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Author Topic: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@  (Read 16250 times)


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #195 on: August 23, 2013, 05:19:59 am »

At the mention of her injuries Alice's smile faded slightly, she had been doing her best to avoid thinking about it. Instinctively her hand went to her chest over where her new heart was, she must have looked terrible after what had happened for that robot to replace so much. A small sigh escaped her, it wasn't that bad really it just made her feel strange knowing that there were metal parts inside of her. It was certainly better than dying any how.

”Well I haven't gotten a chance to look at the scarring yet, so I have no idea how bad that might be.

Apart from that though I'm actually feeling pretty good, physically anyway. If anything I actually feel a bit better than before this all happened, I suppose that's something to do with my parts working better than my natural ones”

After saying this she fell into silence wondering whether or not she should say her private fear. She looked into Miles eyes and decided to say it, she could trust Miles and even if it was the answer that she feared it would be better coming from him.

”Miles... Having these parts doesn't make me any less human does it?”
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 05:21:30 am by Kansa »
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #196 on: August 23, 2013, 05:59:27 am »

Miles had the same thoughts, very often.

When he speaks, his levity flutters away-his voice changes, subtly-similar to when he read the journal entry of his former self. Stately, dignified, distinctly mid-western...a bit like a professor, perhaps.

"In physical terms, you are less human than normal...though in that sense, so am I. My body didn't grow 23 years-it didn't come from a womb, it wasn't born like a normal one would from the collation of a mother and father...the body you see now is a truly hollow recreation of what the person I was before-elements gathered from my soul, my memories and my imagination-I'm little more, technically speaking, than a living tableau. A shadow of a person who was, and has been, and can never be again.

In this sense, I'm more artificial than you.

But, here's the important part-you're still that person you were before, Alice-the ritual didn't change you. Your mind, your soul, your heart...that's humanity. You kept those close, and they're still with you, undiminished. I don't sense your spirit is, now, any less bright than it ever was."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #197 on: August 24, 2013, 08:02:17 pm »

A sigh of relief escaped Alice, it was the answer that she had hoped for. Miles didn't view her as being any less human than she was before and she supposed that he was right. It was the soul that made a human not the body that they were in and until she lost that she would be fine. A smile blossomed onto her face as she opened her mouth to speak once again.

”Thank you, I've been worrying about that and hearing you say it makes me feel better about it all. I don't think you are any more artificial than me though even in the body sense, you're body is still completely human and as you said before it's the soul that really matters.

There is something I have been wondering about though. When you talk sometimes you slip into different accents, even different languages sometimes. Why is that? Is it because you are remembering something from a different incarnation of yourself?”
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #198 on: August 25, 2013, 03:05:34 am »

Miles seems to ponder this, for he does not do so consciously. He continues to talk as before-wavering between current Miles and that past one, almost as if two people are vying for your attention.

"'s hard to answer, for I don't exactly do so by will. I suppose the spells are brought on by very lucid memories-memories so strong they cause my past selves to come back up for a word or two. It might even be a form of benign possession-albeit, self possession. So many different people in one body-like a Hydra, that's many heads vying for a single person...and not all of them are content to be quiet observers.

But, it's not quite all memory. I'm still speaking to my beloved Alice, now, wherever my mind is wandering. And if it weren't so...if I called you by another name, well, then it would be cause for concern. Though, it's unlikely the Miles you know will ever be less than the dominant self. It's not impossible either-just unlikely.

To say, you could imagine a man with many cloaks, my dear. He may choose one or the other based on his degree of fastidiousness, but he is always the same underneath. Or you could imagine a gemstone, where the color of light changes as it passes through. Sometimes blue, sometimes green...but, it's the same light."

Alice can't help but notice, that though the accents she is hearing are pronounceably different, the same warmth toward her is evident in each one.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #199 on: August 28, 2013, 11:04:17 pm »

Monday, December 23rd 2013, Week 2, Day 2


In the early hours of the morning you depart the apartment Sweeny has set up for you, with a note in hand. You find the simple dojo where the Mystic told you it would be, and hand the note to the man in charge. The Sensi reads it twice and nods before taking you through some basic combat drills. The session is long and sweaty, but by the time it is finished, you feel as if you are a better fighter.

+1 Rank Mundane Combat
Result = 11

After a quick show you hop a teleport ride back to Arkham and settle down in the library to do some research on your summons and how they can be controlled. You quickly learn that a fundamental rule of summoning from one's own mind and nature is that things you wish to have absolute control over should remain in your mind.

...Still, with a bit of effort, you learn about steps you can take to make your summoning spells more reliable and less likely to harm those around you that you do not wish harmed.

+3 New Opprotunities
Result = 15


You wolf down breakfast in the morning and warp down to Arkham for another lesson with Alan. It takes only a few hours for him to teach you the very basic tricks for putting formerly embeaded objects back into beads. You declare Alan's debt to you finished, and  he dosn't argue with the notion, however he does say that he is still more than willing to teach you techniques for moving goods between times and realms, so that he dosn't get stuck helping you close deals down the line.

+New Ritual
Result = 10

Deciding to get in shape, you return to the hostel and have Thorton dust off an old stereo to play some good dance music. The routine is intense, and within an hour you are completely exhausted and sore all over.

+1 Rank of Cardio
+1 Rank of Contain Magic
Result = 10

You workout having drained your will to remain awake, you make the necessary arrangements do to some dream shopping and pass out.

...You find yourself in a Bazaar sheltered in a glass dome that seems to sit inside the circulatory system of some sort of giant monster. You search for a few hours and eventually luck out when you come across an Orcish merchant looking to equalize a messed up balance by unloading a box of Naturia Sea Slugs cheap. You promise him 500 USD and he agrees to send you the box through a complex serise of micro-transactions and middlemen designed to maximize the change to his balance and minimize the change to your own.

...When you wake up you find a huge box full of fist sized squirming creatures. 789 USD is missing from your wallet. There must have been some sort of hidden shipping charge or crooked middleman involved in the transaction.

+78 Naturia Sea Slugs (Each one you eat grants you a free cantrip use on the day you eat it. They taste REVOLTING and you must make a DC 4 Constitution Check to get one down. The DC increases by two for each slug you eat per day. When you fail a check, you may not eat any further sea slugs for the rest of the day)
-789 USD


You spend the morning in the bathroom, singing to the mirror. Your new vocal range is quite amazing, and it doesn't take you too long to get used to hitting notes higher and lower than you are used to. Miles is busy brushing up on some long lost skills in Innsmouth, so you end up showing off your new notes to support staff. Even Fredric is impressed.

+1 Rank of Perform: Singing
Result = 7

Finished with your singing, you head out and search Arkham for someone who can propperly ID your tattoo. The only enchanted tattoo parlor in town is closed for the winter break. Luckily you bump into Karen Star and her boyfriend Jacques cuddling on a park bench. You bring up the Tattoo, and they both recommend you see Milly about it.

You find the geeky manipulator tending to the Gailuf, but she is more than willing to check out your arm. She and her familiar examine it for several minutes before concluding that it likely has some sort of primitive adrenaline tripped alarm installed on it.

"If you panic, work out hard enough, or even get laid, the person who gave you this tattoo will know your adrenaline is high and your general location within 5 miles or so."

She looks for another good 45 minutes, but can't find anything other hidden qualities about the inkwork, and eventually sends you on your way so she can return to her busniess.

Result = 20

Jeremiah + David:

The sparing session is a complete success. You both learn alot about each other's moves and combat style, and each feel that you have improved a bit as fighters.

+1 Mundane Combat Rank for Each of You!
Jeremiah's Result = 7
David's Result = 4


You wake up before dawn and kneel to pray so that your allies may be healed during the upcoming mission. As you fold you hand and prostrate yourself you begin to halucinate a talking Southern Cross on the wall. You find it's words ring heavy...

More information and results regarding your future healing prayer will be PM'd to you shortly

...Deciding to take your mind off Fen Fwa for the time being you head out and do the work Vich Gor'Teerech and Aijorluk after you finish your prayers.

First you head to the Congo Base and stash the escape from Arkham kit. As soon as the goods are properly stored you feel Vich Gor'Teerech's favor touch you.

+1 Point of Favor with Vich Gor'Teerech

Returning to Arkham you head to the student union and pony up the 200 bucks for a 2 way teleporter ticket to Cambridge. You arrive and head straight to the front office of the Secret Underschool and ask about a professor Tulip. The freshman student working the desk doesn't ask any questions, and digs up everything you need.

You learn that Dr. Francine Tulip is the head of the circle studies department. At 66 she is very young for a department chair at a prestigious magical university, so although cultists generally don't discuss such things openly, it is speculated that her master is somebody with a good deal of name recognition and influence to pull the strings from her.

Although her home address isn't on file, the deskeeper happily tells where to find Dr. Tulip's office, and also tells you the names of the grad students working with her. By process of elimination (only one of the names sounded female) you manage to deduce that the student who mocked you over the vases is Veronica Hamilton. The student at the desk gets a bit suspicious when you ask about Veronica's living arrangements, but you quickly get her talking again with a well placed bribe of 500 USD. She quickly digs out the nearby address of the Cultist's apartment and copies it down for you.

+2 New Opportunities
-700 USD
Result = 11

Upon returning home with the information you sought, you celebrate by going online and ordering a large pack of Astronaut Ice Cream. It will be delivered after the next mission.

-50 USD
12 Bars of Freeze Dried Ice Cream Ordered!


After you wrap up your sparring session you wander into the woods for an afternoon of meditation and observation. You take in the sights and try to spot various critters hidden against the trees and snow. You take deep breaths as you try to make yourself feel more 'alive' and closer to the woods.

Upon reaching a state that is so zen that some sort of white Ursine creature allows you to approach and pet her cubs, you decide that you have made progress and return to the Hostel a better druid.

+1 Rank of Perception
+1 Rank of Life Force
Perception Result = 8
Life Force Result = 8


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #200 on: August 29, 2013, 02:31:25 am »

((Shall we wrap up our RP here Kansa?))


Miles walked along Alice back to the mansion, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, for he feels the need to keep her warm-that warmth, and the 278 gram beating object ensconced within Alice's dimpled chest will soon become his sole focus-for love cannot fully exist without life, and he could not bear to lose hers-even at the cost of his own. A light snow falls, and the sky is cloudy, but not grey. He thinks a heavy storm is not far off, but in the moment it is merely fluff on a strengthening wind. Blow as it may, it does not occupy his thoughts. More so do the person beside him.

He is content in the silence, and her company, the energy and life of her close beside. The feel of her hand in his. The lingering scent of her scant perfume-which to him, is merely her physical essence, not merely from a bottle. He looks into her eyes, holding his breath and sees not his own reflection, as he does often with beautiful women-for Miles is at times a vain man-he only sees her. Alice. The one. There is a person, behind those eyes. Not a mere physical description-she has her own mind, and motivations and her life has been hard and sad, he thinks. Miles wants her to be happy, now. It makes him happy. It's all that matters now.

Occasionally, he seems to casually take in his surroundings-not out of paranoia, but of diligence. He's got someone to protect now...and in his own way, Miles West is a simple being. He is most happy when he can protect someone. When someone trusts him.

For a moment, this moment, his old warriors soul is at peace.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #201 on: August 29, 2013, 03:42:23 am »



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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #202 on: August 29, 2013, 09:31:43 am »

Alice watched the snow spiral slowly down a contented smile on her face as she watched the flakes. She had always loved the snow, it seemed fitting that this wonderful night would end with it. Her crimson eyes stared into Miles' and it once again struck her how handsome he was. In this moment she was completely calm, unworried about anything that might come for them. Even though in her heart she knew that this calm could not last for long but she couldn't help but hope that this dreamlike moment would last forever.
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #203 on: August 29, 2013, 12:43:31 pm »

(Tar vanished, so here are the points as determined by me)

Points Time!
+2 GP and 1 FP to Alice and Miles for the insufferably long date RP
+1 GP to David and Jeremiah for the RP spar
+1 FP to Jeremiah for that nice little journal
Quote from: BaerTaffy
If Adele covered Aerosmith, that would be my life right now.


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #204 on: August 29, 2013, 01:09:14 pm »

Spend 1 GP Learn another class spell related to my Time Merchant'ing
Spend 1 GP to learn a dueling maneuver related to my new dancing mobility
Spend 1 GP to raise Contain Magic, if possible-I don't know if I qualified to 'use' it this turn. Otherwise raise Perform:DANCING.
Spend 1 FP on a Custom Feature that I can use in synergy with Alice.
Spend 1 FP on a new Magic Defense/Mana Based Defensive Stance, using the memories I am forming of Alice.

And yes, I have that much-since I was erroneously using my points for stat ups, and refunded the points with the stats.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 01:13:46 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #205 on: August 29, 2013, 04:08:44 pm »

Spend 1 GP raising up Perform(Singing)
Spend 1 GP raising up Charm
Spend 2 GP on two new spells
Spend 1 FP on a new feature that I can use in synergy with Miles
Spend 1 FP on another feature
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 05:15:35 pm by Kansa »
* greatorder smothers Kansa with earwax


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #206 on: August 29, 2013, 05:13:52 pm »

1 GP on 2 Cantrips.
3 FP on new Features.


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Re: @)~~}~ (RPG) Magia Exquisitis: Bloodrush ~{~~(@
« Reply #207 on: August 29, 2013, 05:28:15 pm »

1 GP on a spell.
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