I'm a firm believer that the Michigan Med. Marihuana (they misspelled it not me) law is one of the best in the country. I would remove the Medical requirement myself, as right now all it amounts to is a small bribe to a Doctor. (some doctors only prescribe to lawful patients, others take their cash and write one for whatever; both require payment for their 'permission'
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent-seeking ) By allowing limited quantities (in Michigan 12 producing plants per patient) of local production, you allow locals to supply themselves and act as caregivers for other patients (and pay for electricity or even profit in a bad economy in the second instance) instead of international drug cartels who are currently engaging in civil war in Mexico. In addition the State (and some Doctors) must be making a pretty penny from their respective bribes. I don't mind if the State gets a piece as they have to administer the program, but doctors are simply profiting in return for something that seems to me of extremely limited utility. The supply amount seems to be about right, possibly due to the production limits, while from what I've heard California has an oversupply to the point they have an abundance of street hawkers. In addition the majority of local supply seems to no longer be brown, Mexican marijuana. Instead the quality of product and service have both skyrocketed, both in not having to worry about spoilage, urination on the product plus other things the chain of importers might have done, and ease and safety of transaction. Add to this the greater value to a consumer (who would likely consume even without legalization) offered by a local supply, the effect on the local money supply (money stays local instead of finding it's way to cartels/out of state importers), and the effect on crime rates due to the reduction of overzealous prosecution for this petty crime. By allowing all citizens to have a Michigan Marihuana card you would expand these effects.