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Author Topic: Pethitirum, The Penultimate Challenge (Community Fortress)  (Read 10219 times)

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2008, 07:48:45 pm »

This is a great thread and must never die!!!

Btw my guy must have had a pretty good shot to take out that damn monkey i mean both eyes ;D

Bit more plasible when you think of it as going through the side of the head, but yeah.

I am now presented with a conundrum, in addition to if I should update to .40d, I'm wondering if I should turn the economy off.

Since the economy isn't very fleshed out right now, and it really only serves to hurt fortresses in its current state, it's you guys' call.
From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 16th Felsite, Year Four:

The first of what will ideally be four towers at each of the corners of the fortress was completed today. Ideally, the masons will be given a short break, and begin the second tower sometime this Summer.

As a result of the intentional delay I no longer have anything to do, and wander aimlessly about the fort. In my wanderings I came across a particularly curious mule.

In the most recent ambush this mule took a bolt to the left lung, that bolt is still there, jutting out of it's lung, yet it not only continues to live, but seems almost immune to the normally deadly effects of losing a lung.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 12th Hematite, Year Four:

The human caravan, merchant princess and all, pulled it's massive cargo into our Depot today, seemingly defying the laws of physics by doing so.

Despite containing twenty or so wagons filled with crap, we managed to purchase anything of any kind of value without breaching into our considerable supply of goblin junk. A good deal of which (the goods, not the goblin junk) will probobly be melted down, and we should probobly melt down the goblin junk too.

As for the merchant princess, Jack ordered a fair deal of wood (which we're painfully short on at the moment) and various extravagents such as dye and gnomeblight that we can't afford to make here.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 17th Hematite, Year Four:
No sooner had Thor ordered that we make a supply of gauntlets (almost an homage to Genam's constant demand of Low Boots) was it announced that Islas, a peasant no less, had won the election.

How do I know Islas? Shes the owner of the donkey with a bolt in its lung.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 28th Hematite, Year Four:

T'was a perfect storm, massive oversupply of...well... supplies, and a massive labor surplus meant the construction of our fourth craftsman's shop. We still have too many spare bones and craftsmen, but it's a start.

We've also moved the fishery closer to the river, since it was blocking Ori's new tower anyway.
By far the most important news of the day is that, while mining out yet more rooms for our most recent arrivals, we struck a massive vein of coal.

Now, even I know that coal can be burned in place of our rather low supply of wood.

Cutting down more trees wasn't an acceptable answer, since we're already suffering from severe deforistation in the area, so this was a miracle of sorts.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 18th Malachite, Year Four:
San and Rasmin, two stout residents of Pethitirum, gave birth to their second child today, Botow.

I'm not entirely sure if they gave birth to their first child here aswell or not, though I'm sure I could find out if I flipped back a few pages in my journal.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 09:26:26 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2008, 07:20:14 pm »

This is more for me than anyone else, An exact description of our military forces.

Agile, Extremly Tough
Adept in Axe Skill
-Iron Chain Mail-
+Iron Cap+
*Iron Helm*
Iron Great Axe (Covered in about twenty instances of blood)
-Iron Low Boot-
Iton Low Boot

Very Strong, Very Agile, Superhumanly Tough
Expert in Axe Skill
-Iron Chain Mail-
Iron Cap
<<-Iron Helm->>
Iron Crossbow
Iron Low Boot x2

Very Tough
Adept in Crossbow Skill
-Iron Chain Mail-
<<-Iron Cap->>
*<<Iron Helm>>*
Iron Crossbow
Iron Low Boot x2

Competent in Axe Skill
*<<Iron Low Boot>>*
Iron Halberd
-Iron Cap-
Iron Low Boot

This is all you're wearing, no more armor, no clothes, just some blood splatters.

Agile, Tough
No-Adjective In Hammerman Skill
-Rhesus Macque Leather Armor-
+Iron Chain Mail+
Iron Cap
+Iron Helm+
-Iron Warhammer-
-Iron Low Boot-
+Iron Low Boot+

So, as you can see, we're somewhat underpowered (as in skill, we're fine on manpower) for now. We're pretty good on equipment, though we could use some gauntlets, and maybe some better weapons.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2008, 08:21:24 pm »

Completly forgot about you, Pethitirum.


From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 20th Malachite, Year Four:

Someone found a little bird, I think it's a cardinal, but i'm not sure.

It seems intent on staying here, and since i'm worried that some dinkus will eat it, i've put it up for adpotion.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 23rd Malachite, Year Four:

Talk of The Wolf, and The Wolf is here.

More migrant, nowhere near as large as that army of peasants we had last time, and these ones all seem to come here with the intention of working, as it seems the economys a bit tough back home.

One Milker
Four Peasants
One Fish Cleaner
One Child
---Useful People Start Here---
One Miner, albeit not a very good one, but what can you expect.
One Miller
One Blacksmith
One Hunter

We actually have another hunter besides this one, an frankly, I like them both. They keep the population of hostile animals down, they're ready and able to fight attackers if need be (Not quite as good of shots as Flint, but they're new, and better than nothing.) and the only real disadvantage to having them around is the constant pileup of bones, which is a bigger problem every day.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 7th Galena, Year Four:

If nothing else but out of boredom, I've been checking up on some of the lesser-known citizens.

Fatheri, Genam's former husband (before she died, that is) has long since abandoned his farming, and spends the mosty of his time picking up goblin clothes, and carrying them to his room, which, now that he isn't the Mayor's husband, is far to large and extravagent for him, the vast majority of it is inaccessible though, filled with all the crap that used to belong to the goblins that killed her.

Kinda sad.

The merchant princess, comfortable with being left behind by the caravan, continues to wait patiently for the seemingly mpossible day when every astral body in The Universe will align, and Jack will actually have some spare time to meet with her.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 23rd Galena, Year Four:

It's official, we're the most dangerous force we've encountered yet.

Jenkum got his foot smashed in by Codename: Echo's massive warbludgeon...thing. How she managed to aim it to only crush his foot without also smashing his leg, torso, and the rest of the occupants of the room is beyond me.

Regardless, he's out for awhile.

Ori's abandoned the idea of building a tower in each corner, instead choosing to build the current one up to an indefinite height. Her latest "idea" is to build the second floor entirely out of Platinum.

The problem is we're out of Platinum, she plans to resolve that in the most head-on way possible.

Shes begun excavation directly into the main hall, going so far has to take her precious nuggets by digging directly into my room.

I don't even want to know what she plans for the third floor.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2008, 05:46:44 am »

Jenkum got his foot smashed in by Codename: Echo's massive warbludgeon...thing.
Sweet... I always wanted to smash someone's foot into a pulp.
Also, bump, don't forget to update this time Omath, this thread is too good to die  :)


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #64 on: September 15, 2008, 06:23:30 am »

Hey are you cool with us dropping our own journal points that do not affect the story Of Glass and Steel style??

And yeah I know it might be an obvious answer but just to be sure you are ok with it :)

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2008, 08:18:02 pm »

Hey are you cool with us dropping our own journal points that do not affect the story Of Glass and Steel style??

And yeah I know it might be an obvious answer but just to be sure you are ok with it :)

I'm always cool with people participating, it IS a Community Fortress after all.

Right, big stuff going down, must read update right here.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 14th Limestone, Year Four:

So, it's Autumn, the Dwarven Caravan has been reported of coming into the area.
and Jack is just now meeting with the Human Liason.
Besides that, it would've been a somewhat normal day.


As I was hauling a bin of crafts to later be traded with the dwarves, I was stopped by a large crowd at the gates. A good deal of our citizens were crowded around Flint, Jenkum, Rud, Echo, and Seran.

"Everyone, get underground. Do not come up here, and do not leave the fortress untill we get back. If we aren't back in three hours, assume the worst."

With that, the five of them picked their weapons up, and headwed out the door.

Although a good deal of the listeners obediently went downstairs, Ori, who wanted to know what was happening, scaled the incomplete tower, and looked out the Turquoise windows onto the field below:

Following the above, The Events of The 14th Limestone, Year Four:

Standing, about one-hundred meters or so away from the five defenders of Pethitirum, was a full scale siege force of goblins. Most of them lashers, but a maceman to lead them. Over to the left, a particularly stupid goblin had rushed forward in an attempt to kill a stray donkey, and had been promptly torn apart by Saya.

For what seemed like hours, the two forces simply stood like
 statues, gazing each other down from a distance, it was clear that neither force was veteran, nor was either confident in their abilities against such a force.

Although what exactly sparked it is uncertain, each side suddenly simultaniously charged toward each other, letting out their respective battlecries.
(Excuse how often I pause to check on injuries, it gets better near the end.)

Only two or three of them get away in the end, the only real damages to The Defenders was Echo's ironicially broken leg.

and yes Flint, you hit those goblins so hard they flew through the air.

The Aftermath:

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 23rd Limestone, Year Four:

The area has been scoured for leftover goblins trying to catch us off-guard, and we've been cleared to resume normal life.

This includes trading with the dwarves, instead of buying extravagencies like we normally do (not to say we didn't buy anything nice) but was rather spent on raw materials. Namely wood and platinum.

I will finish my tower!

((Jenkum, as you can see, didn't start the fight, he was actually down in the graveyard, for some reason.
Anyone else find it funny how the battle kept getting interrupted by meetings with the liasons?
They finally brought [and we finally bought] Plump Helmets, so we can start farming underground now, barring something in the RAWs mucking it up.))
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 04:39:02 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #66 on: September 17, 2008, 04:16:08 am »

First Journal entry of Flint Neniilan
23rd Limestone 1st year in the fort

Well I have now been in this fort for over a year now and i think we are really starting to feel the pain that dwarves are dealing with across the world...I almost have some sypathy for the poor bastards.

In my small room which I share with my wife I often feel closed off and unatural so I like to practice with my Crossbow as much as possible, i can only hope to one day become a master of the weapon and protect my wife and friends from the menaces which roam this world.

Of course we have had to deal with one of these menaces recently after goblins assaulted our walls, which I will admit are a plus of living life in this fortress. However we dealt with the situation well and soon had all civilans safely away while we moved in for the attack. In my first real battle for Pethitirum i must say i was not too afraid, i mean i had my nerves but that is to be excpetcted of course.

Both sides simply stared at each other for a long time until Echo shouted a battle cry and the battle began. I do not recall much of the actual combat i seemed to have lost my mind although apparently I gave some goblins a good thrashing. It was a shame after combat to see we had taken an injury as Echo's leg was sticking out at an unusual angle but we brought him back for treatment.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #67 on: September 18, 2008, 08:34:40 pm »

Ask not for whom the thread updates,
It updates for thee...

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 4th Sandstone, Year Four:

A wave of immigrants arrived today, if you can call it that.
Two Veterinatrians, a butcher, a craftsman, a woodworker, and... I think he called himself a lee maker.

Regardless, people are people, and we have 112 such people now, alot of whom need a place to sleep.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 10th Sandstone, Year Four:

Finally, with some aid from our height-challenged friends, we've successfully completed an underground farm. It will grow something called dimple cups, which to me seem more like a decorative plant than something I can eat.

Out outdoor farms will continue function for awhile, but we hope to have them inside by year five's beginning.

More good news, Rud's second daughter achieved childhood today. His firstborn, of course, is no longer with us, but would be turning three in a few days had she still been here.

The Events of The 15th Sandstone, Year Four:

Although aboveground, the sound of the merchants leaving could be heard miles away, underneath the cozy layers of claystone that made up the inner workings it was inaudible, and several newcomers could comfortably sleep in the barracks.

Dodging around those sleeping on the floor, Jenkum and Seran, using dulled weapons, continued their usual sparring practices.

In a matter of seconds, Jenkum had been knocked over and disarmed. Lost in a martial trance, Seran swung down the dull axeblade on Jenkum's leg, shattering it. Not even winded, he proceeded to easily fend off Rud's competitive strikes.

At some point, it became clear that Seran was just plain better than everyone else:

((Rud originally commanded the squad, with Seran's "promotion" the name was forcably changed from, "The Tresses of Rock" to, "The Virginity of Spines".))

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2008, 11:49:04 am »

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 11th Timber, Year Four:

I walked in on our mayor today, she was slouched over on her desk, holding a mug she had been drinking out of.

"Maksh mer of thish, mmk?"

"More of what?"

"Whatevs thish cups make erf, ish guuuuuud schtuff."

This presents two problems:
1.) Our mayor is addicted to lead
2.) We have no lead.

It really comes down to, "Does she realize we haven't done anything about it before, or after she loses her position as Mayor."

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 20th Timber, Year Four:

When I first heard that Zotho, one of our millers had began acting strangly as so many people had before, I was ecstatic, expecting to be given the greatest bag of flour Idil ever bestowed upon mankind.

Then I was told he had taken a craftsman's shop, aswell as two logs, two stones, a shell, rough gem, and two bars of metal, one Lay Pewter, one Bizmuth Bronze.

Even I knew thats not how you make flour, it's how you make this:

All $21,600 of it.

Completly unrelated is the fact that our first underground plants, "Dimple Cups" sprouted today, and were promptly harvested. I'm having Jack cook a few of them for us to eat, though when I told him to, he mumbled something under his breath.

I wonder what his problem is...

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st Moonstone, Year Four:

They said it couldn't be done.
They called me a fool.
They still do.

Although the walls themselves still need to be built, the second floor of my tower is now complete, made entirely of platinum. Although we had to stretch a bit, digging out the walls of the garbage pit (rebuilt now, out of disposable claystone).

I have Kupe and the others digging East to try and find a new vein of platinum, but all signs point to no.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #69 on: September 25, 2008, 08:04:50 pm »

Bored, paging through some of the squad names civilians have:

The Rare Brands
The Long Habits
The Fortunate Healers
The Blades of Dust
The First Barbarians
The Inches of Defense
The Heroic Blades
The Primitive Wrath(s)

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 19th Moonstone, Year Four:

River froze, Jack's threw together some random hacks with nothing better to do to brew drinks till it thaws again.

Our considerable supply of coal ran dry today, not the entire supply, but we (read, me) mined out quite a lot of it, and now we have to go get more.

We waited untill after she tried to eat one to tell Ori that Dimple Cups are used to make dye, she made some cheesy pun about it, and sent a passer-by off to build a dyery, or however it's called.

In Ori's frantic scramble to scavene our ever-shrinking supply of platinum, shes begun forging furniture out of whatever random metals we have lying around, to replace the platinum stuff she plans to melt down.

The Events of The 2nd Opal, Year Four:

Directly across from the archery range, where Flint klayed bullseye after bullseye at an amazing rate, was the barracks which housed the dueling Rud and Seran. Jenkum was back in fighting condition, but flat-out refused to spar with Seran anymore.

In a flash Rud was on the ground, and Seran was attempting a move very similar to what he used on Jenkum, but Rud managed to raise his axe, deflecting Seran's into the floor. Using the moment of disorientation, Rud got up to his feet, and charged into Seran, causing him to fly backwards into the wall.

He allowed himself to crack a smile, they were equals again:

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 4th Obsidian, Year Four:

Islas' child Ad, learned to walk today. Not that important.

What is important is that I just realized we have no hospital, so i've had one carved out.

It's serving as more of a homeless shelter now, since noones really hurt, but atleast now we have it.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #70 on: September 30, 2008, 07:42:50 am »

So, due to some poor planning on my part, further updates are postponed indefinitly.

My bad.

Disregard the above.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 07:01:45 pm by Omath Erius »
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2008, 06:42:34 pm »

It's been awhile....
Since anyone but me posted...

From The Journal of Ori Gaomanoth, 9th Obsidian, Year Four:

Guki and Abba, all I bothered to learn was their names, and with good reason.
They had a kid, who they, to my distaste named, "Xaked".


Apparantly, the river thawed, I suppose I should compliment the work ethic of the brewers that I didn't notice untill what was probobly a week after the fact, which in turn makes me feel bad about laying them off untill next Winter.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 1st granite, Year Five:

At last, Spring! The Fifth Year is upon us!

In all seriousness, i've been busy doing.... something, so I had Jack draw up the Stocks:

and Kupe do the map:

We finally got around to posthumously honoring Olev by putting an Iron Statue behind his grave.

To accomodate for the constant use of stone for whatever it is we keep using it for, The miners went down even further today, and have already struck more Bauxite and some other kind of stone thats pretty much granite with a different name.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 5th Granite, Year Five:

One of the areas we stored goods in was too small to expand without breaching the wall, which we counteracted by simply rebuilding right behind it.

Our Mayor's noble formal request for something made of lead expired today. Having no knowledge of how our fortress worked, she took a random craftsman (A bonecarver named Keth) and blamed him for the failure, he was sentenced to 46 (or was it 26?) days in jail, which would be cruel if we had a jail.

Her next demand was that a jail be built, Kupe's working on it.

From The Journal of Kupe Evholkan, 9th Granite, Year Five:

The jail isn't finished yet, infact quite a lot is to be done, but that didn't stop our Mayor from declaring it, "Officially Open" and sending Keth down there. He hasn't come down yet, and we're still working on it.

Mysteriously coinciding with the jail's, "completion" is the arrival of The Elven Caravan. Initiating the annual ritual of bringing the wooden bins to the wooden trade depot, pouring its contents on the counter, and sorting the cloth goods from the crowns and scepters made of bone and leather (Which Jack cooly passed off as being "An act of honoring the fallen by using all their remains for the good of the living") and exchanging it for absolutly everything the caravan has to offer.

For reasons I don't quite understand, the elves insist on living in the depot for a few weeks, but they don't eat, drink, or demand housing, so it doesn't bother me.
fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #72 on: October 05, 2008, 03:51:01 am »

It's been awhile....
Since anyone but me posted...

You have a small but dedicated following. Mainly small  ;)
Good update though.


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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #73 on: October 05, 2008, 04:06:44 am »

It's been awhile....
Since anyone but me posted...

You have a small but dedicated following. Mainly small  ;)
Good update though.

Yeah There are people watching even if we don't always comment.

Omath Erius

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Re: Pethitirum, Halfway to History (Community Fortress)
« Reply #74 on: October 09, 2008, 08:19:40 pm »

Thanks for the suppot, y'all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 18th granite, Year Five:

Our oh-so powerful mayor, Islas, has demanded we create three Long Skirts. She says it's to celebrate something in our glorious history, but the only thing I can find that happened today is Seran's Draft, and I fail to see the connection.

Our Siege Engineer says we could expand the wall by building up a walkable space there, might even stick some catapult on for good measure.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 30th granite, Year Five:

Well, The Honor System obviously isn't working, as Keth isn't going to walk into jail by his own free will. As such, Rud was temporarily given the authority to forcibly drag Keth to his chains, in a room more extravagent than most citizens have.

On the subject of being cruel to stupid things, to account for the sheer mass of animals spawning here, we've had to set up a second Butcher's Shop and Tanner to accomodate.

Naturally, these are made of the blood-stone.

Islas and Sana had another kid today, which makes me wonder what exactly started the craze for putting sexual innuendo in children's names.

First Xaked, now Puck.

You know what I mean.

From The Journal of Ori Gasomanoth, 27th Slate, Year Five:

It came without warning, but it wasn't goblins.

It was something far worse.

Looking over into the gaping hole leading towards our fortress, were The Four Horsemen themselves: The Tax Collector, Hammerer, Countess and her Consort. (Named Ape, Atir, Das, and Didde respectivly)

With them came A Mason, Two Farmers, Three Peasants, Two Woodworkers, A Cheesemaker, A Fishery Worker, A Milker, A Brewer, A Metalsmith, A Fish Cleaner, A Pump Operator, A Cook, A Soap Maker, and a Miner.

This would almost be fine by itself, except two children were also born today:
Tikbo of Ithros and Urwa
and Botow of San and Dasmir

So now our population is at 140, which by law means we're now a Duchy, not a County. (Which means even more expensive rooms for our new Noble Guests)

Needless to say, we're putting some of our minign shafts to use making them into rooms for the nobles, but it's going to get worse before it gets better:

fhalkgsuehgvnl gherghlirhb
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