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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 272613 times)


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #120 on: October 08, 2011, 05:41:41 pm »

Friesdens' Diary

Our precious is entering our parlour, said the spiders to the fly. Now to attach the precious to our precious!
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #121 on: October 08, 2011, 07:25:57 pm »

Diary of Nicolta Tesla

21st Moonstone, 95
Several ponies have been complimenting me about my engravings. It appears that they have mistaken the various diagrams of death machines I have drawn on the walls for artwork. Perhaps I could use this to earn some more bits for my project.

16th Obsidian, 95
Charity told me to build some traps to defend us against the Diomedian ponies. I went to the dining room to start planning the giant magnifying glass I was going to use immolate intruders. It was there that I met Friesden, who told me to use spike traps instead as they leave the limbs unscathed. Normally, I would have ignored such a suggestion, but I am interested in possibly working on a joint project with her in the future. She's the only other pony here who cares about the advancement of !!Science!! after all.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #122 on: October 08, 2011, 08:39:01 pm »

"Strange" mumbled Charity, "I don't seem to have written anything in here about Ironya's second baby. That's an important event and should have been chronicled. Ah yes I see why, her second little pegasus boy was born on the 16th of Obsidion, that's the same day as the thieves that tried to rob the caravans. How, could any pony forget, she went into labor, just as the call to arms rang out. With all the excitement I must have forgotten to write anything. Best record the event now."
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The sound of an argument fills the air above the normal sound of hard working ponies. The sound comes from the mid-levels around the mason's shop.

"Why would you make this Pillomino!?" Shouted Charity.
"It shows the truth! Don't pretend it doesn't! Lolum was a weakling, killed by a magma crab of all things! And a fool, wrestling one with his bare hoofs without even the littlest amount of armor." Defended Pillomino.
"Lolum, was a god-damned hero. He scarified himself for those trapped ponies. And then you would dishonor his memory with this, this thing." replied Charity, anger in her voice.
"YOu are being idealistic! You just want to build him up into some great champion to further your own agenda! You are the one dishonoring his death by making him out to be something he is not." Yelled Pillomino.

The two ponies separated. "To think I once called her my friend." mumbled Charity before shouting at the nearest other pony. "Throw that abomination in the magma sea, get Cryptson to dig a hole and just toss it in!"

Pillomino was upset about the loss of one of her masterpieces, but she had many others to keep her placated, so, after a good stiff drink, and a wonderful meal, she had practically forgotten about the entire ordeal.

Charity's Journal 27th Granite 96

Well at least we know Nicolta's traps work. A snatcher tried to get in the south entrance, and after getting stabbed several times, by the first trap, proceeded to try and escape out the north entrance and triggered the second trap, by the time the first militia pony was on the scene, our earth pony lasher Langgud, all he had to do was put the bastard out of his misery with a silver whip strike to the head, killed him instantly.

25th Slate 96

It was always only a matter of time. The pegasi squad is being sent to the walls, the north entrance will be closed, the south will be left open so that they can come right into the waiting ground squad. The one to first spot them was Erib the unicorn ranger, instead of running for the safety of the walls, she lead them away, into the jungle, we were confused as to why when out of the jungle, in the
opposite direction came a huge group of migrants. It seems she knew they were coming and sacrificed herself to distract the diomedians while the innocent ponies made a run for the walls.

The following ponies managed to get inside to safety. One a male pegasus macepony/fisherman, who was immediately pressed into service. Two a female earthpony armorer. Three, a little unicorn boy, about Venture's age. Four, a female earthpony glassmaker/carpenter. Five, female unicorn siege engineer. Six the mother of that unicorn boy, an earthpony stonecrafter. A female bone doctor and artist.

After those got in, a spearpony recruit by the name of Ramol ran out to fight the enemy alone, save for his faithful pet grizzly bear.
(ran to get one of the dead unicorn's socks no doubt) He charged a darkbolt, with a crossbow, knocked a flying silver bolt away with his spear, as he unleashed his battle cry, as the dark bolt evades his weapon, another bolt, this one copper strikes him in the upper body, but seems to get stuck in his cloak, (told Starkey we needed that cloth) he then stabs the dark bolt three times the final one strikes his chanform and cuts through the iron and bone, and pierces his brain, he drops. He turns and attacks a keishi pony archer, blocks another bolt with his spear. He bucks the archer in the chest and then stabbed it repeatedly. At this point seeing as how he was actually holding his own, Starkey called for a charge, the airborne squad flew, under Otik orders toward the ridge overlooking the battle, while the ground squad charged to help their comrade in arms. As his friends rushed in to help him, Ramol, changed target and stabbed, and bite, and kicked, the other Keishi, as the other Diomodians fled for their lives, chased by his loyal bear, who limped on after them his leg bleeding from a wound, clearly in extreme pain. Khenal, chases down the wounded Diomedian, dodges, a copper bolt from his target, and finishes the pitiful creature. And the others scattered to the wind.

 This bought precious time allowing the rest of the migrants to get inside. Including a spear unicorn fresh from basic training. A pegasan thresher, who apparently forgot he could fly and walked around the walls, instead of flying over. An earthpony butcher, a mace pony/cook, a pegasan siege engineer. Earthpony thresher, pegasan lye maker, Unicorn weapon-smith apprentice, another female unicorn ranger, unicorn butcher, unicorn potter, Legendary female Unicorn Glassmaker, earthpony fisher.

Charity's Journal End of Slate 96

Ramol's actions during the ambush, may have been fool hardy, but no pony can doubt his results, he routed the whole group on his own. The others merely helped him mop up the already broken enemy, for his actions he deserves some sort of reward. Perhaps he can be given better accommodations, but first, Thundersplinter needs to make a couple dozen more beds.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 08:42:45 pm by KingStrongbeard »

Darkening Kaos

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #123 on: October 08, 2011, 09:08:03 pm »

Excerps from the diary of ThunderSplinter:

Late Slate;
Watching the battle from the topmost part of the tower and urging the migrants to safety while watching the brave/foolhardy Ramol charge the foul Diomedians.  Never before have I witnessed such selflessness - it is inspiring to say the least and deserving of reward, the very next masterwork bed I make should be his.
Of course, that does mean, with all these new migrants, more beds need to be made, fortunately I am not alone in the carpentry workshops now, another pony works quietly in the second workshop.  I haven't had much to do with him as he is a dedicated father and spends most of his free time with his family, and making more ponies as a consequence, ;).

Nicolta has demonstrated that the trap defenses are worth the effort to install them, perhaps they need to be expanded though, maybe Charity will permit the carving of half a dozen enormous wooden corkscrews to bolster the initial defenses.  I wonder if Nicolta needs assistance in the construction of traps?  The business of making mechanisms does intrigue me and the air traffic tower might need some defences from the rabid honey badger pegasi, something else that needs to be brought to Charity's attention, or should I just go ahead and do it myself?  Yes, perhaps that's a better idea, shouldn't bother her with such trivial matters, what with her new foal, husband and ever-growing responsibilities.

So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...

Impending Doom

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2011, 09:44:44 pm »

((Question for King StrongBeard: have you given any consideration to this story as it relates to MLP canon? Are we in Equestria, or somewhere else? Is this the distant future? The past? Are we in a different universe entirely? I had some ideas for a backstory, but I wanted to get your permission first.))
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2011, 10:24:51 pm »

((Question for King StrongBeard: have you given any consideration to this story as it relates to MLP canon? Are we in Equestria, or somewhere else? Is this the distant future? The past? Are we in a different universe entirely? I had some ideas for a backstory, but I wanted to get your permission first.))

I had been assuming a different universe, that is why I have tried not to refer to Celestia, Luna, or anything specifically related to the show's world. Although I could change my mind in that respect, if you have some interesting ideas. However, some have, mostly jokingly, said, in the Pony Mod thread, that this mod could be thought of as Equestria, during Discords reign before the sister's sealed him in stone. So either a different universe, as I've been working under the assumption of, or the distant past, during the reign of Discord. Although, distant future could work as well I guess, if you have a good idea for that, but not the way I would choose to go.

Edit: Alternatively, if you don't like the above suggestions, it could be set in the universe of My Little Pony: The (Abridged) Mentally Advanced Series, which I have enjoyed, and it seems like it could work, perhaps in another country separate from Equestria. Episode 1 is here,if you haven't seen it,

Edited Edit: Dsarker, Cryptson has been digging out a vein of Cobaltite, and after following it for awhile, it has looped around and reached the place where your murder was carried out, and where Efim's body is still sealed up. If it is okay with you I'd like to have him accidentally breach the room, find the body, and thus allow an investigation to begin. Don't worry about Friesden right away at least, no one will link the crime to him right away. Is that okay with you?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 11:25:42 pm by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #126 on: October 09, 2011, 02:12:31 am »

Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #127 on: October 09, 2011, 03:10:20 am »

Khenal's Book, Chapter 11

Last week, Cryptson discovered Adamantine!  There are all kinds of legends about the metal, and the prospect of adamantine armor really excited me.  I'm not so sure, now.  Little Venture told me about a bad dream she had, and apparently her bad dreams aren't uncommon.  Her dealings with Lolum make me want to take her dreams seriously.  I suspect she is predisposed to magics of divination and awareness.  I'll definitely need to put even more emphasis on control and concentration in our lessens.  Madness is a real danger to ponies with abilities like hers.

Oh, I almost forgot: Dr. Friesden and I seem well on our way to becoming friends.  Dropping in on her seems to have been a good idea.  She was a little jumpy and odd at first, and she still is eccentric, but she did seem happy to have somepony to talk to.  Almost all of her medical talk goes over my head, but her passion for it is plain to see.

Chapter 12

Nicolta Tesla recently finished setting up some traps at the entrances to Glitter Glen, and they've even stopped a few Diomedians.  Unfortunately, they decided to attack in force today.  Ebsas, one of our rangers, sent up the shout and lead them away from the fort.  She saw the wave of migrants at the same time she spotted the ambush, and sacrificed herself to ensure their safety.  A hooffull of migrants were able to dash inside while the Diomedians were distracted, but many more were still out in the jungle.  One of the new spear ponies, Ramol, broke ranks and charged the Diomedians before Captain Starkey could order the charge.

My heart sank, I was certain we would witness his death in short order.  However, he fell on those Diomedians like a pony possessed.  The Captain ordered the charge and the Diomedians broke and fled.  I finished one that Ramol had wounded, though several got away.  Ramol is the hero of the day, though I think Captain Starkey is annoyed that he broke ranks and charged on his own.  I'm just glad that so few ponies were hurt.  Ramol broke the will of the Diomedians, but we must not forget Ebsas' sacrifice to ensure the safety of others.


Ah, HeadShoots/SyrupLeaf references. 
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #128 on: October 09, 2011, 03:57:52 am »

Are you sure it's Ironya's kid?

Nicknames of parents show up in 'parents' part of the description, they always did :P

And I don't see 'Ironya' anywhere written there :P
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #129 on: October 09, 2011, 10:41:27 am »

Are you sure it's Ironya's kid?

Nicknames of parents show up in 'parents' part of the description, they always did :P

And I don't see 'Ironya' anywhere written there :P

Indeed I am sure. And I have proof.

Edit: Sometimes, I've noticed nicknames don't show up where they should. For example the nickname's displayed properly under Charity's son's page, but they don't on Ironya's second baby's page, despite showing up correctly on his relationship chart.

Also, nicknames don't show up in some places I would want them too, such as in "This is an engraving/statue/decoration/figurine/etc. of something, by (somepony)" where "somepony" is the original name of the creature, not the nickname. It is annoying. Or when it is an engraving or statue of somepony, and doesn't call them by there nickname.

Also, in my previous fort, I noticed that tantrums for some reason, remove the nickname from the pony. I was building a fortress in the sky, and my dinning room wasn't yet fully sealed, and a parasprite invasion flew in and ate all my prepared meals, and many barrels of food drink, and killed two geese. This caused my cook, "Carrot-cake" to tantrum and kill the manager, which caused another nicknamed pony to tantrum, and then after the chaos, both "Carrot-cake" and the other one no longer had nicknames.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 11:09:19 am by KingStrongbeard »

Impending Doom

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #130 on: October 09, 2011, 03:26:42 pm »

The Journal of Cap'n Starkey

 - - - - - -

26th Slate, '96

Oh-ho-ho, so the Diomedians grew a pair, did they?

They came with a medium-sized raiding party, not an army - for which I am secretly grateful. Because if there had been many more of the bastards, Private Ramol's, ah, enthusiasm probably would've cost him his life. The moment the gate swung open to let some newcomers seek refuge, he was out the door and charging towards the Diomedian force at full gallop. It was all I could do to stop myself from ordering the charge early to save his sorry flank, but much to my surprise - and I'll admit, more than a little pride - the lad held his own just fine without us. By the time the rest of us got there, he had practically routed the raiders on his own!

I'll let Doc Friesden give Ramol the once-over just to be sure, then he gets first pick of new equipment when he gets back.

...which he will have the honor of wearing while he makes fifteen laps around the fortress walls. This fortress needs heroes son, not martyrs!

 - - - - - -

30th Slate, '96

Nothing happening today. nothing much at all has happened since theattack a few days ago.

Last week, Head Miner Cryptson ran into an Adamantine pillar. I've had a little experience with the stuff: back in my city guard days, I got a small spool of woven adamantine thread from a curio shop, cost me most of a week's wages. I used the stuff to re-string my crossbow, and it was a wonder. I could crank her back as far as she would go, and the stuff wouldn't snap. Goddess, I had fun with that. Shame they confiscated it when - well, none of that matters anymore. All the same, It'll be nice to see what our smiths can do with the miracle metal.

Of course, there have been more than a few murmurs of concerns - apparently, my father wasn't the only one who liked to frighten little foals with old ponytales. Most worrisome is Khenal's diagnosis of the little filly Venture. Apparently she has been plagued by vivid nightmares as of late, but he believes them to be something much deeper than that. After the incident with Lolum's spirit, I'm inclined to agree with him.

Of course, now he intends to take her under his wing as his magical student or somesuch. As if he needed more work. I love the lad to death, I really do, and I trust his judgement completely, especially when it comes to the supernatural. But damn, does that boy need a marefriend. I see he took my advice about the good doctor, and they seem to be getting along well.
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #131 on: October 09, 2011, 03:39:33 pm »

Friesden's diary.

Well, diary, what's happened now is quite strange. I seem to be getting along quite well with two ponies now. Nicolta Tesla and Khenal. Strange. I've got some strange memories. I think I need to rest. Night!


WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO US?! We have the precious and our precious, why do we not fix them! We have the technology! We must do it now!

PS. Silly Friesden, trying to get back! You no can have body!

Love, Friesden!
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."

Theropod Watcher

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #132 on: October 09, 2011, 03:49:34 pm »

I have a question for the thread at large here. I'm interested in joining in with all the writing going on, but I've never done such before. One worry is that when writing in first-person I tend to lose my sense of detachment, and the fact that my pony has exactly my username could easily compound this fact. Furthermore, as I am unused to such cooperative efforts, and am somewhat worried I will offend someone or muck up someones plans. Do you guys think I could join in, even though I lack experience?

P.s. Sorry about the formality of the sentence structure, I slipped into major writing mode there.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #133 on: October 09, 2011, 04:11:21 pm »

Yeah, sure thing!
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #134 on: October 09, 2011, 06:51:22 pm »

More ponies is more better!  The only way to get experience is to do, so get doing :D
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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