My general interpretation of 'move and shoot' turns is that it means each turn is shorter. Real-time, yeah, but also game time. How many seconds do you suppose an X-Com turn represents? Yeah the firing speeds complicate that, but your fast guys sure can sprint, open a door, run up some stairs, open a couple more doors, etc. Short distances of movement--especially if you could plot it several turns in advance, and give an order to a unit of 'keep following your path'--means you have MORE turns, more actual exchanges of gunfire, things go back and forth more often. None of this 'I have twenty guys; as soon as I spot an alien, they can sprint halfway across the map and open fire and the alien never gets a shot' (and vice versa for the aliens).
It would be neat to see five-second or so turns, instead of the ten-second turns that the original felt like.
Kind of iffy about the low to-hit chance on a point blank sectoid and not enough potential damage to kill it without a critical in that article's screenshot, but honestly, that happened a lot in the original X-Com as well. Plus maybe there IS an auto-fire mechanic we're not seeing here? Maybe you learn in the manual or the tutorial that LMGs always get a three-round burst fire, and the damage and to-hit are per bullet? We just don't know.
Also, remember on the "LMG vs Autocannon" thing: Autocannons could fire high-explosive or incendiary ammo, which had an effect radius of at least a couple meters. Good luck packing those rounds into a machine gun.