-- tenaciousEvil [TE] began trolling testingBeta [TB] at 20:29 --
TB: oh h| TE, what's up
TE: ]not a whol- lot[
TE: ]just, y'know, d-stroying shit[
TB: destroy|- oh, you're the other TE, aren't you.
TE: ]I figur-d I'd jsut giv- you a fair warning b-for- I turn-d your brains into scrambl-d -ggs.[
TE: ]I'm going to jump to on- of th- plan-ts soon. Probably that shiny on- with all th- r-d, that looks rip- for d-struction.[
TB: what.
TB: why exactly are you warn|ng me?
TB: | always thought you were more of the str|ke-whenever type of guy?
TE: ]b-caus- it'd b- too -asy oth-rwis-, that's why[
TE: ]I'm not b-ing k-pt lock-d up by th- Pag- any mor-[
TE: ]And b-caus- you asshats h-lp-d him[
TE: ]I'm going to kill you.[
TE: ]All of you.[
TB: yeah, good damn luck.
TB: you'd have to pass through LH f|rst, from what | hear.
TE: ]W-ll, who-v-r that is, I'm c-rtain th-y'll b- -asily -nough -vad-d.[
TE: ]Or d-sryo-d.[
TE: ]I am a Princ-, aft-r all. D-stroying is what I do b-st.[
TB: Well... good luck, | guess?
TB: | don't really know what to say to a psychopath who's try|ng to k|ll me
TE: ]Y-ah, it is a bit of a quandary isn't it[
TE: ]You probably won't hav- to worry for long though[
TE: ]B-caus- I'm going to just sort of rip through -v-rything lik- a wr-cking ball[
TB: ...yeah, |'m just gonna end th|s now
TB: thanks for the warn|ng, | guess?
TE: ]Ta ta.[
TE: ]Don't di- b-for- I g-t to you, though.[
TE: ]That'd just b- disappointing.[
-- testingBeta [TB] gave up trolling tenaciousEvil [TE] at 20:35 --
TB: "Lad|es and Em|ly, |t seems we m|ght have just a l|ttle b|t of a problem."
Page: Win.You and your group do that. They've been busy since you were gone, and since it seems that almost everyone's got fancy-shmancy pajamas like yours, the poor carapaced bastard didn't stand much of a chance. There was also some rebellion guy helping you out under a red flag, although you're not too sure what the hell that was about, but hey, he had an army and shit and that sort of helped. Anyways, black king's dead, there's some giant frog lounging around, and everyone's pilling through a magical doorway like goddamn sardines eager to go become deities of a new universe. Except you.
Because the door won't let you through.
You tried walking through, running at it, even going around it and kicking through the back. The damn thing won't let you go through. Pretty soon, it's just you and the Theif left. The same chick you stole from before you got kicked. Great. Here it comes. She's going to ask for her weapon back, and you're just gonna be empty handed. Way to go, genius.
Narrator: Say something.What? You thought these were done? Nope. They really aren't.