If there was one aspect from the changeover from 2d df to 3d that i had a little difficuculty getting over it was the loss of cave-ins and dig-danger.
I met dwarf fortress in the 40d days when cave-ins were self inflicted and you damn well deserved them if they happened. But I went back and played 2d to see how it was done before, and while i think things have improved beyond reckoning since then, we lost something.
I am sure if this has been brought up before in some way or another, but my main concern is there are not enough negative enforcments to stop you from digging down in a realistic sense. I mean the difficulty of digging deeper is ignored.
What i would like to see is pressure.
Pressurised water, pressurised maga, and most importantly pressurised stone.
Could there be something which causes us to hesitate while staying at the lower, less rewarding levels of stone, that makes the reward of getting deeper even sweeter? I am not talking about insta-death at a certain level, or even increased cave-ins the deeper you go, but maybe something beyond martial challenges to stand before you when you seek those deeper ritches.
Yes, I like troglodytes in the caverns, but what about the danger of deadly shallow gas before you get there? Or high pressure mini-aquifers (not infinite)? Or diseases trapped in the rock you dig? Or having to re-enforce cerain sections of tunnels?
I know this is a programmers nightmare, but this is the suggestions thread after all