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Author Topic: Succession game, hardcore mode?  (Read 6311 times)


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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2008, 10:47:29 pm »

(Prepare to be underwhelmed... But at least it's half over, right?)

24th Hematite

We lost a few dwarves during the fighting. The only one I knew particularly well was Iden, the one who had made that bone mace earlier. Unfortunately, it didn't see combat. But we have more troublesome issues than a few dwarves being lost.

First off, our food supplies are just not cutting it. As a stopgap measure, I've ordered a large farm to be set up near the hermetry. While I doubt it's security can be properly maintained if we blunder into letting the enemy into our courtyard once again, it will be all we have going for us for a while.

It's quite official - our fortress is out of brew, and the scant pools of water we have available to us will not be enough to last us to the caravan's arrival. Therefore, I've ordered all dwarves not otherwise occupied to sieze whatever vessels they can find and prepare water, while the miners chip out a small, more secure farm for our dwarves to put to use. I can understand that we have not been a fortress of farmers and brewers, but every dwarf in this fortress understands their dry mouths, understands that a dirty cup full of murky water may be their only drink for some days.

For those who can't farm or lay hands on a bucket, the secondary wall around the trade road's mouth has been plotted out. Nobody seems to mind a little more stonework, now that they've gotten a taste of what would've happened without it. That cutoff point will prove it's worth many times over once properly built, at least until we can finish off our plans of self-sufficiency.


17th Malachite

A well has been set up, and the farming looks to be ready to yeild fairly soon. If there's any brew left, it's hidden away in the hermetry, and given how slow RPharazon was talking when I asked, I think he's about out too. It's starting to get on people's nerves, but I think I can keep them happy a while longer.

Salmeuk came to me with a bit of a grevience today. Which is to say, a bit of shouting. Apparently she's been deposed as Mayor in favor of one of our Furnace Operators, Edem.  Understandibly, she blamed my change in tactics for a perceived loss of power, among other things. I reminded her that she still held almost every other town title worth mentioning, and that with the Queen here as she was, we had to give every office the appearance of due process. However, she insisted that I make a show of power, or at the very least do something of enough significance to justify her faith in me, what with her hand in my ascension, her judgement would be in question were I to fail. I assured her that all would be brought to a close in time, and confirmed that I would be holding a proper meeting to discuss plans before Galena was out.

Hopefuly we'll have some brew before then.


3rd Galena

Well, the Queen is finally satisfied with her little plaza... About time, I say, the place is stuffed to the brim with luxuries.

Also, one of our marksdwarves has been skulking lately. Makes me a bit nervious, as the dwarf in question is a follower of Abod, Lady of Chaos. I really don't think we need any more problems, so I've sent her to get some rest.

Our farm has also begun yeilding some plump helmets. On the other hand, work on the interior farm has met little success. Luckily, we will be able to survive, if not thrive, on the exterior farm. Today we will be fitting hatches on the tunnel to the farm and hermitry, so that in event of attack, those at the farm will be able to remain safe. I'm also contemplating a tunnel bypassing the courtyard and leading straight to our fortress, but as yet I don't think it will be needed.

Last, but not least, some of our workers have made... Omnious reports about the second chasm we uncovered. Strands of silk far thicker than any from a simple cave spider have been spotted on some of the levels. Guess that explains all the bones.

Maybe our resident Dungeon Master would like to inspect such a finding...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #76 on: August 20, 2008, 08:50:03 am »

(Finally got the meeting out properly.)

28th Galena

Haven stood at the corner of the boneyard, watching the rest trudge their way towards him. One hand rested on his axe, the other held a sheaf of records and plans. The plan itself was simple, he thought, not worth calling a meeting about. But the rest would need to be reassured, consulted. These trials began when they felt power slipping out of their grasps, and causing this same feeling in the others was unlikely to go well. As it were, he nodded.

"Good to see you could all arrive in time." Haven said. "I have with me the plans I intend to enact for the rest of the year, and with them the goals I hope to reach." He took a breath. "As we all know, nobility has arrived earlier than we expected. It is not my intention to foster outright hostility between us and our Queen. However, as founders, it is our duty to maintain control over and manage this fortress as we see fit. Our most pressing threat is the Dungeon Master, Sodel. I'm fairly sure most of you have managed to puzzle this out on your own, but to be sure we are all on the same topic, she is the one who had the false migrants sent out to attempt to steal our treasures away. A Queen would have no need to resort to underhandedness, and no lesser noble could hope to lay hands on treasures under her care. Therefore, Sodel, and those loyal to her, remain the primary obstacles to our goals. To solve this, I intend to oust her from our fortress, to either be replaced with a more sympathetic dwarf, or perhaps to simply leave the spot vacant."

Haven shifted through his papers as he spoke, organizing them to be laid out in accordance with his plan. "To acheive this... Well, we can try simpler methods first. Dungeon Mastery is a legitimately dangerous job. But at the same time, Sodel is stubborn, and likely would not wish to leave her quarters. As such, I suggest we... To put it bluntly, begin a revolt on our behalf. Create an absurd disparity between the living conditions of the nobles and the common dwarf, to the point where it cannot be borne any longer, while remaining a sympathetic alternative ourselves. For a beginning to this, we have the housing projects." He pulled out the papers and started laying sketches and notes down in turn, speaking about their contents. "Here, we have the plans for the new living quarters."

"As you can see, they're fairly average sized apartments for a relatively affluent city. They will give our dwarves the impression of the wealth they hold, appeal to their sense of pride and dignity, speak to them of their worth. Each block will hold a small statue garden in the center, for them to meet with others in, that should only bolster their confidence and foster relations and community as a whole... For those who dwell in the block."

"Now, here we have the lay of our own quarters, having just been smoothed and finished today."

"An analogue to the common quarters. The rooms are roughly two times as large, and smoothed, but the garden is in the same place, same size, even the same quality statue in place. Also helping to offset the matter is a second such block to the north of ours, where important guests or community members can be housed, further giving the influence and illusion of control to the populace. Note, of course, that as yet not a single noble has any reason to mingle or be associated with the lower classes. This will be important for a sense of alienation. Ourselves being working dwarves, we have an advantage that cannot be matched by our noble opposition."

"To bring the point forward a bit more, here are the plans to the quarters of our good Dungeon Master."

"As you can see, they are significantly larger than any other non-noble's quarters. Indeed, the entire block is dedicated to Sodel's chambers, and each room is itself almost triple the space any working dwarf could hope to gain. Note that there is no reason for anyone to enter Sodel's chambers, nor reason for her to leave for more than food to bring to her own table. There will be little contact with her among the masses, so she will be easy prey once they have finally had enough of foolish mandates and punishments."

"And here, we have the plans for the Queen's Plaza."

"This is more or less a larger, more open version of our own rooms, with all four dedicated to our Queen's use. Notable here is that the center is as much a public gathering place as the Queen's courtyard. While she will likely be inside her rooms more often than not, the public is assured to see her whenever she steps out, reassuring themselves and putting her in the public's eye quite often. If her mandates prove not to be feasible, she will feel the public's scorn. If they are simple, she will garner it's favor. Remember the reason she has come - She will not leave, not while we still have our precious Adamantine in the mountain. Therefore, she will be forced to bend to the public's will... Which will be forced to bend to ours."

Haven put the papers back into their place. "Simply put, we will turn the masses against Sodel, while keeping them in favor of the current Queen. The Queen will not go, and Sodel's reputation will suffer through either her own hands, or ours. Either way, it will drive a wedge between Sodel and the Queen, and the people and their Dungeon Master in turns. Eventually, it will become harder for Sodel's loyal 'subjects' to remain an inconspicious part of our fortress, and they will either be exposed to us, or forced to work in silence, hindering their activity greatly. I will field a guard, handpicked from those dissatisfied with Sodel's effects on the Queen, and they will watch these dwarves closely for any sign of betrayal. If found, the dwarf in question answers to me. And once Sodel is thoroughly disgraced, I doubt anyone will look too closely if she should happen to meet an... Unfortunate end."

"So... Your thoughts?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #77 on: August 20, 2008, 11:55:25 am »

((nice post, will reply in character tonight))

Paulus Fahlstrom

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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #78 on: August 20, 2008, 12:44:39 pm »

Paulus stood among the bones listening to Haven speak. He was right in the sense that with the Queen present their previous tactics would not be acceptable. Her presence alone mandated tact be used. Sodel on the other hand was a trickier subject. And Haven's ideas were good ones in dealing with him. Getting the others on their side would be critical, and despite the harshness she had used previously, many would realize that it was for their own benefit to have solid walls around them.

We would have to remove the adamantine slowly. Very slowly. We would have to use it in things we personally wanted to make with it as soon as it was ready lest Sodel get his hands on it and claim it as his own. There seemed to be few other options forward at the moment and though it galled her to make such concessions there was little choice.

"Aye, yer plans seem well enough founded. You've got my approval to continue with them. As I recall Sodel is fond of working with metal. Perhaps we can have a smelter made for him personally and keep him busy refining iron or making steel. It would keep him busy and away from our activities."

She looked at Drunken next to her and her visage softened. Things would turn out all right.
I like dogs... with a little bit of garlic and salt...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #79 on: August 26, 2008, 07:12:41 am »

Litast, finally remembering where he was wondered why he was standing in the middle of this room listening to Haven gabbling on about rooms. Oh well, he thought It's not as if I can remember anything else.


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Re: Succession game, hardcore mode?
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2008, 01:09:13 pm »

Sorry if I was needed but I was away for the last week. I am going away again on monday so if I am needed pm this weekend. I don't imagine I am needed though and even if it were my turn the popcap is probably too high so skip me.
A stopped clock is right for exactly two infinitessimal moments every day.
A working clock on the other hand is almost never ever exactly right.
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