Goolix, Ranging Bloyster, and Burrowing Snargret (minus the burrowing interaction part) are all done and working as megabeasts.
I ran the first field test today and ran into some problems with the entity that took me a while to figure out. It's playable(ish) now though.
Things left to do before the release of the Pik-Pik Fortress Alpha:
- Make weapons and armor that i think would fit well into the pikmin series (if your're looking for adamantite quality weapondry, pikmin won't have it)
- Make clothing for the pikmin
- Make sources for cloth
- Couple more megabeasts and semimegabeasts
- Set some spheres for pik-pik religion and set up some correlating spheres on megabeasts
- Fix my issues with plants (It wont run without at least one of the old crops for some reason)
- Fix issue where headless pikmin still run around doing work. HA! Fixed it. That one was really bothering me.
- Put in trees and other flavor plants
- Try to set it up so pikmin civilizations war against each other for more legends flavor, as well as more skilled pikmin.
- Edit the way pikmin society is set up in the entity
- Couple interactions, like for the burrowing Snagret
- Remove all vanilla animals
- Remove the rest of vanilla plants
Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. That's a good sized list of things for me to work on, but most of them wont take too long to get done. After that's done I'll make a new thread and post the alpha on DFFD.