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Topics - Jackrabbit

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Specifically, I threw a goblin down into the caves, making sure only to throw him far enough to cause some nasty bruises, in order to let him test his mettle in the underworld. Out of sight, out of mind, etc. However, when he immediately picked himself up and walked off with a fair amount of certainty, vanishing into an unexplored area, I suddenly realized that he might be able to essentially teleport home if he reached the border of the map via the underground. Can goblins/elves/whathaveyou do this? Does it count as, essentially, 'getting away' in the case of thieves and snatches even if the escape is basically just delving further into the underworld?

The title would be 'murdering gays isn't murder if they hit on you' but I ran out of room.

Australia, as a nation, has a lot of ground to cover on the social front. I love my country in a slightly embarrassing, patriotic sort of way but sometimes I feel like in some ways we've never moved past the 1950s. There's a lot that needs to be bettered, but let's focus on this today:

When I first saw this, I immediately wanted to make a thread about it, but I thankfully saw that a committee in Queensland (for those not in the know, that's a state in Australia) had recommended to the government that they close a legal loophole that meant murderers of homosexual men and women could argue in court that their actions were partially justified due to being hit on by the person they murdered. As recently as 2008, two people were jailed for manslaughter, not murder, due to the person they murdered being both a man and having hit on them. I was pretty happy to hear that the Queensland government was taking steps to move past yet another horrifying aspect of Australian history, and considering they're one of our most conservative states I was doubly pleased.

Then this happened. That was Queensland's Attorney General claiming that he doesn't think it's in Queensland's best interests to change the law because it's a defence open to both men and women and getting away with murder is okay if it's a form of gender equality. In the words of Shadow Attorney General Bleijie (who has the honour of having a cool title and a cool name and squandered it all by being an asshole) it would "impact on the ability of female abuse victims in domestic relationships to rely on the defence", which kind of speaks ill of his knowledge of our legal system considering there is a separate partial defence that covers exactly that.

Queensland's government is trying to play this off as an attempt at just playing politics and that this law isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. Here's an obligatory link because, you know, internet petitions, but I'm asking people from Australia, or even the rest of the world if you're in a position to, to do something about this. This is a horrifying legal loophole that puts the lives of every single LGBT person in a state of 4.5 million people - a state in which, if you are not straight, you have a 71% chance of being harassed and just shy of a 1 in 5 chance of being attacked - at risk and denies those already dead the justice that they deserve. So, if you live in Queensland, there's never been a better time to take action. If you live in Australia, there's never been a better time to take action. If you live overseas, there's never been a better time to, I don't know, send an angry letter or something. Just, don't let this one by.


Valve's employee handbook has been leaked from Valve's company intranet, where it has apparently sat for a very long time being all amusing and shit without us ever knowing about it.

It gives significant insight into how Valve works, their hiring system, how they treat their employees, how they develop games and why they're not being hyperbolic when they claim they're 'more than just a games studio'.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

There are no pictures, I just realized the title was so dull most people wouldn't bother looking.

I was on recently, flicking through recent games and I kept running into the same problem. I never have the recommended specs, not for recent releases, and it's always my video card. Always. This has led me to deduce that I should get a new video card because I am the new Sherlock Holmes. Anyway, here's what I got when I tested Skyrim:

Recommended: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
You Have: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz

CPU Speed
Recommended: Info
You Have: 2.8 GHz

Recommended: 4 GB
You Have: 6.0 GB

Recommended: Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
You Have: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

Video Card
Recommended: DirectX 9 compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1 GB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon HD 4890 or higher)
You Have: ATI Radeon HD 5450
      Upgrade Suggested: Unfortunately, your Video Card does not meet this requirement. Click here to see some recommendations. Click here for the latest Video drivers.
Features: Recommended attributes of your Video Card
      Required    You Have
   Video RAM    1 GB    3.7 GB
   Pixel Shader version    3.0    5.0
   Vertex Shader version    3.0    5.0
Sound Card
Recommended: Yes
You Have: AMD High Definition Audio Device

Free Disk Space
Recommended: 6 GB
You Have: 183.6 GB

So yeah. FIRSTLY, is a video card upgrade going to solve all my problems? And secondly, if so, can you recommend a good one? And finally, why the hell is it saying my card is out of date when it clearly has the required features? I'm not saying it'll run, canyourunit has never actually let me down yet, but it seems I should run games fine and I simply can't. I'm lost when dealing with computers.

Fitocracy is a website designed around the concept of gamifying fitness. For those of you who don't have the time to watch the videos, essentially it's taken the concept of points and levelling up and the psychology behind that and applied it to a real life activity, in this case exercise, in order to engage people more about something a lot of people just aren't interested in due to the effort. No word if you can exercise with hookers, then kill them and get your money back in real life but I'm confident Jack Thompson is standing by if that is in fact the case, disbarment or no.

To give you a less rambling explanation, Fitocracy offers this:
  • XP! For every activity you perform you will be awarded with XP, which leads directly to
  • Levelling up! Yes, that's right, levelling up. There might not a light or noise when it happens and you may not be able to select perks or notice any immediate difference but one day you're going to saunter over to the fridge and rip the door off its damn hinges. You will not have meant to do this.
  • Achievements! No, they don't mean anything here either. Which is why you MUST GET THEM ALL.

The point is, Fitocracy represents something big, the concept of applying video game techniques to the real world for positive benefit which could revolutionize the way we approach things in the future, though I'm probably just being dramatic.

Which all boils down to one thing, really. I don't have an invite, I want an invite, anyone got an invite? Send me an invite.

Oh also what do you think of the concept and what this means for future implementations of the concept yada yada send me an invite

Other Games / Europa Universalis III
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:23:03 am »
If anyone was wondering what happened to the last thread, it got hit by a spambot and Toady deleted it by accident.

I hadn't perused the thread in a while, so I hope nothing much was lost - and I have to say that I'm glad my truely dreadful original post was - but I guess forum posts aren't irreplacable, so I'm sure nobody's gonna lose sleep over it. Anyway, I figured I'd make the thread again.

Europa Universalis III is the third game (sorta) in a line of strategy games by Paradox, who are well known for creating fiendishly complicated and historically accurate stratagy games that I love in theory but suck at when I try to play, Victoria and Europa Universalis being so far the only games I've been able to wrap my head around enough to not straight up die, all the time, forever. Europa Universalis specifically is about the period between the late 14th and early 19th century, essentially allowing you to command most any organized nation on earth from the end of the medieval ages right up to just before the industrial age and it's quite a lot of fun. Currently I'm playing as Castille, trying to unite Spain and get stuck into the Moors, and getting pissed off at France swiping territory every time I have a tiff with Morroco.

Actually, opening question: is there any way to prevent your allies from joining your wars and taking territory out from under your nose? It's rude is what it is.

Somethingsomething is a technical term, shut up.

After having been linked to it via Tom Francis' excellent blog, I watched this video and like it did for him, it changed the way I think and approach problems. Why share this in general discussion? Well, frankly, you'll discuss it to death even if that wasn't my intention, so why not, but mostly I want to share this, because it's extraordinarily interesting and useful.

The link to Tom Francis' site will summarize it if you want a general overview but watching the video itself is something I can't recommend enough. Very, very good stuff.

Attention all Georgians. At least one person in your great state is certifiably batshit insane.

There's no group of people on this earth large enough and crazy enough to let something like this pass so I'm not worried for Georgian expectant mothers. But I just wanted to warn you, you might want to do more background checks before you let someone into a position where he could propose something like this.

General Discussion / Choices, changes, butterflies and their ilk
« on: February 18, 2011, 03:52:49 am »
So I recently learned something interesting. Had it not been for a very, very last minute change of plans, I would have spent the first three (or more) years of my life in Bahrain, in an expat compound. It'd be very Empire of the Sun (sans the invasion), certainly, but I'd have some significant ties to the Middle East. It's a weird thought. Furthermore, because of a flu bug and landline troubles, my family moved to yonder instead of thereabouts which lead to me coming to Australia, which lead to me finding an article in a news agency about DF which lead me here which meant I'd learn how to not be a dick before experiencing the rest of the internet and has, sad as this is, greatly influenced me as a person.

So what I'm saying is, although our life is a constant progression of decisions and consequences, there's two points in my life at least which could have gone either way and the outcome hugely affected who I am as a person. I'm not unique in this I'm sure and I'm interested in whether or not you can identify points in your life where, given two or more paths, going down another path would have meant you, essentially, wouldn't be you, now.

General Discussion / Happy new year!
« on: December 31, 2010, 07:46:48 am »
I am cheating a bit considering my present location but I was born in New Zealand and therefore shall steal the thunder of everyone actually in-country right now by saying, once again, happy new year to all. It has continued to be fun.

General Discussion / Gay shenanigans at the UN
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:55:16 am »
You can thank Neil Gaimen for bringing this to your attention.

I just don't have it in me to write a huge wall of text explaining my views, you probably know them and you can certainly guess.

Holy fuck.

I don’t really know if we’re mature enough to keep this from turning into a hurricane in a bottle of a thread. I hope we are. And I’m not sure this doesn’t just warrant a post in the rage thread but screw that thread, seriously.

Two girls have been barred from going to their formal for Year 11 because the partners they wanted to bring were each other. This pissed me off no end, because of something that happened six or so months ago.

See, I know several people from this school, and I was talking to a girl there, several girls, around about six months ago and the conversation progressed until we were talking about how two lesbians attending the school, one 15 and the other 16, were barred from going to the Year 11 formal, because the partners they wanted to bring were each other. This is last year I’m talking about. The reason given for this is that one of the girls, being 15, was in Year 10 and as such wasn’t really allowed to go. That was fair enough, I thought, and then a thought occurred to me, and I asked how many Year 10 boys were at the formal. Apparently, a whole lot. A hell of a lot, actually. And, this time around, the excuse is the same and the facts are the same, going by several friends I’ve been in contact with – there were a lot of Year 10 boys at this formal. The second excuse, one I did not hear several months ago, was that the point of the formal was to promote co-educational relationships to help build team-work and form ties between the schools and blah-de-blah-de-blah which, apart being an excuse pulled from so far up the ass it’s dripping stomach acid, is basically admitting to the fact that this was an event where homosexuals were not welcome because they’re not promoting synergy. And, on top of that, the Principle’s other defence was ridiculous, apparently running on slippery slope logic and claiming that the all-important synergy they’ve worked so hard for would come crashing down if they allowed same-sex partners to attend the dance because then all the girls would take other girls. To the formal. Which is a free ticket to make-out sessions with your girlfriends before, during and afterwards and a time where if you don't have a boyfriend or if a guy doesn't have a girlfriend, you stop pussyfooting around and ask someone out, quick. Because it's a goddamn formal.

What I’m saying is, this isn’t an isolated incident. These girls only got noticed because they openly resisted it, unlike the couple last year who were either too scared or shy to fight back. Whether or not you think that last link is dubious, by the way, is up to you, since it involves the Greens and politicians getting involved will always be dubious to someone, but my school, also a private Catholic school, has several teachers who actively try and scare kids off being homosexual, citing bullying, the amount of homosexual who commit suicide or are the victims of homicides, some bullshit about AIDS I happened to overhear when I was walking past and how you can never have sex because sex is for marriage and gays can’t be married. Why? I was actually told to shut up and get back to work when I asked that. The teachers in question claim to be supportive, but do everything they can to convince kids not to come out until they're out of College. You know, away from them and presumably fornicating with the devil anyway at that point. Homophobia directed towards teenagers by both students and staff isn’t an issue getting tackled and it should be and I’m really pissed about it.

Here’s where I tell you to feel free to share your thoughts, but if you needed my approval you wouldn’t be on the internet.

Creative Projects / Aqizzar's GURPS, dates and times for the filthy Kobold
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:50:04 pm »
Aqizzar will, after suffering through my retardo-sitcom, be running this game, and this thread shall be used to get the logistics sorted out. For a while there it was me doing my own thing so if you want to read through the retardo-sitcom be my guest.

People playing:
Duke 2.0(?)

Times next few games are scheduled to run:
30th October (those in the Northern Hemisphere)/31st October (those in the Southern Hemisphere) at GMT 6pm, work out what time that is for you and tell Aqizzar if that's a problem because he can deal with it.

Life Advice / She was beautiful
« on: May 08, 2010, 08:03:52 pm »
The day I saw her was the most wonderful day of my life. She was beautiful, she was powerful, she was everything I ever wanted, but I did nothing. How could I, then? It wasn't an option but I still regret it to this day.

Sometimes I lie awake in bed thinking about her. If only she could be mine, if only. But I need your help, because I don't know what to do. I've never done this before and I know there are some people here with experience. Help me make her mine.

TL;DR I want to build a computer and I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Also I consider all computers female.

General Discussion / Doctor Who - the eleventh one
« on: April 18, 2010, 04:46:46 am »
So. Since I assume everyone but Australia has been watching the new Doctor Who series for a few months now, you lucky bastards, but we've only just got it over here. I think he's quite good. Time will tell if he outdoes David Tennant, but since you guys have, what? Six or seven new episodes? Or something, you probably have already decided. What's your opinion?

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