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Author Topic: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)  (Read 10218 times)

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #75 on: October 12, 2008, 11:53:38 am »

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 17th Felsite, Year Five:

Islas has demanded that we export no long skirts, not much of a problem.

Keth was released from prison today, or maybe sooner, but this is when I noticed.

Two of our new nobles have already begun to abuse their power, The Consort has ordered we make something out of, "Trifle Pewter", and the Tax Collector wants something similar done with, "Electrum". Times like this make me glad i'm not a metalsmith.

From the Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 9th Hematite, Year Five:

The Caravan from back home arrived today. With only a fraction of our goods, we were able to purchase everything they had (With the exception of some slabs of black bear meat, for obvious reasons).

Jack also requested more metals (including Trifle Pewter, Electrum, and Platinum!) aswell as some brews we don't make here.

In celebration of our outposts glorious transformation into a capitalist society, Jack has set up a clothing shop outside the barracks, which he has yet to stock, or do anything with except purchase.

While inspecting the engravings being made in our noble's rooms, I noticed Kupe has been depicting our history a bit too accuratly:

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 16th Hematite, Year Five:

A herald of good tidings for the future, a cat died of old age today! Finally, the gods have begun to aid us in dealing with the unholy mass of furballs jokingly referred to as cats!

On a completly unrelated note, Jack, someone who actually knows what he's doing, has finally taken his place, replacing Islas, as our Mayor. Never mind the fact that he's demanding Bizmuth Bronze items be made, it's a neccessary sacrifice.

The Events of 21st Hematite, Year Five:

The newest immigrant miner, being the fourth at Pethitirum, was by no means skilled in his craft, and only even got the job as miner because he showed up with a pick.

This was reflected as he once again, got his shoddy Iron Pick lodged in the rock wall. Struggling to pull it out, he stopped as passer-by to ask for aid, who just happened to be Seran.

Raising his massive Battle-Axe above his head, he swung it down onto the wall with such force that not only was the pick dislodged, but a large portion of the wall was removed from existence. The massive shockwaves that reached every part of the fortress was mistaken for an Earthquake on every level above the site and a cave-in on every level below.

It was made clear that Seran had transcended what mere mortals were able to do, that before he passed on his legend would be beyond what could be considered real:

and it was made clear, that so long has he drew breath, noone would breach The Walls of Pethitirum.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #76 on: October 14, 2008, 05:53:14 pm »

Haha, holy shit awesome. I'm still watching this thread (and Seran!)

Can't wait to see some invasions.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #77 on: October 15, 2008, 07:01:45 pm »

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From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Malachite, Year Five:
On the way out, the caravan spotted a kobold thief trying to sneak in.

Needless to say, that kobold is no longer alive, nor does he have four limbs, he might not even have one.

Bad news of the day is the coal vein ran dry, but the good news is a vein of something similar, "Lignite" is right next to it.

Business is good at Jack's shop, so he's started work on a second one right next to it, it's not finished yet.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 26th hematite, Year Five:
Insolent! Greedy! After everything i've done for them!
(A large portion of the page is badly torn, the result of attempting to write in a state of fury.)
The Tax Collector has determined my room, which i've had since the first seven of us carved it, is worth $2,500 a month to live in! I don't have a chance of paying that, so i've been evicted!

It's not like i'm the only one either, almost everyone living in those original eight rooms have been evicted (Only Kupe and Seran have managed to keep hold of them), lots of people are being forced to sleep in the barracks while perfectly good rooms go unused.

I hate Capitalism.

The Events of The 5th Malachite, Year Five:
With every swing of Rud's and Seran's, each time clashing with each other, the enitre fortress gave a great shake. It was impossible to sleep not only in the barracks, but almost anywhere in the fortress. One particularly strong blow could've woken the dead.

It was Jenkum who finally braved the shockwaves to enter the barracks and deliver the news,
"Jack says you two are gonna bring the whole fortress down if you keep at it, and you're almost definitly gonna kill someone at this pace. Practice is over for you two, just military duty from now on."

The fact that the two of them didn't even notice what was happening around them showed they were once again equals, Rud had reached Champion Status, and smiling to each other, they went upstairs to assume their guard posts.

And it couldn't have come sooner.

The Events of The 9th Galena, Year Five:



With every step of his massive metallic boot, which shimmered in the sunlight to give the ironic illusion of being divine, a massive booming noise filled the ears of everyone within a mile.

This is Ira Drinkmired, Bronze Colossus, who had taken a particular interest in the treasures of Lacywaves.

Besides Seran, who was first going to take a swig of ale, the defenders of Pethitirum awaited this massive monstrosity at the gates, Echo and Flint brandishing their weapons, Jenkum praying to the gods for help, and Rud looking over his amulet, Opi Oce.

Maybe it was due to his massive legs allowing him to cover a hectometer in a single step, but the colossus arrived at the scene in a matter of seconds. He simply smashed a war dog in his way, and continued on toward the warriors.

(Too large for the map archive, had to be put in the file depot)

The first to charge in was Echo, swinging her hammer wildly as she charged, it struck into the colossus' knee, causing a massive gong-like sound, but not even scratching him.

The other three were quick to join the fray, with Rud and Jenkum's axes ringing off the heavy metallic legs, and Flint's bolts bouncing off the beasts body.

It was clear that Ira was a cruel being, for instead of using his extreme might to crush them in single blows, he took his time, horribly mangling each and every one of them in various nonvital parts. This proved a great aid, as Seran, returning from his drink, spotted the massacre and went to rally additional troops, with a far greater effect than he could ever imagine.

First it was just those who were strong from years of work, Thor, Id The Jewel Cutter, and Kupe were prime examples. Following behind them were each and every living being in Lacywaves, an amazing sight of one-hundred-and-thirty-six human beings, armed with whatever they had at the time, charging from the safety of the walls for the greater good.

They swarmed him, except for the hunters and Flint, who continued to pop arrows into the creature untill they ran dry, at which point they ran up to the melee, climbing to each and every part of his body untill they had such a massive combined weight that the colossus could no longer hold himself, and fell top the ground.

Unable to even move, he (or it) was helpless as hundreds swarmed over him like ants, each driving their fist into his body untill they were raw and bleeding.

Noone was sure who delivered the killing blow, but one final strike widened an ever-growing crack, and the colossus split cleanly in half:

In total only five died, Jenkum, Echo, and three brave souls who charged out later on.

Beyond that as many as twenty were badly hurt, Ori was badly bruised in a lot of places, Thor was horribly mangled, Ravus and Jack will probobly be going a long time without their arm and leg respectivly, and Rud is pretty much a vegetable. During the battle Flint ascended to the status of Champion, meaning all three remaining members of the military are champions.

After the battle, Ip (The Gemcutter) and her husband gave birth to a child, Aquos, so the population is now at 136, though it is uncertain who long some people will live.

The bronze colossus' corpse is now a statue, which sits proudly in The Duchess' Throne Room, serving as a tribute to those who fell that day, and a monument to the pride and strength of The Human Fortress, Pethitirum.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #78 on: October 16, 2008, 03:51:32 am »

CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #79 on: October 22, 2008, 09:30:56 pm »

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From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Limestone, Year Five:

Autumn mainly serves to signal the coming of the Dwarves and Winter, now. Though quite a few people who got pretty badly beat up are now walking, and even working now. Rud's been told not to fight untill he heals completly, but he's up and about, as is most everyone except Thor.

It does raise the question of what will become of Jenkum and Echo's armor, it'd be a dishonor to melt it down, and we can't just leave it there.

The obvious choice is to put someone else in it, but we need volunteers.

The Events of The 11th Limestone, Year Five:

Atop the hills surrounding Lacywaves, a dwarven diplomat allowed himself to crack a smile, knowing he had arrived at the fabled human fortress. Something was odd about the scene, as if something were missing.

That something was the caravan, the diplomat had come alone.

Jack, having a hard time speaking after having his body horribly disfigured, passed on the meeting duties to The Duchess.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 17th Limestone, Year Five:

Apparantly my informants from The Surface World have decieved me, they told me a week or so ago that the diplomat had already arrived, but Flint, when I asked him about his patrol route, said the caravan and liason arrived today.

After slowly training myself to use natural light again, I was able to head upstairs and see that both were correct, a "diplomat" had arrived earler, apparantly trying to pass himself off as the liason. For Shame.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 18th Limestone, Year Five:

Jack's finally got use of his voice box again, and can trade with the caravan, though it seems more like The Four Horsemen are doing the trading, as they've set down very specific rules:

All of the caravan's stock of these items must be purchased, and no such instances of Pethitirum's stock of these items may be sold to exiting caravans:

Bolts, of any type.
Barrels, of any type.
Electrum, in any form.
Trifle Pewter, in any form.

The Events of The 26th Limestone, Year Five:

Though Rud was still on forced vacation, Seran and Flint stood vigilantly near the depot. Thus, they were able to respond quickly, and order everyone to flee, as a group of bowgoblins, led by a speargoblin, appeared to the West, far too close for comfort.

The third bolt fired (by the goblins, for they seemingly had longer range than Flint) flew straight on at a farmer named Lapip. For reasons that may never be known, inches from Lapip and her child's face, the bolt stopped in mid-air, and dropped harmlessly to the ground.

Others were not so lucky, the Western door's guard dog took two bolt to the face, and lay still.

In what could only be called a terrifying twist of fate, the West door had been left open, and bolts from goblins who noticed flew inside, striking an innocent in the leg. It is unknown how many would've been hurt or killed, had one brave bonecarver not stood in the doorway, spreading himself widely as possible, taking every single bolt that attempted to fly, continuing to make his valiant stand long after a bolt pierced his lung, and after the battle, he still lived.

(His Upper Body was mangled aswell.)
It is unknown why he chose not to simply shut the door, but it was heroic nonetheless.

In a possibly poor strategic decision, both Seran and Flint focused first on the speargoblin, with Flint pinning him down with a shot to the leg whilst Seran approached and beheaded the beast.

Almost immieadtly after the leader died, a hail of bolts....bolted towards Seran. He took several gruesome shots to the arms and legs, but continued to hobble towards the goblins, knowing even in this state he could kill any of them at close range.

Flint, on the other hand, did quite well to start of, his first three bolts fired at the bowgoblins each struck a vital, killing them instantly. The rest hit arms or legs, knocking them over and generally preventing them from further mauling Seran.

Seran atlast reached the Southernmost three goblins, demolishing them all and forcing the goblins to begin to retreat, this mysteriously coincided with Flint's last bolt striking a goblin's leg, forcing him to the ground, unable to move while his cowardly comrades abandoned him.

Seeing that Pethitirum was safe for now, Seran allowed himself a smile, and collapsed onto the ground, dead from bloodloss, and only lasting as long as he did on raw willpower.

Engraged by Serans death, or just disliking goblins in general, Flint charged at the wounded goblin, intending to bash its head in with his crossbow. Just as he arrived in melee range, a bolt, possibly from the wounded goblin himself,appeared in Flint's chest. He dropped his crossbow, and wondered aimlessly, getting a few meters away before falling over and drawing his last breath.

Amidst the chaos, Rud found his way outside, he walked at a casual pace, in the general direction of movement-impaired goblin, who, even if he could move, was frozen with fear.

It is possible that the sight of what happened just then was even more disturbing than seeing Seran and Flint drop to the ground. Grinning from ear to ear as he approached, the unfortunate green wreck, he slowly raised his axe, and even more slowly, lowered it down onto the creature's head, neatly cutting him in half, all while stating, in a loud clear voice, an accurate description of the goblin he was maiming:

In addition to the typical goblin features, this one in particular has a massive wart on his right eyelid, a black tattoo-like stripe running along the length of his left arm, and is bald save for a short pigtail.

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2008, 10:50:09 pm »

Clearly that bonecarver deserves a grand tomb should he die any time soon.


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #81 on: October 23, 2008, 03:48:34 am »

Dang well my guy had a good run I may have to request another "human  :P" soon

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #82 on: October 29, 2008, 08:48:14 pm »

*As the large, marble door leading to the thread slides open, a large wave of dust rolls out, which I allow to pass before entering*.

Forums are back up, update time.

If anyone notices a post that got cut-off in the switch, let me know.

Similarly, if anyone wants their guy in the military, let me know, or i'll have to find someone else.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Sandstone, Year Five:

Beyond even all those they knew, for Seran and Flint were very friendly, most everyone in the fortress was present at some point in the day to pay those who fell in that ambush their respects.

During the actual burial, which I was attending, I recieved word that migrants had arrived. These new arrivals got quite the welcoming party, as on the walk from our borders to the fortress itself, the travellers uncovered a goblin snatcher, hiding behind a boulder.

Rud was quick and brutal in maiming the beast in plain view of the new arrivals, he really doesn't like goblins.

As for the goblins migrants themselves:
Two woodworkers
Four Peasants
Fish Cleaner
Furnace Operator
and Stonecrafter.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 21st Sandstone, Year Five:

This is bad.

The Baroness has banned the exort of amulets, regardless of the fact that half the stuff we just sold are amulets of some sort.

In slightly better news, I was finaly able to find myself a room I can afford, it's not as nice as the old one, but it'll do.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 24th andstone, Year Five:

We should've known, they always come in groups.

Xaked, one of the smaller children at Pethitirum, has been kidnapped.

Upon hearing this, my first thought was that I needed to go console the parents.

My second thought was that I don't know who the parents are.

A lengthy investigation led me to Flint's semi-orphaned son (I had been asking mainly children, as they tend to be friends with each other) who pointed me to Ethra, the daughter of Guki and Abba, and the sister of Xaked.

By the time I found them, they were ecstatic again, as if Xaked had never existed, and I didn't want to disrupt that.

A poorly-written log found inside Ori Gasomanoth's Journal, Dated 26 Sandstone, Year Five:

(This continues for two or three pages, the only name of note I could find is Jack's)
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2008, 01:27:51 pm »

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The Events of The 27th Sandstone, Year Five:

Rocks, rocks!
They've been taking my rocks!
Are my rocks safe, no, they're never safe.
My rocks...

Xern had been acting erracticly ever since his considerable stockpile of magnetite started getting tapped into. This reached a climax when he violently evicted someone working in a masonry shop, and began to fortify it.

Rud, who had just killed a particularly clumsy goblin babysnatcher, was stationed outside, waiting for what would happen next. He knew this almost never ended in violence, but decided to play it safe.

Before he emerged, Xern's booming voice could be heard outside, grabbing the attention of those getting a drink nearby.

"Behold! I have created The Ultimate Defense!

None shall take my precious rocks now, haha!"

The door burst open, in its place was... another door.

A $33,600 door to be precise.

The door itself has stopped noone from going in and taking stuff, but it sure looks nice.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 3rd Timber, Year Five:

I had to do it, you have to believe me.
Before you condemn it, hear me out:

It started off fair enough, The Hammerer, I don't even remember her (or was it a he?) name. Dragging down, "criminals" who were, "responsible" for the amulet debacle, giving them a few hammerstrikes, and leaving them to sit in the jail, a tad beat-up, for a few months.

She He She snapped somewhere along the line, stopped just punishing the criminals, and started murdering them.

First Lapip, first strike caved her chest in. I dismissed it, accidents happen, and she would be missed, I even told her him her to soften up a bit.

She didn't, Another went down, I forget his name, and then Or.

The final straw was Ip, the gemcutter that made the perfect gem. She was insane, but she was also a mother. I watched it happen, Ip dropped her baby, begging for the little child to run away, before the hammerer set upon her.

By the third strike she was dead.

I refused to allow anyone else to be hurt:

I sealed the door.

Ip's child Aquos, and some stoneworker are trapped in there with that...thing, I can only hope they manage to survive longer than It does.

There's no turning back now.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 18th Timber, Year Five:

At long last, Tikes, the bone carver who took all those arrows, was relieved from his constant pain, and passed on.

We had forseen this, and prepared a tomb to honor his heroic spirit.

Noone seems to notice or care that It went missing, though when I pass by, I can hear the constant Thwump of It trying to break out.

I've asked Rud to take position as Sheriff, and asked the miners to make a seperate jail.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 8th Moonstone, Year Five:

Rud is unsettlingly efficient in his dispensement of justice, since recieveing his position, and the Hammerer's office/dining room/bedroom, he has done nothing but go through his long list, imprisoning some, and beating others.

His beatings are a sign of his raw strength, but he is not mad, he does not use his axe, opting for his fists instead. The beated usually just recieve several bad bruises that heal up quickly.

Just once however, he punched a bit too hard, and his fist drove clean through the unfortunate soul's stomach, killing him instantly.

It's going to be a long Winter.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #84 on: November 15, 2008, 04:11:05 pm »

Conversation on The 8th Moonstone, Year Five:

"I know you're good, the peasants are experiencing that firsthand, but you aren't enough."
"Against a full invasion, maybe, but single goblin groups are weak, and besid-"
"Single melee groups are weak, i'll give you that, but their crossbowmen are death incarnate, you've seen it yourself."
"So who else can we send? All the recent arrests have drastically reduced the number of men loyal enough to serve duty."
"Then we don't use men."
"Women, sir?"
"No, well....yes. We use children, the gender is unimportant."
"Children? I will not allow it!"
"Even I know that giving a baby an axe is a stupid idea, but by thirteen they can work in any other field, so why not?"
"They're too young."
"Well, I don't think so, and it's my decision to make, unless you find someone better..."
"I will."

The Events of The 11th Moonstone, Year Five:

Rud was busy completing his rounds, not defending the fortress, for he had almost completly abandoned that duty in favor of serving justice.

The list of those to be beaten was growing shorter, which was a relief to him. Since he accidently killed someone in a beating, he had been aiming for arms and legs, insteacd of the body. Stomping their toes was a personal favorite.

He had been compiling a seperate list, of potential candidates for military duty. Several of them were also heavy hitters in their regular work, Jack, Thor, and Kupe, but their potential ability in combat was good enough in his eyes to overrule it.

His oppurtunity to test them arrived that day.

The booming sound of war drums gave their presence away long before their sight or stench could, though it was impossible to tell which directon it came from, because it came from every direction.

A battalion of Spearmen, Hammermen, and Lashers, each with their commanding officers, accompanied a full force of Trolls. A military force far beyond what the fortress had faced to this point.

Rud had no time, he rallied those on his list that were available, one was fast asleep, and was was still in jail.

He wasn't allowd to fight, still had beatings to give, but he could see the fight from the wall, so he dealt out punsihment there.

The first group of goblins to arrive were the speardwarves, led by an axelord. They charged down the hills on The West Side, but were driven back up when the Axe Lord was killed.

Jack (not to be confused with Jill) charged up after them, knocking out cold the nearest one. He was quickly mobbed, but managed to fight them off untill help arrived.

Well, almost.

Just as the others charged up the hill, Jack was clean run through with a stray spear.
He was killed instantly.

The other casualty caused by that squad was Xern, he was stabbed in such a way that caused him to fall down the hill, where he tried desperatly to retreat back to the fortress, collapsing of his injuries just before he reached the door. He wasn't dead yet, but he would be soon.

As the last speargoblin was killed, someone on the defending force noticed that Thor had been injured, and broken rank, running off towards the East.

He was being closed in on by Trolls, and the other two battalions, The leading Swordsman seemed particularly interested in him, and raced off at a pace Thor couldn't hope to match.

The goblins demonstrated some kind of tactical knowledge by sending off three spare lashers at the remaining three fighters, Kupe, Lapip, and... Dashar? The lashers were killed quickly,

and gruesomly.
Yet they lived long enough for the swordsgoblin to kill Thor.

Instead of acting on revenge, the three intercepted the Trolls, who had reached the wall and were about to break through the door.

Kupe stood out here, his first three srikes completly pierced through a Troll's lower body, upper body, and head. He then lodged his pick ina nearby Troll's arm, and proceded to strangle it.

It took awhile, but all trolls were killed without doing any damage.

The hammermen and lashers, led by the elite swordmaster charged towards the three, only to quickly retreat.

Most every lasher was killed, and Kupe completly destroyed the swordsgoblin, but quite a few hammermen managed to escape.

These three, that had fought such a massive force without injury, they were to be alerted of their official draft immieadtly.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, Undated, Year Five:

Jack is


From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 14th Moonstone, Year Five:

River froze today, bad news for the prisoners, who are only allowed water.

The freezing is apparantly the first challenge to be undertaken by our new Mayor, Sana. Who leads our fortress of 134 (Accounting for the recently deceased).

Speaking of the deceased, i've been told that the third floor (negative third?) will no longer be used for burial, save for a tomb constructed for those who died in the fight, and any nobility that may die. All "others" are to be buried on -5, with their coffins all in one room, arranged in neat little rows.

Ori hasn't been well since Jack died, which is bad, since shes taken over as Record Keeper, a position he held for nearly six years here.

Log belonging to Rud Wuridur, dated 16th Moonstone, Year Five:

I gave the last beating on the list today, Dof the armorer was the "lucky" recipient.

There are still people waiting to serve prison time once some spots open up, and a few who need hammerstrikes.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen The Hammerer since I was given this position, and I could swear the rooms given to me belonged to her.

As for the new military force, the three of 'em have been signed on, and practice begins today.

Kupe's sword belonged to the Swordmaster he killed.
Zotho's hammer belonged to Echo.
Dashar's spear is nothing special, but it's quite high-quality.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 2nd Opal, Year Five:

Sana has banned the export of anything made of aluminum, for reasons I can only guess at.

The two shops, which once belonged to Jack, have been passed on. The clothing store now belongs to Ori, though it's out of stock, and shes yet to emerge from her office since the siege. The crafts store, which never did get stocked, belongs to someone named Atthem.

Found on the back page of one of Ori's journal entires, undated.

Hammerer finally gave up and died, I let the other two in there with it out, noone except them know what I did, and most people don't even know it's dead yet.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #85 on: November 19, 2008, 09:51:12 pm »

"You call those scarppers an army?"
"I'd hardly call Kupe a scrapper, or any of them for that matter. They've proven themselves in battle already, and it's not like your children could do better."
"It's not a matter of quality, it's a matter of quantity, there's still only four of you, and all melee units. You know that such tactics are a slaughter waiting to happen."
"And I would hope that you know that a mass of unskilled troops would be far more danderous."
"It worked on the collosus."
"Just give me a chance."
"So it's about you, not them?"
"Thats not what I-"
"A genuine Freudian Slip, then. You need to prove that you can lead a squad without casualties, that you're ready for a position of power."
"It's not like that."
"You'd be the first to deny it."

From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 18th Opal, Year Five:

Turns out Dasilt is married, to a woodcutter, just like Flint was. Rather, just like Flint is, as the marriage persists untill both parties are dead.

The war dog that died was finally replaced today, I can't put my finger on it, but something's off:

Yeah, thats it.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 25th Opal, Year Five:

I've recently realized two things:

1.) Using a sword is not to different from using a pick.
2.) The other miners are completly useless.

As an example of the latter, awhile back, they were assigned to dig out a large food storage underneath the current one. It's pretty big, but still something I could've done myself in a week. Yet here the three of them are, still not halfway done a month later.

Speaking of watching people screw up simple tasks, I saw a particularly dumb mason wall himself in while working on The North Wall:

Atleast getting him out has sped up construction.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 2nd Obsidian, Year Five:

The Duchess (Duke?) declared a ban on Nickel exports today, and its consort declared a ban on Trifle Pewter exports.

I've had a lot of people complaining of thirst to me lately, I don't see how anyone can be thirsty when we have such large stocks of:

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #86 on: November 21, 2008, 09:01:59 pm »

From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 19th Obsidian, Year Five:

First of the prisoners released today, more to come once a day or so.

I've been carrying a barrel around lately, if I ever need to give a beating, i'll use it, but now it's mainly just to scare people.

Still looking for some crossbowmen to draft, but it's not going well. They need some prior experience if i'm going to even bother with them.

River also thawed, thank god.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Granite, Year Six:

At last, our most casualty-ridden year is behind us!

Lacking Jack, I can't keep tabs on how much of everything we have, i'm just not that good yet. I'll see what I can find:


From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 4th Granite: Year Six:

Based on the reports i'm getting, an important-looking elf entered our fortress, alone. Without my knowledge, he proceeded to make his way to the throne room, tell the Duke that we were cutting down too many trees, and leave without another word.

Speaking of freaks, our old mayor, Islas, wife of the current one gave birth to her third today, Mori, they called her.

Recollection of The Events of The 15th Graite, Year Six:

I had just been told that the Duke consort wanted some electrum items made, and that they'd finished that up quickly.

I was walking along with the war cat, which i've ebcome good friends with since we share a "patrol route", it let out a screech, a sign of danger.

I looked outward, and saw an elven caravan approaching, Good I thought, Better tell the others the elves are here.

But something was wrong, the elves were panicing, running from something, some of them were bloodied.

I correctly guess it had to be goblins, and stamped my foot on the ground, the signal to the other three, in the barracks directly below.

The force to the North, who hunted down the elves first, was far too large to count. A squadron of speargoblins and trolls rolled down the West hill. I met the trolls first, alone, but they were weak. I killed three before the rest ganged up and pinned me down, but I had stalled long enough for The others to arrive, Kupe charging in and freeing me from their grasp.

I later learned that the two hunters had bravely fired into the approaching speargoblins, killing some and slowing them all long enough to finish the trolls before they arrived.

The remainder of them charged down the hill, straight into our weapons, dying in such pathetic attempts to breach through.

When the last few speargoblins decided it wasn't a good idea to charge, we turned to watch the entirity of their forces, far FAR larger than we had just killed, flee in terror.

Only a few macegoblins and some of the speargoblins didn't flee, because they were too terrified to face the consequences.

They paid dearly for it.

All in all, it turned out pretty well, the others got some good experience, noone got hurt, and we got all the elves things for free. Not to mention, I think i've found my marksmen: the hunters that fired on the speargoblins.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 10:36:15 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #87 on: November 25, 2008, 11:25:00 pm »

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 28th Granite, Year Six:

Vispol, the only one who knows what I did to the hammerer (besides Aquos, but he can't talk), shes been trapped down in the prison for who knows how long. I opened the door when It died, but noone ever unchained Vispol. Lock was jammed, so we had to smash the chains to get her out.

We've built an armory, just a place to store all the stuff the metalsmiths make. Divided into ammo, weapons, armor, and crafts.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 11th Slate, Year Six:

The miners got commisioned to duig out a long series of bedrooms to the West. It's the biggest job they've undertaken since I left. Dee seems to have really stepped up about it, she tears through the mountain like cardboard...or goblin flesh.

((Dee is now a legendary miner))

Lot of people 'round here know about Xugot, shes been a good friend with the Duke Consort longer than they've been at Pethitirum, some suspect her of influencing the political scene.

Well, she had a kid today, Busi, they're calling it.

Official looking letter paperclipped to Ori Gasomanoth's Journal, dated 18th Slate, Year Six:

From The Journal of Rud Wuridur, 3rd Felsite, Year Six:

Aquos, the orphan kid was crawling along the top wall today.
He fell off, wasn't hurt though.

Dee reports that the lignite vein dried up, bad for our metal industry, and therefore bad for our armor.

...Oh, right. Ramul, Flint's wife, gave birth to a child which he must've concieved before his death. Caņar, I believe. I promised myself that his children will grow up knowing what a hero their father was.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #88 on: November 25, 2008, 11:31:10 pm »

Dee seems to have really stepped up about it, she tears through the mountain like cardboard...or goblin flesh.

((Dee is now a legendary miner))

Awesome. What are her stats at?

Omath Erius

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)
« Reply #89 on: November 28, 2008, 01:48:20 pm »

Dee seems to have really stepped up about it, she tears through the mountain like cardboard...or goblin flesh.

((Dee is now a legendary miner))

Awesome. What are her stats at?

Very Strong, Extremly Agile, Very Tough, Dabbling in all social skills, Legendary Miner

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 5th Felsite, Year Six:

I suppose I could've guessed that the peace wouldn't last. The new hammerer arrived today, accompanied by a Philosipher.

Along with them were the usual batch of migrants, Two Weaponsmiths, two Siege Engineers, a Jewler, five Peasants, a Brewer, a Tanner, a Stonecrafter, a Lye Maker (Awaiting reassignment), A glassmaker (Also awaiting reassingment), and the two newest additions to our army, one armed with a crossbow, one with a hammer.

The new hammerer immieadtly picked up on what the previous one failed to finish, this new guy is infinitly more lenient than the old one (one survival to the old ones zero) Still, Vispol, the mason that was trapped with the old hammerer, and a jewler named Riolen only managed five of their seven strikes before keeling over. One of our miners, On, is still chained up, awaiting 16 strikes when his jail time expires, he'll be the last on the list.

After taking all that into account, population now sits at 154.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 9th Hematite, Year Six:

Got the call today, caravan from back home had arrived, our job to guard it. Goblins seem to like attacking when caravans show up, so we get stationed outside while they're here. Sure enough, we spot two squads of goblins up North, chasing a fisherman who was running faster than anyone ever could under non-life-threatening circumstances.

Speaking of running, I reached the goblins well ahead of everyone else, the others arriving were a mere formality, as by the time even the second fastest, Rud, got there, half the enemy forces were already routed.

I'm proud to declare that not a single goblin escaped alive, and noone (even that fisherman) was harmed.

Afterwards trading continued as normal, unfortunatly Ori was busy in a meeting which seemed to drag on forever, so the fisherman we just saved was appointed our new broker (Ori keeps her position as manager/hoardmaster). In addition to a plethora of metal bars, we were able to buy enough wood to stave off the near-crisis, aswell as a massive pile of cloth and leather. They just so happened to have the metals we needed to solve most of the mandates, but no Nickel or Crystal Glass.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 17th Hematite, Year Six:

We were able to buy a few last-minute items from the caravan today, and by "we" I mean, "The new broker". Sana, our old mayor was replaced by some fisherman named Sol. As such, the old mayor's ban on amulet exports was nullified, and we were free to trade our amulets for a few things we couldn't buy right away.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb
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