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Author Topic: Fate / Lunar Sun  (Read 25938 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #150 on: October 28, 2014, 09:43:30 pm »

----------------There's a Temple on the mountain. We'll go there.

The Old Temple should have something.
Temples like the Ryudou one on the mountain used to specialize in old myths.
It's likely as anywhere else in the city, at least.

It's a long walk back across two cities to get to the temple, and by the time we reach the bridge Saber seems to have regained the majority of her strength.
She sees me looking at her and gives me a questioning look.
I look away.
It's best not to imply anything untoward.

The bridge spans the length of the river.
This late at night, the street lights above shed very little light on the footpaths, only a miserable fraction of the amount on the street above.
So we're almost on top of the monk before we finish crossing.

“Eh? Oh. I haven't seen you kids in a while.”
Issei turns and leans against the railing.

Ryudou Issei is the young head of the Ryudou Temple.
Well, technically his older brother runs it.
But Issei is the actual head, heading all the services and functions.
The mutual, silent agreement between a poor priest and a strict junior.

“Hey! Head Monk Ryudou. We were actually looking for someone like you.”
Arturia flashes a big white smile and tosses one twintail behind her shoulder.


I decide to chime in.
“We're looking for magical creatures-”

“For a school project! Myths and Legends of Fuyuki City!”
Arturia whips around and glares at me.
What did I do?

“Myths and Legends, huh?”
Issei looks up at the night sky.

“There is this old myth about a dragon.”

“That'll work.”
Arturia digs out a pen and paper.
Where did she hide those?

Ryudou Issei mutters into the night.

“It's been a long time since I last heard or told this story, so forgive me if I make any mistakes.”

“The Monks at Ryudou have a very unique style of martial arts. Objectively, it's not any better or worse than other styles. Just different. It's said that we gained this strange style of fighting from a deal with a dragon.”

“The myth goes that a long time ago, back before Japan was united, the Temple was approaching ruin. Nobody came to pay services, and the temple had no donations to live off of. One day, a traveling holy man passed through the town.”

“When he heard of the temples plight, he was moved, and promised right there that he would help the temple. He asked what he could do to make the temple strong again, so that others would come worship.”

“They told him that in the river below us, there was a great dragon.”

“A dragon with scales the color of polished sapphires, eyes as bright as the sun, and powerful enough to be a god.”

“But the Monks at that time shook their head, and said that nobody had seen the dragon for years.”

“The myth says that the Wandering Monk went down to the bank of the river, thought for a day, and finally, he tossed in a small stone, with the shell of a mollusc embedded in it.”

“And it was only then that the great dragon awoke. And when it awoke so did every soul in the city, brought to consciousness by the gust of wet air that the dragon breathed.”

“The Dragon spoke to the Wandering Monk, and asked why he had woken him up. The Monk explained the plight of Ryudou Temple, and asked the great Dragon if it could give the Temple it's patronage, so that people would worship there again.”

“The Dragon was great and tall, rising above the tallest roof in the city. It laughed at the small Monk, and asked him why it should give any power of its own to humans too weak to take care of themselves.”

“The Wandering Monk said nothing.”

“The Dragon said that if the Monk could beat it in a fight, it would give a part of it's power in the form of a style of fighting it had developed to the temple.”

“The Wandering Monk accepted.”

“And so they fought. The Myth says they fought for three days, and finally the Wandering Monk was too tired, and collapsed”

“But the Dragon was impressed by the Monk's determination. It gave it's gift freely, out of respect. It taught the Wandering Monk the fighting style, and told him to teach all the Monks in the Temple how to fight like a dragon.”

“And he did. That's how the Ryudou Style was invented.”

Issei finishes his story and yawns.

“I think I'll head back to bed. Telling that story has completely destroyed my insomnia.”

“Bye, Head Monk Ryudou. Have a good night.”

“You too, Arturia, Kiritsugu-”
He looks strangely at Saber for a second.

“Do I recognize you?”

Saber starts, but shakes her head.
“We've never met before. I'm a visitor.”

Issei doesn't look like he buys it, but he lets it go.
“Then you have a good night as well, Visitor. If you have any spiritual needs, come to the temple, or the Church on the other side of town. Bye.”

We wave to Issei, and then as one turn to look out over the water.

The river runs black in the midnight dark.
The stars glisten as the water flows out to sea.
Eventually, the water in this river will flow out past southeast asia, and catch a small current that will carry it to South America.
After that, it'll circle South America and run up past New York and the United States, all the way to Greenland.

In the old days, they didn't know that.
It's strange how the world has shrunk. The drinking water in New York having been touched by a Dragon that lived it's whole life in Japan.

My focus returns to the bridge, where it settles on a small chunk of concrete.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 07:29:17 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #151 on: October 28, 2014, 09:44:18 pm »

-------------------Kick Arturia in.

I look back up at Arturia.

My gaze settles on a pair of imperfect pearls inset on her hairbands.
And then on her forhead.



“......You sure have a hard head, Arturia.”

Saber snorts and turns away.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? Did you hit your head? Idiot.”

“One might say, a lot like a rock.”

“I know where you're going with this. No.”

“Pearls come from shellfish. Molluscs.”

“No they don't! Shut up!”

“Look, we all have to make sacrifices-”

“No chance in hell!”

“-It's for the greater good.”

“I don't car- HEEP!”

“Up you go.”

I throw Arturia into the water.

Like a movie villain, she vanishes beneath the waves screaming.
Saber salutes, and so do I.
Her sacrifice will be remembered.

The Dragon never shows up, but today me and Saber slew a beast more fearsome than any dragon could ever be.
My Sister.

“Idiot. Fool. Stupid Idiot dummy moron idiot.”
Arturia climbs ashore, cursing up a storm.
It's been a long time since she was last on land.
She's been cursing her fool brother ever since.

Arturia looks around.
Where is she?

There's a city over there, but it looks like she's come ashore on a beach.
A flag flutters overhead.
There's a sign over there, by some docks filled with tourists.

Arturia struggles to read the English sign.

Arturia stares.
Stupid, idiot Brother.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 09:46:31 pm by Karnewarrior »
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #152 on: October 28, 2014, 09:51:28 pm »

 So, temporary Hiatus as my Interwebz are down.

Obviously, I'm not done, but as a reward for waiting, have this little Omake. I'm not sure when I'll be able to post, but I'll try to do so as often as possible. PMMM:F Is in the same position, although they didn't get an Omake because they got Sads instead.

I'll have net by Nov 3rd, though, so it shouldn't be too long even if I don't get a chance to post Saber & The Dragon. Which is going to be awesome, and should be read with Heavy Metal in the background, by authors recommendation. But it's going to be long, so I have to write it on Word, which means not while I have internet, so it's a big ol' cluster. Still, I'll have it by the 4th at the latest. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Saber is the Once and Future King, after all.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #153 on: October 28, 2014, 10:27:34 pm »

How the fuck we end up in chile? And why is there a sign here!?
Is it at least spicy? (Bad joke)
my brain is not in a good setting to over think this *passes out*
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • That guy who used to be here all the time
    • View Profile
Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #154 on: February 12, 2015, 07:28:21 pm »

----------Kick it in.

I pick up the concrete.
The legend said that the solution was to throw in a stone with the shell of a mollusc in it.
This piece of concrete has shells in it, but does it count as a stone?
I suppose there's only one way to find out.

I throw the concrete into the river.

At first nothing happens.
The water simply laps at the shore.

But then.............................
There's a burst of prana, one so large that every person in the city must have felt it.
Like a tidal wave of water, it washes over the town, passing through stone and steel.
Like a bubble, the surface of the water bulges upward.

It's a enormous bulge.
The bridge is almost a hundred meters above the surface of the river. If you jumped from here you would die.
The Dragon easily makes that height with only half it's body exposed, and even that it bends, a snake-like stoop to put it's face close to ours.
It's mouth is large enough to swallow a small car, each nostril wider than a dinner plate.
It's eyes are yellow as the sun, and are larger than I am without stretching.
Whiskers like pythons droop five meters down through the air, stirring lazily in the breeze.
Each scale is the size of a plate on Saber's armor, and seaweed has taken root there, giving the dragon a greenish fur that does nothing to hide the sapphire blue of it's scales.

The Dragon stares at us.
Or rather, stares at Saber, who merely stares back.

“The one you stand before is Hinode no Kawakami Denryu, The Serpent of the Sunrise Current. Kneel.”

Me and Arturia get to our knees.
I'm not going to be the one to tell a dragon no.

It seems Saber is still standing.
She plants the iron remnant of Excalibur firmly on the bridge, and places both of her hands on the pommel.
She almost looks like she's having fun.
“The one you swim before is Arturia Pendragon, King of Britannia, leader of the Knights of the Round Table. You kneel.”

There's a tense moment of silence.

“Impudent. Do you not speak the language? I am a god. Kings bow before me, where I go.”

Saber simply grins.
“In Britannia, Dragons bow to kings.”

The Dragon snorts.
A wash of pure Prana, so dense it's visible, washes over Saber.
Any human would be dissolved into pure energy by that cloud.
To not die would make you inhuman. A monster.

“No fair if we get into a fight before I can make my demands. Let's decide on a wager beforehand.”

Saber isn't dead.
In fact she's just talking calmly.
The mist clears, and the bridge under her feet is bubbling.
Excalibur looks better for it though.
The filigree is back, though it's dull and tarnished.
The hilt has returned to a dull blue as well.
Did it absorb the Dragon's breath?!

“Very well, impudent King. On my victory, you shall be eaten, and your bones shall lie in my stomach for a century, until the stench is so foul even the Netherworld will not accept your soul.”

“And on my victory, Snake, I shall take a piece of your power, to fix my sword.”

Hinode no Kawakami Denryu looks at Excalibur.
“You will not win.”

Like a cobra, he lunges forward, far passing the speed of sound.
But Saber is gone.
I see a blue blur bounce off of a steel girder, leaving a pair of boot-shaped indents.

“We need to go!”
Arturia drags me to my feet as I hear Saber smash into the Dragon.

We're running down the bridge.
I take only a second to look back.


Her Master flees the scene.
That's fine; She would be more of a liability than an asset.
Saber's blade took the Prana of the Dragons snort, which is the only reason it cuts at all.
Even so, the Dragons scales are like plate mail.
Again and again, Excalibur is turned away by those scales, or thuds uselessly into thick strands of seaweed.
The Swordsman snorts.
She's never seen Excalibur so lackluster.

Repelled again, she leaps from the snapping jaws onto a steel girder on the bridge.
She tried to hide it from her Master, but she's feeling the effects of Ruin in her bones.
A Servant is construct of magic, and Saber has had little time to recover since coming in contact with Rider.

No time to worry now.
Steel clashes with tooth as the dragons maw is repelled by the King.
Despite herself, the Swordsman smiles.
She hasn't seen much proper combat since the war started... And she is enjoying it.
It's just her and the Dragon.
A Knight and a Beast.

She tenses her legs and springs, crying a battle cry as she flies over the Dragon, searching for a weak point.
A missing scale, a chink in the natural armor.
All a swordsman like Saber would need.
But all she sees is a glittering blue field of overlapping armor.
Scale armor, such as the Arabians had in her day.
Even the eyes are sheathed by a clear film, harder than any mortal steel.
If so then....

A pounding heart bounces off the scales.
She launches herself back towards the bridge.
Only this time, she doesn't land.
A fragment of steel, sharp as any blade.
Her height and a half, and awkwardly shaped.
In fact, almost like a spade, it grows flatter and sharper at the tip.

Excalibur smashes into the dragon teeth reaching for Saber's middle.
But the Dragon never meant to bite her.
A blast of dragons breath, the equivalent of thirty A rank mages casting at once.

Saber is blown back by the sheer force.
She smashes into, and then through,  one of the steel supports for the bridge.
Thirty pounds of broken I-beam drops into the raging river below.
Saber reaches for a handhold to keep from meeting the same fate.
In the water, she will be on her enemies ground.
In his home, he will be victorious.

Skitter skitter!
Her makeshift spear clatters off the walkway of the bridge.
No choice!
Saber leaps from her safety.
The spear is grabbed, but now Saber is moving away from the bridge!
There's no more time, she has to grab on now, or else she will be drowned.
Like a cat, she turns in mid-air, throwing her spear up and over a protruding bar, that had been knocked loose earlier in the fight.
She grabs the other end just as the spear catches, and Saber jolts to a halt, almost falling into the black waters below.

Holding the spear by both ends, she swings her legs, propelling her higher.
The dragon unleashes another torrent of caustic energy.
The blast goes low, but the sheer power causes Saber's hairs to stand on end.
Her legs wrap around a structural support, and she quickly slides on top.
One push of her leg has her back in the fight.
She flies back up to the top of the bridge, landing with a thud.

Gravel crunches underfoot as she sprints back to the other edge of the bridge, where the fight awaits her.
Dragonfire roars, sending the bridge rolling and the asphalt bubbling.
Saber dodges like lightning, using fallen I-beams to catch her momentum.
The whole bridge is beginning to rattle and shake as it collapses.
Too much of the structure has been lost.

She's reached the other edge now, and Saber jumps towards her foe.
The Dragon opens its mouth to catch her.
And instead receives a slice of steel through the back of it's throat.
The Dragon retches, a horrible sound like a jet engine played backwards.
It also, for the first time in the battle, opens its eye of the protective, clear sheathe.

Excalibur is like a bolt of lightning.
And it digs itself into the eye of the dragon like a razor slicing through tissue paper.
And coats itself in the dragons blood.

The battle seems to stop, time itself coming to a crawl.
Even the Dragon, which should be roaring in pain, seems almost serene.
“You have won. Truely, you deserve to be called a King of Knights.”

Saber nods.

The Dragons blood wicks away into the blade.
Excalibur begins to return to true form, dark iron turning to blue steel and gold filigree.
And then it begins to glow.


Arturia and I stop as the light overtakes us.
Everything turns gold.
In the distance I can hear a woman shout.

She couldn't possibly?
Arturia drags me down, but my eyes stay turned towards the sky.


A pillar of golden light turns night into day.
The full power of the Matter of Britain turns into pure energy.
A lance stretching into the sky that could destroy a wall of steel a kilometer thick.
And that's the reflection.

A wall of steam hits us at the speed of sound.
If Arturia and I weren't already on the ground we would be blown all the way back to the house!
The hot steam blisters our skin as it rushes over us.

The expanding cloud blows through the city like a hurricane, a growing amount of debris carried along in it's wake.
And in the center, a pillar of pure energy, surrounded by a growing amount of vaporized rock and metal.
Excalibur shuts off, and the pillar vanishes.
In its place is a cloud of condensing steel vapor, and a lake of igneous rock.
Water rushes in, filling the new lake in the center of town.

The afterglow alone is enough to see by, despite, or perhaps because of, the cloud cover.
Excalibur's light is trapped in the atmosphere.
And in the afterburn on my eyes, red turning a violent magenta, I see a figure.
Saber returns.

Excalibur is back.
The Once and Future King is back.

Arturia nudges my arm.
“Hey.” She says.
“Not to be a buzzkill, but... She just killed the local river god.”

I shrug.

“So, that's bad, idiot! We need to at least scold her. That wasn't necessary!”
I get the feeling, Arturia, that I'm the one who will be doing the scolding, while you just shake your finger in the background and forgive her later.
When did we become parents to the King of Britain?

1) Arturia's right though.
2) We'll deal with the negatives as they come.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
    • View Profile
Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #155 on: February 12, 2015, 07:49:39 pm »

West siiiiiiiiiiiiide

gg Arthur we smited the dragon britania style


Option which praises the king of knights
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #156 on: February 16, 2015, 01:05:54 am »

Option 1.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
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Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #157 on: March 21, 2015, 02:57:42 pm »

Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I am Sprin Dragon, Master of Madness!
    • View Profile
Re: Fate / Lunar Sun
« Reply #158 on: October 14, 2015, 04:36:28 pm »

That said, I hope that, as a forum, we can have fun doing something great, and I can prove to myself my capability to finish what I start, once and for all. I want to reach at least one ending, a good ending or true ending or neutral ending, before I drop this out of frustration. If I have any hope of being an author....................
..............................................................I need to finish this.

Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.
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