An update to the prototype game I posted here a few weeks ago, in case anyone is interested. It's much more a game now, still early though.
I played a few levels and it seems very playable, please keep posting your progress!
Criticisms, wishes, and bugs:
- Right clicking gives you points and you can do it forever, so if you want you could just keep clicking and earning points.
- I hope there are some ways the right click magnet ability can be made more challenging or interesting to use on its use, if you're patient you can beat the only level in one shot very consistently by clicking until the atoms are all in a big ball. Maybe it'll be better when there are obstacles.
- Looks like the quit buttons in the title menu, escape menu, and next level menu don't work, and left clicking while the escape or end of level menu is open makes the shot sound effect and decreases your shot counter. A retry or restart button would be nice if that fits with the design intent.
- I would like it if there was a volume slider or mute button since the sound effects get pretty obnoxious while you're playing, or swapping them for some calmer, softer sounds.
- I think it would also make sense to give the player bonus points for each shot they didn't use, or some other reward for being efficient. Maybe shots you don't use should carry into the next level?
Once it has more levels or behaviors I would want to try playing again.