Reading all the signs when walking gives you a much better chance of a written tm, though.
And I'm pretty sure walking outdoors is good for the old xp gain. Not as noticeable as exploring a new city, but it's there. Oh, and stealing money from NPC merchants is fun.
"alias avalook leave carriage; read sign; enter carriage", to invoke (manually, not by trigger) whenever the carriage stops.
(Actually, you will need to make it more complicated, to taste. Maybe to handle the Djellian caravan/carriage-equivalent situation, if you don't relgate that to another alias, but mostly because in Escrow (should you dare step outside) there's three or four different carriages that might be standing there, inclusive of one's own (and obviously at least two different ones at all other 'interchange' points you might be using, if you're going via the chain of local services instead of staying on the Intercontinental) and it's quite easy to get on the one to Fiddlyfjord or the Steppes/etc. But I don't want to dictate half-rememvered alias scripting detail, while I can't refer to my own 'library' of them.)
But the walking is probably a good XP gain (especially if you add sneaking to the mix), you'd be sacificing that for the ability to stand/sit around in comfort able to cycle through all kinds of other XP-gaining activities, like palming and slipping coins to the ground, reading whatever reading material you have on you, listening to the regular reports from the driver (not present on the Intercontinental!), etc. Swings, meet roundabouts.