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Author Topic: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Back To The Baron's Castle  (Read 21417 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fantasy Suggestion RPG: In the woods
« Reply #75 on: April 01, 2015, 05:18:55 pm »

Overcome your differences through the magic of dance!
You almost got me. Still gonna roll with it, though.
Take a closer look at this text!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fantasy Suggestion RPG: In the woods
« Reply #76 on: April 01, 2015, 11:10:57 pm »

Gerald agrees that the dead are due their last rites, and Kurt suggests he stick around with the elf while Esther, Vincent and Gerald go out and deal with their dead friends. Vincent voices some suspicions. “Aren't going to slit his throat and run off on us, are you?” to which the goblin makes a face. “No.” Esther pipes up. “He hasn't betrayed us so far. Give him a chance.” Vincent harrumphs. They depart early in the morning, just before the sun begins to creep up over the horizon.

The clearing with the pond is circled by crows, and the insects of the forest have started their work on the fallen by the time the party arrives there. The pond has gone stagnant and murky with blood, and there are a multitude of bodies. First, the orc and goblin corpses are separated from the human ones. The two black steel axes the huge orc used are thrown into the pond by Esther with a scowl. Then Vincent says “Maybe I'm being too ambitious. There's a lot of fallen. We couldn't possibly dig twenty or so deep enough holes.”

“We'll do a pyre.” Esther suggests. “That's still a lot of work, but sure. At least we have the tools for it.” Vincent agrees. “Of course, the smoke will signal the greenskins, so we'd better move fast afterwards.” They begin building the bonfire with the firewood the party had originally taken with them, and Gerald borrows an ax from one of the dead for gathering lumber. Once they've started, they realize that it's an even harder task than they first anticipated, but determined to see it through, the party spends all day collecting enough supplies for the bonfire, felling small trees and dragging them into place.

As respectfully as possible, Gerald, Esther and Vincent pile the dead on the bonfire they've constructed. Esther stares grimly at the form of Lady Thurlow lying on the bonfire. She holds the old witch's book of shadows delicately, as if it might bite her.

Vincent tells Gerald gently that if Sir Bernard fell in battle, it technically falls to Gerald to uphold his duties until the Baron appoints another knight. So he ought to take Sir Bernard's armor and badge of office. This proves to be a somewhat foolish errand, since almost none of the armor fits, but they reverently relieve Sir Bernard of his armor, and Gerald takes his gorget and gauntlets and the little seal of authority he carries. Then they pose him holding his sword in both hands, eyes closed. In death, his face seems slightly amused.

Vincent sets aside a spear, and all the rations it would be practical to carry. As the sun goes out of sight, they finish setting everything up, and, exhausted and drenched in sweat, the party lights the pyres. The flames start low and smoky, but soon they are licking at the heels of the fallen. Vincent says “We should say a few words, do a reading out of your holy book. Something...” Then he looks over at the other two, and shakes his head. “Never mind.” Everyone stares at the pyre, wanting it all to be over. Vincent is actually the first to start crying, but Esther and Gerald start moments later, wracking sobs and, in Gerald's case, a silent stream. Finally, when the party is all out, Vincent shoulders the pack of rations and takes up the spear and starts making his way back to the cave. Esther and Gerald follow him.

Kurt looks up as they enter the cave. “Did you get it done?” Gerald nods. “All right. You look wiped. Get some sleep.” Vincent is too tired to argue, and drops off immediately. Gerald sits leaned up against the back of the cave wall and as his eyelids grow heavy, he feels Esther lean against him, head on his shoulder. She falls asleep, and then moments later, so does he.

The next morning they have a quick breakfast of venison jerky and dry bread with wine, and start out. The journey through the forest is quiet. Vincent and Gerald carry the elf on the improvised stretcher, slowly and still stiff from the previous night. Kurt remarks that it's a good idea to go to the boat landing cause' they can drop off their injured pal with the elves there, and then make good time after that. Because of how tired the party is (not to mention how impeded they are by the injured elf), they don't make great time and call it a day early to get extra rest.

Gerald tries to work on reading the holy book, but it's still well out of his league. He understands maybe five percent of what he's reading. Esther works from Lady Thurlow's book of shadows, and Kurt alternates between peering at the map nervously and keeping watch. Vincent sleeps.

The next morning everyone's feeling a little better, and they make better time. The elf wakes up during the trip and moans a bit, but otherwise doesn't have much to say. The forest starts to grow a little nosier. Birdsong and incidental animal noises are more frequent. The morning passes uneventfully.

However, after their brief pause for lunch, things get exciting. From out of the woods, a dozen little fairies swoop out, whooping and screaming. They begin biting at Gerald and the others. They almost drop the stretcher the elf is laid on, but recover it before he topples out of it. Esther waves her hand irritably and a small ball of black flame grows around her hand. With a flick, she sends it at the fairies and one shrieks and dies, spiraling to the forest floor smoking. The other fairies scatter.

“Aren't the forest folk your friends, witch?” Vincent asks.

Esther shoots Vincent a dirty look. “Not the Unseelie. They aren't friends with anyone. Not even each other.” she replies. The party briefly stops to bandage the small bite wounds, but are soon on their way again. The party soon discovers a game path, and make even better time. Soon, however, they come to a fork in the path. They have two choices: left or right. The left path brings the party closer to the river's edge, and the right cuts through thicker woods.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2015, 02:38:57 am by Glacies »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Almost out of the woods
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2015, 03:38:16 am »

Here's what the cast would look like if I colored them in:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And here's a drawing of Esther a friend of mine did:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Almost out of the woods
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2015, 12:02:55 pm »

Gerald: Lightly smack Vincent upside the back of the head for continuously being an ass towards other party members.

Then point to the path that goes

* Lyeos flips a coin

Take a closer look at this text!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Almost out of the woods
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2015, 12:12:13 pm »

Here's what the cast would look like if I colored them in:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And here's a drawing of Esther a friend of mine did:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Gerald: Lightly smack Vincent upside the back of the head for continuously being an ass towards other party members.

Then point to the path that goes

* Lyeos flips a coin



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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Almost out of the woods
« Reply #80 on: April 05, 2015, 04:19:06 pm »

The party takes the left path, which gradually slopes towards the river. They find a path that follows the river's edge, sunlit and well trodden. Periodically they notice trees marked with little runes. The journey is quiet and peaceful, and the party begins to feel they're out of danger.

The path by the river is free of random encounters.

Things go well. Esther and Vincent rotate carrying one end of the Elf's stretcher. “Not long now.” Kurt observes. “Gonna have to make myself scarce soon.”

“Why's that?” asks Esther.

“That's a complex sociological issue that I would love to lecture you all on but I'll just water it down and say the elves don't like goblins.” he drawls.

The next morning, Kurt decides at an arbitrary point to disappear into the woods. One moment he's there, then the next time they look, he isn't. “Good riddance.” grunts Vincent. Esther and Gerald both scowl at him. “Sorry, sorry, I'm just hauling some elf with only one good arm down some forest road I've never been in my life, accompanied by a witch and a mute I owe fealty to.” he grumbles bitterly. “I have a name, you know.” Esther huffs, and she stomps ahead further up the path. Gerald treats Vincent to a wry expression.

The elf groans again. “Was...was that a ..” he mumbles. “a...goblin..? Why?”

Vincent replies somewhat hesitantly. “Yeah. He sewed you up all right, but now he's gone. Don't know what he was planning. But we're close to the other elves now. Won't be long now.”

“Good.” the elf whispers.

A half hour later, a group of elves accompanied by Esther come to the party. Their leader seems to be a warrior of some sort wearing a pair of swords. His hair is tied back in a long braid, and he has a bemused expression. At the sight of the injured elf on the stretcher, his expression becomes sour. Gerald and Vincent are relieved of their burden by a pair of plainly dressed elves who hustle away the injured elf.

“Your friend here,” the leader gestures to Esther, “explained what happened. I have a few men looking for the goblin. Hopefully he'll come without struggle.” Esther looks doubtful and nervous at this statement. Vincent also momentarily looks concerned.

“I am Loramil, a champion of the Court of Spring.” the leader introduces himself. “You are...Vincent, and Gerald, right?” They both nod. “Well, come along and you'll be able to have a decent meal and a rest. Then we can talk.”

- - -

Soon the party arrives at the riverboat landing. A series of small stone houses overgrown with vines accompany a small dockland. There's a central fire pit in the middle of the elven village. The number of adults far, far outnumbers the number of children. They all are busying themselves with tasks of various sorts.

Esther and Vincent explains what happened. How Lady Thurlow had the vision about the sword, how the party was lead there, how the greenskins ambushed the party. Loramil is a little baffled by the goblin. He's also quite displeased about the elves who were massacred. “We know the one you brought us. He was part of a scouting party sent out to assess the greenskins numbers. You said he told you they were betrayed?” Loramil scowls as Esther and Gerald nod in unison. “One of our own siding with the greenskins is hard to imagine. What they could have offered is beyond me.”

“Uh. Loramil,” Vincent interrupts his musings. “Can we borrow a boat to get back to the Baron's castle? We've got to let him know what's happened here, and warn everyone.”

Loramil nods. “Yes, we can manage that. You can have a boat, and someone will see to it that you're properly supplied.”

After a day's rest and relaxation in the elves forest camp, the party is shown to their boat, a four person craft with oars and a lantern affixed to the bow. Supplies for the journey are already packed on board. Loramil joins the party at the dock. “I'd like to join you.” he says. Vincent looks puzzled. “Isn't your duty here?”

Loramil shakes his head and lets out a small laugh. “No, I only lead when I need to. We aren't quite as fixed a society as you men. I'd like to offer my assistance to the Baron. And I'd relish the chance to test myself against the greenskins. If they're set on invading Rivertown, I don't want to miss the chance to test myself.”

Vincent nods. “Well, all right then. Assuming you don't mind?” Vincent looks at Gerald and Esther. They both nod.

“So,” the elf continues “Let's get going.” And he jumps down into the boat.

- - -

Later, the party is drifting down the river at a decent clip. Vincent is obviously in higher spirits and whistles cheerfully. The trees practically fly by. Gerald and Loramil alternate rowing. There is an odd clunking noise and the boat shakes ever so slightly. Vincent stands up, nearly loses his balance, and takes up his spear. Pointing it at where the boat dips, he prepares to spear whatever it is that comes up.

Then a familiar voice calls out. “It's me, ya git. Put yer spear down.”

“Oh.” Vincent says with a heavily ironic tone. “It's you. Great.” Nevertheless, he bends down and helps Kurt climb aboard. The goblin shakes like a dog, and water goes flying. He takes his goggles off and winks at Gerald. “Don't mind if I grab a lift, do ya?”

Loramil crosses his arms and glares. “I take it you're Kurtulmak, then.”

Kurt nods. “The very same.” and he holds out his hand to shake. “Ánægður að hitta þig. Við skulum ekki vera óvinir.”

Tentatively, Loramil shakes his hand. “Allt í lagi. Ekki láta mig sjá þetta.” and the tension around the boat disappears.

- - -

Spirits are high, and grow higher when the goblin produces a bottle and starts passing it around. Some of the party begins to sing a traditional boating song, though Kurt doesn't know half the words and Vincent can't carry a tune in a bucket.

“Down the swift dark stream you go,
Back to lands you once did know!
Past the rushes, past the reeds,
Past the marsh’s waving weeds,
Through the mist that riseth white
Up from mere and pool at night!
Over rapid, Over sand,
South away! And South away!
Seek the sunlight and the day,
Back to pasture, back to mead,
Where the kine and oxen feed!
Back to gardens on the hills
Where the berry swells and fills
Under sunlight, under day!
South away! and South away!
Down the swift dark stream you go
Back to lands you once did know!

- - -

The journey by boat will only be a couple days. What should Gerald do on the boat?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 11:57:30 am by Glacies »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Rowing your boat
« Reply #81 on: April 06, 2015, 02:54:00 pm »

Offer to help with the rowing sometimes.
Work on his literacy some more.

Keep an eye out for strange things!
Take a closer look at this text!

Generally me

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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Rowing your boat
« Reply #82 on: April 06, 2015, 02:58:41 pm »

Offer to help with the rowing sometimes.
Work on his literacy some more.

Keep an eye out for strange things!



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Rowing your boat
« Reply #83 on: April 06, 2015, 10:23:33 pm »

Offer to help with the rowing sometimes.
Work on his literacy some more.

Keep an eye out for strange things!




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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: The Baron's Castle
« Reply #84 on: August 31, 2015, 04:25:21 pm »

Gerald continues his studies with the holy book, and continues to pick stuff up. Vincent, now that he doesn't have to strain himself, is much more pleasant to be around and ceases to be rude to the other party members.

Loramil and Kurt spend most of their time conversing in elvish. Occasionally Loramil breaks out into verse. Vincent still seems worried about the goblin's agenda, but doesn't press the issue. Generally, the boat ride is pleasant and calm.

The party pulls up on a small beach as the sun begins to descend, and they unpack the boat and set up camp a little ways inland. Vincent and Loramil cover the boat with boughs, while the other three pitch tents and assemble a small campfire. Once camp is set, everyone gathers around the fire.

“So,” asks Vincent, “Where do we stand?”

Gerald shrugs. Is he supposed to know?

“Well,” says Esther, “I don't think my home is safe with the orcs and, uh, goblins loose in the countryside, and I want to find out what the Baron plans to do. So I guess I'll stick with everyone until we have this all sorted out.”

“You already know why I'm here.” Loramil says. “You probably haven't seen the end of the orcs yet, and I'd love to get some more practice with the sword in. The Baron will probably want my help fighting them off, so as long as we're heading into conflict, I'll accompany everyone.”

“Speaking of which,” Vincent says, “Gerald, I owe you an apology. My wounds made me a bit surly, and I didn't have time to think about things. With Sir Bernard passed on, as his squire, you now serve as the Knight for our home. This means I owe you my service. I should have told you this sooner, but wherever you go, I follow.”

Kurt tells everyone “I just wanna see how this all plays out. Someone sent ya that diabolic symbol for a reason, and it probably ain't good.”

The evening is quiet. Loramil volunteers to keep watch for the first part of the night since his sleep needs are much lower than a human's, and Kurt suggests that he does the last third of the night. Vincent shoots this down, since he's not comfortable with the goblin keeping watch, and volunteers himself to wake up early and do it. Gerald stays up a little late reading by the campfire. A lot of it goes over his head, but he can manage the simple things on his own.

The next morning, the party gets up, cooks a hot breakfast, breaks camp and gets back in the boat. The shore practically flies by as the boat flows downriver, and by the late afternoon the Baron's castle comes into sight.

The Baron's castle sits on top of a steep hill on one side of the river, overlooking Rivertown on the other side. The Stonebridge, which is exactly what the name makes it sound like, spans the gap between the town and the castle, which has multiple plumes of dark smoke coming from it.

Kurt climbs onto the bow of the ship and pulls out a spyglass.

“Looks like the place is gettin' attacked. I see the odd orc on the battlements...”

“All right, what will we do?” Vincent asks. “Should we dock on the castle's side and see if we can go help, or should we dock at Rivertown?”


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Re: (ISG) Fantasy Suggestion RPG: Back To The Baron's Castle
« Reply #85 on: August 31, 2015, 04:39:14 pm »

It's baaaack!
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