who ypu may recognize as a former mayor of Pethitirum, along with her husband Urwa, have given birth to a child. In a fit of unimaginativness, they've named the child, "Ithros". It's almost as if they're trying to throw off my records.

On the Miner was also beaten today, and lived to go with it. With him done, everyone from the amulet export disaster has been completly relieved of their crimes, leaving our jails pleasantly empty and devoid of blood.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Galena, Year Six:

Eerily coinciding with the last of the registrations of the previous immigrant wave, a new (though thankfully smaller) group pulled up to our borders.

I suppose I should forewarn you that the list is so small, the human eye may not be able to detect it.
Three Stonecrafters
Five Peasants

Thats it.

After compiling this, and comparing it to our stocks history, i'm pleased to announce that our population of 165 has an 87.5% efficiency rate, as in, 87.5% of all residents are working at a given time.

As I mentioned, I just finished the interviews with new arrivals. At which point I noticed why it is that our newest soldier Makum decided to use a warhammer.

His last lame is, "Flewbone".

The Events of The 14th Galena, Year Six:

Flint was busier than he'd ever been. Dutifully completing his order for weapons of the highest possible calibur. Though, even creating such quality weapons didn't draw enough of his focus that he didn't notice the suspicious behavior of the armorer working opposite him.

"Hmm, If we could combine the.. with the.. and add a..."

Rising up, Flint inquires as to what he was planning.

"What? You're trying to steal my idea! Begone, leech!"

Before he could point out that he didn't have any proficency in armormaking, he found himself lying on his back, outside the smith. He saw the armorer bolt off towards the metal stockpile, and let out a deep sigh.

Ori Gasomanoth's Journal Entry of The Same Date, Assumed To Be An Account of The Previous Events.

I saw the glint in his eye, and I smiled. I knew that that poor sod that was rushing around was in the same mood so many others fell to. I knew that he was an armorer, I knew he was going to make us the best damn piece of armor any goblin who ever attacks here will ever see.

I grinned all the way as he brought an Iron block to the smith, then a copper one, then a steel one. I knew I was jumping with glee when I saw he grabbed a cut alexandrite, expecting to see it shining brightly in the breastplate. As he grabbed a stack of bones, I felt like my heart was about to stop, I was slowly inching closer to the smith ready to grab the legendary armor down to the barracks and show to Rud the moment it was finished.

Then, he grabbed an ordinary rock (though it WAS taken from the throne room, perhaps symbolic?) Then a piece of leather, then a block of wood, then a shell, before finally grabbing a rough Emerald.

When he finished I was leaning so close to the door that he nearly smacked me in the face on the way out. He was holding something that shined so brightly that I couldn't make out its true form.

As I leaned closer, and closer, I finally was able to discern the objects magnificent shape from the holy light.

It was...

It was...

A shoe?

"More of a proof of concept than anything." he explained, "that you can merge existing metals to get the benefits of both."

Our trader valued it at $102,000. I valued it at one shoe.

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #93 on: December 03, 2008, 05:13:18 am »

Our trader valued it at $102,000. I valued it at one shoe.

Rofl now that is brilliant writing

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2008, 09:46:02 pm »

From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 17th Galena, Year Six:

Aquos stopped jumping off the wall and started walking on two legs today. Back wehn I had constant "patrol duty", watching him constantly climbing up and falling off was the only thing that kept me from going insane with boredom. Now that i'm back to sparring, it seems so out of place with my other entires....

In an attempt to salvage what is left of this page, the marksmen have been getting quite good, Oja in particular is getting a high accuracy rate (though nowhere near what Flint could do at his peak).

Speaking of Flint, production of quality hammers is going well, the only problem is that our hammermen seem to have grown strange sentimental attachments to their weapons.

I could see me and Kupe preferring our current blades, as they have some history (thats why I didn't order replacements for them), but seriously, I don't think those... things they call hammers have even seen battle.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Limestone, Year Six:

All in all, today was absolutly awful.

First, I recieved word that we've completly run out of bones, which is bad news, as almost everything we sell is made of bones.

Our population of animals is nearing a standstill as most animals are butchered at birth, leaving only people's personal pets and Saya, and even the dumbest wild animals have learned better than to wander near our territory, so it's no surprise that our bone supply wold dry eventually.

Secondly, though our Mayor finally did something about my complaint of a lack of masonry jobs, her demand was filled with so many loopholes that absolutly nothing was changed whatsoever.

Decretion that atleast 15 jobs legally defined as "Masonry" be completed by this time in Moonstone.

Unfortunatly this can easily be completed by simply continuing to produce stone blocks at the two mason's 'shops already in existence, so random glassmaker hicks who got conscripted to help build the wall can sit inside and get rich making blocks all day while I scrape by on whatevers lying around when the nobility remembers to pay me for my work as Record Keeper. If they remember.

As if some higher power were specifically attempting to make this day as terrible as possible just to see what i'd do about it, Our resident Duchess and her Consort had a child today, named Utesh. (I expected their child's name to start with "D", as with both the parents, Das and Didde.)

Atleast happy nobles means fewer beatings.

From The Journal of Timta ñithpaathis, Officially The Dungeon Master of Pethitirum, Referred to as "Smelter of The People" At His Request:

At last, after many-a-month of strife and toil, i've been able to acquire and melt a cage of pure nickel, and using these new bars successfuly forming enough crafts to satisfy the Duchess' request.

Such is the way of Timta, average man, Smelter of The People, who works with his fellow citizens, instead of sitting in a fancy chair in an extravagent dining room who's wealth and bounty should be shared by the common folk who toiled to create it!

Vote Timta for Mayor!

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 11th Limestone, Year Six:

Caravans here
Scratch that, its just that wierd diplomat guy again.
Caravans actually here.

Since my failure to attend the trading last time apparantly led to me being replaced as broker, i'm only able to give the new guy some sound advice on what to buy and what to avoid.

In addition to more cloth and leather than we could use, (Though, that'll probobly jynx it.) We acquired the usual extravagent foods which we aren't able to produce here, enough logs to give our woodcutters a break and let the forest grow back, and some stuff like gems and stone types that we don't have here, we were able to buy several caged animals, which has dual benifits:

1.) The cages can be melted down into metals like Nickel and Tin, which aren't otherwise available here.

2.) The animals inside can be butchered to give us a temporary supply of bones.

An additional boon is the hilarity that comes from watching idiots try and melt the cage with the animals still in them.

Our Duchess' mandate for a crystal glass item was offically declared to be expired today, though it's been clear that we wouldn't even try from the moment it was announced.

I expected for another genocide as the nobles brought both the literal and metaphorical hammer down, but instead only one person was punished for our collective insolence, a glassmaker whos been taking my precious masonry jobs.

He won't even get beaten, just 201 days in jail. (Which means he'll be our in time to get punished for any future failures!)
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #95 on: December 15, 2008, 09:12:17 pm »

RavingManiac, or whoever it is that owns Ravus, since our river have long since dried of fish, I'd gladly switch Ravus over to any profession of your choice.

Everyone else, feel free to request somebody, as it's not much of a Community Fortress with just two or three people left alive!

"Look, we know that the noble's quarters are built on land that we could use, we know that every night they sleep there is another thousand goods and services we could've produced there, and we know that the masons and architects need a kickass new project."
"We'd still need a place to put them, I assume thats you, 'kickass new project'?"
"A castle, adorned with magnificent works of craftsmanship, furnished with the nobilities favorite metals."
"And where would this castle be? We don't exactly have very much Designated Castle Space."
"The Sky."

The Events of The 5th Sandstone, Year Six:

Rud's day had been far from great, from morning on he had spent his day tediously training the rooks, with the exception of the crossbowmen, who Oja trained. Technically, most of them were not rookies, but they were new as far as he was concerned, and at the rate they caught on, they would be for awhile.

But all of that meant nothing to him now, as he stood in his quarters, looking over his wife, who lay sprawled across the bed, holding his newborn baby.
"Wass 'all we sname 'er?" Idil had asked, speaking slowly and concisely so she could atleast be partially understood through her lisp. Rud hadn't prepared a name for a girl, and as he struggled to create one of the top of his head, he heard an obnoxiously loud noise coming from Due North:


"One of the rooks must've knocked over the war gong", he thought, "probobly Mokum."

"I sink we scott sar name." Idil said, not knowing she had just interrupted Rud's train of thought, "Issa sign from th's gods, we calls 'er Wom."
For anyone but Idil, Rud would've objected, but this was Idil, and he just smiled and nodded his head. In the Old Tounge, Wom meant, "Valley Girl".

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 27th Sandstone, Year Six:

Well, to make our castle in the sky, we need two things:
1.) A castle
2.) The sky

We already have the castle, or atleast the tools to make it, so first priority is the sky. The North Wall will prove an excellent base, so long as we bring it up one more level. The masons are much more skilled this time around, so we expect the wall to be in working order by month's end, i'll update when that happens.

The Events of The 2nd Timber, Year Six:

This late at night, when the little bit of moonlight that shown through the late year's clouds refracted off of the mountainside, instead of into the fortress, created a shroud of complete and perfect darkness. Normally, the nobility, lacking much else to do, would be long asleep by now, yet illuminated by a single torch in her magnificent dining room, The Duchess staved off her exhaustion, scratching furiously onto a piece of paper.

"Uneducated laborers, thinking they can disguise such an obvious attempt at my murder. Lets see how many peasants they can spare on their, 'castle' while they scramble franticaly to complete this!" She punctuated her sentence with a fit of maniacal laughter, and scrambled off to the bulletin board to make her mandate final.

The next morning, the earliest to rise discovered her mandate posted on the board. After reading it over twice or thrice to ensure they hadn't been decieved by their own eyes, some chuckled nervously, some went off to make sure it wasn't Slate Fool's Day. The others simply stared silently into the scroll:

Side-Entry in Ori Gasomanoth's Journal, Dated 3rd Timber, Year Six:

We finished The Duchess' amulet:

I guess thats kinda important.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 08:34:38 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #96 on: December 22, 2008, 09:05:42 pm »

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Timber, Year Six:

I was given (or rather, I forcefully took) the honor of being the one to place down the bridge to the noble's castle. After finishing, the metalsmiths will come in to build steel walls along the sides. While I was up there, I had the perfect vantage point to notice a group of migrants approaching from the East, the official tally being:

One Leatherworker
Two Peasants
One Engineer
One Cheesemaker
One Glassmaker
One Mason

For a total of 174.
I've been noticing a drop in the amount of migrants that arrive with each wave, though I've yet to determine what exactly causes it.

The Events of The 14th Moonstone, Year Six:

Kupe only gave a passing glance at the notice of a new mandate for nickel items as he walked by. Back when he was still a miner, even a metalsmithing mandate would've produced some intrest, but those days were long gone. He had been walking along the surface with Oja for a good while now. Since both of them were leaders of their squads, they were charged with discussing logical deployments of their respective forces relative to eachother, before passing them on to Rud and the others.

Someone up above, most likely a mason working on the castle, gave the call,

"An ambush, Curse them!"

It wasn't long before the alarm was blaring and everyone who hadn't heard the original call was rushing to shelter, though Oja and Kupe were outside before, "curse" had even been spoken.

For a full minute or more the two of them waited, though the truth was that all of their squadmates were either asleep or still sparring, oblivious to what was happening above. Finally, the two came to the conclusion that the risk of losing the straggling men far outweighed the benefit of having additional troops, forcing them to assess the situation with the intention of charging.

A squad of macegoblins were near the chasm, moving up and down the uneven terrain, though always marching towards the fortress. To the west, a pack of axegoblins, who didnt know they'd been spotted, crawled around among the boulders, waiting for an oppurtunity to close in. Kupe headed West towards the axegoblins, while Oja headed North for the macegoblins.

Oja got into range far quicker than Kupe did, and just as the first of the macegoblins reached flat terrain, they were greeted by a hail of bolts. Oja was used to firing at an archery range, where the targets were lower, so she constantly struck enemies in the legs, instead of going for the kill with a body or head shot (not that a goblin crawling along on his hands is very dangerous).

A few were able to keep moving thanks to a few lucky dodges, and charged into Oja, knocking her onto the ground. Her last few moments alive would've been spent contemplating the pros and cons of trying to fight back in melee had a bolt from behind not pierced through her assaulter's head. Looking up, she saw a storm of bolts, far more deadly than hers absolutly maul the remaining macegoblins. Standing up, she found Epxa ((Try and pronounce that, I dare you)) standing down by the chasm, crossbow in hand.

Meanwhile, Kupe started in a seemingly more desperate position:

Surrounded completly, it would take an expert flurry of precisly timed blows to take them all down.
Which he executed flawlessly.

Within seconds, every goblin in both ambush parties lie in a heap on the ground.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb
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