Turn 9: Incompetence and BURNING RESOLVEAttack Kobolds with Kung Fu Power!
[2] vs [1] You slap a kobold. It assumes you're feinting and stands there while you slap it.
[1] vs [4] It then assumes you're a lot trickier than you look and dives slightly to the left of your knees while you sidestep.
0.5 dmg dealt
+1 DodgingShoryuken!
[1] vs [2] You get the direction reversed and trip onto the floor.
[4+1] vs [6] The kobold attempts to stomp you, but you manage to wriggle between its legs. Do you know how hard it is to do that to something that's three feet tall?
+2 DodgingLook around the junk pile for a bit of metal I could turn into a shank, then make one.
[5] You uncover a very nice shard of metal, probably some high-quality thing used to beat peasants like you with or something. [6] You then create a shiv out of it by mummifying it to your hand. Well, a katar is kind of a shiv, right?
+2 ShivcraftingStab once more!
[2] vs [5] Without the element of surprise, your efforts to stab the kobold becomes little more than a desperate and futile lunge, which leaves you open for the kobold's counterattack.
[1] vs [4] Fortunately for you, the kobold underestimates you, and in its haste to countershiv you trips and falls.
+1 DodgingStab kobold! When he dies, butcher him to use his skin as a bandage.
[3] vs [5] Your halfhearted lunge is met with a skillful parry. Seems you won't be fashioning him into a bandage just yet.
[6] vs [3] That doesn't necessarily mean the reverse isn't true, however. He jams his weapon just below your ribcage and then rips you open. You fall to the ground, clutching your guts and trying to stay conscious.
...a strong sense of resolve comes over you, however. You've taken worse than this! Stuffing your guts back where they belong, you get back on your feet, resolve stronger than ever.
5 dmg taken
Toughness 1 gained!Punch kobold in balls.
[4] vs [1] You successfully punch the kobold's genital region, causing it to yelp in pain.
[5] vs [2] For some strange reason this seems to piss it off, and it responds by shanking you in
your genital region. You also yelp in pain.
1.5 dmg dealt
6 dmg taken
+1 PunchingBITE
[6] vs [6] You go into a frothing rage, your
hunger uncontainable. It responds with an equal desire to not be eaten alive, and you hit a stalemate.
[2] vs [4] It wobbles at you to no effect.
+2 Biting
+1 DodgingDoofie (Baradine)
10/10 HP
Martial Arts 1 (11xp)
Dodging 0 (1xp)
Skaavn Daazhkorvus (Slayerhero90)
10/10 HP
Four Arms
Bone-Shiv (-1 dmg)
Limb Ripping 1 (10xp)
Grasping 1
Bone Weapon Crafting 1
Wood Weapon Crafting 1
Clothier 1
Cloth Armor Crafting 1
Dodging 0 (1xp)
Fuk'ai (dermonster)
10/10 HP
Physipunching 1 (1xp)
Metapunching 1
Dodging 0 (4xp)
Bernard (xiphonii)
10/10 HP
Body Hurling 0 (20xp)
Nix (NRDL)
10/10 HP
Biting 1 (4xp)
Face Eating 0 (20xp)
Dodging 0 (4xp)
Felix (Zako)
10/10 HP
Hand Shiv
Shivcrafting 0 (2xp)
Alen Wa'ir (Spinal_Taper)
10/20 HP
Shardsman 1 (12xp)
Dodging 0 (2xp)
Toughness 1
Urist Erush (killerhellhound)
10/10 HP
Mcclay (mcclay)
2/10 HP
Toughness 0 (6xp)
Punching 0 (1xp)
Giant Mushroom, fighting NRDL
34/40 HP
-1 Attack
-1 Dodge
Kobold Commandos x4
19.5/20 HP; fighting derm
19.5/20 HP; fighting Baradine
20/20 HP; fighting Spinal
17.5/20 HP; fighting mcclay
2 Attack
2 Defense
Kobold A
-1/5 HP
Atop Fuk'ai
Mugen Tenshin 2 (10xp)
Limb Twisting 1
Dodging 1
Kobold B
4/5 HP
Kung Fu 1 (10xp)
As you might or might not have noticed:
-Skills work differently now. Rather than manually assigning exp, you gain much less exp for every action you do, then gain a distributable sum upon completing objectives.
-Skills work strangely. Current formula is ([Att Roll] - [Def Roll]) * ([Att Score] / [Def Score]), except Def is apparently 1 by default because you can't divide by 0, which makes the first rank of anything useless. Uh... working on it.
-These kobolds can probably take you. Hrm.